18 Worrying Signs That Somebody Practices Voodoo

By Paula Tudoran 11 months ago

They Have Mysterious Offerings

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If you stumble upon bizarre items like animal bones, herbs, or strange symbols arranged in an unusual manner, it could be a sign that someone is dabbling in voodoo. These items are often used in rituals to invoke spirits or cast spells, reflecting a deeper involvement in voodoo practices.

They Own Peculiar Dolls

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Discovering handmade dolls with pins sticking out of them can indicate an association with voodoo rituals, as these dolls are often used to target individuals in spellwork. The act of sticking pins in specific areas of the doll is believed to cause harm or manipulate the targeted person's life.

You Come Across Suspicious Powders

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Encountering powders with unknown origins, especially if found near personal belongings or entrances, may suggest the presence of voodoo practices, as powders play a role in various rituals. Depending on their composition and purpose, these powders could be used for protection, love spells, or even curses.

Unusual Animal Sacrifices

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Coming across slaughtered animals, especially in secluded areas or near altars, can be a red flag for voodoo involvement, as animal sacrifices are common in certain voodoo ceremonies. The sacrifice of animals is believed to appease spirits, gain their favor, or release their energy for specific purposes.

They Own Enigmatic Potions

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Encountering bottles or jars containing strange mixtures, liquids, or potions might indicate involvement in voodoo, as these concoctions are often used for spells, curses, or healing purposes. These potions are believed to harness the power of herbs, roots, and other natural ingredients to influence or manipulate specific aspects of life.

Their House is Full of Charmed Objects

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Noticing an excessive collection of objects like amulets, charms, talismans, or trinkets believed to possess magical or protective properties may be indicative of voodoo practices. These objects are often carried or worn as personal protection or to attract positive energies while warding off negative influences.

You Notice Unexplained Markings

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Discovering intricate symbols, sigils, or markings etched on surfaces, walls, or even skin could suggest an association with voodoo rituals or ceremonial practices. These markings serve as a means to communicate with spirits, invoke their presence, or create a sacred space for rituals and offerings.

They Have Hidden Altars

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Coming across concealed spaces or makeshift altars adorned with candles, flowers, or other ritualistic items might indicate that voodoo ceremonies are taking place in the vicinity. These altars serve as sacred spaces for practitioners to connect with spirits, perform rituals, and offer prayers or sacrifices.

You Start Losing Personal Items

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If personal belongings suddenly vanish without a logical explanation, it could be a sign that someone with voodoo knowledge is attempting to cast spells or perform rituals. Objects may be used to gain control over individuals or manipulate their lives, making the disappearance of personal items a cause for concern.

They Have a Weird Aversion to Photos

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Noticing an individual's resistance to being photographed or their avoidance of cameras could stem from voodoo beliefs that photographs can capture and manipulate one's spirit. According to voodoo tradition, photographs have the power to trap a person's essence, making them vulnerable to magical manipulation.

They Have Unusual Knowledge of Plants

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Individuals with extensive knowledge of rare or exotic plants, their properties, and their usage in rituals might be practicing voodoo or related magical traditions. Plants play a crucial role in voodoo, with specific herbs believed to possess spiritual or medicinal properties used in various spells, ceremonies, and potions.

They Sometimes Enter Altered States of Consciousness

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Observing someone entering trance-like states, exhibiting unusual behavior, or speaking in tongues during rituals could point toward their involvement in voodoo practices. These altered states of consciousness are often induced to connect with spirits, seek guidance, or gain insights into the supernatural realm.

You or People Around Them Develop Unexplained Illnesses

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Experiencing persistent or recurring health issues with no clear medical cause might be attributed to the effects of a curse or spell placed by someone practicing voodoo. In voodoo belief, illnesses can be the result of spiritual disturbances or the malevolent actions of others using magic.

They Experience Sudden Personality Shifts

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Noticing drastic changes in an individual's behavior, interests, or attitudes without apparent reason may indicate that they are under the influence of voodoo spells or rituals. Voodoo practitioners believe in the ability to manipulate a person's thoughts, emotions, and actions through magical means.

