12+ Natural Ways To Treat Psorasis

By Lauren Mccluskey 1 year ago

1. Moisturize

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In order to treat and relieve symptoms of Psoriasis, it is important that you contact your healthcare provider for the best treatment for you.  There are, however, some natural methods that you may be able to try at home and these may relieve your symptoms.  The first one is to regularly apply gentle moisturizers to keep the skin hydrated, reduce dryness, and alleviate itching.

2. Natural oils

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In order to alleviate the symptoms of Psoriasis, certain natural oils might help either with or instead of your usual moisturizer.  These include coconut oil, olive oil, or almond oil.  If you apply these to the affected areas of the skin, they may help to soothe and moisturize it.

3. Sunlight

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Safely exposing your skin to sunlight can help to relieve some of the symptoms of Psoriasis.  Moderate sun exposure helps ultraviolet (UV) rays to help to reduce inflammation and improve your symptoms.  But be sure to wear your sunscreen and be cautious to avoid sunburn!

4. Lukewarm baths

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In order to soothe the skin and alleviate some of the symptoms of Psoriasis, it may help you to take lukewarm baths regularly.  And these may be even more effective if you add colloidal oatmeal, Epsom salts, or Dead Sea salts to the water in order to potentially relieve itching and inflammation.

5. Gentle soaps

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When you're washing, it is important that you choose mild and gentle soaps or cleansers with natural ingredients.  It helps if they're fragrance-free too because the ingredients used in fragranced products have the potential to irritate your skin condition.

6. Lifestyle factors

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There are certain changes that you can also make to your lifestyle that may help with your Psoriasis.  These include avoiding or cutting down on alcohol, quitting smoking, maintaining a healthy weight, eating an anti-inflammatory diet, as well as taking regular exercise.

7. Triggers

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It is also important that you work to identify anything that triggers your Psoriasis, and you can get help with this from a medical professional if you need it.  Once you've identified your triggers, it is then important for you to avoid them.  These commonly include cold weather, certain foods, and stress.

8. Healthy weight

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Maintaining a healthy weight is important for managing Psoriasis.  This is because obesity can actually exacerbate your symptoms.  In order to aim for a healthy weight, be sure to check your diet and make the changes it needs, and move your body more through regular exercise.

9. Alcohol and smoking

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If you drink alcohol or smoke, these may also exacerbate your Psoriasis symptoms.  These substances have also been found to worsen some people's Psoriasis symptoms too.  So it makes sense that you either cut down or avoid them altogether.  And make sure you get support with this if you feel like you need it!

10. Diet

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In order to help your skin condition, it is important that you also take a look at your diet.  A diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins is beneficial for your overall health and may also improve your Psoriasis symptoms.  And try to cut down on processed foods and sugary snacks as these can worsen the condition.

11. Omega-3 fatty acids

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As well as incorporating plenty of fruit, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins into your diet, you are also advised to include plenty of foods containing Omega-3 fatty acids.  You can find these in fatty fish like mackerel and salmon, flaxseeds, chia seeds, and walnuts.  These have anti-inflammatory properties.

12. Aloe vera

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Moisturizers, natural oils, and gentle soaps and cleansers may help to soothe your Psoriasis symptoms but it's also true that Aloe vera gel can be effective in soothing affected areas of your skin.   Simply apply the gel to the affected areas in order to soothe itching and redness but be sure to use Aloe vera gel without any added chemicals.

13. Turmeric

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Adding spice turmeric to your meals, whether it's in the fresh or powdered form, may really help your Psoriasis symptoms.  This is because there is an active compound in turmeric called Curcumin which has been found to have anti-inflammatory properties and effects.

14. Tea-tree oil

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Tea-tree oil can also help alleviate symptoms of Psoriasis for some people.  If you dilute it with a carrier oil, like one of the natural oils such as coconut oil, you might see a difference when you apply it to your affected areas.  This is because tea-tree oil has antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory properties.

15. Calendula

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The calendula flower is well-known for its healing properties, as well as its anti-inflammatory effects.  And there are certain creams or ointments that contain calendula extract which are great for skin issues like sunburn.  But it can be effective in alleviating the uncomfortable symptoms of Psoriasis.

16. Dead Sea salt

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Adding Dead Sea salt to your baths and enjoying a soak can also relieve symptoms of Psoriasis.  This is because Dead Sea salt is known for certain minerals that it contains which can relieve itching, scaling, and inflammation.  And a nice soak in the bath can also alleviate stress which can also be a trigger for a flare-up.

