10+ Subtle Signs Of An Omega Male

By Paula Tudoran 10 months ago

Passive Communication Style

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An omega male's communication style tends to be passive, marked by the frequent use of qualifiers like "maybe," "I guess," or "kind of." They may hesitate to express their opinions directly, fearing disagreement or confrontation. Instead of speaking assertively, they may couch their thoughts in uncertain terms to avoid sounding too forceful. This passive communication can hinder effective expression of ideas and may prevent them from fully contributing to conversations or decision-making processes.


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Apologies flow freely from the lips of an omega male, often even for things that aren't their fault. They possess a strong inclination to assume blame and feel responsible for negative outcomes, even when they bear no fault. This tendency to over-apologize stems from a desire to maintain peace and harmony in relationships, often at the expense of their own self-worth. Unfortunately, excessive apologies can undermine their confidence and perpetuate a cycle of self-blame, preventing them from asserting themselves or taking ownership of their actions.

Lack of Assertiveness

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Assertiveness is not a natural trait for omega males. They may struggle to express their needs, desires, or boundaries clearly and directly. Instead, they may prioritize the preferences and opinions of others, often sacrificing their own wants and needs to avoid conflict or disapproval. This lack of assertiveness can lead to frustration and feelings of being overlooked or taken advantage of. Omega males need to recognize the value of their own voice and work on developing the confidence to assert themselves appropriately in various situations.

Seeking Validation

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Omega males frequently seek external validation and approval to validate their self-worth. They rely heavily on the opinions of others to define their own value, lacking the internal confidence to assess their own abilities independently. This dependency on validation can make them susceptible to seeking constant reassurance, hindering their personal growth and decision-making autonomy. It's important for those guys to cultivate self-assurance, recognizing their own worth and capabilities independent of external validation.

Avoidance of Conflict

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For an omega male, conflict can be highly uncomfortable and anxiety-inducing. They often go to great lengths to avoid disagreements, preferring to maintain a peaceful and harmonious environment. This avoidance may stem from a fear of negative consequences, rejection, or a desire to preserve relationships. While conflict avoidance can contribute to a sense of calm, it can also hinder personal growth and prevent them from addressing important issues. It's crucial for omega males to develop healthy conflict-resolution skills and learn to navigate disagreements constructively.

A Reluctance to Take Initiative

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When presented with opportunities to make decisions or assume leadership roles, an omega male tends to exhibit a hesitancy. Rather than stepping forward and taking charge, they often find solace in playing a more supportive role, allowing others to take the lead. This reluctance to initiate may arise from a fear of failure or a lack of self-assurance in their capabilities. Despite having valuable insights and ideas, they may struggle to assert themselves and seize the initiative, potentially missing out on opportunities to make a significant impact.

Limited Social Circle

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Omega males often find themselves with a smaller social circle compared to their alpha or beta counterparts. Building meaningful connections can be challenging for them, as they may struggle with initiating conversations or forging deep friendships. Their reserved nature and hesitation in taking social risks can limit their opportunities to expand their social network. However, when they do find genuine connections, omega males can be loyal and supportive friends who cherish the quality of their relationships over the quantity.

Lack of Ambition

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Unlike the more driven alpha or beta males, omega males may lack a strong desire for success or achievement. They may be content with a more passive and comfortable lifestyle, prioritizing stability and personal satisfaction over external markers of success. While their lack of ambition may be misunderstood as laziness, it is important to recognize that omega males can find fulfillment in different aspects of life, such as hobbies, personal growth, or maintaining a work-life balance. Their contentment in simpler pleasures should be respected rather than judged.


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For an omega male, making decisions can be a daunting task. They often feel overwhelmed by the process of weighing options and may struggle to arrive at a definitive choice. As a result, they may rely on others to make decisions on their behalf, seeking guidance and reassurance. This indecisiveness can be attributed to their cautious nature and fear of making the wrong choice. They need to trust their judgment and have support in decision-making processes, so they can overcome this challenge and develop confidence in their choices.

Inability to Handle Criticism

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Criticism can deeply impact an omega male's self-esteem and emotional well-being. They tend to take criticism personally, interpreting it as a reflection of their worth rather than an opportunity for growth. The fear of judgment and rejection may make it difficult for them to accept and learn from constructive feedback. Providing constructive criticism in a compassionate manner, focusing on their strengths, and emphasizing personal growth rather than pointing out flaws can help omega males develop resilience and become more receptive to constructive criticism.

