Signs Of Negative Spirit Attachment That Should Never Be Ignored

By Lauren Mccluskey 9 months ago

1. The concept of a negative spirit attachment

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The concept of a "negative spirit attachment" is often associated with many belief systems that incorporate paranormal and supernatural beliefs, as well as spiritual practices.  In these practices and beliefs, negative spirit attachment refers to the idea that malevolent or harmful spirits, entities, or even energies can attach themselves to individuals.  And this can impact their mental, emotional, and even physical well-being.

2. Cultural interpretations

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There are many cultural interpretations of negative spirit attachment around the world and these vary widely.  Lots of beliefs surrounding this concept are deeply rooted in the specific beliefs, traditions, and folklore of different cultures and societies.  These include shamanistic beliefs, spiritual possession, folklore, religious interpretations, and culturally specific entities to name a few.

3. Unexplained feelings of fear

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Some of these beliefs from around the world point out the signs of negative spiritual attachments, and although these can vary widely, there are some similarities between some of the ideas.  One example that an individual is experiencing a negative spirit attachment is if they suddenly experience feelings of fear, anxiety, or depression, without any obvious cause.  But obviously, these emotions can be down to many other likely reasons.

4. Drastic changes in behavior

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Again, an individual experiencing a negative spirit attachment is also sometimes believed to display significant changes in their behavior or personality.  They might act like a completely different person or do things outside of the realm of their usual behavior.  Again, this can happen for many reasons and doesn't necessarily mean that they are experiencing a negative spirit attachment.

5. Feeling drained of energy

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Some believe that the person who is experiencing a negative spirit attachment would be feeling very drained of energy due to the impact that it is believed to have on a person.  But it's also important to acknowledge that many of these symptoms can be caused by something else.  In fact, many qualified mental health professionals and psychologists view these experiences as potentially indicative of psychological conditions or mental health issues.

6. Experiencing auditory hallucinations

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It is also a widespread belief that one who experiences a negative spirit attachment would experience auditory hallucinations, or hear voices in their heads.  They might believe that these voices are external and a sign of a negative spirit attachment but despite being external, nobody else can actually hear them.  This could also be a sign of a psychological issue that may need further medical investigation.

7. Experiencing physical symptoms

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There is another belief that when a person experiences a negative spirit attachment, they are believed to perhaps take on the physical ailments that the entity might've experienced when they were alive.  But some also believe that the negative spirit might even inflict pain upon the person.  This is not to be ignored because if someone is experiencing pain or other physical ailments, it might be the work of something that needs medical investigation rather than a malevolent spirit.

8. Unexplained cold spots in the room

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Some believe that ghosts, specters, spirits, entities; whatever you call them, are cold.  In fact, it is widely believed that if there is one present, the temperature is supposed to drop significantly.  So much so that you might be able to see icicles on the window or even your breath!  So if you have a cold spot in your room, either check to see if the windows are open or call in the local exorcist!

9. Strange and untraceable noises

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Some believe that malevolent entities and negative spirits love to torment their target, and what better way than to create strange and unusual noises that just cannot be traced at all?!  So if you hear nails scratching on a chalkboard or creaks in the ceiling, you might want to investigate!  To be honest, though, it's probably something in your living area that needs immediate attention!

10. Odd smells with no origin

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Some believe that if you keep smelling an odd aroma that is similar to burning or even rotting, you probably have a negative spirit following you around.  But this shouldn't be ignored as it could be a bit of rotting food hidden in your home or even a sign of a medical issue that needs further investigation if it's more of a burning smell.  Phantosmia is when a person smells something that is not actually there and possible causes range from nasal polyps to a stroke.  So get checked out if you're worried!

11. Feeling like you're being watched

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A belief in the spiritual world, particularly when we are talking about negative spiritual attachments might share similar tropes to ghost stories.  This might mean that some believe that when they're feeling spooked, they might feel like they're being watched by something or someone.  It is important to note that this can also be a sign of paranoia where a person feels like they're being threatened or watched in some way, even when they know that their concerns are not based on reality.

