Signs A Child’s Imaginary Friend Is Actually A Ghost

By David S 10 months ago

1. Friend Has A Name

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Does your child claim to have an imaginary friend and do they also have a name? If so, this imaginary friend could be a ghost! If your child's friend has a proper name then this could be a red flag. We all know children have a vivid imagination, however, if they are on first-name terms, this could suggest they have met someone from the other side of the realm, especially if this is a well know Christian name. If this is happening to your child, to put your mind at rest, they may just like the name they're using and be totally innocent.

2. Sudden Violence

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If your child is normally very well-behaved and never puts a foot wrong, but then suddenly becomes aggressive and displays sudden acts of violence, this can be a signal that their imaginary friend is a ghost and is having a negative impact on their behavior. Another warning is if your youngster is claiming that their friend is showing violence towards and hurting them. This would indicate the ghost might not have been a good person in their previous life. Looking from another angle this could indicate some mental issues that need to be resolved.

3. Isolation

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Is your child usually a bundle of energy, always out playing with friends and you have to drag them back home by the ear? If yes, and you notice a change in this behavior where they become a lot more withdrawn and isolated, this could be evidence that they have a spiritual entity around them. This spirit may be forcing your child to become detached from their usual routines and social groups, so they can have more of an influence over them and their decisions. It's probably best to avoid needing a friend like that.

4. Strange Voice

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When your child is growing up you'd expect that you're child's voice will remain consistent right up until the age of puberty. Another telltale sign that your child's imaginary friend could be a ghost is when they're speaking to their favorite doll or action figure and their voice changes drastically from their day-to-day voice. The tone and pitch will change so much that it shouldn't be possible for someone at their age. If this happens to your child, you might need to reach for the phone and call Ghostbusters!

5. Unexplained Sounds

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Have you recently started hearing a lot of strange and unexplained noises around your house, especially when everyone is in bed? It's true that this could mean that there could be a ghost in your house. The typical noises could be creaking floorboards or footsteps down the hallway. If this is a common occurrence and you've noticed your child has recently admitted to having an imaginary friend, don't panic, there could also be a reasonable explanation for these noises, such as poor weather or shoddy construction.

6. Morbid Language

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If your child is starting to use dark morbid language, then this could be a hint that their imaginary friend could in fact be a ghost! This type of language is not normally associated with someone of such as young age, and they could start to take an interest in very unpleasant topics, such as death and other very dark themes. If you notice this change and this is out of character then you may need to think about reaching out to your local church or religious leader to discuss the next steps to take.

7. Old Imaginary Friend

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It is not uncommon for children to have imaginary friends, and when they do, normally these friends are around the same age. If you find out that their friend is significantly older, possibly a pensioner, this could be a cause for concern. This huge age gap could indicate that there is a ghost befriending your child as they would not share the same interests or have much in common. The older this imaginary friend is can also suggest, this person may have previously lived at your house and possibly died on the premises. Creepy!

8. Dark Drawings

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Are you tired of always stepping on the discarded crayon? Children are known to love to express their feelings through art and drawing pictures, that's why every week there is a new drawing stuck on the fridge after coming home from school. However as seen in many horror movies, if these drawings take a dark turn, this could suggest your child's imaginary friend is a ghost. These types of drawings will generally be all in black with no color and very sinister they could depict a tragedy within your family.

9. Change In Language

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Similar to the change in the pitch and tone of your child's language mentioned earlier. Another sign that your child's imaginary friend could be a ghost is if the actual language that they start to speak is not their native tongue. Unless your child has a ridiculously high IQ, then they're unlikely to be bilingual. If your child starts to speak a foreign language, then this could mean the spirit is speaking through your child to communicate their needs or demands. It might be time to subscribe to Rosetta Stone.

10. Attachment

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As your child grows older if they have an imaginary friend, you'd expect them to grow out of this phase and begin to hang out with real friends. If they've reached their teenage years, but their imaginary friend is still around this terrifyingly could mean a ghost has formed an attachment and does not want to let go. If this is happening to you, be careful when trying to interfere with this relationship, the spirit won't like this and will try everything it possibly can to maintain the attachment.

