15+ Signs That Someone Is A White Witch

By Paula Tudoran 11 months ago

1. You feel called to help others

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As a white witch, you frequently find yourself offering to help others. You are a real helper, whether by assisting with the task at hand or lending a shoulder. Sometimes you could even be too fast to put other people's needs ahead of your own, but this tendency is always motivated by the desire to help and show love to others. In reality, the planet needs a good shift in consciousness, which you subconsciously want to contribute to.

2. You have an overall positive energy

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White witches' energy is positive in their bodies, minds, and spirits. You see beyond that when trouble looms, when you're feeling down, when the day is awful, etc. Furthermore, you are aware that it takes awful situations for us to appreciate positive ones. You might occasionally feel sad or down like everyone else, but it never permanently changes you.

3. You have plenty of vivid dreams

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Some dreams will provide you insight into potential outcomes. You may believe, at first, that everything that happens is a coincidence, including your vivid dreams that end up occurring in real life, but this is actually because you have easier access to spiritual guidance than other people.

4. You hear voices and feel the energy around

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There is no physical source for the whispers and voices you sometimes hear or the energy you feel around you or in certain places. Since mental illnesses have been ruled out, it is likely that you possess clairaudience gifts. It is entirely up to you whether you continue to develop this skill by sending the messages to the intended recipients or choose to stop using it.

5. You feel a strong connection to nature

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White witches are aware of "the web of life" and how intricately related everything is on the material plane to the web of Spirit. The best example of this concept is how nature nurtures us and how we nurture it back in a mutually reliant and beautiful relationship.

6. You are highly empathic

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Empathy tends to be substantially higher in white witches than in the general population (empathy refers to the capability to put oneself in another person's shoes and experience their thoughts, feelings, and opinions). Even if they cannot read a person's facial expressions or do not know them well, white witches can tell how this person feels while they are with them. Because of this, you can find it intimidating to be around people who like to emphasize everything or are always down.

7. Your intuition is out of this world

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Everybody's body, including yours, functions as an antenna: It responds to energy. And everyone has the ability to tune into their intuition, but many people choose not to do so. Even though you think your way is logical, you don't actually make decisions logically. You've discovered that your gut instinct has been a reliable compass throughout your life, so you always rely on it.

8. You keep on giving

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You have always felt compelled to help people, especially those who are in need. You are the one who others turn to when they need counsel, and you are always willing to assist. However, while giving and giving and giving, you can occasionally lose sight of who you are, and you search for balance and your calling when this happens. It's okay, though. That's the path you chose for yourself; it will teach you something valuable.

9. You love being alone and charge when by yourself

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You are content to spend time alone, unlike many people who always need to be with others or have that insatiable desire for attention. You enjoy being around people, but you also love being alone yourself. In fact, because it offers you time to more thoroughly connect with your inner world, this alone time is usually what "recharges" you.

10. You don't even realize you're a white witch

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There are many types of white witches; no two will be exactly the same. You may not even be aware that you are a white witch, though. Whether or not they are conscious of their magical potential, these are the people that work in this world to do as much good as they can. That's a true and true white witch.

11. You tune in with everything around you

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White witches continually tune into their surroundings and merge with nature. They send out good energy and let it come back. Compared to most individuals, they are much kinder and gentler. Although there is a bad reputation around witches, white witches are good and positive people.

12. People tend to open up to you

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White witches particularly appeal to people — they are friendly, incredibly approachable, and have a warm and luminous aura. Even strangers feel secure around the white witch; she attracts them, plain and simple. People are willing to approach and open up to you even when they have no idea who you are.

13. You LOVE candles

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Look around your home. Are there many,

candles in it? Like, a of lot them? In a range of colors, shapes, smells, etc., just sitting around? Every time you go out, you come back with a candle? Yup. You're a white witch. You should be called "the candle collector," though.

14. Animals are drawn to you

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Animals are attracted to white witches' auras. They have no fear of the white witch because they know they are safe around her. No matter where she goes, animals always seem to appear and follow her around. If this is you, unless you're an animal whisperer, you might
be a white witch.

15. You turn emotions into useful energy

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White witches have the ability to transform any emotion, positive or negative, into productive energy. They can create something beautiful out of everything life presents to them. Even the toughest circumstances have a silver lining for white witches, as they will find a way to see the positive in every situation.

