1. He frequently bail on plans

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If a guy you’re seeing is a regular at bailing on plans, he’s probably not the one for you. This is a tell-tale sign that he’s not prioritizing you, so it’s likely that he’ll end up ghosting you further down the line. Cut your losses and move on – he really isn’t worth it!
2. He doesn't like sharing personal information with you

(Image/ Source: alexmakesmonsters)
Ghosting can sometimes be a gradual process. The other person might start with a 'soft ghosting,' where they slowly reduce their contact with you over time. One warning sign of this is inability to share personal information with you; this shows they aren’t willing to open up to someone and make a connection.
3. He struggles to make commitments

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If the person you’re dating isn’t all that great at making commitments, it might be best to break things off sooner rather than later. People who are flaky about making commitments aren’t exactly the most reliable people in the world, and you could end up getting hurt further down the line.
4. He isn't interested in meeting your friends

(Image/ Source: dailyrecord.co.uk)
Have you asked the guy you’re seeing to meet your friends? If you did and he seems less than enthusiastic, it’s likely that you’re going to get played. When dating looks like it could turn into a solid relationship, you’ll both be eager to meet each other’s friends. If he’s already looking for the exit at this point, it’s likely that he’ll end up ghosting you.
5. And he DEFINITELY doesn't want to meet you family

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If he’s not keen to meet your friends, he definitely won’t be down for meeting your family. Family meetings are a major milestone in a relationship, and this can be scary for even the most committed new couples. Guys who are serial ghosters just aren’t interested in this.
6. He doesn't always answer your texts or calls

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Even solid couples will have times when they can’t get back to their partner – and that’s completely ok. But if you’re casually seeing a guy and they avoid returning your calls and texts for days on end with no explanation whatsoever, you might want to think about whether this is a situation you want.
7. Your conversations lack depth

(Image/ Source: polygon)
Are you having nothing but surface-level conversations with the guy you’re seeing? While we can sometimes feel a little shy when we first start talking to someone, it’s natural to start sharing your values and ambitions as you get closer. If this isn’t happening and you’re just talking about movies or going clubbing, he might not be the one for you.
8. He disappears from social media

(Image/ Source: alphr.com)
Serial ghosters are masters of their craft. They can disappear without a trace – including on social media. One minute you might be able to scroll through your crush’s Instagram, and it might be gone or set to private the next. This is a major red flag, and will probably count as an unofficial ghosting.
9. He makes no effort with your dates

(Image/ Source: ranker.com)
So you’ve managed to make plans for Friday night. How about a romantic meal at a restaurant, or a cute dinner date at home? While that might be something on your mind, it might not be something he's even considered! He could prefer to take you to Burger King, or drive you around in his car for two hours before he drops you off home.
10. He goes silent when you mention the future

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
When we mean the future, we don't mean years from now. We’re talking about this weekend! If he keeps blowing you off and tells you he’s not sure what his plans are yet, it’s pretty clear that those plans won’t be including you. This a great test to detect a potential ghoster; if he’s silent and doesn’t respond to the plans you've suggested, prepare for him to vanish asap.
11. One-word texts

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We've all been there with this one. One-word texts are never a good sign - especially if they're in response to a much longer, nicer message you sent to him. If you start getting one-word texts without any questions or pleasantries in return, strap yourself in, as you may be heading for a ghosting.
12. He uses generic, non-committal language

(Image/ Source: businessinsider.com)
If he comes out with something like, "I'm looking for a relationship, but I'm not in a massive rush," or something similar, be sure to tread carefully from that point. This kind of non-committal talk is a classic red flag, as he might not really make much effort with you and lose interest. You've been warned!
13. He compliments your looks a little too much

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Guys only want one thing, right? If it seems like he’s giving you a few too many compliments on your looks (and this is when he’s at his most engaged) then he might just be after a one-night stand. If you want a proper relationship and this is all you’re getting, ditch him and move on asap.
14. He uses every excuse in the book

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Men who are mentally checking out just can't tell the truth. Instead of being honest and saying: “I'm just not that into you,” they'll probably give you the classic excuses they think sound really convincing, like “Work is so busy now”. Be sure to keep an eye out for lame excuses like this, as they’ll be a sign of more to come.
15. He won't talk about past relationships

(Image/ Source: healthline.com)
We’re not saying you both need to share all the tiny details of your past relationships straight away, but it’s natural to open up about this over time. However, if he treats his entire romantic past like some sort of secret former life, that's a serious warning sign. If a person ignores the past, it indicates what’s known as ' the emotional cutoff,' in psychology circles, which is the ability to completely sever relationships.
16. He starts getting physically distant

(Image/ Source: aconsciousrethink.com)
When you actually manage to meet up in real life, he might seem physically distant on top of everything else. If that’s the case, it’s clear he’s losing interest in you fast. Don’t wait for him to ghost you – nip the situation in the bud and move on. Always better to jump before you’re pushed!
17. He's a narcissist

