You Witness A Robbery
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This is obvious, but if you witness anyone have their belongings stolen from them, or you witness people entering a house via illegal means then you must ring the police. Imagine if that happened to you, you'd want someone to be there trying to help if the roles were reversed.
Someone Is Shouting At Night
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Everything begins to appear a little more ominous when it happens at night, so if you start hearing screaming or shouting then you should consider getting the police involved. Especially if the context of the screaming or shouting is alarming to you, don't run the risk of not calling.
You Hear Loud Bangs
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We all know the sound of a loud bang, especially when we think it could be a gunshot is absolutely terrifying. Don't try and resolve an issue like this yourself and call the police; if the sounds really are gunfire then you don't know all the details and the police might be able to help.
Someone You Know Is Missing
Image Source: Reddit
We've probably all had that feeling of fear when someone we love or know has been missing for a period of time that's more prolonged than what could be described as comfortable. If it's unusual for them to be missing then please contact the police, it could be the difference between life and death.
There's A Suspected Fire
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You might think that the fire brigade are the people you should be ringing in case of a fire and that's true but the police are just as important. They'll need to be aware of any arson fears as well as ensuring people in the surrounding area are safe from the fire spreading.
There's Some Dodgy People In The Parking Lot
Image Source: Reddit
Walking through a parking lot at night can be a surprisingly terrifying place, especially when there's people loitering around looking suspicious. Don't rush in to calling the police but if you have any belief that something dodgy is going on, and you have some evidence then involve the police.
Someone Is Threatening You
Image Source: Reddit
Never accept any threats you receive from anyone, even if you think they won't follow through with what they've threatened you with. You can never be too safe, and you don't want to risk getting yourself in any unnecessary danger. The police will be able to protect you in almost all situations.
You See Someone With A Gun
Image Source: Reddit
None of us want to come face to face with a gun, so if you see someone roaming around with a gun out then you should definitely call the police. You might not know their intentions but if they openly have it out then they could have some extremely negative intentions that could harm anyone.
Someone Has Been Attacked
Image Source: Reddit
If you ever witnessed anyone get attacked then your first port of call should always be to involve the police. Don't try and butt in yourself, you don't know if they have any weapons on them. Try and give as much detail to the police as you can about the situation and the perpetrator.
You See Suspicious Bruises
Image Source: Reddit
Bruises can be common on many people, we can all be a little clumsy. But you'll also be able to tell if a bruise or multiple appear suspicious to you. Try and talk to the other person, but if you're worried they're being abused then you might want to involve the police to try and help them.
Your Neighbour Is Being Too Loud
Image Source: Yahoo Finance
Now, this is something you can try to resolve yourself, knock on their door and see if they can quieten down. They might be apologetic and do so, but some people won't be so accommodating and might get violent or aggressive. Get the police involved and they'll soon change their tone.
Someone Is Loitering Around Your Home
Image Source: Stealth Monitoring
None of us want to find weird, dodgy people loitering around the outside of our homes, so if you do then you might want to call the cops. You don't know their intentions and in some scenarios you don't want to leave it long enough to find out what it is they plan to do to your home.
People Looking In Cars
Image Source: Reddit
Just as you want to protect your homes, you might spot people trying to look into car windows to check out what there is for them to steal inside. Sometimes they might even be trying to steal your whole car. Call the cops if you see anyone peering in your cars to avoid any car thefts.
Someone Is Speeding
Image Source: Reddit
Now, I'm not suggesting you stand on the side of the road and catch people going slightly over the limit. But if you see someone hurtling down the road at dangerous speeds then you should get the police involved. If they can stop them driving dangerously it could save lives in the long run.
Someone Has Left A Bomb Threat
Image Source: Reddit
Bomb threats have become more and more popular, although they actually don't result in any serious danger a large percentage of the time. Students have even gone to the extreme of leaving bomb threats to get out of exams! Don't run the risk though and allow the police to check out the threats first.
