Red Kidney Beans
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You would never have guessed that red kidney beans are dangerous especially as they're actually a very common ingredient in a number of foods across a number of cultures. You're probably most common with seeing them in popular dishes like a Chilli! However, when raw or undercooked they actually contain a toxin that when digested can cause severe nausea and headaches! Food organisations have even claimed that if you begin boiling the kidney beans but don't finish (it should take at least 10 minutes) they become even more dangerous than before!
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Most of us tend to steer clear of any form of raw eggs, I mean realistically who wants to chow down on an uncooked egg. You will have however seen that some gym-goers like to drink straight egg yolks which can actually be quite dangerous for humans. If you're digesting any raw eggs then you're running the risk of contracting a number of food-borne illnesses like salmonella which you can also get from raw meats. This can be particularly dangerous for people with a weaker immune system as it can then become life threatening.
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It's crazy to think that an ingredient we probably all use quite often can actually (potentially) be lethal to the human body. If you buy your honey from your local supermarket then you don't need to have any worries as its actually only raw or unpasteurized honey that can be lethal to humans. This is because before process of pasteurizing the honey it contains a specific toxin that has been known to cause issues like dizziness, weakness and severe vomiting. In some situations just a teaspoon of unpasteurized honey can kill!
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Cinnamon doesn't have a particular procedure to make it safer but you have to make sure that you don't overuse this specific spice. Just as you'll see with nutmeg later, specific spices can be dangerous if they are consumed in excess. Following the internet craze that began going around in the early 2010's it came out that swallowing too much cinnamon could actually severely damage the inside of your body, particularly the lungs. So maybe avoid taking part in any challenges and stick to putting it in your oatmeal.
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It turns out that a number of foods that haven't been pasteurized have can actually be extremely dangerous. In fact if you're reading this in the US and claim to be a fan of Camembert, you probably haven't actually eaten REAL camembert. This is because the US has banned all foods that are made from unpasteurized milk; they did this as all foods containing a 'raw' milk carry a number of harmful bacteria that actually spread a number of illnesses that can cause humans severe illness.
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Traditional potatoes are another vegetable where the leaves and sprouts can cause a toxin that can be harmful to humans. You've probably had some potatoes in your home that have sprouted and i'm sure many of us have chosen to still eat them despite this. However, this can actually be dangerous as if the sprouts have been left on the potato for a prolonged period of time then the toxins might now be inside the main part of the potato too. Fortunately, you'll have to have consumed a large amount of the toxin before it causes you too many problems.
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Cashews might be a part of your regular diet, they are a popular option for people who are dieting as a good snack thanks to them providing a small amount of protein and a lot of fibre! And if you, like most of us get your supply of cashews from the store then you don't need to worry at all. The problem with cashews comes when you try and eat them straight from where they grow! Raw cashews contain a toxin that has to be steamed out; in fact the toxin in cashews is similar to the one found in poison ivy!
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This is actually more about which kinds of mushroom you should be eating and which ones you shouldn't instead of making sure you prepare them properly. There are a wide range of mushrooms that you should avoid at all costs, and as a rule I would probably suggest you just don't consume any mushrooms that you come across whilst out on a walk. Probably the most dangerous and well known of the mushroom family is the Death Cap which is pictured above, I'm sure you can understand why its called that!
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Just like 'raw' cashews, almonds can also be extremely dangerous to the human body as a result of the toxins that can be found within them. Again, if you get your supply of this nut from your local store then you won't have any problems as they have to be treated before they're allowed to be sold! They are another food that actually contain cyanide! Who would've thought that this many of our favourite foods could actually that be dangerous for us. Fortunately though, you'd have to eat more than a bags worth of raw almonds for you to suffer any problems.
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Again this isn't particularly dangerous for people as a result of their preparation, but if you suffer with any problems in regards to your kidneys then you should avoid starfruit at all costs. The particular toxin within Star Fruits mostly target the kidneys and build up here but can actually end up causing severe damage to the body in places including the brain! You wouldn't think that fruits, which are supposed to be healthy, would be able to cause you issues like seizures and death!