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
The word ‘narcissist’ is thrown around a lot these days, but those who really do have the condition will only be in relationships for what they can get out of them. Which means they’ll be disposing of you as soon as you’re surplus to requirements. If you suspect the man you’re dating is a narcissist, it’s best to get rid asap.
18. He sends you mixed messages

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
He might say he’s crazy about you, but his actions and behavior seriously undermine this. Sometimes what people say and what they really mean don't actually line up, which shows that he lacks the capacity to value you as a person. So if you’re getting a lot of mixed messages right now, your chances of being ghosted are pretty high.
19. You've got a weird feeling about him

(Image/ Source: latimes.com)
Sometimes your gut just knows that something is off. You might be getting weird vibes from him, or know deep down that he’s just a player that’s going to move on when he gets another offer. While a lot of us end up in the ‘I can change him’ mentality, this rarely happens in reality. It’s better to cut your losses.
20. He's keeping you a secret
(Image/ Source: bustle.com)
Is your man keeping you a secret? Well, we’ll level with you - this really isn’t a good sign. If he hasn’t introduced you to his friends or family and wants to keep you on the down low, it’s clear he doesn’t value you, and won’t feel bad about dropping you at a moment’s notice.
21. He's always on his phone, but not to you
Image/ Source:wfpg.com)An early warning sign of a classic ghost is when your man is ALWAYS on his phone, yet when you're not actually with him, you're lucky to get a text response or phone call. If you’re not a priority to him, then don’t waste your own time. You'll just end up getting hurt in the long run.
22. He's ghosted people before

(Image/ Source: the mirror)
This might be an obvious one, but all too often, people go back to those who have ghosted them. If you decided to see someone again who has ghosted you in the past, you really need to get acquainted with idea that it's probably gonig to happen again. This is especially true if the last time he ghosted you, he never really took accountability for it.
23. He's more concerned about sex than anything else

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
You might have had some great dates at first, but now, all you do is have sex. He only tends gets in touch with you when he’s interested in sex, and wants to come over during the night to 'hang out'. At this point, it’s pretty clear there's no emotional connection for him. And this means it's much easier for him to justify ghosting you.
24. You always start the conversation

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Are you always the person that initiates your conversations? Does it all feel a bit one-sided? If so, you might need to brace yourself for a ghosting. If he can’t be bothered to show genuine interest in you and start a proper conversation, it’s clear that he’s not really that into you. Nip things in the bud and tell him it’s best you go your separate ways.
25. You've been ghosted before

(Image/ Source: evoke.ie)
This is probably a bitter pill to swallow, but if you keep getting ghosted all the time, it might be because you keep going for the wrong guys. If you happen to have an anxious attachment style, you'll tend to go for types of guys that you’re already familiar with, so you could be making the same mistakes over and over again without realising.
26. The cuteness has faded

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Things used to be cute between you. Lots of flirting, lots of conversation, and a whole lot of fun. But nowadays, things are flat, and talking and spending time together feels like a lot of effort. This can happen when a guy loses interest, which means it’s likely that he’ll drop you in the not-too-distant future.
27. It started off being a bit too good to be true

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
You know what they say; when something seems too good to be true, it’s because it usually is. If you thought everything was perfect from the get-go (like when he was agreeing with everything you said) it was probably because he was trying to impress you/sleep with you…
28. He leaves you on read

(Image/ Source: dictionary.com)
The classic ‘I’m disinterested but I won’t tell you that’ move. Leaving you on read is a surefire sign that you’re about to get shunned, as it’s super clear that he has no desire whatsoever to talk to you. It’s part of the gradual ghosting we discussed earlier, so be sure to look after yourself and move on. You deserve to be treated better than that.
29. He gets defensive

(Image/ Source: nzherald.com)
If the guy you’re seeing gets defensive when you call him out on his gradual ghosting, then that’s the final warning. Because if really wanted to make time for you and treat you with respect, he would. It’s much better to remove yourself from a situation like this, as it will do damage to you in the long run.
30. You make excuses for him