17. Apple cider vinegar

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Remember, some of the natural remedies that have been suggested in this list may or may not work for you because what works for one person, may not work for another.  An example of this is the use of apple cider vinegar.  If you dilute it in water and apply it to affected areas, it may alleviate itching and scaling.

18. Capsaicin

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Have you ever wondered what makes chili peppers hot?  Well, it's the compound called capsaicin.  But we're not saying rub that on your skin - in fact, we strongly urge you not to!  Capsaicin is derived from chili peppers and can be found in certain topical creams.  And the good news is that it may work to reduce itching and inflammation when applied to the affected areas.

19. Oregon grape

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Oregon grape, also known as Mahonia Aquifolium, is available as an ingredient in certain oral supplements and creams.  You can either take it orally or apply the creams to the affected areas of the skin.  And this is said to potentially alleviate any inflammation and may even improve Psoriasis symptoms.

20. Massage

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Massages are a great form of self-care and can be pretty heavenly, to say the least.  And regularly getting massages can really help to reduce your potential stress and promote wonderful relaxation.  And both of these effects can really help to potentially improve Psoriasis symptoms.

21. Chamomile tea

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Chamomile tea can help you to relax when you drink it but did you know that it is also beneficial as a cold compress?  Yes, a chamomile tea compress when applied to the affected areas can help to soothe the skin and relieve those common symptoms of itchiness and inflammation.

22. Witch hazel

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Inflammation and irritation of the skin that is caused by Psoriasis can also be treated with witch hazel.  Again, everyone is different and whether witch hazel will work for you is up to you to find out.  Just be sure to contact a medical professional if you're unsure about whether these ideas will be effective for you.

23. Epsom salts

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Epsom salts can really help with itching and inflammation too.  You can either apply an Epsom salt compress to the affected areas for relief or you might find it more soothing and effective by adding Epsom salts to your bath.  Having a soak can really help you to relax and manage your stress.

24. Stress management

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Believe it or not, stress can really affect our physical health and you might experience flare-ups of your Psoriasis when you're more stressed than usual.  So practice stress management techniques such as meditation, yoga, deep breathing exercises, and engaging in enjoyable hobbies.

25. Acupuncture

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Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese practice that involves the insertion of thin needles to specific points on the body.  And this ancient practice might just help to relieve Psoriasis symptoms by promoting good circulation and thus reducing any inflammation of the skin.

26. Exercise

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You might also find regular exercise beneficial, not only to your overall health but also to alleviating your symptoms caused by Psoriasis such as inflammation.  Regular exercise is also a great way to not only reduce inflammation but also relieve stress and improve your overall well-being.

27. Probiotics

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There are certain probiotics, such as Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium strains, and these can really help you to regulate your immune system and even improve your gut health.  And this, in turn, might contribute to alleviating some of the uncomfortable symptoms of Psoriasis.

28. Gluten-free diet

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There is the potential that a gluten-free diet might help to alleviate the inflammation brought on by Psoriasis.  But this is especially more likely if you do have gluten sensitivity or celiac disease.  So a gluten-free diet may or may not improve your symptoms but either way, be sure to consult a medical professional before making significant changes to your diet.

29. Milk thistle

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Milk thistle is a herb that has significant antioxidant properties.  The herb could potentially support liver function which has been found to be beneficial for people who have Psoriasis.  And to get the goodness from this herb, you can either take a herbal supplement or drink milk thistle tea.

30. Dead Sea mud

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Dead Sea mud is really rich in minerals and has been used for centuries to treat skin conditions, including Psoriasis.  Applying Dead Sea mud to the affected areas can help to reduce inflammation, exfoliate dead skin cells, and even alleviate itchiness.  You can find it in products such as masks, and creams that are specifically designed for the treatment of Psoriasis.

31. The common Psoriasis triggers you need to know about: these foods

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Your diet can help out a lot with reducing psoriasis episodes, but what you eat can also make the situation a lot worse! We know that what we put into our bodies has the affect to make our skin and bodies better or worse, and psoriasis is no different. It might depend on the person in terms of which foods are a major trigger, but in general, you can usually expect these foods to give you a flare up: foods really high in sugar, or high in fat like junk food; red meat; dairy products; shellfish; pork; foods that contain white flour, and gluten.

