A Shocking Discovery
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One delivery driver stumbled upon a customer's home filled with stacks of empty pizza boxes. I mean, we all love pizza (we cannot fathom someone doesn't like it), but this is a bit too much. It seems this customer's passion had reached an alarming level, bordering on obsession.
Praying for a Daring Escape
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One driver recalls a heart-pounding moment when they narrowly avoided a confrontation with an aggressive dog while attempting to deliver a pizza. With quick reflexes and a stroke of luck, they managed to escape unscathed but had PTSD afterward for a while.
A Mystery Order for an Undisclosed Location
Image Source: Manhattan Times
Delivering to an undisclosed location, a driver was met with a mysterious man dressed in a trench coat. Without uttering a single word, the enigmatic figure swiftly took the pizza and disappeared into the night, leaving the driver bewildered and curious.
A GPS Disaster
Image Source: BBC
Due to a faulty GPS, a driver once found themselves at the wrong address, causing confusion and frustration for the customer, the person whose house they ended up at, and themselves. Learning from this mishap, double-checking addresses became a top priority for this driver to avoid future mix-ups.
Generous Tippers Happen
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Amidst tales of challenging customers, some brighten a driver's day. In one remarkable instance, a generous customer left a tip equivalent to an entire month's worth of earnings on a particularly tough night. It was a true act of kindness that restored this driver's faith in humanity.
Late-Night Pranksters
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Unfortunately, not all pizza orders come from well-intentioned customers. Drivers often encountered mischievous pranksters who would order pizzas to unsuspecting individuals or random addresses, leaving the driver caught in the middle of a practical joke gone awry.
A Sticky Situation
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While delivering pizzas, a driver once stepped into a home where the floors were coated in an inexplicably sticky substance, turning every step into a challenge. With relief, they managed to leave the premises with their shoes intact, though slightly bewildered.
The Late-Night Haunt
Image Source: Daily Mail
In the darkest hours, a driver was dispatched to a supposedly abandoned house that exuded an eerie aura. The unsettling sounds and creepy vibes made for an unforgettable experience, urging them to swiftly drop off the pizza and make a hasty retreat. Good instincts.
Domino's Every Day for the Last Five Years
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A customer made a jaw-dropping confession of ordering Domino's pizza religiously every single day for the past five years. The driver couldn't help but be amazed at their unwavering dedication to the renowned pizza chain. Or their pizza. (Which is a more logical conclusion if we consider they are actually eating it.)
Delivering for a Party
Image Source: FaithHub
Arriving at what seemed like an ordinary house, a driver was greeted by a full-blown party in full swing. Amidst the chaos, the customer apologized for the ruckus and offered the driver a slice of pizza as a token of appreciation. The driver was not sure how everyone will seize their hunger with just two boxes of pizza.
An Overly Chatty Customer
Image Source: Ruin My Week
A well-meaning customer once engaged the driver in a lengthy conversation, oblivious to the mounting pile of pending deliveries. Patience became the key as the driver listened attentively to their life struggles, which he then said seemed kinda exaggerated or even untrue.
A Hidden Tip
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Among the countless deliveries, a driver stumbled upon a hidden envelope containing a substantial tip. It was an unexpected and heartwarming surprise, serving as a reminder that acts of kindness can emerge from the most unexpected places. That driver ended up buying a shirt they desperately needed for an upcoming wedding.
Unexpected Animal Encounter
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While in the pursuit of delivering a pizza, a driver encountered a mischievous cat that unexpectedly jumped into their car, refusing to leave. After a brief yet entertaining interlude, the feline finally hopped out, leaving the driver both puzzled and amused.
Notorious Pranksters Are Not Few
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One customer had gained quite a reputation for pranking every delivery driver that arrived at their doorstep. From harmless jokes to elaborate setups, they certainly knew how to keep things interesting and add a touch of amusement to their pizza orders. Or annoyance.
Encountering a Pizza Expert
Image Source: Digital Trends
A self-proclaimed pizza aficionado once took it upon themselves to educate a driver about the art of pizza making. From critiquing the texture, sauce, and toppings of their delivery, it was a surprising encounter that left the man questioning their own knowledge of pizza craftsmanship.