(Image/ Source: azquotes.com)
Just like Oprah says; don’t be making excuses for a man’s behavior. It won’t do you any favors. We get why people DO try and make excuses for their man, and that’s because they’re holding on to a tiny bit of hope that everything will work out. But facing up to reality is better than holding out for someone who doesn’t feel the same way you do.
31. You're always the one to message first
image source: reddit.com
This could be a key warning sign, especially if at the beginning of everything you were always having huge conversations which he would willingly start with you, too. Now, it feels like you're only talking if you text first, and you've started to wonder what would happen if you stopped bothering first. Would you get a message from him? Probably not. And that's where the ghosting starts. And even now, when you do message him first and he does reply, it's likely that you're getting not much back or an easy way to keep the conversation flowing.
32. Conversations get left hanging
image source: reddit.com
A huge warning sign that ghosting is imminent is also when full conversations don't get a 'wrap up' or closure. This can often happen when so much time has passed between the replies. Even if the guy is giving you LOADS of effort and excitement in the reply, when so much time passes, it's likely what you were talking about isn't relevant anymore, or you needed to ask something which now has passed and you didn't get a reply about it. This can often be a set up to ghosting because when enough time has passed, your last message will be nothing he can reply to because it's all 'old news' and he'll have nothing to say.
33. You get the 'too good to be true' vibe
image source: reddit.com
This is one of the worst feelings because it can easily happen to people with a lot of anxiety and self-doubt too, to the point they may unintentionally sabotage something that's actually good just because they're worried about it ending anyway. But actually if you're getting the vibe it's way too good to be true, your intuition may have a point. It's a really sad state of affairs that we actually have to question when things seem too perfect or too good, but unfortunately when it comes to dating, it's likely that if it was too amazing at first, it isn't going to last.
34. You told him you don't get physical too quickly