32. Alcohol

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We know that drinking a lot of alcohol, or certain alcohols, can make you feel flushed, your skin red (amongst other symptoms to deal with of course, not least a hangover!). There isn't definitive evidence to say that having a glass of wine or two in the evening is definitely going to trigger psoriasis flare up, but it has been suggested in some studies that it could make it worse, especially if you're a heavy drinker. Limit your alcohol intake and see if your psoriasis improves, or avoid it altogether when you're having a bad flare up.

33. Too much sun!

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It's all about finding a happy balance with sun exposure, even if you don't have psoriasis. You never want to risk spending too much time out in the sun if you're exposing your skin, but when you have psoriasis, it's even more important. We mentioned that a moderate time in the sun can actually help reduce psoriasis symptoms - which it can - but you'll want to avoid sunburn at all costs. If you get bad sunburn then this is only going to make your existing psoriasis showing on the skin worse, or it's going to trigger it to flare.

34. Exposed to cold and dry weather

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You just can't win! While knowing that too much sun can trigger psoriasis if you risk sunburn, you also might not be able to find reprieve during those seasons that are too cold and dry, without any direct sunlight. If the air is very cold, dry and bitter, it can affect your skin and psoriasis in a negative way, and risk it flaring up. To make matters worse, if you use indoor heaters in your home, or even your car heater to make everything toasty, even this can trigger psoriasis during this dry conditions. Your best bet is to try stay warm indoors with natural heating (like blankets and layers) and get a humidifier to moisturize the air.

35. Stressful lifestyle

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Most of us in this busy social media age are feeling stress on a daily basis about one thing or another. It's very difficult to avoid for a lot of people, especially those with a very stressful job, long working hours or personal commitments. The unfortunate news is that too much stress can also risk a psoriasis flare up. To make it even worse, having psoriasis in itself can be stressful, so it's just a vicious circle! While there are some things you can't change in your lifestyle, the best you can do is try and limit stress as much as possible with relaxing everyday techniques, like yoga or meditation, and considering getting rid of anything out of your life that causes too much stress.

36. Being obese

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Suffering with obesity can cause many other health problems, as we know, but it could also negatively impact a struggle with psoriasis. If you're carrying dangerous levels of excess weight, it could make your psoriasis worse. It can also increase the risk of it in general if you're suffering from obesity. Some studies have shown positive results in people with obesity after they switched to a low calorie lifestyle, and had symptoms of psoriasis reduce. Make sure to get in your exercise and healthy eating if you're struggling wit psoriasis.

37. Smoking

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Smoking can also risk triggering psoriasis, or making it worse, so you'll want to avoid it if you have psoriasis - and consider quitting altogether due to the other negative health impacts! This is because tobacco in cigarettes could actually make psoriasis worse, as well as the nicotine possibly reacting negatively with any psoriasis medication you're taking (but you'd obviously have to check with your doctor about smoking and medication). It's also found in some studies that smoking can risk a very specific type of psoriasis that shows on your hands and feet.

38. Some medications

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Most medications will have some side effects, it's all part and parcel of it, and they're always inconvenient: headaches, nausea, change in mood etc. It all depends on the type of medication you're taking, of course, but it's always important to check the side effects. For some medications, a side effect could actually be to trigger psoriasis and make it worse. This is because certain medications can affect your body's autoimmune system, which can then cause an outbreak of psoriasis. The most common example is medication for high blood pressure.

39. Certain infections

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As if suffering from an infection wasn't bad enough, there are certain types of infections that can also trigger psoriasis, too. This is most commonly bacterial infections, like strep throat and thrush, and if you also have an upper respiratory infection, this can be a cause of a psoriasis outbreak, too. There's also a risk that less common infections can cause psoriasis, such as HIV. You may not even know you have an infection like strep throat if you're just feeling run down, but it's important to see your doctor straight away for anything like that, so that both the infection and psoriasis can be calmed!

40. Hormones

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Ah, hormones! Don't you just love them? They make you feel weepy, hungry, happy one minute, sad the next... and everything in between. And that's just for someone having their period that month. So you might not be surprised to know that change in hormones can also have a big impact on psoriasis triggers. It's actually common for people going through puberty or menopause to be more at risk of psoriasis during that time, due to lower estrogen levels. The good news is, if you're pregnant, you're less likely to get psoriasis during this time because of the increase in hormones! We're not saying that's a solution to psoriasis, though.

41. Some nutrients

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It's also considered that some nutrients can be a main cause of a psoriasis flare up. These are taurine, an amino acid, and choline. There have been studies into psoriatic lesions which actually show a high amount of both taurine and choline in them, suggesting these two nutrients can be a trigger. You can't avoid taurine completely because it's naturally made by the body, but there are certain foods that will increase your intake of it - including fish and energy drinks - which choline is mostly found in animal products like eggs.