Passive Body Language

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Omega males often exhibit passive body language, unintentionally conveying a lack of confidence or assertiveness. Slouching, avoiding eye contact, or crossing their arms are common non-verbal cues associated with their reserved nature. While these gestures may not accurately reflect their true capabilities or personalities, they can inadvertently give others the impression of disinterest or timidity. Encouraging those guys to be mindful of their body language and providing support in building their self-assurance can help them project a more confident and approachable demeanor.

Difficulty Setting Boundaries

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Setting boundaries can be challenging for omega males. They may struggle to assert their needs and find it hard to say "no" to others' demands. Their inclination to prioritize the happiness and well-being of others often leads them to neglect their own needs. As a result, they may find themselves overwhelmed or taken advantage of. Empowering omega males to recognize and communicate their boundaries, practice self-care, and develop assertiveness skills can enable them to establish healthy boundaries and nurture balanced relationships.

Excessive People-Pleasing

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Omega males have a strong tendency to prioritize the happiness of others above their own. They often go above and beyond to please others, even at the expense of their own well-being. This excessive people-pleasing behavior stems from a desire to be liked and accepted, fearing rejection or disapproval. However, this self-sacrificing approach can lead to feelings of resentment or being taken for granted. Prioritizing their own happiness, communicating their needs, and finding a balance between giving and receiving can help them cultivate healthier relationships while maintaining their own well-being.

Fear of Rejection

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An omega male often harbors a deep fear of rejection, which can significantly hinder their ability to pursue opportunities or authentically express themselves. This fear may manifest as hesitation or self-doubt, causing them to hold back from taking risks or putting themselves in vulnerable situations. The fear of being judged or dismissed can be paralyzing, trapping them within their comfort zones and preventing personal growth. Helping omega males cultivate self-acceptance, resilience, and a healthy perspective on rejection can empower them to confidently overcome this fear and embrace new experiences.

Limited Leadership Skills

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Leadership qualities may not come naturally to omega males. They may struggle with the confidence and assertiveness required to take charge in group situations. Instead, they often prefer to support others and contribute in more collaborative roles. While they may possess valuable insights and skills, the prospect of leading and making critical decisions can be daunting. Encouraging omega males to develop their leadership abilities through training, mentorship, and gradual exposure to leadership responsibilities can help them unlock their potential as effective leaders.

Tendency to Avoid Risks

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Omega males often gravitate toward the safety of their comfort zones. They may be inclined to shy away from taking risks or pursuing challenging endeavors, preferring familiarity and predictability. The fear of failure or the unknown can prevent them from venturing outside their established routines or exploring uncharted territories. However, it's important to note that calculated risks can lead to personal growth and new opportunities. Nurturing their self-confidence, emphasizing the potential rewards of stepping outside their comfort zones, and providing a supportive environment can encourage omega males to embrace calculated risks and expand their horizons.

Discomfort with Attention

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Being in the spotlight can evoke discomfort for an omega male. They may experience anxiety or self-consciousness when receiving attention from others. The fear of judgment or scrutiny may make them uneasy, causing them to shy away from situations where they are the center of attention. This discomfort can limit their participation in public speaking, social events, or leadership roles that require visibility. Creating a safe and non-judgmental environment, gradually exposing them to positive attention, and fostering self-acceptance can help omega males become more comfortable in the limelight.

Reliance on Others' Opinions

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Omega males often heavily rely on others' opinions and perspectives when making decisions. They may lack confidence in their own judgment and seek reassurance from those around them. This reliance on external validation can lead to a diminished sense of autonomy and hinder their ability to trust their instincts. Developing self-trust, practicing independent decision-making, and seeking feedback from various sources can empower omega males to cultivate their convictions and make choices that align with their values and aspirations.

Difficulty Expressing Emotions

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Omega males may face difficulty in openly expressing their emotions. They may struggle to articulate their feelings effectively or prefer to keep their emotions concealed. This can stem from a fear of vulnerability, concerns about being misunderstood, or a lack of practice in emotional expression. Promoting a safe and non-judgmental space for emotional sharing, fostering open communication, and providing tools for emotional intelligence can support omega males in developing healthier emotional expression and enhancing their connections with others.

Avoidance of Competitive Situations

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Omega males often steer clear of competitive environments or activities. They may feel inadequate or fear failure, which leads them to choose non-competitive endeavors where the pressure to perform is reduced. This avoidance can limit their growth and opportunities for personal development. Recognizing and celebrating their unique strengths, providing encouragement and support, and gradually exposing them to controlled and supportive competitive settings can help omega males build confidence and overcome their aversion to competition. Emphasizing growth, learning, and collaboration over winning can help foster a healthier approach to competitive situations.

