Signs He Is Just Too Lazy

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. He's totally unmotivated

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Look, sometimes it really is hard to motivate ourselves, and that's completely normal because we all have ups and downs when it comes to feeling motivated. But this guy, he's just never got any motivation to do ANYTHING because he's just outright lazy.

2. He oversleeps all the time and takes naps

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If he's getting 10-12 hours a day AND taking naps in between he's not super tired he's just lazy. He may be avoiding having to do things and so instead of actually being productive or doing something useful with his time, he's heading straight back to bed instead.

3. He needs lots of instructions to do things

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Being lazy isn't just about not getting out of bed, it's also about taking no initiative and not thinking for yourself. So if he needs instructions to do anything and everything it's because he can't be bothered to do things on his own and he's waiting for you to ask and tell him exactly what to do.

4. He'd happily stay in and watch TV all-day

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Every so often, it's really nice to have a relaxing day lounging around in order to recuperate from our busy lives. It's a guilty pleasure that sometimes we do have a couch day every once in a while. But if he wants to do this day after day it sounds like he's super lazy!

5. He puts in the minimum effort

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When he puts the minimum effort into everything he does, even a relationship, it can be very annoying and hurtful because it can feel like he just doesn't care. If it's always you making the effort and he's not willing to put anything back in then he's a really lazy guy.

6. He gives up easily

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We're told from being a child that we should never give up. So when a grown man gives up every single time things get even slightly challenging, it can be quite off-putting because it's a sign that he's just too lazy and cannot be bothered to properly persevere.

7. He doesn't follow through with plans

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You're all ready to go, you've canceled other plans for this plan that's been arranged for a while and you're excited...' sorry I can't make it any more'. It's SO annoying when this happens. And unless there's a really good excuse, it's just completely lazy to bail on plans that you've made with someone.

8. He relies on other people to do things for him

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When a grown-up man still can't do things for's not exactly an attractive trait. When he goes home to have his washing done and has to ring his parents to know how to work the dishwasher it screams pure laziness. And that's exactly what it is!

9. He's super disorganized and messy

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Guys are often fairly messy, it seems to take them longer to come to terms with how to maintain tidiness and order. But, if he still looks like he's living like a student and he has clothes all over the floor and week-old dishes 'soaking' in the sink, then you've got a lazy guy on your hands.

10. He's unenthusiastic about most things

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Enthusiasm is's a lovely trait that makes everybody feel uplifted and positive. So when someone's the opposite it can feel really draining and it's not nice to be around. If he's very unenthusiastic it could be stemming from a place of laziness; he just can't be bothered.

11. He procrastinates

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We're all guilty of procrastinating sometimes: 'I'll do it tomorrow', 'I've got ages I'll leave it a while before I start', 'I'll do it after the weekend'. But if he is a serial procrastinator then it boils down to the fact that he is just too lazy and puts everything off until 'tomorrow'.

12. You have to convince him to do things/ go places

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He doesn't want to make the effort to do anything or go anywhere because he's too lazy. This can be super frustrating because every time you want to you have to practically beg him to come along and join you. It's difficult to prize him off the sofa and make him part with Netflix for longer than an hour.

13. He doesn't look after himself

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A clear sign that he;'s lazy is when he doesn't look after himself. His hair needs a cut, his beard needs a shave, his pants need an iron and he's got last night's bolognese down his shirt! He's too lazy to make himself look presentable and to even maintain a decent level of personal hygiene!

14. He doesn't work!

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Being out of work and looking for a job is very different from someone who is refusing to work for no good reason other than laziness. But he can't be bothered to work because he would rather sit at home all day doing pretty much nothing - at least, nothing productive, anyway!

15. All he wants to do is 'just relax' or 'do nothing

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What shall we do today, 'oh let's just relax and do nothing'. So, pretty much like every other day then! A lazy guy will put off doing anything, even if they enjoy it because they're so lazy. They may have even abandoned their hobbies because it was too much effort!

