Expert-Approved Tips To Create Feng Shui In The Home

By Anna Collins 10 months ago

1. Your bed should NEVER point towards the door!

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According to experts, to create Feng Shui in the home, one of the things you should never do is point your bed toward the door. And, it's not just your bed, but the same reasoning also applies to the sofa and the stove. Feng Shui is about creating a smooth and harmonious energy flow within your space. And when these objects are placed facing the door, it creates a super strong energy flow that can overwhelm you and put you on guard, rather than helping to create a peaceful environment for relaxation or sleep.

2. Never put your sofa in front of a window

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Another recommendation from experts on creating Feng Shui is that you should avoid putting your sofa in front of a window. Feng Shui creates grounding and stability within your home, and so you should have your sofa or your bed against a solid wall because this proves more security and stability. When something is placed in front of the window it can disrupt the flow of energy. According to Feng Shui, the windows are the eyes of the space around you and so they should have a clear and uninterrupted view of your home.

3. Keep the home well ventilated

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Keeping your home well-ventilated is a top tip from experts on how to create Feng Shui in our own personal spaces. Ventilating your home helps keep the harmony and the balance of your living environment and it helps the airflow with positive chi. Ventilation means that fresh and new energies are flowing around the space. When it's not ventilated the air and therefore, energy can become stagnant meaning that you will not benefit from the positive or invigorating energy. Fresh air in your home also helps maintain purity and helps to connect you with nature.

4. Remove clutter and obstacles

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Removing clutter and obstacles is one of the most important pieces of advice an expert can give you when it comes to practicing Feng Shui. Decluttering your space means that the energy, or chi, has room to flow freely with positivity which helps contribute to a positive, and more focused mindset. Energy can get stuck in obstacles and clutter and you can be left feeling overwhelmed and drained, due to the energy residing in the clutter rather than flowing in the open spaces which can benefit you.

5. Use a mixture of materials

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Materials are absolutely fundamental to the practice of Feng Shui. The fundamental elements of Feng Shui are; wood, earth, fire, water, and metal. Each of these materials has not only symbolic importance but a contribution to creating Feng Shui. That's why experts recommend that you incorporate all of these materials in some way, even if this is symbolized through color, rather than the actual material. Each one brings a unique aspect, for example, wood is associated with inspiration, growth, and vitality, whereas earth represents grounding and balance.

6. Place your desk so that you can see the door, but it's not in line with it

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When it comes to placing your furniture around the home, it greatly affects the Feng Shui. Experts recommend all of us NOT to place our workspace or desk directly in line with the door. But, it should be in line with it. The desk is considered a spot of power because work and ideas happen here. Seeing the door from the desk represents an element of control. But, being in line with the door creates more distraction and opens you up to vulnerability. The flow of energy may be too great which can be disturbing for your concentration.

7. Mirror positioning in the bedroom is super important

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In Feng Shui, mirrors are super important and they hold a lot of significance. They are deemed powerful tools which not only reflect energy but also amplify it. And so, due to creating a lot of energy within a space, an expert would advise us not to have a mirror facing the bed as it will disrupt our sleep. Instead mirrors in the bedroom should not reflect the bed, but they should reflect soothing views such as nature to help create a sense of tranquillity and calm that can help and nourish your sleep.

8. Clean your bathroom thoroughly

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Having a squeaky clean bathroom is more important in Feng Shui than a simple matter of hygiene. Water is one of the most important elements of energy. And in the bathroom water can stagnate, and dirt and waste can collect. So a bathroom can be a space where energy can stop flowing freely, and negative energy can collect more and more having a detrimental impact on us and our space. Cleaning your bathroom helps maintain the positive flow of energy, and cleaning our bathroom is even more important than any other space in the home.

9. Have a convenient place for everything

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Having a place for everything, and having everything in its place is a general saying to keep order in our homes. But in Feng Shui, it is also important because not only does it promote organization and efficiency, but it also enhances the chi within your home and enables it to flow freely. This helps maintain our positive energy as well as our clarity and focus. Feng Shui is all about helping create a balanced atmosphere where we can thrive. It also helps establish a pleasant living environment. Clutter and disorganization have a negative impact on our energy.

10. Take off outdoor shoes and wear slippers inside

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Taking off shoes from the outside when you arrive at your home is important in creating Feng Shui. It is a practice that is rooted in Feng Shui principles and something that experts highly recommend if you want t create a good chi. The belief is that our shoes carry energy, good and bad, from the places we've been. So to avoid the energy attached to the shoes from entering our home and disrupting the energy, it is better to leave them at the door and use house slippers once you are inside the house.