16. Your soul is incredibly sensitive

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White witches are, by nature, extremely sensitive individuals. Even if they manage it, when something horrible happens, it affects them significantly. However, they take their time and feel everything thoroughly, and release that energy after it's done its job.

17. You always opt for natural alternatives

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White witches are constantly drawn to all-natural treatments and substitutes. They enjoy using herbs to develop products that are truly beneficial to others. They always seem to have an answer for anything. Moreover, you might even have a space in your backyard or kitchen where you grow your own medicinal herbs.

18. You're interested in the Universe

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It's possible that you enjoy watching documentaries about the universe and its various planets. You may intuitively understand that there is life elsewhere in the universe, but you also understand our interconnectedness — that we on the planet Earth are impacted by all of the planets' trajectories and motions. You could also be intrigued by astrology and numerology.

19. You like arts and crafts and always create something

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You enjoy creating things, whether it be candles, meals, or clothes. You love to make things and are most comfortable in the kitchen, whether you're cooking up a recipe or producing gifts or cards for others, or in the living room with a bunch of materials, creating something useful for someone.

20. You believe in a greater good

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You act with goodness in your heart in all you do. You give everything your utmost effort. You hold a similar belief in magic and all that it entails, including the potential existence of fairies and other soil elementals. However, you truly believe that there is a force for good and that you are a part of it in all of your ideas and actions.

21. You always notice repeating numbers

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If you frequently see repeating patterns of numbers, whether it be the auspicious 11:11, the number sequence 111 or 222 (or any other numbers), you know that the universe is trying to communicate with you. These recurring numbers, often called "angel numbers," frequently appear to help you gain a deeper insight into your life.

22. Your deepest desires always come true

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Do your most intense, deep-seated desires — both positive and negative — often come true? And now, most of the time, you watch what you are asking for or praying for because you've discovered that your desires frequently come true in the strangest manner. If this sounds familiar, you're most definitely a white witch.

23. You love precious stones

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You have always been drawn to quartz, precious stones, and crystals for reasons you can't explain. Because witches used these natural minerals to practice witchcraft and advance spiritual development in the past, you are astounded by the stones' perfection and beauty. In other words, crystals are in your blood.

24. You keep a diary or journal

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You have a private journal in which you log your daily activities, tasks, recipes, experiences, and other details. You enjoy reading magical grimoires and keep a record of your intuitive messages and angel numbers. You have probably already started a Book of Shadows if you have kept personal journals for a while and have seen how they have aided in your growth and discovery of your personal path.

25. Moon phases really get you

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The moon has a lot of force, and white witches are particularly sensitive to that energy. They sense the moon's variations every time. They are far more sensitive to planets' changes than some might realize. You're a white witch if you also know when the moon transitions and prepare accordingly.

26. You tend to wake up in the middle of the night

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Sometimes during the witching hour, white witches awaken. The witching hour refers to 3 am to 4 am. Many people who are drawn to magic experience this and cannot explain the phenomenon. It happens because you're a white witch, duh! While some cannot go back to sleep after waking up during the witching hour, you can definitely work with your subconscious to send you right back to sleep.

27. Self awareness = white witch

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In addition to being conscious of their deepest emotions, white witches are also conscious of their behaviors and thoughts, as well as how those things impact their outlook on life and the people around them. You are more self-aware than most people, which can sometimes make you not stand up for yourself. Beware of this trap!

28. You feel called to take part in the world's consciousness shift

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This upcoming change that many spiritual teachers have been warning about for years is something we can all sense. White witches, on the other hand, not only sense it; they also feel it is drawing them in — like a magnet — into positions of authority that play a role in this shift in human consciousness.

29. You are an introvert

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As multi-dimensional beings, white witches may find it difficult to function in three-dimensional worlds. As a result, if you identify as a white witch, you might withdraw into yourself in order to travel to the realms of consciousness where you are most at ease because this plane makes you feel kinda weird. Like it's not home.

30. You allow your spiritual powers to manifest

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Your "clairs" are opening, you frequently think of someone only to see that person contacting you soon after, you manifest what you had been thinking of, and you "just know" things instinctively. These are telling signs that you might possess psychic abilities. Use them for good.

31. You collect random bits of nature

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You're so connected to the outside world that you just have to collect whatever you can, when you can. It may seem like random bits of pointless things to other people, but to you it means something. Whether it's a shell from the beach, a twig, a leaf, a clump of soil... you have to collect it all!