16. He makes excuses or blames other people

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When he's super lazy you'll probably hear a lot of excuses. It wasn't his fault, he couldn't because something came up, somebody got in the way... They'll be a million excuses as to why he didn't do what he should have done - but of course, they won't be his fault (yeah right).

17. He'll avoid exercise where he can

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A little bit like this guy he'll probably go to lengths just to avoid doing anything physically exertive. He'll take a hard pass on any offers of exercise, and he certainly won't be going to the gym of his own accord. If he can take the car over walking then he certainly will!

18. If it's a group contribution, he'll always do the least

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If you're going to be a part of a group project or you have some joint work to do together then the person you don't want to be on your team is a lazy guy. He'll pass all of the tasks onto other people and the part he's required to do...well he probably won't even do that either!

19. He spends too much leisure time on screens

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Screens are the holy grail of a lazy guy. And we don't mean work and emails. They would happily spend ALL of their time sitting at screens, wither watching, scrolling, or playing. But of course, it's not good or healthy to spend all of your time at a screen and it's just a lazy way to pass all of your time.

20. He will wait for someone to do something first

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If you've lived with a lazy guy you'll know exactly what we mean. They'll be some dishes in the sink and he waits until you do it first. Any kind of job or chore he'll wait until someone else does it, and only if he's asked would he do it himself. He's the opposite of proactive and helpful.

21. He misses important appointments/ deadlines

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You know he's extremely lazy when he can't even make his appointments and schedules that have been booked in advance. He's too lazy to check his calendar and too lazy to attend. This is a sure sign that he is SUPER lazy. He'd probably have someone attend for him if he could.

22. He focuses on short-term pleasure rather than long-term goals

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Another thing that lazy people do is only focus on short-term goals. They seek out immediate pleasure to have fun quickly, rather than working towards any future goals that could help them in the long run or provide future happiness. If he has this mindset, he's probably lazy.

23. He complains a lot without actually trying to change anything

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Some people love to moan and complain about things but then they cannot be bothered to actually do anything about it. And while we all complain sometimes, most people then take a course of action to try and improve things, rather than just moaning about everything but being too lazy to do anything about it.

24. He's ALWAYS late

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When you're the one on time and you know that person who is ALWAYS late, it is so annoying. If he's always late it could well be that he's actually just really lazy, rather than too busy and rushed off his feet to make it on time for anything. In fact. it's most probably the latter.

25. He takes the path of least resistance always

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The path of least resistance is the easiest way, and it may not be the best way. Sometimes you can choose an option that will be easier at the time, but you know it's not for the best and it could actually be worse down the line. But if he's lazy, he'll always opt for the easiest choice.

26. He says he's 'too tired to do things ALL the time

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Being tired all of the time could be because of a variety of reasons, including if you have a busy life and schedule which leaves you feeling exhausted. But if he doesn't seem to do much at all and he complains that he's tired all the time, he may just be very lazy!

27. He'll order takeout rather than cooking

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The number one tell tale sign of a lazy guy...take-outs every night. Nobody's buying the 'I'm not a good cook' or 'I have no time' because cooking is simple and it can be done very quickly. Take-outs are a lazy option. A weekly takeaway is a treat, but takeout every night is just pure laziness.

28. He avoids any extra responsibilities

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When a guy is very lazy you'll notice that he has as little responsibilities as possible. He will not take on ANY extra responsibilities that require any extra attention or effort because he's way too lazy for that. It may even be that he won't move out on his own because he's too lazy to keep a house.

29. He lets relationships fizzle out and doesn't try and stop it

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Relationships take work from both sides. If it's only one side putting in the effort then there's no way it can work. He might be too lazy to save a relationship and instead, he may just let it fizzle out completely because he's too lazy to put the effort back into it.

30. He's always asking for favors

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The sound of 'Could you just do this for me' is probably a very worn-out phrase for you if your guy is lazy. He'll ask any favor at all as long as it means that he doesn't have to do it himself. This is the ultimate sign of laziness! He doesn't mind making other people do it, but he doesn't want to himself!

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