11. Consider placing a mirror in front of the dining table

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As we know, mirrors can reflect and amplify energy. And so placing a mirror in front of the dining table s a technique recommended by Feng Shui experts to be able to enhance the energy and atmosphere of the room. Placing them in front of the mirror can symbolically double the space. and the food which created the energy and visualization of nourishment and an abundance of blessings. It also creates more light, and so the mirrors in the dining room help to create and multiple positive kinds of energy in the room. It also symbolizes connection and loved ones gathering around the table.

12. Plants help maintain Feng-Shui

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When discussing how to create Feng Shui within the home, they recommend using plants. Plants are seen as hugely powerful tools in bringing the flow of nature and positive energy into the home. Feng Shui prioritizes nature and building our connection with nature. And so, having plants in our space is very important and it brings revitalizing energy to us. When we have plants in our homes we are much more likely to experience peace due to our connections with the natural world being reaffirmed, and due to being grounded by nature.

13. The head of the table should face the door

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When studying the principles of Feng Shui, experts claim that the head of the table should be facing the door. It is believed that this will affect the flow of chi and the dynamics around the table in a positive way. It is called the 'commanding position', meaning that the head of the table is seen as a position of status. So, facing the door creates more control over the space. And, the head of the table can receive the energy from the doorway and help ensure and balance out the energy of the rest f the dining room.

14. Artwork or souvenirs should be carefully considered

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If you have a home and you are wanting to create Feng Shui, experts tell us to choose our artwork and souvenirs very carefully. They have an impact on the energy of the house and can greatly affect the chi in the space. Our artwork or souvenirs should not carry any negative memories, or symbolize anything negative. Instead, they should inspire, and symbolize peace to create the ultimate atmosphere of balance and calm. They should also harmonize with one another as too many contradictory or opposing elements will disrupt the flow of the energy.

15. Make sure paths in your home are clear

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Having an unobstructed path throughout your home is very important to maintain peace within your home. Spaciousness and ease are super important in helping to create and maintain Feng Shui as it allows the chi to flow. Obstructed areas can block the energy in the room and lead to feelings of negativity and stress. This is why keeping the floor ways and areas where we walk clear and clean. This way, the energy around the space will not congregate and build up with negativity. It will stay clear and light.

16. Keep your windows clean

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Windows are another very important element of Feng Shui. They are an opening to chi and energy which can enter and circulate throughout your home. When a window is clean, the energy calm flow into the home and creates a passageway. They are also open and help connect us with the outside, natural world which is crucial to maintaining a balanced and healthy energy. Natural light is also vital in helping create Feng Shui. Dirty windows can stop the flow of energy into your home and prevent a positive chi.

17. Doors should be able to open to 90 degrees

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Experts advise us that to achieve Feng Shui we need to be able to open a door open to a full 90 degrees. Doors are important in allowing the energy to flow inside the house. It helps with the circulation of your environment. If we can't fully open the door, energy isn't able to enter or flow as it can get trapped. When energy is obstructed it can affect and alter the harmony of your personal space. So, it's important that the door enables for an abundance of energy and it represents space and openness.

18. Be thankful for your home

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Feng Shui cannot only be created by the energy in your home, it also depends on the energy you give out to your home. It is the harmony of how both work together that helps create a harmonized balance. And so, if there is any negative energy or feelings toward your home the flow will not be positive, the negative energy will be reciprocated. Gratitude creates positivity and blessings which brings an abundance of peace and happiness. Being thankful for your home creates a sanctuary out of your space.

19. Use warm, earthy, and natural tones for the wall color

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Creating Feng Shui involves creating a positive atmosphere. And an expert discusses how important colors are in the home for maintaining it. Warm, earthy tones ground us and create a good foundation for the energy in your home. They also connect us with the natural world, making us feel calm and inspired. They also suggest that the colors in your home blend harmoniously together because clashing colors can create disruptive energy which can affect the atmosphere in your home and affect your mood negatively.

20. Have fresh flowers

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According to Feng Shui experts, it is wise to have fresh flowers in the house if you want as they can bring a number of benefits to you and your home. Fresh flowers bring a vibrant kind of energy that can totally uplift the energy in your home. Their beauty and colors create positivity and the fragrances can bring peace and nature right to you which can encourage a sense of well-being. This is particularly important when you live in an urban environment. Keeping connected to nature is important for our mental health and well-being.