Lack of Physical Presence

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An omega male tends to have a less dominant physical presence compared to individuals with more assertive personalities. They may avoid taking up space and exhibiting smaller gestures and movements. This reserved demeanor can be misconstrued as a lack of confidence or assertiveness. However, it's important to recognize that their quieter presence does not diminish their worth or abilities. Omega males often possess a depth of character and thoughtful insight that can be overlooked in a world that values more overt displays of dominance.

Dependency on Routine

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Omega males often find solace in routines and the comfort of familiarity. They thrive when their daily lives follow a predictable pattern and can feel unsettled or anxious in the face of unexpected changes or disruptions. Routines provide them with a sense of stability and control in an ever-changing world. While their preference for routine may be mistaken as rigidity, it is crucial to understand that omega males often rely on established routines to maintain a sense of balance and manage their emotions effectively.

Self-Deprecating Humor

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Omega males may resort to self-deprecating humor as a defense mechanism to cope with their insecurities or seek validation from others. By making light of themselves, they attempt to deflect attention away from their perceived flaws or vulnerabilities. However, it's essential to approach this humor with sensitivity, as it can be indicative of underlying self-esteem issues. A supportive environment that celebrates their strengths and helps them build self-confidence can allow omega males to embrace a more positive and empowering sense of humor.

Fear of Confrontation

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Confrontation can be particularly daunting for an omega male, often leading them to avoid difficult conversations or confrontations altogether. They may prefer to maintain harmony and peace, fearing the potential conflict or negative repercussions that may arise from confrontation. While their avoidance of confrontation may be driven by a desire for amicable relationships, it's crucial to empower them with effective communication skills and conflict-resolution strategies. Open dialogue, active listening, and a safe space for expressing concerns can help omega males navigate confrontation with confidence and assertiveness.

Lack of Charisma

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Omega males may not naturally possess the charismatic presence often associated with more dominant personalities. They may find it challenging to captivate and engage others in social settings, preferring more intimate and one-on-one interactions. However, their quieter demeanor often conceals a wealth of knowledge and insightful perspectives. Inspiring omega males to recognize and value their unique strengths, such as their listening skills, empathy, and thoughtfulness, can help them feel more confident and appreciated in social situations.

Resistance to Change

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Omega males often have a preference for stability and may find change unsettling. They may resist or struggle to adapt to new circumstances, seeking comfort in the familiarity of established routines and environments. Their resistance to change should not be mistaken for stubbornness or an unwillingness to grow. Providing them with support, reassurance, and gradual exposure to new experiences can help omega males navigate change more effectively, fostering personal growth and adaptability.

Excessive Modesty

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Omega males tend to downplay their accomplishments or abilities, often attributing their successes to luck or external factors rather than acknowledging their own capabilities. This excessive modesty can stem from a combination of humility, a fear of appearing boastful, and a lack of self-confidence. Recognizing and celebrating their achievements, cheering them to take pride in their abilities, and helping them develop a more balanced perspective of their accomplishments can empower omega males to embrace their true potential and recognize their worth.

Discomfort with Compliments

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An omega male often experiences discomfort when receiving compliments, as they may feel unworthy or unsure of how to respond. They may downplay or deflect praise, dismissing their accomplishments or attributing them to external factors. This discomfort stems from a combination of modesty, self-doubt, and a fear of appearing arrogant. Building their self-esteem and helping them recognize their worth can empower omega males to accept compliments gracefully and embrace positive feedback as a recognition of their achievements and abilities.

Limited Risk-Taking

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Omega males tend to gravitate towards a more risk-averse approach, preferring stability over potential rewards. They may be cautious in their decision-making and opt for the path of least resistance. This tendency to play it safe can limit their growth and prevent them from seizing opportunities that may lead to personal and professional advancement. Supporting calculated risk-taking, highlighting the potential benefits of stepping outside their comfort zones, and providing support and guidance can help omega males develop a more balanced approach to risk and embrace opportunities for growth.

Submissive Behavior

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Omega males often exhibit submissive behavior in social interactions. They may defer to others' opinions or decisions, prioritizing the needs and desires of others over their own. This submissive behavior can stem from a desire to maintain harmony, avoid conflict, or seek validation from others. However, it's important for omega males to develop a healthy balance between assertiveness and consideration for others. Encouraging them to express their opinions, assert their needs, and practice setting boundaries can empower them to navigate social interactions confidently and authentically.

