1. Daniel Kish

(Image/ Source: telegraph.co.uk)
TED Talk alumnus Daniel has been dubbed the ‘real-life’ Batman – and for good reason. When he was a baby, Daniel developed retinoblastoma, a cancer which affects the eyes. He had to have both eyes removed. Since then, he’s developed his own echolocation system to help him navigate the world around him, using the same techniques that bats use to fly in the dark (sonar).
2. Marilu Henner

(Image/ Source: abcnews.go.com)
Actress Marilu Henner has superhuman mental powers. Really. She has something called Highly Superior Autobiographical Memory (HSAM), which is an extremely rare condition that less than 100 people in the world have. It allows her total recall of pretty much every single moment of her life, which can be both blessing and curse.
3. Alain Robert

(Image/ Source: pointtec.de)
Known as the French Spider-Man, Alain is an absolute pro at free solo climbing. In fact, he’s one of the best in the world. He’s famous for climbing up and across skyscrapers, without the use of equipment; all he uses is a bag of chalk dust. He’s climbed over 160 skyscrapers, including the Burj Khalifa in Dubai and the Taipei 101 in Taiwan, as well as the Lloyd’s building in London.
4. Veronica Seider

(Image/ Source: aksam.com.tr)
Back in the 1970s, a woman named Veronica Seider claimed that she could see small objects 1.6 kilometers (1 mi) away. Unsurprisingly, nobody believed her. But as eyesight is pretty simple to test, it soon became clear that her vision was on another level. Veronica was quickly listed by Guinness World Records with eyesight 20 times more powerful than average human beings.
5. SM - the woman without fear

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
A woman known as ‘SM’ who lives in Kentucky has a condition known as Urbach-Wiethe, which has damaged parts of her brain. This means she doesn’t feel fear like the rest of us. At all. All forms of external stimuli—like large venomous spiders and snakes — provoke no fear at all. In fact, when she was once held at knifepoint, her attacker was so unnerved by her lack of fear that he ended up letting her go free.
6. Wim Hof

(Image/ Source: cus.org)
When Wim Hof was 17, he decided to jump into a freezing canal in Amsterdam. As you do. It was here he discovered he could withstand cold temperatures, which has led him to claim a whopping 26 world records. He has run barefoot marathons in the snow and broken his own record for ice submergence four times – and it puts it all down to his breathing techniques.
7. Dean Karnazes

(Image/ Source: runningmagazine.ca)
Dean Karnazes is one of the top endurance athletes on the planet. He once ran nonstop for 563 kilometers (350 mi) over the course of three days, and also ran nonstop across Death Valley. Oh, and even ran to the South Pole. This is because he doesn’t have a lactate threshold, which means he can quite literally run forever.
8. Javier Botet

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Javier is a Spanish actor – and there is something very unusual about him. He suffers from Marfan syndrome, which results in hyper flexibility. His extremely long limbs and lean body give him the look of a human skeleton, so he’s carved out a career starring in horror movies. He’s appeared as aliens, lepers, monsters, and mummies, as well as the urban folklore-inspired Slender Man.
9. A family with unbreakable bones

(Image/ Source: healthdigest.com)
Like Bruce Willis in the film Unbreakable, a family in Connecticut was discovered to have incredibly high bone density – meaning their bones will never break. This is apparently due to a genetic mutation, which has resulted in a complete lack of fractures, sprains and breaks for the family. According to scientists, they have the strongest bones on the planet.
10. Cheryl Maynard

(Image/ Source: sbs.com)
What if you were born without fingerprints? Well, this happened to Cheryl Maynard. She has adermatoglyphia, which is caused by a genetic mutation, and there are only four families in the world from suffer with this. Cheryl is now known as the ‘Invisible Woman’, as she’s very much off-grid.
11. Concetta Antico

(Image/ Source: dogonews.com)
An artist called Concetta Antico can see way more colors than the rest of us. This is because she’s a “tetrachromat”, which means she has two different mutations on each X chromosome. She has four cones in her eyes rather than the average of three, and while tons of people have this, they can’t see colors quite like Concetta. Apparently she can see 99 million colors – which is an insane amount compared to the average of just 1 million.
12. Michel Lotito

(Image/ Source: guinnessworldrecords.com)
French entertainer Michel Lotito wowed people with his ability to eat just about anything; metal, glass, rubber. You name it, he could eat it. He once ate an entire plane, which took him two years! Scientists think he had a rare condition called pica, a psychological condition that meant he had an appetite for inanimate objects. He also had a very thick stomach lining which prevented injury.
13. Isao Machii

(Image/ Source: thenewsminute.com)
Isao Machii from Japan is a top-tier martial artist. So much so, that he can cut a BB-gun bullet fired towards him with a sword. He holds numerous Guinness World Records, including the most sword cuts delivered to a straw mat in 3 minutes (252). Nobody’s quite sure how he’s pulling it off!
14. Scott Flansburg

(Image/ Source: wikipedia.org)
Scott Flansburg is something of a machine – because he can actually solve math problems quicker than a calculator. Scott was listed as the Fastest Human Calculator in the world by the Guinness Book of Records in 2001 and 2003, as he was able to add the same number to itself 15 seconds faster than someone using a calculator.
15. Joy Milne