You Get Unsettling Dreams After Being Around Them

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Experiencing vivid and disturbing dreams, particularly those involving snakes, spiders, or encounters with deceased individuals, could be linked to someone practicing voodoo nearby. Dreams hold significant meaning in voodoo, often regarded as messages from spirits or indications of supernatural influences.

They Have Some Peculiar Alliances

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Witnessing an individual associating with suspicious characters, known practitioners, or members of voodoo communities could suggest their active involvement in voodoo practices. These alliances may involve shared beliefs, participation in rituals, or engagement in activities related to the voodoo tradition.

They're Sensitive to Amulets

Image Source: South China Morning Post

Observing heightened reactions or discomfort in an individual when they come into contact with specific protective amulets or religious symbols might indicate their aversion to opposing magical forces. This sensitivity could be a sign that they believe in the power of these symbols and are cautious of their potential effects.

Livestock Gets Affected Often in the Area

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Noticing unexplained illnesses or strange behaviors in animals, especially if the occurrences coincide with suspicious events, could point toward the influence of voodoo practices. Animals are often regarded as conduits for spiritual energies in voodoo, and their well-being is considered an essential aspect of maintaining balance and harmony.

They Practice Ancestral Worship

Image Source: French Quarter

Discovering evidence of rituals or ceremonies honoring ancestors, such as altars or photographs, may indicate a connection to voodoo or related belief systems that venerate the deceased. Ancestral worship is a core aspect of voodoo, as practitioners seek guidance and blessings from their ancestors through rituals and offerings.

You Notice Strange Occurrences

Image Source: The Family Handyman

Experiencing strange occurrences, such as objects moving or unexplained sounds, within specific locations associated with voodoo practices may suggest the presence of supernatural forces. These paranormal phenomena are often attributed to the influence of spirits or the manifestation of spiritual energies.

They're Deep in Knowledge of Ritual Tools

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Recognizing an individual's familiarity with tools used in voodoo rituals, such as ritual knives, cauldrons, or divination tools, could suggest their involvement in these practices. Proficiency in handling these tools indicates a deeper understanding of the rituals and ceremonies associated with voodoo.

They Practice Unusual Daily Rituals

Image Source: Santa Maria Times

Observing someone engaging in rituals involving bathing, purification, or specific clothing choices before significant events might indicate their adherence to voodoo rituals or superstitions. These preparatory rituals are performed to cleanse the individual, align their energies, or invoke protective forces before engaging in important endeavors.

They're Familiar with Spirit Possession

Image Source: Smithsonian Magazine

Encountering individuals who claim to channel or be possessed by spirits during rituals or ceremonies might be indicative of their involvement in voodoo practices. Spirit possession is a central aspect of voodoo, where practitioners allow spirits to enter their bodies, communicate through them, or perform healing and divination.

You Come Across Their Hidden Grimoires

Image Source: Harry's World South St

Coming across hidden books, manuals, or handwritten notes containing spells, incantations, or instructions for magical rituals could signify an individual's interest in voodoo or occult practices. These grimoires serve as repositories of knowledge, guiding practitioners in the correct methods and rituals of voodoo.

They Practice Symbolic Scarring

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Noticing intentional scarification marks or tattoos featuring symbols associated with voodoo or African spiritual traditions may suggest an individual's allegiance to these belief systems. These scars or tattoos hold deep symbolic meaning within voodoo, representing connections with spirits, protection, or spiritual empowerment.

Unexplained Hauntings

Image Source: The Denver Post

Experiencing paranormal activities, such as poltergeist phenomena or sightings of apparitions, in spaces associated with voodoo practices might indicate the presence of spiritual forces. In voodoo belief, spirits can interact with the physical world, and their presence may manifest through supernatural occurrences.

They're Obsessed with Curses

Image Source: The British Library

Encountering an individual fixated on the idea of curses, hexes, or black magic and regularly discussing or attempting to cast them may signify their involvement in voodoo. Voodoo practitioners believe in the power of curses and may use them as a means of protection, revenge, or influencing others.