You Don't Seek Validation From Anyone

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Alpha males get a lot of their serotonin from validation from others - they want to be seen as alpha, and that's where all this validation comes in, because they want attention and compliments from others and need to have that energy in the same way extroverts get that buzz from being around other people. Omega males are the opposite - they don't need validation from other people to feel good, and they definitely don't do anything to seek that validation or draw attention from themselves. While alpha males are seen more outwardly confident, omega males can often be the more inwardly confident in themselves.

Your Goals Aren't 'Money' Or 'Women'

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Another big thing about the alpha mentality is that you need to be the best of the best, and have the best of the best - and it might be a cliche, but 'money' and 'women' often come at the top of the list of what an alpha male would be looking to accomplish. They want to earn a lot of money, be seen as successful and also do anything they can to be attractive and see a romantic partner as a goal to achieve. Omega males don't think this way, as they rarely have these huge life goals - and definitely not goals that are money or women.

You Dance To Your Own Tune

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Omega males are known for basically walking their own path and doing things their own way, and usually that's a very unconventional way. You don't get hung up on what anyone else says or what you think you should be doing because you're too busy focused on following your own thoughts, feelings and gut instincts about what you want to do. You may even take each day as it comes and make it up as you go along based on your own whims, rather than what anyone expects of you. This might often see you as an 'outsider'.

You Don't Follow Society's Conventions

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With this in mind, you also don't get hung on following any of society's conventions. You might either make an active choice to ignore what society expects of you, or you might naturally feel like none of these conventions fit who you are so you unconsciously deviate away from them on a daily basis. There are certain things you're happy to do on the basis of good manners - like social conventions with greeting people, being polite to people - but in terms of what you're 'expected' to do in a big way, you don't really think about that.

You Don't Want A 'Normal' Life

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A lot of people have a huge life goal of two main things: a well paid job and a family. This is what most people would consider a 'normal' life - to work full time (often 9-5), to have a partner, either married or not, and to have children. While it's true that not everyone want this and even the people who aren't omega males can follow a different path, too, it's still highly likely that omega males will never want this 'normal' life and won't seek to settle down, or base everything on a well-paid job or to buy a house and have kids.

You Probably Have One Passion You Put Your Heart And Soul Into

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Just because omega males don't follow the 'normal' conventions or act competitive, doesn't mean that they don't have big goals or work hard to achieve things. It's just that these goals are often inward or private based on what they do in their spare time, rather than outward validation like winning a competition or promotion. It's likely omega males are very focused on a passion or hobby they do in their own time - like crafting, or playing an instrument - and they work really hard on perfecting that because they care about it so much.

You Don't Have The Desire To 'Fight'

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A lot of alpha male - or even sometimes just male - mentality can be to fight for things, fight to the top, be competitive or to be heard. Even just in a regular conversation a dominant person might be 'fighting' for control of the conversation or to be seen as the alpha. Omega males don't have any desire to fight in any situation, they don't have a fighting instinct to try and 'win' any situation, as they're much more content to be laid back and be passive or open minded so that they don't have to take sides, or to avoid confrontation.

You Don't Usually Overthink Things

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A lot of overthinking and anxiety in today's society can come from the worry of what other people think of you, and the desire to be liked. Even people with tons of self confidence, like dominant males, can still spend a lot of time thinking about how they're perceived by others, because they care about what people think of them. Omega males don't overthink things because they don't care enough about what people think of them. They don't worry about something stupid they said in a conversation or whether a person likes them, because they're more concerned with being happy with themselves.

You Can't Stand Monotony

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Monotony can often come hand in hand with that idea of 'normal' life - that isn't to say that you can't be happy with the reality of a normal job, marriage and kids, but even happy people can say it does get monotonous when you're working the same hours at the same job every day and spending your free time in the same way. Omega males don't do well with that monotony, which is also why they don't want that idea of conventional or normal life. You're probably constantly looking for ways to break the monotony and find something new and interesting to do.

You Care More About Your Own Satisfaction From How You Spend Your Time

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Some people work hard to improve themselves in their own time to improve how others think of them. This could be a male working out at the gym because he wants to be seen as more attractive, or someone who puts in the overtime hours for work because they want that promotion. Omega males care more about things that make them happy in the moment, rather than things that are going to help them achieve long term goals that will take willpower in the meantime. This could even mean unproductive or 'lazy' tasks, if that's what brings them happiness in the moment, like slouching on the couch scrolling through your phone.