11. Scary Description

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Usually, an imaginary friend will be human and can be often described as cute or friendly. It's rare for this friend to be ugly or scary. When asking your child what their friends look like, if their response is horrifying, then this could be a giveaway that there is a ghost nearby. Such descriptions can include someone with no face, glowing green eyes, or wearing a strange mask. Before jumping to conclusions, make sure to check the calendar, if Halloween is close this friend might have been seen out trick or treating.

12. Physical Harm

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Do you have your priest's number on speed dial? It might be time to give them a call if your child is showing unexplained signs of physical harm, not caused by a slip or trip in the school playground. If your child has a ghost as an imaginary friend, they may lash out if contact is blocked between the pair. The usual types of injuries seen can be deep scratches, heavy bruises, and even broken bones! The outcome could be a lot more tragic if this is allowed to continue over a prolonged period of time

13. Friend Who Died

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When purchasing a new property it's always a good idea to check on the history of the house to make sure that there have been no shady events in its history. If after you've moved and you've become aware that your child has an imaginary friend, it might be a good idea to ask for more details. If their friend has previously died, then they will be a ghost. This will be reinforced if when checking the history there had been a tragic event that resulted in a death on the grounds. Make sure you do your due diligence!

14. Change In Behaviour

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Another sign that your child's imaginary friend could be a ghost is if their behavior completely changes overnight. It has been said that a spirit is closer to children than adults because they are easier to manipulate and shape their behavior. The signs to watch out for could be if your child starts to reject tasks you've asked them to do saying they can only do this if their friend gives them permission. They can also go from being loving and caring, to showing dark and evil thoughts. Keep your eyes peeled for these changes!

15. Knowledge Of Previous Events

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When you're younger and you're asked what you want to be when you grow up, a time traveler is not normally on the list! If your child has knowledge of previous events that have occurred at your house that you haven't shared, then there is a suspicion that their imaginary friend might be a ghost. The reasoning behind this conclusion is that the ghost is sharing this information with your child as there is no other logical explanation as to how they know these details. For example, this could be the previous homeowner's name.

16. Avoiding Going To Church

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At the best of times, it is a challenge to get your offspring into a church or any other religious building. Another indication that your child's imaginary friend is a ghost is when trying to enter a church they will refuse to enter and will act out, screaming and becoming angry, even swearing and using explicit language. They will also become out of control when seeing a crucifix or coming into contact with holy water. This could become a huge problem if you're currently living in the bible belt!

17. Wanting Double Portions

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Kids can be extra greedy, especially when it comes to cake and sweets or always wanting to stay at the playground for an extra hour, however, this greed does not normally transfer to more bland meals or activities. If this starts to happen then it could be proof that your child is best friends with a ghost. When you're cooking dinner and your child is asking you to make an extra plate or asking you to buy an extra ticket for the bus ride into town, this may be because they don't want to leave their friend out of the fun.

18. Talking To Themself

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When passing your child's bedroom, it is not strange to hear them singing or wittering away to themselves whilst playing. However, if this is happening every day, then it might be good to have a closer look. If you're able to witness your child having a two-way conversation with only one person in the room, then this could signal that they have a friend who is a ghost. Your child may be having a conversation with their friend, so if you're undecided, it might be time to set up a listening device to find out once and for all.

19. Sleeping With Light On

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Are you afraid of the dark? If the answer is yes, then it is not uncommon to sleep with the light on. This is also more common in children, however, this could also be a warning that your child's imaginary friend is indeed a ghost! The reason these actions could point toward supernatural influence is if their friend is telling them to sleep with the light on because they have been stuck in a dark basement/room for years before. They also might want to manipulate the child by changing their daily routines and habits.

20. Feelings Of Being Watched

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Do you ever get the feeling that you're being watched? If so, this could be a clue that you're child's imaginary friend could be a ghost! But don't be alarmed, this may just be a peeping tom in your area, so the police might need to be called. However, if this is happening consistently and always tends to be in the same room/location or always at the same time, this could possibly point toward paranormal activity, especially if you're experiencing some of the other signs mentioned on this list!