Someone Is Too Drunk
Image Source: Reddit
People getting too drunk can be a hilarious sight, but sometimes they can take it too far and you are unable to look after them properly. If someone is too drunk and they're becoming aggressive or they're attempting to drive then stop them. And if they can't be restrained themselves then allow the police to sort it.
You Witness Any Domestic Violence
Image Source: Reddit
Domestic violence has always been a prominent problem, and even today there are hundreds of thousands, probably more, people suffering every day. If you witness anyone suffering from domestic violence then please try and help them, they might be unable to do it themselves.
Someone's Taking Narcotics
Image Source: Reddit
If we see people taking drugs on the streets then we need to get them off them straight away, they'll only be making the environment more dangerous for ourselves and our children. The police should be able to try and get them some help and keep them off of our streets in a distressed state.
Someone's Selling Narcotics
Image Source: Reddit
People who become addicted to drugs can end up in a lifetime of suffering, so the best thing we can do is to try and get the people that sell these drugs off of our streets. If you witness what you believe is to be a sale of drugs or a handover then try and get the cops involved. Stay safe though!
There's Been A Car Accident
Image Source: Reddit
Many jurisdictions actually require anyone involved in a car incident to contact the police by law; this is in order to allow for civil claims to be made without being falsified. The police will be able to confirm or deny the timing of an incident or any of the circumstances surrounding the incident.
Your Property Has Been Damaged
Image Source: Reddit
Similarly, you'd want to do the same if anything has happened to damage your home, such as if someone throws rocks through your windows or even spray painting your walls etc. Again, contacting your police will be able to document the timing and circumstances for any claims.
Mental Health Crisis
Image Source: The Society Pages
If yourself or someone you know is going through a mental health crisis, then the police might be your best bet. Many officers are trained in talking to people who are struggling and may be able to help more than you might think. There are also helplines available for anyone feeling this way!
You've Lost Your Wallet
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Our wallets and purses can contain some of our most important documents and possessions. Our bank cards, any membership cards and our ID can all be found in them and they can be used against us if they're stolen. If you fear they've been stolen then contact the police (and your bank).
You See An Abandoned Package
Image Source: BBC
Abandoned packages should always be taken seriously, especially when they're found in areas where a lot of people are going to be coming by. If you spot an abandoned suitcase or bag don't investigate it, instead report it to the police or officials nearby and let them try to deal with it.
You Find An Old Bomb
Image Source: Reddit
Magnet fishing has become more and more popular in the last decade or so and you never know what you might find. However, more commonly than you'd think, people find old bombs or explosives beneath the water's surface and some could potentially still be active. Let the police and bomb disposal check it out.
You Need Your Criminal Record
Image Source: Science Museum Group
Sometimes, maybe when you're applying for a new job or a new membership you might need to prove what's on your criminal record. In order to do this, you can actually contact your local police station in order to gather it. Don't call 911 for this though, make sure to contact your LOCAL station.
To Request A Wellness Check
Image Source: Reddit
If someone you know, someone you love or someone you work with hasn't spoken to you or been seen in an unusually long period of time then you can request the police do a wellness check. They'll investigate the person's home and make sure that they're fine and they aren't harmed.
Don't Risk Your Own Safety
Image Source: Reddit
Sometimes it's best to just contact the police if something could potentially harm you. Most of the time, putting yourself in front of danger is only going to be a terrible idea and the police will be able to do it for you, probably in a safer and more efficient way. They're their to help you!
Try And Resolve Frivolous Issues Yourself
Image Source: Reddit
You don't want to take up the Police's time for issues that aren't relevant, keep the phone line free for issues that will really cause a lot of problems. One example is the Karen who called the police on an 8 year old girl for selling water on the roadside without a permit, little bit unnecessary.
Don't Stereotype People
Image Source: Reddit
Often, even the police, are seen to stereotype people based on their colour, race or even their clothing. Please, don't do this, only involve the police if you witness people actually doing something illegal. Don't buy in to any racial prejudices or stereotypes, don't be that person.