All Meats
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I thought it would be best to group each of the popular meats together as they typically all offer the same risks as one another. Bacteria can be carried from the insides of the animal through to the meat so in most circumstances you have to cook the meat in order to remove any chance of foodborne illnesses. You're definitely aware already you shouldn't eat any raw meat as they can strongly contribute to salmonella and E.Coli infections! I'm sure you didn't have any plans to make raw meat for your food any time soon anyway!
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You've probably been told to avoid eating the pits of cherries since you were a kid! It's quite commonly known that can be harmful to the human body and its a story that seems to pass down from parent to child to parent to child. Strangely, instead of them actually containing a poison, the components of the pits are actually turned into cyanide when they interact with the human body. Fortunately, in order for them to harm you they have to have been crushed so if you accidentally swallow one you should be fine.
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Nutmeg has become synonymous with the idea of Christmas and the surrounding holidays, we often see it introduced to coffee menus at places like Starbucks and throughout the year people also like to add the spice to their porridge dishes. However, would you believe that nutmeg is actually a hallucinogen? Unbelievably, if you were to consume just 3 teaspoons of of ground nutmeg you might begin to start having convulsions and symptoms of paranoia! And whatever you do don't try treating your dog with a bit of nutmeg as it's toxic to them!
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Fish and other animals within the sea can contain a lot of bacteria, all of which can be extremely harmful. Unfortunately for Tuna fish, they actually absorb a heavy amount of mercury which can be particularly dangerous for the human body. Heavy mercury intake could lead to a number of problems like difficulty co-ordinating yourself and actually feeling depressed. Fortunately however, you'd have to eat a lot of tuna for the symptoms to become clearly visible so you should be fine! For the most part you'll be fine!
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You might not have eaten any of these products but you'll likely know that elderberries are a popular fruit for uses in a number of dishes including jams and pies. Similarly to the Ackee fruit, if they are ripened then you should have no issues when eating them, but, you MUST avoid eating any of the additional parts of an elderberry like the leaves or seeds! These parts of the elderberry are known to cause issues like nausea and diarrhea and in severe circumstances it can cause seizures and even death!!
Fugu (Or Pufferfish)
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This is probably one of the most widely publicised foods that can kill you and most of us will never have the opportunity to try it (not that I think I'd want to anyway!). There is a poison within the pufferfish that is deadly to humans, they actually believe that more than 30 times the amount needed to kill you live within them! Chefs have to go through years of training in order to even be allowed to serve this dish! Even after they take their training mistakes can still be made and people die every year!
Echizen Kurage
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In a similar fashion to pufferfish, Echizen Kurage, or Nomura's Jellyfish, are both dangerous when they're being caught and when they're being eaten! You'll have grown up being taught to steer clear of jellyfish as a result of their stings, so you probably wouldn't even think about eating them. And just like with pufferfish, chefs have to be professionally trained in order to learn how to prepare the jellyfish correctly without running the risk of anyone digesting any of the toxins. This thing looks terrifying so I imagine it would taste questionable too!
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Considering that Ackee is Jamaica's national fruit, you'd probably think that meant it would be safe to eat on the regular, obviously you'd be wrong though. There is an easy way however to tell when the fruit is able to be eaten; they have to be ripe to the full in order for them to be edible. This can be seen as they open themselves and you MUST only eat the cream coloured pulp, the rest of the fruit is toxic. I think I might stick to just eating the local cuisine like bananas and apples to keep me safe.
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Rhubarb is another item in this list that we also tend to find within pies and jams, although this is technically a vegetable and not a fruit. Again the fruit is typically fine to eat when ripe but you have to avoid digesting any of the leaves attached to the rhubarb. Fortunately, you would have to eat an unholy amount of the leaves in order for you to suffer the severe consequences like death! However, even small amounts can make you uncomfortable and the acid within the leaves is actually a cause of many people getting kidney stones.
Image Source: Culinary Schools
If you've never thought about trying shark meat, then maybe you should head out on a trip to Iceland. Be careful though because this food can be dangerous if not treated properly! Essentially the people of Iceland cure and hang the shark meat for up to 5 months, which might seem a long time, but its essential to remove the toxins from within the sharks meat! This is as a result of the sharks not actually having a urinary tract like humans so all the yucky stuff stays in and around the body! (It's also called Rotten Shark so erm.. maybe not).