32. Or just rocks!

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Some witches also have a very impressive rock collection. While it's normal for white witches to have a large crystal collection, it doesn't have to be crystals specifically - you might feel an affinity with plain rocks you find while out and about, like from the forest or pebble stones from the beach.

33. You have a herb garden and love growing your own

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Many witches need herbs for their spells or rituals, and it can also be a personal experience to grow and hone your own. You might have a little herb garden in your outside space, or even just a simple pot on the windowsill if you don't have a garden.

34. You like to leave crystals in strange places

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Not only do you like to collect and use crystals yourself, but you also like to use them to help or guide others. You might enjoy leaving crystals in strange places for people to find without them knowing you. It could be crystals left for strangers during a hike, or putting them in your friend's drawer for good luck!

35. You see animals everywhere

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Not only are animals drawn to you when they're around you, but you may spot a ton of animals no matter where you go, when other people usually wouldn't see any at all. You might be the first to spot a seal or dolphin in a spot by the beach when nobody has ever seen one there before!

36. You have periods of great luck

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White witches can also be very lucky, whether from their own good luck spells or rituals that they practice, crystals that give them a good luck charm or just because they're generally attracting positive energy with the right mindset. It's likely you'll feel very lucky a lot of the time!

37. You don't need to track moon cycles to know

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We mentioned how sensitive white witches can be to the movements of the moon, but a lot of people might depend on a calendar or moon cycle app to keep track of everything. But you intuitively know when the next full moon is, or what moon is coming out that night, without having to check anything.

38. You've always felt 'different'

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White witches might feel like they're on the outside looking in a lot of the time - this could be because of that higher connection to the spiritual world or to nature, so you feel a little apart from people who don't believe in that sort of thing. You might also feel like you don't know many people connected to witchcraft like you are!

39. You're happy to talk about religion and spiritual things

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It's actually common for white witches to be happy to openly discuss religion and spiritual things, even if it's a debate about something they don't believe in. A lot of mainstream religious people can have one set view about the world, but for white witches, they're happy to explore.

40. And you're very open-minded about it all

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Because you have an open connection to the spiritual world and the natural world around you, it's also likely you have a very open mind when it comes to things like that. You're willing for people to change your view, or willing to listen to other beliefs that don't fit with your own.

41. You know you can trust your gut, every time

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You gut has never let you down before, and every time you get a 'little feeling' about something there's no doubt in your mind to follow your gut. So much so that you try to help others by letting them know when you feel like something is the right decision or the wrong decision.

42. You've noticed strange things happening around you

image source: vox.com
Because a witch is so tapped in to the energies of the universe around them, it's common to notice strange things happening around you. This could be senses of spiritual presences, or it could be things like lights flickering when you're in a room, or things with meaning falling over.

43. You have an altar

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A witch's altar is usually a must-have for their practice, or it might just be a place to put crystals and tarot cards. An altar doesn't have to be something huge like you'd find in a church or cathedral - it can be as simple as a wall shelf you've cleansed to hold your witchy items.

44. Or you feel very drawn to making an altar space

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It might be that you haven't yet had the confidence to make an altar - maybe you're wondering about being a witch, or you don't want people to know your personal practice. You can still feel drawn to having an altar space even if you don't have one, and this is still a sign.

45. You decorate your home for the seasons

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Witches rejoice in nature and the world around them, and the changing seasons are very important to their practice. Witches might do certain spellwork or rituals on the first day or spring, or do something to celebrate All Hallow's Eve. You might be very big on decorating your home with certain flowers or herbs for the changing seasons.

46. You've openly said it!

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You feel so in tune with your practice and your intuition that you're happily telling people you're a witch - because it's true! You just feel it in your bones. Words are a powerful thing, so you might feel like the fact you've spoken it out loud makes it all the more real to you.

47. You have a manifestation practice that you stick to

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Witches are also very big on the practice of manifestation, through the power of thought and connecting to what you want. If you have a set manifestation in place (such as a step by step guide of what you want to do every day to manifest your hopes and dreams) this is a sign!

48. You prefer night to day

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White witches feel connected to any time of day, whether it's a sunny forest or a lake at night time, but there's something very specific about night time that might appeal to you (and this can often be the spiritual connection with the moon and stars). You might also feel more akin to doing crystal work or tarot at night time.