21. Aware Of The Cemetery

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When you're raising a child it is normal that you try and avoid visiting or making them aware of what happens at the cemetery. If your child is aware of what happens at this location or what it is used for, this could set alarm bells ringing. When driving past the cemetery if your child claims that this is where their friend came from, then it could be a suggestion that their friend is a ghost. The only possible way that they would know about the cemetery. is i they were told about this by their imaginary friend.

22. Damage In House

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Have you just had a huge renovation to your house which has cost you a lot of money, however you keep finding new damage where the cause is unexplained. If so, this could be a sign that your house is haunted and your child's imaginary friend is indeed a ghost! This damage can be caused by the spirit moving or throwing objects around your property. It may be a good idea to ask your child if they haven't been playing any silly games that may have caused this damage. It has also been known for damp spots to appear suddenly if a ghost is around.

23. Cries And Whispers

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Do you repeatedly hear strange noises around the house? Have you laid in bed at night and tried to come up with a rational explanation? Did you leave the Television on? Is your child roaming around the house when they should be in bed, or is it some old pipework that might be creaking? By doing this, you're trying to avoid the possibility that your child's imaginary friend could be a ghost and they are the ones causing the disturbances. Human cries and whispers are the most common noises when paranormal activity is reported.

24. Chronic Sickness

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Ghost sickness is actually a real thing and was a cultural belief among Native Indians. It is believed that if you're around a ghost for a prolonged period you may start to show some of the following symptoms, weakness, sickness, feelings of suffocation, and recurring nightmares. If you notice that your child has suddenly fallen ill and your doctor is unable to diagnose a cause or provide a remedy, this could point toward ghost sickness. It can also be linked to witches or witchcraft. Get well soon!

25. Strange Smells

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Do you have a keen nose and you easily pick up new scents? If this is the case and you've started picking up the smell of an unidentified aftershave or perfume throughout your house without justification, or is there a pungent smell in a particular area of the house, that doesn't shift, even after you've cleaned? This smell might be the last remaining sign of a ghostly presence nearby, who doesn't shower after a workout! It might be time to ask if your child will look for a new Imaginary friend.

26. Feelings of Being Touched

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When you're at home do you ever have a feeling that someone is around you, or that you're being touched? This could mean that there is a ghost close by and could be your child's new imaginary friend. Make sure to keep track of every time you sense l something strange, such as feeling someone's breath on your neck or tapping on your shoulder. If this is happening more often than not, then it might be a good time to think about moving out! We wonder if the ghosts favourite song is invisible touch.

27. Doors/Cabinets Opening And Closing

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As seen in several horror moves throughout the years, another disturbing sign that you might have a paranormal entity hanging around your child is if your doors or cabinets are open and closing without anyone nearby. You may arrive home from work and find all the cabinets in your kitchen open, after leaving the morning with them all closed. An alternative explanation for this is your babysitter may have been hunting for an item that they needed or an even worse possibility is that you have been robbed and the house is ransacked.

28. Items Disappearing And Reappearing

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Every morning before you head out to work are you searching for your car key, wallet, or cell phone in the spot where you're certain you left them, before going to bed? Don't worry you're not becoming forgetful, it's more likely to be linked to your child's imaginary friend being a ghost. This spirit will be playing a wicked game to try and confuse you can ruin your day. This has a name and is called Disappearing Object Phenomenon which cause objects to disappear and then reappear in others areas.

29. You See Mysterious Shadows

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Have you been tired walking up the stairs to bed and suddenly a mysterious shadow has passed your eye line? The logical explanation is due to your tiredness and heavy eyes, you've just imagined this shadow and it wasn't real. But if this happens again, there could be a more creepy explanation. If you take a closer look, and this shadow is not just a dark blob but has the outline of a person, then this points toward a supernatural figure camping in your house. It may also be your child playing hide and seek!

30. Pet Acting Strange

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We've all heard the old cliche that animals have a sixth sense when it comes to paranormal beings, and whilst it has not been proven to be true just yet, it can't just be fully ignored either. If your furry friend has suddenly started barking, hissing, or growling at something that is unseen, then this could indicate that a ghost is present. Another behaviour to look out for is if your pet refuses to enter the house or a particular room in the property. It could be time to call the dog whisperer.

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