You Are A Sincere Person

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Because omega males are very neutral when it comes to what's going on around them, they easily get along with a lot of people, and don't feel like they have to go out of their way to impress anyone. This can make them really sincere people because they don't have another agenda or aren't trying to look more impressive to other people by telling white lies or not being their authentic selves! So you are likely a very sincere person who comes across as very friendly, and this can also make you more approachable than a 'dominant alpha' male.

People Can Depend On You

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With being very friendly and sincere, this can also mean people come to trust and depend on you a lot. You might make firm and loyal friends more easily, and likely have very few loyal friends compared to a huge group of distant friends. You are also very helpful as an omega male because you aren't competitive, so you're just happy to help anyone out as you go along, especially friends. Omega males can be more readily available for a person in need or a friend reaching out who needs help with something, as omega males are more generous with their time.

You Don't Think Anything Is 'Beneath' You

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A lot of the power structure for male hierarchy and this idea of an 'alpha' male can come from the idea of what is beneath them, and what isn't. Some alpha males might not be willing to do certain things, because they think they're better than that - this can be a power and a status symbol, like refusing particular jobs or employment when they think they're worth more or overqualified. Omega males don't think that way, as they don't ever really think they're better than anything, or anyone, else. This also can make it likely omega males will happily take more 'menial' job roles if it's something they're interested in.

You Likely Have Deeper Relationships

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Omega males are likely to have deeper emotional connections in their romantic relationships, as they more easily tune in to what their partners are thinking or feeling. This can come a lot from time spent alone when you're an omega male and acting based on your own wants and needs - it can make you better empathize and sympathize with other people, and especially in a close romantic relationship. The fact that omega males are also more friendly and approachable can help to have a better connection with a romantic partner.

You Don't Believe In 'Chasing'

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When it comes to romantic partners and dating new people, an omega male will be very laid back and take things as they come. They don't believe in the idea of chasing or pursuing someone to win them over, and don't want to bother with things like playing hard to get or pretending to act uninterested. They'll be open and honest with dating and won't want to play any mind games or make it more complicated than it has to be. While they're willing to put the time and effort into a person they like, they also aren't going to waste time convincing them if they've already said they're not interested.

You're Likely Satisfied With What You Have

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An omega male's mentality is usually to just accept and be happy with what you have and try and make the best of it, rather than some huge 10-point goal plan to make everything better or earn more money. There's nothing wrong with ambition but that's something an omega male is unlikely to have bags of, as they work hard to make the best of any given situation they're in rather than try to think about how to change their life in a huge way when it comes to income, job, relationships, house or travel. They learn to love what they have.

And Their Happiness Comes From The Little Things

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In the same way, Omega males can be easily pleased by the everyday little things in a way that more 'dominant' males struggle with. Alpha males might have huge goals they want to accomplish, so are willing to put up with things they don't like every day in order to achieve that happy end goal. This could be struggling through a hard work day or a gruelling workout routine. Omega males, on the other hand, are content with the little things that happen every day for life's pleasures, like a good cup of coffee or nice weather!

You don't care about being made fun of

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Whether it's playful by the people in your life like colleagues or friends, or if it's in a more serious way with people having a problem with how you dress or live your life, it doesn't matter - you just aren't phased by it. You don't mind being teased or talked about behind your back, because you don't care enough about what people think to let it bother you. You wear what you like and do what you like because you care about your own happiness rather than what other people think of you, so you aren't going to dwell on a teasing or two.

You're likely introverted

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It goes without saying, then, that most omega males will likely be more introverted than extroverted. You don't thrive on interactions or attention from others like more dominant or sociable people do, and because you like to do what you want in your own time with hobbies that you care about, it's more likely you'll spend a lot of time at home or by yourself pursuing your own passions and things that bring you joy. You also need time for those passions so you don't like to sacrifice that by being a social butterfly all the time!

You likely have a different idea of fashion

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With all this in mind, it's likely omega males also dress a bit differently than the 'norm'. You don't really follow male fashion trends or care about the clothes that make you look most attractive or more of a status symbol - you just wear whatever makes you happy. That could be a band t-shirt, a more 'alternative' fashion choice, a jacket you've had for years that's worn away but you just love it so much, or anything else that speaks to your own personality and how you like to wear things rather than the biggest fashion trends. You might even make or alter your own clothes!

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