Deciphering a Mysterious Note
Image Source: Bored Panda
In an intriguing twist, a driver received a cryptic note along with their delivery instructions, urging them to "look out for the hidden message." To this day, the nature and purpose of the message remain a mystery, but this particular occurrence left an impression on the OP.
Meeting a Pizza Art Collector
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A customer unveiled their peculiar hobby of collecting pizza boxes from various restaurants, proudly displaying their vast collection near the front door. We can marvel at the dedication shown toward such an unusual and captivating form of art, or we can consider this whole ordeal a bit weird.
Unconventional Payment
Image Source: NBC News
In a moment of resourcefulness, another customer, short on cash, offered an unconventional form of payment — a painting they had created. Recognizing the value in supporting local artists and their creativity, the driver gladly accepted the unique trade. Or maybe that's what you wanted to happen. Neh. They called the police.
Domino's Fan Clubs
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A group of friends confessed to holding a weekly Domino's pizza-tasting session, where they meticulously rated and reviewed each pizza. The driver felt really amused by their passion and commitment to the pursuit of pizza perfection. Not really; he just found it hilarious.
A Late-Night Serenade for the Driver
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On a particularly memorable night, a customer surprised the driver with an impromptu serenade as they handed over the pizza. The unexpected gesture brought a smile to the driver's face, leaving them touched by the customer's kindness. The driver was going through some stuff at the moment, so this action helped them keep going, they said.
The Pizza Garden
Image Source: Reddit
Once, a customer unveiled their unique gardening technique: They used discarded pizza boxes as a foundation for growing plants. It was an innovative and eco-friendly way to repurpose the boxes, the driver said, and they later tested the method and started to recommend it.
Landed Right in the Middle of a Family Feud
Image Source: Bloomberg
Unbeknownst to the delivery driver, they once inadvertently delivered a pizza to a house embroiled in a heated family argument. Recognizing the tense atmosphere, the driver quickly retreated, realizing it was a situation best left untouched. Not that they had to intervene, but they noticed a gun in the room, so they tried to leave as soon as they possibly could.
A Pizza Wedding Proposal
Image Source: Manchester Evening News
Bearing witness to a marriage proposal during a delivery was an extraordinary experience for this driver. Apparently, the customer had orchestrated a surprise engagement, and the driver was amused to be part of such a special and joyous moment. The man even asked the driver to snap a picture of them.
Pizza-Sized Secret Sweets Stash
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One time, a customer confessed to the driver that they always hide their secret stash of chocolates in empty pizza boxes to keep them safe from prying eyes. It was an unconventional yet effective hiding spot that left the driver amused and appreciative of their ingenuity if you ask us.
The Pizza Fortune Teller
Image Source: Travel - Nine
This customer insisted on reading the driver's palm before accepting the pizza. The driver obliged, mainly because the woman was really insistent, but he was also intrigued by the unconventional encounter that unfolded before him. As it turned out, he was extremely lucky in life.
An Unexpected Celebrity Encounter
Image Source: The Takeout
By a stroke of chance, this driver delivered a pizza to a well-known celebrity, who, much to the driver's surprise, was humble and appreciative. The star also gave them a good tip. It was an unforgettable encounter that left the driver starstruck and filled with a renewed sense of admiration.
Meeting a Pizza Archaeologist
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A customer revealed their peculiar hobby of collecting leftover crusts, dating them, and storing them in a sealed container. This driver couldn't help but marvel at their dedication to preserving pizza history, even in its most humble form.
One Customer Gave Some Bizzare Order Instructions
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One driver encountered a customer who left cryptic instructions for their pizza order. The note asked the driver to place the pizza on the doorstep and perform a secret dance before leaving. Kidding. They actually asked the driver not to scare the spider they'll find on the door. The spider's name was Frank.
The Pizza Trademark
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A regular customer once revealed their unique way of remembering their favorite pizza combinations. Instead of using traditional names, they assigned trademarked terms to each variation, making each order a creative experience for both the driver and the customer.
Delivery Rivalry
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One driver found themselves in a friendly competition with a neighboring pizzeria's delivery driver. Both drivers aimed to complete their deliveries faster and with more precision, occasionally crossing paths and engaging in playful banter. They ended up at the same house.