42. Skin injury

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Any type of skin injury, no matter how small, can also trigger a psoriasis outbreak - more specifically, a psoriasis lesion in people who already have the condition. If you scratch yourself near the affected area on your skin, this could result in a psoriasis legion. Any other type of skin injury which damages the surface of the skin, like a pesky bug bite, a bad cut or a scrape, can also risk a trigger and lesion in that affected area. You'll also want to be really careful if shaving near a psoriasis flare up area, as even a small nick could count.

43. You're not alone! Celebrities with psoriasis: Kim Kardashian

image source: glamour.com
Kim Kardashian has always openly spoken about her struggles with psoriasis, which she also shares with her mom, Kris Jenner. She got her first experience of it at the age of 25 and has been trying to manage it since. In her psoriasis experience, Kim has had joint pain as well as the visible red flare ups on her skin. She's also spoken about how she sometimes doesn't mind it being seen, and other times chooses to cover it with makeup (probably for those Met Gala outfits!). She's also been an advocate for "trying everything" in terms of natural remedies!

44. LeAnn Rimes

image source: today.com
Singer LeAnn Rimes has had psoriasis long enough to comfortably deal with it, but it was actually the COVID-19 pandemic that had her red skin flaring up again due to stress. Her response was to raise awareness about what it's really like, instead of hiding her red patches, and she even did a bare all photoshoot to show the world what her skin looks like covered in psoriasis patches! While she tries her best to get the condition and triggers under control, she's also spoken openly about how it's important not to hide it and to live your life.

45. Cara Delevingne

image source: glamour.com
For a model, something like psoriasis could be an extreme worry for those revealing outfits on the runway - although of course, it shouldn't be, when it's a normal and natural condition that can't be helped! Model Cara Delevingne is someone who definitely didn't let it stop her hitting that runway. She's admitted that she's very sensitive to the condition, and has to use coverup products to apply to any rashes or scabs backstage before any runway show. She's also an example for always making sure you visit the doctor if you think you have it (which she did!).

46. CariDee English

image source: glamour.com
Seeing as CariDee English won America's Next Top Model, it's a shining example of how a skin condition like psoriasis doesn't stop you from achieving your dreams, and even within the beauty and fashion world where you might think it would be judged more harshly. She's actually had the condition since she was five years old, and grew up doing her research and learning how to best live with it. She's spoken out about how important it is to learn more about it and speak to a doctor if you think you might have psoriasis.

47. Cyndi Lauper

image source: glamour.com
Famous singer Cyndi Lauper was actually diagnosed with psoriasis a lot later in life, back in 2010, and since then she's made sure to spread the message about how it's so important to talk about it - and to know you're not alone. Millions of Americans struggle with psoriasis, and Lauper has encourage people to 'get talking about it', even if it's online or through your own research. For the singer, her main coping mechanism has been trying to reduce stress as much as possible, and she practices yoga, meditation and Reiki.

48. Ciena Rae Nelson

image source: glamour.com
Actor Ciena Rae Nelson opened up about her life with psoriasis through a series of photos revealing what she looks like when her psoriasis is showing in full compared to what she looks like when she covers it up. It showed the reality of living with a serious outbreak of psoriasis. She's since used her social media platform to get the conversation going about living with psoriasis, as well as sharing any new products she may have tried, and some tips with living with the condition. Her stance has been to move forward with a 'new' version of yourself!

49. Jonathan Van Ness

image source: glamour.com
Style icon and inspiration Jonathan Van Ness is another celebrity you may not have known struggles with psoriasis. He is another celebrity that decided to reveal the unfiltered truth of his condition on social media. He got his first flare up at the age of 23, when he got a simple scratch which then turned into a big rash. He visited more than one doctor to try and find out what was going on before he was finally diagnosed with psoriasis. In terms of dealing with the condition, Van Ness has highlighted the importance of self-care and good health.

50. Katie Lowes

image source: glamour.com
The Scandal actress is another celebrity who has both struggled with psoriasis, and spoken openly about it to her following. She was officially diagnosed with the condition back in 2010, and she wanted to keep it private at first while learning to deal with the condition, before eventually opening up about it and wanting to help people to know what it's like to live with it. Her best way of dealing with it has been to put huge focus on what she eats to avoid triggers, like avoiding high sugar foods and making sure she gets the right vegetables.

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