Here Is Why Women Fall In Love Too Easily

By Anna Collins 11 months ago

1. Women have a strong ability to emotionally connect with people

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Women have a great ability to connect on a deep and emotional level, and it's a great thing. But sometimes it can lead to women connecting with someone and falling in love, even if they haven't yet shown that they would be a suitable or good partner.

2. They're empathetic

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A woman's empathy is an admirable trait. To be able to feel for others is a great quality to have. Yet, sometimes it can lead to falling in love too quickly when a woman empathizes with a partner they feel for them and see things from their side which can let a woman understand more about them, even if their partner isn't at the same stage.

3. They have romantic ideals

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Some women have romantic ideals, whether this is from their natural desires or because society has inflicted these ideals upon women. Either way, it can be important for a woman who has these romantic ideals to find someone and fulfill these, meaning she may fall in love quicker.

4. Sometimes they see what they want to see

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Sometimes what someone sees, versus what is the reality are two very different things. Sometimes this is the case for women, who see what they want to see in a potential partner, rather than what is truly the case. They may then fall in love with the idea of them.

5. They may be too trusting

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Because women are more emotionally open, it can mean that we are too trusting as women. Perhaps you want to give this person the benefit of the doubt and you want to put your trust in them, even when they do not deserve it yet or have not earned it yet.

6. The intimate connection may make feelings develop

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So having sexual relationships with a partner may be something that is more highly valued by a woman, in terms of what it means emotionally. Intimacy for a woman may make feelings grow and develop, whereas men may view it in a totally different way that doesn't equate to love.

7. They may really want a connection

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Women are generally more connected, they crave emotional connection from people. So when women start dating, they are forming a kind of emotional connection that may more quickly turn to love. Whereas for a man, they may not have put any importance upon it.

8. They want a family

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Having a family is one reason why women may fall in love more quickly. When a woman wants a family she may be more eager to seek out a partner and she may feel more ready to fall in love and be able to start the next step of the journey, which is having a family.

9. They want a fairy tale romance...

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Who doesn't want a fairytale romance? We all want to be swept off our feet by our perfect dream man and fall madly and deeply in love. Women may seek out this idealistic view of the fairytale romance more than a man, and try and make it a reality, and so they may fall in love quicker.

10. Women are emotionally more open

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Women are more emotionally open than men. They are more open to love, meaning that of course, it is easier to fall in love. Men are more closed off and it takes longer for them to open up emotionally to actually allow themselves to develop strong feelings.

11. Low self-esteem

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Often, women with low self-esteem may fall in love quicker with their partner because they are responding to the positive affirmations that they are given to them. Low self-esteem can lead to you seeking out this confidence boost from other people rather than yourself.

12. FOMO!

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Fear of missing out. Women naturally make comparisons, whether it's with themselves, their life, or their relationship. So when a friend looks to be madly in love, they may want to have the same! They don't want to miss out, which may mean they seek out that love from someone.

13. Societal pressure on women

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Women have a helluva lot of societal pressure on them. Society pressures women into finding a partner, settling down, and having a family. It's an old-fashioned view, but even modern women can't escape feeling or noticing the pressures that society puts on them! Even if they try and actively avoid it.

14. Women sometimes idealize their partner

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As women, we know what we want. Yet, sometimes we don't end up with exactly what we would have envisaged. Nobody's perfect yet we'd all love the perfect guy for us - or as close as we can possibly get. When we don't get that, sometimes we idealize them in our own minds to make them seem perfect for us.

15. They're super appreciative

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Women spend a lot of time doing things for other people. So, when a man woos her and does things for her, of course, this is a major thing for a woman. They appreciate it and do not take it for granted. If someone's treating a woman like a queen, it can speed up falling in love...

16. Positive past experiences with men

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Positive past experiences with partners can give the view that everybody has those same intentions and it is safe to fall in love fast. They may judge future men on the authenticity of their past relationships which can sometimes give a false view of what all men are like.

17. Seeking validation

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Sometimes women seek validation from men. A woman who is low in confidence or feels insecure may find reassurance in the idea that she is wanted by a man. This feeling of validation could then make her fall in love quicker, as she responds to this positive feeling.

18. A desire to love and be loved

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Some of it simply boils down to the fact that a lot of women want to be loved. Who doesn't? But wanting to love and be loved may actually speed up the process because you're emotionally ready for it, even when the relationship isn't ready for this step.

19. They are nurturing

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Women are often very nurturing, which means that they want to care for others. When they like a guy, their nurturing instincts may kick in, and when we nurture someone or something the feelings grow faster and women may fall in love quicker as a result.

20. They haven't set boundaries

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Women sometimes struggle to set boundaries. Some of this comes from he fact that women are generally very selfless and caring, and so sometimes they allow other people t cross their boundaries. A woman may struggle to put boundaries in place and may fall in love with someone too quickly, even if she shouldn't.

21. A lack of self-awareness

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As the saying goes 'love is blind'. But sometimes this can also be applied in terms of not being aware of what the person is truly like in terms of his character. A woman may not have the self-awareness to realize this isn't good for her or to think about the consequences of falling in love too fast.

22. They have different hormones

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Hormones change the way our brains work, they literally alter the way we think and act. Sometimes, our hormones are stronger at certain times and a woman has greater influxes of hormones than a man, which may make her feel more loving towards them, sooner.

23. They desire commitment

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On one hand, men are afraid of commitment, and on the other women seek commitment. Of course, these are both stereotypes but there may be some truth in them. Women (of course, not all) are often very loyal and seek out commitment, so they are ready to fall in love quicker.

24. Romanticized ideas of love

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We watch movies and we read romance novels and it's hard not to think 'I want that!'. Yes, as women we may romanticize ideas of love and what the perfect love story looks like. This can make us fall in love quickly, as we think we've met our Prince Charming...even when he's not.

25. They want safety and structure

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Sometimes women seek out the safety and structure of a relationship, which being single doesn't have. To have that person as a support system may mean that women seek out a relationship and fall in love because they are craving that sense of security.

26. They have a fear of loneliness

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As humans we don't like to be alone...we all have a kind of fear of loneliness. Women especially love to be around people as they generally tend to be super family orientated and social. This can lead women to seek a deep connection and fall in love quicker.

27. A fear of time

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Women put a lot more pressure on themselves to achieve certain life goals within certain time periods. This isn't just an internal pressure, many women feel rushed by their biological clock and the societal ideal that women should have a husband or children within a certain age.

28. Women have a lot of emotional intelligence

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Women are super highly emotionally intelligent, and they may know what they want a lot faster than men. A woman can connect and understand somebody quickly which could speed up the process of falling in love because women are so in tune with their emotions.

29. Women are very caring

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Even if a man isn't putting into the relationship what he should, or even if he isn't the man of a woman's dreams women may find it hard to break off the relationship because they are super caring about other people's feelings. Women think about others before themselves which can sometimes lead to loving too quickly.

30. A fear of judgment

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As women, we cannot escape judgment from society. Whatever we do, society has a say, ESPECIALLY when it comes to our love life, who our partner is, or how many partners we have or have had! Some women fear being judged by others, which can make them feel like they have to fall in love and settle down faster!

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