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I think it's fair to say that the Eastern culture, in terms of food is a lot more experimental than us in the west like to try. You've probably seen a number of videos circulating where people try some crazy dishes! Sannakji is no different, as you would actually be eating the tentacles of a live baby octopus! Yep, that's right, they cut the tentacles off a live baby and serve them instantly; the reason this can be dangerous is that the suction on the tentacles can stick to your mouth and throat!
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Cassava is a popular ingredient found in the Caribbean and is often compared to a yam! Typically its used in juices cakes and it's also an ingredient in the popular bubble tea supplement tapioca. Like the Ackee and Elderberries the leaves are actually dangerous as they produce cyanide! You'll have heard of cyanide as a poison used in assassination attempts! There is a more bitter type of cassava that requires a lot more work than the traditional sweet version and in order to eat this safely you have to grate and cook them thoroughly.
Lima Beans
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It turns out that it isn't just red kidney beans that can be dangerous to the human body if they aren't prepared properly. The lima bean which is particularly popular over here in and around the US actually contains a toxin similar to that found in its bean neighbour the red kidneys. Again, in order to begin seeing the signs of being poisoned you would have to consume a lot of lima beans and this can be avoided as long as you make sure to cook and drain the liquid before you plate them!
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I don't recommend drinking absinthe as it is, from personal experience, it is absolutely vile! It can be a slightly cheaper, high alcohol content substitute for people and for that reason it gained its popularity. It was deemed so dangerous that for nearly 100 years it was banned here in the US until 2007! Thankfully for those of you who want to send yourselves to the drunken side, absinthe you find in stores now should be absolutely fine for you, just don't buy any dodgy ones. Stick to your wines or other spirits I reckon.
Alfalfa Sprouts
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Alfalfa sprouts have long been used as an ingredient to be added to things like sandwiches and other similar dishes thanks to their high concentration of nutrients and low number of calories. However, all raw sprouts can be extremely dangerous for a large percentage of the worlds population like children and pregnant woman! In fact they're actually known to be an ideal place for bacteria to grow and in recent decades a number of foodborne illnesses have arisen thanks to these sprouts. Maybe just lettuce for me.
Hot Dogs
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This seems like such a bizarre thing to feature on this list but this is actually the food that has been researched to be the most harmful to young children. As a parent you are always wary that what you cook your kids is going to be safe for them and many people don't realise that the simple hot dog can actually be dangerous. This isn't anything to do with the ingredients (although they aren't particularly healthy) but the fact they can slide down a child's throat and choke them. Cut it up for them to be safe!
Source: Reddit
You'd think that if something was eaten annually during a festival that it would be safe for all the residents to consume. But at the Shem el-Nessim festival in Egypt a load of people are sent to the hospital after eating what is known as feseekh. This Egyptian delicacy is essentially a fish that gets fermented for over a year in salt before it's consumed. The issue however, is that if not prepared properly, it can lead to paralysis in the face that can then stretch down the body, specifically your lungs which can cause death!
Tomato Leaves
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Fortunately not many of us have ever tried to incorporate the leaves of a tomato in to our meals, and there's probably a reason that this is the case. Although the fruit is incredibly popular in dishes that require a sauce, in salads or even as a condiment we tend to avoid the leaves. It turns out that the leaves of a tomato actually contain some toxins that can cause a number of problems to the human body like cramping and anxiety. So maybe you might want to stick to avoiding the use of tomato leaves for the forseeable.
Casu Marzu
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If you're the sort of person that's easily disgusted then you might want to avoid reading this one, and to be fair you probably won't ever want to even see this dish, never mind consider having it for your next meal. This is actually a Sardinian delicacy, but one that is actually banned over here in the US as a result of the hygienic issues that come with the dish. What could be wrong with it you say? Well it's a fermented cheese filled with live maggots that can jump out at you mid meal.. mmmmm right?
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This is quite a broad group of food items right? Well almost all shellfish caught at sea can be especially dangerous as a result of the amount of bacteria they can absorb whilst they're in the ocean. Fortunately, as long as they're cooked thoroughly then you're unlikely to come across any real problems. Oysters have been the biggest issue worldwide as often they are eaten raw or near raw as a delicacy! This is without taking in to account that shellfish is one of the most common food allergies around!