Signs Of An Arrogant Work Colleague

By David S 10 months ago

1. Always seem to be trying to one-up others

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They can be attempting to demonstrate their value all the time by showing how superior they are to everyone else in the office. This is often a sign that your coworker feels threatened by you and needs to mock you in order to feel better about themselves.

2. Sabotage work or projects

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This can take many different forms, such as making sarcastic comments or undermining work or initiatives. They may try to convince others to oppose you by sharing false information so your colleagues or boss may form a negative opinion about the projects you work on.

3. Change in facial expression

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Such coworkers might not be very excited to chat with or about you. When you are around, they can try to act very seriously and not even grin or laugh at jokes in the office where everyone else is fully engaged. Their facial expressions will also change when you enter the room!

4. Spreading rumors

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Jealousy is the main cause of workplace arrogance which is very childish and unprofessional. It's often known for these types of co-workers to spread false rumors about you and others in the office to attempt to shape other people's opinions of you and your work.

5. Avoid making eye contact

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Another sign of an arrogant work colleague is that it's challenging to stare someone in the eyes. The same thing occurs when a coworker harbors ill will towards you; instead of looking directly into your eyes, he or she chooses to look away or stare at the floor.

6. Spread Negative Comments

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Arrogance is typically the outcome of jealousy. A coworker who is jealous of you may criticize your projects and accomplishments at work. These negative comments may be made in groups or on social media. They may even make false complaints to your superior.

7. Don’t acknowledge others presence

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A colleague's arrogance towards you can be measured by whether they ignore your presence in the workplace. When someone deliberately avoids greeting you in the morning or saying goodbye when they leave is a sure sign that your co-worker has a problem.

8. Give off negative body language

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Negative body language is a simple sign to measure if you have an arrogant work colleague. This could be a slight roll of the eyes or not responding to your conversations. Sitting in a closed manner while group conversations are going on is another indication of arrogance.

9. Hits others

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Another suggestion that you have an arrogant work colleague is if you notice that your coworkers hit you repeatedly whenever they pass by, even though they may be doing so unintentionally, it may be a sign that they are bothered by your presence in the office.

10. Constantly disagreeing

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If you find that every aspect of your conversation is being contested and that your thoughts are always being talked down by a particular colleague, this suggests that they have an arrogance problem. Any ideas you put forward can also be rubbished on a daily basis.

11. Never inviting others to social events

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A colleague may be arrogant towards you by not inviting you to social events outside of work hours. If you notice a pattern of this happening whilst other colleagues are continuously invited to these events, this is an indication of the arrogance this person holds for you.

12. Communicate in short

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It's simple to identify an arrogance problem when a coworker when they start to be more abrupt with you than is required. When you receive short responses to your open-ended queries, you wouldn't be wrong to assume that the individual is avoiding continuing the conversation.

13. Prefer communicating via emails mostly

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Even though you are seated close by, if your work colleague prefers email or instant messaging, it is a hint of their arrogance towards you. When we don't like someone, we make an effort to minimize face-to-face interactions and use faceless communications.

14. Don’t include others in their office senses of humor

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An arrogant work colleague will always try and shut you out of any office humor or banter. Any conversations or jokes will end as soon as you or others enter the room. You will also not be included in any inside jokes and will be frozen out from any office antics.

15. Less personal talks

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If a colleague has more in-depth relationships with other coworkers but not you shows an indication of their arrogance towards you. They may talk about personal things like family vacations, kids, and hobbies with others but avoid personal conversation with you

16. Assume/exercise unauthorized power

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A key indicator of arrogance is exercising unauthorized power. Despite the fact that they are not your boss, they would try to use unapproved power to give you orders and intrusively interfere with your work in an effort to hinder it or put you in awkward positions.

17.  Steal credit for others ideas

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When you have an arrogant co-worker, a sure sign of this is when they pass off your work as their own. This can be in the form of a report, or even a simple idea. This colleague will also reap any reward from this work and will refuse to give you any credit.

18. Diminishes success

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When you succeed at work, you may find that you are sometimes not properly acknowledged or applauded. If this happens on several occasions this may give you the impression that some of your coworkers are not happy for you. You can assume from this you have arrogant colleagues.

19. Doesn't handle compliments well

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Another sign of arrogance is a co-worker may find it difficult to listen to you being given compliments. They may move away or get overly preoccupied with their work as an indication of their dislike for you and would rather find something to do, so they can avoid hearing you being praised.

20. Tell other people they hate you

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Some work colleagues will go to extraordinary lengths to show their arrogance and hate for you in the office. They will complain about you and your presence to your fellow co-workers and even spread lies to try and harm your reputation in the workplace.

21. You can smell a stealth campaign against you

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A stealth campaign from a colleague can be a sign of arrogance. This campaign typically occurs when a new employee inquires about what it's like to work with you. Raised eyebrows and negative language in response might all be indicators that they don't like working with you.

22. You find hard to crack deals

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If you find it harder than others to secure deals or even land an appointment with your boss, this could show that have arrogant work colleagues. This can also be a factor if you find that you always struggle to get leave approved in a timely fashion.

23. Insult openly

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You'll be more aware of how arrogant some of your coworkers are if you have to deal with blatant insults when in the office. You will know that there is a bad feeling working among your colleagues when you experience this behavior without any consequences.

24. Fundamental lack of trust

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When your coworkers show a lack of trust in you, this also reflects their arrogance. This can happen if in the beginning you're included in a project but are then removed without explanation, or if you're never involved in any key meetings or decisions.

25. Never celebrate successes

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There could be a number of reasons why other team members never offer you praise or show their appreciation for your efforts. One of them is that they are envious of your success and they are too arrogant to be happy for you and to offer their congratulations.

26. Avoids working with others

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A crucial component of many careers is teamwork. If you observe that your coworker appears dissatisfied whenever your manager requests that you work together on projects, this could be a sign of arrogance. They will think they are better than others and try to work alone.

27.  Looking to undermine

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If you have an arrogant work colleague, they may try and look to undermine you at every opportunity. This can be done by speaking out at meetings while you're still learning new skills or revealing mistakes you've made in public. Has this ever happened to you?

28. Always seem to be competitive with others

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Whilst at work do you also feel that there is one colleague who is always super competitive? If so, this could be a sign of arrogance. If they feel threatened by how you're performing in the office, then they will always attempt to outperform you, so you don't take their limelight.

29. Constantly interrupt others in meetings

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It could be simple to assume that someone who frequently cuts you off doesn't agree with what you're saying. The truth is that most people who interrupt other people are merely seeking approval and attention. This arrogance can also be a sign of insecurity in a colleague.

30. Your sixth sense

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If you have a gut feeling that you're working with an arrogant colleague, then the chances are that you're probably correct. You will be spending most of the working week with this person, so don't ignore this sixth sense and try and avoid this person in the office.

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