49. You love rituals (in any form)

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When it comes to rituals and witchcraft, it isn't just about the obvious idea of meditating, spellwork and candles! Rituals can actually be anything that you do to make yourself feel more grounded and more at ease. The way you make, stir and drink your coffee in the morning can be a daily ritual. Your self care and skin care before bed can be a ritual.

50. You just feel like you have *something* you can't explain!

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Sometimes, you just know (and no surprise there if you have that witchy intuition!). You just feel connected in a certain way and you have this feeling that you're a white witch by nature, and that you have a 'calling' to be more grounded and connect with everything around you.

51. You see patterns that other people don't notice

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People who may be a white witch may notice patterns in things around them, things that the majority of people around them would not notice! You may be especially attend to patterns in nature. In the realm of witchcraft, individuals often rely on the ability to discern symbolic patterns in nature, dreams, or everyday occurrences.

52. Animals are never frightened of you

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Animals, especially wild animals, are often initially nervous of humans. It's a natural instinct to protect themselves. But with you they seem to be attracted and their sense of fear almost feels non-existent with you. It's as though they can sense something different in you.

53. You are very involved within the community

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Perhaps you are the cornerstone of the community. The pillar, without whom the community seems empty! Your involvement within the community might also include mentoring or assisting newcomers on their spiritual journey, fostering a sense of unity and shared wisdom.

54. You know when someone is lying about how they are feeling

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If you have an intuitive sense or ability to discern when someone is lying about how they are feeling, it could indicate a heightened level of emotional intelligence or empathetic awareness. People who are attuned to the emotions of others often pick up on subtle cues, both verbal and non-verbal.

55. You practice reiki and natural healing methods

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Within spiritual paths like witchcraft, the use of energy healing, e.g reiki, aligns with the idea of working with energies to bring about positive changes in the body, mind, and spirit. Natural healing methods are often embraced by those who seek to align themselves with the rhythms of nature.

56. You spend as much time outdoors as you can

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Your preference for spending time outdoors aligns with the idea of grounding yourself in the energies of the Earth, fostering a deep connection to the elements, and finding spiritual nourishment in the beauty and tranquillity of nature. This connection to the outdoors can enhance your spiritual presence!

57. You look after the environment

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As a white witch, you make it your mission to look after the earth. Any way you can, you'll do it, be it recycling or litter picking, or making eco-friendly choices. You walk where you can and you try to neutralize your carbon footprint when it is possible!

58. You are very in tune with other woman

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Women are often more in tune with nature, and you feel this! Your ability to empathize, support, and relate to the experiences of other women suggests a warm and compassionate nature. This connection can also manifest from your spirituality and being a white witch.

59. You see a bigger meaning

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Within witchcraft, the ability to perceive a bigger meaning is a common trait. It may involve finding spiritual significance in everyday occurrences, recognizing patterns, or seeking a deeper understanding of the mysteries of life. Your inclination to see a bigger meaning could guide your spiritual journey.

60. You are fascinated by the elements

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Earth. Fire. Water. Air. All four elements are fascinating to you. The elements hold great importance in many spiritual and mystical traditions, including witchcraft. Your fascination with the elements may reflect a desire to understand and connect with the core building blocks of the natural world.

61. You live a cruelty free lifestyle

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For you, one of the biggest motivations in how you live your life is to not cause harm to anyone, animal or thing. So, this is the driving force behind how you act, what you wear and even the kinds of face creams you wear. You love and respect all living beings and would never want to cause pain or harm.

62. Your intentions are always positive

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You are one of those rare people in life who always have a good intention. Sometimes, you can't tell the motivation behind someone's words or actions. But in your case, it's easy. You bring people up when you speak and you act always out of good intentions.

63. You respect people's free will

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Your respect for people's autonomy is a testament to the depth of your understanding and empathy. In conversations, you listen with an open heart, acknowledging diverse perspectives and allowing others the space to express their thoughts and feelings.

64. You practice divination with things like tarot cards

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If you find yourself reaching for a deck of tarot cards more often than not, you might just be showing signs of a white witch. There's something deeply enchanting about the act of divination, and for you, it's become a personal ritual. As you lay out the cards, each one holds a symbolic message.

65. You know how to make herbal remedies

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You've got a way with herbs and plants that you find it easy to put them together and cook up a concoction that creates a herbal remedy. If someone's been stung by a bee, you know just the plant. If someone has a cold, you can whip up the perfect remedy in no time!