21. Your house should not have a hallway/ stairway running through the middle

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Having a hallway running thoroughly your house is thought to part and divide your home, which is then thought to divide your energy and the emotions and bonds within the house. It can also create a sense of discord and separation which is not suggested when you are trying to create a peaceful and comforting environment in your home. Chi/ energy should be able to flow in a meandering fashion throughout the home, and so when it is divided the energy is disturbed and so it will affect the feelings of those in the space.

22. Your stove shouldn't be seen from the front door

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A stove has symbolic significance in Feng Shui, it stands for the element of fire which is believed to represent abundance, wealth, and nourishment. The front door is considered to be the mouth of chi or 'Qi' in which energy enters and flows into the house. It is thought that when the fire energy from the stove and the energy from the door meet, there is some kind of clash between the two which can create disruption in the home. And so, the stove should be out of the way of the doorway to protect the individual energies.

23. Have as much natural light in your home as possible

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Natural light brings both light and peace as well as well-being both physically and mentally. Experts of Feng Shui tell us that we should all have as much natural light in our homes as we possibly can. With natural light comes positivity and a connection to nature which brings a sense of peace to our souls which does not happen from artificial lighting. It also helps us sleep better as it regulates our circadian rhythm. Feng Shui highlights just how many benefits natural light can bring us and for this reason, it's a very important thing to incorporate.

24. Your front door should not be in line with the back window

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According to Feng Shui experts it is advised to never have your front door in line with the window at the back of your house. This is because there is a straight, direct line from the front to the back. So, the energy will flow from your front door straight to the back door. This created an energy rush, which does not nourish or cover other parts of the home and it can feel overwhelming. Some parts of the house will not benefit from the energy and the energy is just coming in and out and a rapid rate without meandering throughout.

25. Think intentionally about your space

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With Feng Shui, everything is intentional. From the formation of the home, the placement of furniture, the arrangement of souvenirs as well as right down to the color scheme, it's all considered with care. Everything has to be thought out. And experts state that doing things with intention is very important. Thinking about what a space is for, what you want to do in it, and how you want to feel is a key way to create good energy and chi. Arrange your home with good intentions and mindful practice to help you create Fen Shui.

26. Repair things in your home quickly

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Repairing things within your home is a very important part of creating Feng Shui and maintaining harmony and balance within your home, according to Feng Shui experts. When objects break, energy stagnates here and it can collect negative energy rather than flow in or around the object. So, when an object is broken or in disrepair, the levels of energy in your home and the flow of chi are going to be interrupted and changed for the worse. It also symbolizes neglect. And so, we should have them repaired as quickly as we can.

27. Keep edges soft rather than sharp

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Feng Shui experts tell us to keep all of the edges in our homes smooth rather than sharp. Smooth and rounded edges help the flow of energy throughout the home because it creates harmony in a space which helps contribute to the flow and calm within your home. On the other hand, sharp edges are thought to create harsh and fast-flowing energy in the home which can be disruptive and make you feel uneasy, rather than tranquil. Feng Shui prioritizes gentle and smooth-flowing energy, rather than fast and rapid.

28. Personalize your home

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Personalization can come in all kinds of aspects. It may be decorating something to your taste, putting artwork around your home, placing photos of fond memories, or placing souvenirs from things or places you have been to that brought you joy. These personalizations create warm and inspiring energy. But, these personalizations should only be things that bring you happiness and calm. Photos that produce sad emotions for example or souvenirs from a time that give you difficult memories can disrupt the peace in your home.

29. Keep the electronic devices to a minimum

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Experts who have studied Feng Shui advise us to have the minimum amount of electronic devices in our living space. Electronic devices disrupt the natural flow of energy. It can also lead to an overload of electromagnetic energy which can disrupt our natural rhythm and moods. Electronic devices can make us feel more negative, and they can sap our energy and disrupt our sleep. Feng Shui understands the importance of nature and the natural flow, and electronic devices are something that highly disturbs these things.

30. The staircase shouldn't be in line with the front door

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Both the staircase and the doorways are thought to be transmitters of energy. And so when both are in love there is an uninterrupted flow of energy from one to the other which can create a very fast stream of energy. The front door can symbolize opportunities and staircases can signify movement and transition. When both of these energies are connected by (being in line with one another) in such a vigorous way it can confuse the kinds of energy in your home and lead to imbalance which can be felt within the home.

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