(Image/ Source: telegraph.co.uk)
Joy Milne from Perth, Scotland has a very unusual superpower – she can smell Parkinson’s Disease on people before it’s diagnosed. Yes, really. She was able to smell it on her husband who later passed away, and her last promise to him was to try and use her ability to help others. She now works with universities and charities to help diagnose people with the condition.
16. Prahlad Jani

(Image/ Source: quora.com)
Prahlad Jani could allegedly survive without food or water. In fact, he claimed he hadn’t had a drop of water or a morsel of food since 1940! He was once locked in a room for 10 days for observational studies, where it was found that he was perfectly healthy without food and water. However, some now doubt the length of the claims.
17. Rathakrishnan Velu

(Image/ Source: indiatimes.com)
You might think your teeth are pretty strong, but they’re nothing compared to Malaysia’s Rathakrishnan Velu! He once managed to pull a seven-coach train with a steel rope along a track with his teeth, which earned him a Guinness World Record. Impressive stuff.
18. Natasha Demkina

(Image/ Source: sputnikarabic.ce)
Can you imagine having X-ray vision? Well, Russian-born Natasha Demkina does. It might sound like a plot straight out of a comic book, but she has the ability to see through people’s skin. She once told a doctor who was studying her that she could see all of his scars from a previous car accident, without any prior knowledge of what had happened to him.
19. Daniel Tammet

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
Daniel Tammet has been labeled ‘the boy with the incredible brain’ – and for good reason. He has autistic savant syndrome, but this seems to have given him a unique gift. He can recite the mathematical constant Pi (3.141…) from memory to 22,414 decimal places in 5 hours 9 minutes, and can speak languages including English, French, Finnish, German, Spanish, Lithuanian, Romanian, Estonian, Icelandic, Welsh and Esperanto.
20. Kevin Richardson

(Image/ Source: goodgoodgiving.org)
Kevin Richardson is known as the Lion Whisperer thanks to his unique ability to tame lions. While a lot of people have claimed to tame lions over the years, Kevin seems to have a special gift. Be it a ferocious cheetah or an intimidating lion, Kevin somehow manages to speak to them and befriend them.
21. Daniel Browning Smith

(Image/ Source: unbelievableinfo.com)
Daniel Browning Smith, also known as the world’s most flexible man, is a five-time Guinness Record holder thanks to his ability to roll up like a ball. Daniel has Ehlers-Danlos syndrome, but not many people are anywhere near as flexible as he is. He’s made appearances on everything from The Tonight Show with Jay Leno, ESPN’s Sports Center and Oprah Winfrey.
22. Stephen Wiltshire

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
Stephen Wiltshire is autistic, and also happens to have a photographic memory. The British artist is famous for his ability to draw incredibly detailed cityscapes from memory – even after seeing them just one time. Back in 2006, he was made a Member of the Order of the British Empire for services to art.
23. Thai Ngoc

(Image/ Source: economy.pk)
Back in 1973, Vietnamese man Thai was hit with a high fever. After that, he was never able to sleep again. There is no known cure for his insomnia (he’s tried therapy and sleeping pills countless times) but the doctors say that there are no notable side effects to his insomnia other than a weak liver function.
24. Dave Mullins

(Image/ Source: stuff.co.nz)
New Zealander Dave Mullins is known as the real-life Aquaman. A specialist free diver, Dave is capable of swimming underwater for not only a record amount of time, but also record distance. Back in 2007, he smashed his own record when he swam underwater for 4 minutes 2 seconds, swimming a total distance of 244 meters with just a single breath.
25. Jesus Aceves

(Image/ Source: bbc.com)
A real-life werewolf, Mexican man Jesus was born with a rare condition. This means he has very thick hair all over his face. A whopping 30 members of his family also have hypertrichosis, which makes them the hairiest family in human history. The family were in poverty before they joined a circus, and they now travel around the world.
26. Claudio Pinto

(Image/ Source: flikr.com)
Claudio Pinto is famous for his unique talent. While he might not look superhuman at first glance, he’s able to do something nobody else can do – pop his eyes a whopping 7 millimeters out of their sockets! This is around 95% of the eyeball. His talents have earned him plenty of world records, and he’s gone viral on the internet a fair few times.
27. Tibetan Monks

(Image/ Source: wildchina.com)
It’s rare to find an individual with a superpower, but a whole group? Well, that’s pretty extraordinary! A group of Tibetan monks, known as ‘The Garth’, have the impressive ability to change their body temperature using the power of their minds. They’ve been recorded changing their temperature by a whopping eight degrees Celsius.
28. Ma Xiangang

(Image/ Source: spory.com)
Chinese-born Ma Xiangang, who has been dubbed ‘Mr Electro’, has a pretty impressive talent – he can touch live wires without feeling any pain (wires which would normally kill people if touched). He’s also able to turn on a light bulb while touching any source of electricity.
29. Arthur Lintgen

(Image/ Source: theabsolutesound.com)
Arthur Lintgen is the only recorded person in the world to have ‘vinyl vision’. This means he has the ability to see the groove patterns in vinyl recordings, and correctly identify musical recordings without the need to identify labels. A lot of people didn’t believe this was possible, but Arthur has proved his talents time and time again.
30. Liew Thow Lin

(Image/ Source: bibalex.org)
Liew Thow Lin is known as the ‘Magnetic Man’- and for good reason. Malaysian-born Liew can stick metal objects to his body; from forks and spoons to metal objects, weighing up to 2 kilograms each. After being observed by scientists for several years, it was discovered that Liew’s talent was down to the extraordinary suction properties of his skin.