They're Preoccupied with Spirits

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Noticing an individual's continuous interest in communicating with spirits, seeking spiritual guidance, or performing rituals to appease supernatural entities could indicate their practice of voodoo. The central focus of voodoo is the interaction with spirits, and practitioners actively engage in rituals to establish connections with these entities.

They Practice Psychological Manipulation

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Observing someone exerting control or manipulating others through fear, psychological tactics, or mind games might be indicative of their use of voodoo practices. Voodoo rituals and spells are believed to possess the power to influence the thoughts and actions of individuals, making psychological manipulation a possibility.

Unexplained Synchronicities

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Witnessing a series of uncanny coincidences, especially if they revolve around an individual suspected of practicing voodoo, may suggest the influence of supernatural forces associated with voodoo rituals. These synchronicities can be interpreted as signs from spirits or manifestations of the interconnectedness between the spiritual and physical realms.

Things you need to know about voodoo: it's actually a religion

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Because of the fear and worry involved with voodoo, most people don't think of it as a religion instead of something like witchcraft or dark magic, but actually voodoo is very much a recognized religion, just like Christianity or Judaism. Voodoo is known as a Afro-Haitian religion with a history of tradition, as well as philosophy practices. The religion has a basic belief: everything in the world is a spirit.

Its origins go way back

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And because of the fact that voodoo is - and has been for a long time - a recognized religion, it has a rich and deep history that goes way back. It goes as far back as Christianity, to the time of the slaves and even the imperialism of Europe. During a time when people were banned from practising any religion that wasn't Roman Catholicism, that doesn't mean that voodoo didn't exist back then.

It has a huge tourist following

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As we know, New Orleans draws one of the biggest crowds for people interested in the culture and history of voodoo, but also in Haiti, where voodoo is followed as its religion, tourism that comes from voodoo is accepted and encouraged (because it pays the bills, of course!). There are a variety of things like voodoo tours, shops selling voodoo souvenirs and artworks you can buy.

A lot of it has a focus on healing

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Although there is a huge focus on voodoo being 'evil' or being black magic, people who practice voodoo in the proper way know that there is actually a huge focus on healing in a positive way. A lot of the ways healing is practised is through different items like herbs or spells, and because voodoo is all about respecting the natural world, it focuses a lot on natural healing methods.

There's communication with spirits

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A lot of religions believe in a holy spirit - or spirits of some kind - but don't condone trying to contact them. Voodoo is the opposite, as trying to contact spirits and communicate with them is a big part of the practice. Also known as Loa, the spirits are asked by practitioners for things like good luck, for love or for success in their goals. There are also different kinds of Loa.

It was once a method for slaves to stay strong

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As we mentioned a few points back, voodoo was around during the time of slavery - and actually, with voodoo as their religion, they used it as a way to get through their horrific ordeal. Most African slaves would be forced to turn to Christianity even though they still wanted to worship their own gods, so they would practice their own rituals to strengthen that hope and sense of community.

It has many different names

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Voodoo is the most common name for this religion of all, it's something we've all heard and the word often spikes fear in most people! But there are actually many different words for voodoo. It can be spelt in a different way as voudou; it's also known as vodun, or vaudou in French. Depending on how far back written texts go, it may also be spelt as 'vaudoux'.

There aren't any official guides on how to practice voodoo

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Most religions will have an official text or set of rules to follow based on this belief system, but the same doesn't apply for voodoo. There's no 'official' way to practice it, or any official guide, as a big part of its system is to have practices passed down through generations, or through word of mouth within the community and beyond. This can also by why some people worry about strange voodoo practices that have no 'official' rules.

Its followers believe in two worlds existing around us

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The popular idea of this concept is that of heaven and earth, but with voodoo, it's a little more simple than the different ideas of the afterlife. Voodoo simply believes in two worlds: the one of the living, and the one of the spirits. Voodoo practitioners believe in the world you can see, and the invisible world where the spirits can be found - and these spirits are those of the dead.