image source: reddit.com
People who are in it for the long run won't mind about waiting to get more intimate or physical, or taking it to the next level. It can be about that emotional connection and trust building first. So if you told him straight off the bat you're someone who likes to go on X amount of dates before you kiss, sleep together etc., this can be a very common reason that person gets ghosted. Because he was only after you for a fling or sex, meaning the minute you tell him you like to take things slowly, he's going to back off and not think you're worth messaging.
35. Plans either don't get made, or get cancelled
image source: reddit.com
Ghosting can happen at any stage of a relationship, that's what's so horrible about it. Sure, it's bad to be ghosted after a couple of dates, but some people actually get ghosted by people they've been dating for years - or even their husbands or fiancés! But ghosting is more common in the early stages of dating, and one big indicator that it's probably going to fizzle out into a ghosting situation is if you really struggle to make plans - like squeezing blood from a stone - and then if you do make them and he accepts 'eagerly' you get the inevitable 'oh no wait I have to cancel'. This is just a precurser to ghosting a lot of the time.
36. You're not friends on social media
image source: reddit.com
Some ghosters go the whole hog and delete their entire social media, but another red flag can be if they're a very active social media person and they never accepted your friend request, even if you're still dating. This just shows where their mind is it. The reason they don't want to accept the request is because they already have it in their mind that they might ghost you and that's a heck of a lot easier if you can't see what they're doing on social media, or if they don't have social media as a way that you can contact them or message when they inevitably start to drift away.
37. You actually see him typing a response... then nothing
image source: reddit.com
If you're someone who sends a message and then waits for a response staring at the screen, you'll have seen those three dots that pop up in a bubble when the person is typing a reply. If you've sent a message and you see the ellipses pop up, and then it goes away and you don't actually get a reply at all, this is a warning flag of ghosting. That's because the person is obviously struggling to want to talk to you. They might have even been typing 'Look I'm sorry it's not going to work out' then deleted it, retyped something else, panicked, deleted it... and then decided it's easier just to not reply at all.
38. You definitely don't want to admit it to the people you're closest to
image source: reddit.com
When you're being ghosted, or when you think it's going to happen, you're often left feeling like a fool, or even feeling stupid that you gushed happily about this person to your friends and family. If you're getting a sinking feeling in the pit of your stomach when they ask about him, if you're avoiding spending time with them in case they ask, or if you're even getting defensive if they ask too many questions, it's all just a sign of what you know deep down - that he's going to stop replying to you, and you're going to have to explain that to your loved ones.
39. You question yourself, him, everything
image source: reddit.com
Being ghosted leaves you in a constant state of confusion, questioning everything you'd said, done, everything they've said, everything you thought was true... if you're getting this overwhelming feeling of need to question everything, or needing better answers, then it can be a lead up to being ghosted, or the beginning of the experience! When you're ghosted, you're never having straight facts thrown at you about what's happening, it's just an empty void of questions. This is bound to get worse and worse the longer they don't reply.
40. You have that sense of limbo
image source: reddit.com
This will inevitably lead to that sense of limbo, that you're stuck in uncertainty and you can't move forward, back or in any direction really. You're just sort of stood still wondering where it went wrong, and what's happening. The worst thing about this bit is that you don't know what to do - because you still wonder whether you've misunderstood, whether they're still going to reply soon, whether you should message again - or even whether you should move on. But then with the latter, you think 'But what if I move on but then they still want to be with me?'
41. Why do people ghost? They just don't care about you
image source: pedestrian.tv
As mentioned, being ghosted will leave you with a lot of questions. And seeing as the ghoster themselves probably isn't going to answer them for you, we'll try to help! So why do people ghost, really? One of the most obvious reasons is that they just don't care about you - they're not into you, maybe never were, or just decided that it wasn't working out. If you're only in the early stages of dating, they might feel like they don't know you well enough to think too deeply about your feelings so it's easier just to stop messaging and leave it at that.
42. They left it too long
image source: reddit.com
It's a sad case that sometimes, it's just been left so long between replies that the desire to reply just isn't there anymore. They might have genuinely intended to reply in the first place, but life got in the way and suddenly they realize three months have passed! They may then read the message back and thing 'but it's been 3 months now, what's the point' or just feel like if they've gone 3 months without speaking to you, they must not have been thinking about you. By this point it's really difficult to pick that conversation back up again out of nowhere, so some people might think it's easier just to let it go.
43. They don't think it's going to work, so what's the point
image source: reddit.com
They may have already decided based on your initial interactions or messages already that it's just not going to work out. They've already decided that, so in their mind, there's no incentive for them to reply you and keep the conversation going. They want to use their time wisely - in their mind - so why spend time investing in a message to someone they know isn't going to be in their future? That decision that it isn't going to work can be a lightbulb moment for some people so it's that simple for them to just delete the message and move on.
44. Technology has made it SO easy
image source: reddit.com
We do have technology to thank for making ghosting so easy. Yes, technology has made it so much easier to date and connect with people, but unfortunately it also comes with all the downsides of that! Technology has made ghosting a far too easy option for people because it's a case of hiding behind a screen and not having to face up to anything. Not actually having to meet up with your face to face to break it off or say what they need to say. All the 'delete', 'block' or 'turn notification' buttons are there to be used at the press of a button. Not only that, it's even easier this way for people in long distance because you're really out of sight out of mind, with that phone being the only connection.
45. They're a coward, unfortunately
image source: reddit.com
One of the biggest reasons someone can ghost is simply because they're a coward. And they'll probably know that themselves and won't try to deny it. 'Yep, I'm a coward because I'm ghosting instead of telling this person that I don't want to see them anymore, I'm aware that's a bad thing to do, but there we go.' It's just the easy way out. To actually tell someone you don't want to see them anymore takes courage, and the right thing isn't always the easy thing. But when it comes to messages and cowards, ghosting is the easy thing.
46. They don't want to hurt you
image source: reddit.com
This may sound like a contradiction seeing as being ghosted can be one of the most hurtful things, but their intentions might actually be good, in a very messed up way. If they don't want to be with you anymore, they may still care about you and just feel so, so bad about telling you they don't like you, that they're not interested anymore or that you're not doing it for them. They don't want to hurt your feelings or make you feel bad about yourself, so they just avoid saying anything at all. It doesn't make sense, we know, but in their mind it does at the time!
47. Will he come back after ghosting? If he genuinely didn't mean to do it
image source: reddit.com
You might also be wondering if being ghosted is always a permanent thing, if there's absolutely no hope after a person does this to you. But there are some ways you might be able to tell he might come back to you after ghosting you for a bit... if you still want him around, that is. So the idea of someone ghosting by accident might sound stupid, but it's actually possible - the key thing here is that you're not a bad person if you actually *feel* bad. Only the worst people will take pleasure in ghosting. So this guy may simply have panicked and left it a day or two before replying. Only to then leave it a week... and then it got out of hand. He feels so bad about it and wants to explain, and one day he might.
48. He's still interacting in a very small way
image source: reddit.com
It might be that he ghosted you in a big way by completely ignoring messages or dropping off the face of the earth for a bit, but there is still a small connection or interaction there somewhere. This could be that he's liking your posts on social media, even though he's not replying your messages. Or he might leave random comments on things he knows you're going to see. It may be his way of making his way back to you or trying to drop hints because he might feel like he's not entitled to send a full message right now after the way he treated you.
49. Something happened that had nothing to do with you
image source: beyondwildplaces.com
Nobody can really know the real reason someone decided to ghost - it's understandable why a person always thinks it's their fault (he doesn't like me, I put him off, I came on too strong) but it's not always the case. The person could have had something really bad happen in their life out of nowhere - an emergency, a family event, something painful and tragic... anything they have to deal with that suddenly changed their circumstance. They might have not been in a good place to continue things with you because suddenly their priorities changed in drastic fashion. But eventually, they might come back to explain.
50. He was in a bad place - now he's not

image source: reddit.com
There's always that thing about meeting the right person at the wrong time. In a lot of ghosting cases, it might actually be that they had a huge issue with themselves or didn't know how to deal with their own feelings. Some guys might really struggle to express how they feel or how to get close to someone, so they tell themselves it's easier to ghost you than make you put up with their mess. Once they get back on track and sort themselves out, and feel more confident in relationships, they might contact you again to explain what happened.