66. You're very affected by what's going on in the world

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Being deeply affected by the happenings in the world is a characteristic often observed in individuals who resonate with the identity of a white witch. Your heightened sensitivity to the energies and events surrounding you reflects a profound connection to the collective consciousness.

67. You feel attracted to certain places and people

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You may find that you have some kind of inexplicable magnetic pull towards some people and places. You may not necessarily know why, you just feel that there's somewhere you should be or somewhere you want to spend time, or a person you feel inclined to get to know.

68. Cleansing rituals are part of your weekly routine

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If cleansing rituals have become your thing, you're embodying a classic trait of a white witch. The art of purifying energies, whether they be in your personal space or within yourself, holds a special place in your spiritual practice. You find solace and empowerment in the act of ritualistic cleansing.

69. Maybe you've got close to astral projection!

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Astral projection happens when your spirit hovers above your body and the two separate. It's as though you're in the realm between the physical and non-physical worlds! The exploration of consciousness beyond the realm of the physical body is a hallmark of those deeply attuned to the mystical.

70. You feel compelled by alchemy

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Alchemy draws you in. You want to know more, and feel that there's a lot of power and potential in alchemy that is waiting to be unleashed. Alchemy, in this context, is not just about turning metals into gold—it's a symbolic journey of personal growth and transformation.

71. Powerful weather's make you feel energized

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Storms, high winds, thunder, heavy rain...you name it, you're drawn to it. The extreme weathers energize you and make you feel invigorated because you are so mesmerized with the power of nature. You might feel pulled towards it, drawn in by its energy.

72. You work on your chakras

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If you're actively working on your chakras, you're embracing a central aspect of spiritual and mystical practices often associated with being a white witch. Chakras are believed to be energy centers within the body, each corresponding to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

73. You love to help people

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Helping people is what you feel most inclined to do, it's as though you feel you were put on the earth with a purpose to help people. So that's exactly what you make it your mission to do! If someone's in need you'll be there to support them and help them no matter what.

74. You observe the Wiccan Wheel

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If you find yourself observing the Wiccan Wheel, you're likely immersed in the cycles of nature and the spiritual traditions associated with Wicca. This is because you have a profound connection to nature's cycles and an appreciation for the spiritual significance of the changing seasons.

75. Self discovery is always something you strive for

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Constantly striving to understand and uncover different aspects of yourself indicates a deep commitment to personal growth and spiritual development. Whether through introspection, meditation, or engaging in various mystical practices, your journey towards self-discovery is a conscious and ongoing effort.

76. You feel drawn to water

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The ocean, a lake, or even a stream; whatever body of water it is you somehow find yourself watching it in wonder. You have a string pull toward the water and you feel an overwhelming peace when you're near it that not many other things manage to provide to the same extent.

77. People feel better around you

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If people consistently feel better around you, it speaks to the positive and uplifting energy you exude—a quality often associated with those on a spiritual or mystical path, such as a white witch. Your presence seems to bring comfort and a sense of well-being to those around you.

78. You can sense when people have a bad energy

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Your heightened sensitivity to the energies around you allows you to pick up on subtle cues and vibrations that indicate a less-than-positive atmosphere. This intuitive skill is valuable in navigating social interactions and environments, as it empowers you to approach situations with more awareness.

79. You've nursed animals back to health

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You have a strong love of animals. If ever you see an animal in need, you're the first person on the scene to help. You have nursed animals back to health before and helped lost animals to find their way home. They are drawn to you, and you are to them!

80. You've read books about white witches

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If you've delved into books about white witches, it suggests a keen interest in exploring the spiritual and mystical aspects associated with this path. Engaging with literature on white witchcraft allows you to absorb knowledge, gain insights into different practices, and deepen your understanding of the traditions.

81. You've got a strong belief in soul mates

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Soul mates are that person that you are destined to meet. The person on earth that is there for you, who you click with and love deeply. You have a strong belief in this theory and the power of the universe and you know that somewhere out there, there is somebody for everybody.

82. You have your own rituals

Creating and engaging in rituals of any form is a common aspect of many spiritual paths, including those associated with white witchcraft. Rituals provide a structured and symbolic way to connect with the sacred dive deeper into your connection to the spiritual realm.