There are actually three different types of voodoo

image source: neworleans.com
While 'voodoo' is just one word that most people understand, it isn't as simple as there only being one kind of voodoo. There are actually three main types to know about: Haitian vodou, Louisiana Voodoo and West African vodun, and all three have a focus on the region they hail from. Haitian has had a lot of influence from other religions, whereas West African voodoo is more closed off in its rituals, which haven't really changed over history.

There is actually one supreme voodoo god

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While voodoo puts a huge focus on the importance of spirits all round, that doesn't mean they don't also have one main god - and that god is known as Bondye, who is considered the 'supreme creator'. Followers of voodoo will believe in one god: this god! It's believed that he's responsible for both spirit activity and human activity, therefore being the bridge.

Spirits won't be happy to do your bidding

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Just because there is a huge focus on spirits and in rituals that ask the spirits for help, that doesn't mean they're there to do your bidding and to take orders from you. In this religion it's believed the spirits are the ones in charge, not the living. A lot of people mistakenly believe living voodoo practitioners use spirits as puppets, but it's not the case.

And the spirits are very much connected to nature

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Voodoo puts such a huge focus on respecting nature, and that's why there's also a huge belief that spirits manifest through nature itself, and have a huge connection with nature. It's believed spirits are there in trees, in water like rivers and streams, and in huge natural structures like mountains or hills. Their power is believed to be so big that they not only connect with the living but also natural forces like the weather.

Voodoo followers can clash with Catholics

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The practice of voodoo has a lot of similarities with Catholicism because of its believe in spirits, and because of this, the relationship between voodoo and Catholics in history has been hit and miss. There was a time when one Catholic pope praised voodoo for its belief in spirits and their worship of one god. But another Catholic pope dismissed voodoo as 'evil' and occult.

Animal sacrifice isn't about 'gore'

image source: thedenverpost.com
With all the worry about how 'evil' voodoo is, most people think of the animal sacrifice side of things as a focus on gore, blood, violence or causing pain. The ritual of animal sacrifice is part of the religion not because of a focus on death or bloodshed (like it's portrayed in media) but more because of transferring life to the spirit world, in a way to 'feed' them from this life energy.

There's a moral code to stick by within voodoo

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There is actually a code to stick to within voodoo, even though there is no official text to follow and everything is passed down through word of mouth. One long-standing accepted 'code' is never to harm others. The moral code goes for wanting to cause harm to living people in any way, including human sacrifice compared to animal sacrifice. This is something that is accepted never to do.

Voodoo dolls weren't always a 'canon' thing

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One of the biggest spooky things associated with voodoo is of course the voodoo doll. Even just through the name of it it's easy to think this a 100% accepted part of the voodoo religion, and that practitioners would make these dolls. But the dolls didn't actually exist at the time the religion first started out, and the dolls are an often misunderstood part of the religion. A doll is supposed to represent and honor a person if they are made.

Was the most famous voodoo practitioner actually evil?

image source: nola.com
Marie Laveau, the 'voodoo queen', was one of the most famous practitioners of the voodoo religion. She has a hugely negative reputation, which in most part comes from the idea of voodoo being evil - therefore she must have been the most evil of all, right? Actually, she's misunderstood, too, and she used her powers to try and help people with healing and advice.

There is A LOT of training involved for priests & priestesses

image source: atlasobscura.com
Known as hougan (priest) and mambo (priestess), you actually need extensive training to hold these important titles within this religion! The tradition of being a priest or priestess is often passed down through the family, but that doesn't mean everyone can automatically become a priest/priestess without any training. They have to have a lot of course training and might even have to shadow existing clergy members.

What you need to know about voodoo zombies...

image source: ranker.com
Another part of the religion of voodoo that many people are fearful of is the idea of voodoo zombies. But tales of voodoo zombies have been blown out of proportion, just like 'evil' voodoo dolls. These zombies are only found in much more 'secret' organizations of voodoo, and they have no interest in doing anything shown on The Walking Dead - that's because 'zombies' are what voodoo people refer to as human beings without a soul - just a body without feelings.

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