83. You are selfless with your time and energy

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Your time is freely given, a precious gift woven into the fabric of everyday moments. Whether it's lending an understanding ear to a friend, offering a helping hand in the daily hustle, or simply sharing a genuine smile, your generosity creates a ripple effect of positivity.

84. You love to walk barefooted

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When you walk barefoot on the ground, it's as though you feel totally connected with the earth. You feel grounded as your feet are placed physically in contact with the ground, as though you feel that your body is absorbing the vibrations from the earth.

85. You work to ward off negative energy

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Warding off negative energy is a common practice in various spiritual traditions, including those associated with white witchcraft. It reflects an awareness of the impact that energies can have on well-being and a commitment to fostering a space of positivity.

86. You keep a journal

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Your journal might serve various purposes—it could be a space for recording dreams, tracking personal experiences, expressing thoughts and emotions, or even documenting spiritual insights. Journaling provides a way to explore yourself and your spiritual journey.

87. You frequently self reflect

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Self reflection is sign that you are very self aware and emotionally intelligent. Self reflection can be hard, because sometimes we have to realize some home truths which can be difficult to admit to  - even to yourself. It shows that you are connected to yourself which is a trait of a white witch.

88. You feel pulled in a certain direction in your life

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If you feel pulled in a specific direction in your life, it could indicate a strong inner calling or a sense of purpose guiding you on a particular path. This feeling of being pulled is often associated with a deep connection to your intuition or a spiritual awareness. People who resonate with this experience may find themselves drawn toward specific interests or practices.

89. You get bursts of energy later in the day

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In the context of spiritual practices, having bursts of energy later in the day might be advantageous for engaging in rituals, meditation, or other activities that require concentration and spiritual connection. Is it linked to your mystical pursuits or your daily routine?

90. You give everybody the time of day

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Your approach is inclusive, showing that you care about others and are open to engaging with them. In a world where busy schedules and distractions are common, your willingness to offer your time and attention stands out. This down-to-earth quality shows a genuine interest in people!

91. You have a natural flair for growing plants

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There's a calm and inviting aura that surrounds you, creating a sense of comfort and tranquillity for those who enter your magical presence. Your connection with nature radiates, and it's as if the very essence of the earth and its elements is woven into your being.

92. People are drawn to your energy

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People just can't help but be drawn to you. It's like you've got a magnetic pull drawing people in. You are likeable, because people can sense the pureness of your soul and your good intentions. It's the kind of attraction that a white witch experiences.

93. You love looking at the stars

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People who enjoy stargazing often find inspiration, awe, and a sense of tranquillity in observing the celestial bodies. In the context of spiritual or mystical practices, such as those associated with white witchcraft, looking at the stars can hold special significance and guidance.

94. And you follow the movement of the planets

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If you actively follow the movements of the planets, it suggests that you have a deep interest in astrology and a belief in the influence of celestial bodies on human affairs. This alignment with astrological practices is common among individuals on a spiritual or mystical journey!

95. You've got a creative flair

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Do you find that you have a knack for art and a creative flair? It could be a sign of a white witch. It suggests that you've tapped into your inner creativity which not many people are able to unlock. It can be connected to the mystical realms of the world!

96. You receive messages though your dreams

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Regularly receiving messages in your dreams suggests a heightened sensitivity to the spiritual and mystical realms. Many on a spiritual path, like white witches, often experience symbolic or intuitive guidance through dream messages. These can come in various forms, from symbolic images to direct insights.

97. You're a vegan

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Veganism embody a way of life that looks after all creatures without inflicting harm or pain onto any living thing. This kind of kindness and endeavour is a characteristic that aligns with the beliefs of a white witch as they strive towards harmony with the earth!

98. You read tea leaves

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This ancient art involves interpreting the patterns formed by tea leaves at the bottom of a cup after the tea has been consumed. Engaging in tea leaf reading suggests a connection to the mystical and an interest in tapping into symbolic messages and insights.

99. You're very in tune with your body

image source: reddit.com
Being in tune with your body is often associated with a mindful and holistic approach to self-care, emphasizing a deep connection between the physical and spiritual aspects of life. It might involve paying attention to how certain rituals or practices affect your energy levels, emotions, or overall state of being.

100. You've got a calm aura

image source: reddit.com
A white witch often exudes a calm aura, drawing from a combination of spiritual practices and a mindful approach to life. The tranquillity they exude is rooted in the rhythm of meditation, a practice that becomes a gentle stream of inner peace and mindfulness.

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