12. Your phone charger keeps disappearing

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Now you might just be forgetful or charmingly disorganized but it is infuriating when we misplace our essentials, like our keys or our phone charger, right?  Well, some people believe that this is one way a malevolent spirit tormenting you.  However, forgetfulness can be a symptom of a variety of things, including neurological disorders, and if it's enough to cause a person distress, they should consult a medical professional for investigation.

13. Your electronics keep malfunctioning or acting up

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Now, we've all seen creepy horror movies, right?  Particularly the ones that turn off the TV or pixelate laptop screens?  Spooky isn't it?  Well, some people do actually believe that this could be a sign of a negative spirit attachment making its presence known.  Or it could just be a sign that you need to get your electronics fixed!  Either way, don't ignore it!

14. The eerie feeling of being touched or grabbed

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Remember that old ghostly hand that reaches out and grabs its victim and then disappears as soon as said victim turns around?  Or perhaps there's a cold feeling on the skin as the spirit brushes past them.  Either way, it's eerie.  And, yes, you've guessed it, this is also believed to be a sign of a negative spirit attachment by some.  However, it could just be that cold draft from earlier so be sure to shut those windows on cold winter days!

15. Sudden changes in mood for no reason

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Sudden changes in mood and swaying quickly between strong emotions aren't all that unusual for people.  Sometimes it can be part of a mental health issue, in which case that person would probably need support from a professional.  But sometimes it can just be down to various other things like hormones and the like.  However, some believe that this is down to a negative spirit attachment or spirit possession.

16. Unexplained feelings of dread in certain areas of your home

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You might experience unexplained feelings of dread in certain areas of your home; near the laundry basket, next to the dishwasher, or even near the mop!  But what if we told you that some people believe that this might be because you have a negative spirit attachment in those areas?  You might think it's highly unlikely, but there are some that believe, though this belief is not backed up scientifically, that this is the reason and perhaps a sign of a malevolent spirit.

17. Frequent goosebumps on the back of your neck

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You know when those little hairs prick up on the back of your neck, the goosebumps appear, you feel cold, and shiver?  Is it a draft from under the door; is it a breeze from the icy outdoors; is it a spirit?  We were always going to come back to that, weren't we?  Well, yes, it's probably down to certain spooky movies, but this feeling is often associated with paranormal activity.

18. Objects levitating or falling randomly

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Bump!  What was that?  Crash!  And another!  Why on earth are all of your objects falling randomly?  Has there been an earthquake or have you just placed them precariously on the edge?  You should probably find out pretty soon.  And if you see anything levitating, then, yes, perhaps you have a poltergeist in your midst, or so some people certainly believe!

19. Seeing dark shadows in your peripheral vision

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Now, some people believe that seeing dark spots in your peripheral vision is a sign of something sinister lurking in the shadows.  But the truth is, dark spots or floaters in your eyes can be pretty normal and not always a malevolent entity ready to pounce!  Don't ignore these though because sometimes, dark spots that become larger or darker could be a sign of a more severe vision problem that might need to be investigated by a medical professional.

20. Unusual patterns or symbols appearing in dust or condensation

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Patterns appearing in normal everyday things like dust or condensation might alarm you and make you feel like you are witnessing some paranormal activity.  But psychologists will probably tell you that this has a name: Apophenia (or patternicity).  This concept is characterized by seen patterns in unrelated things that anyone can experience.  However, it might be part of a delusion in those living with schizophrenia.

21. Animals behaving strangely

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Does your dog bark at seemingly random nothings?  Or perhaps your cat springs up off the floor out of nowhere?  You might just ask yourself: What can they see that I cannot see?  Could it be a ghost?  Perhaps... But it's likely that your pet is being the wonderful weirdo that it is...  However, if you're concerned about their behavior, don't ignore it!  Go and get them checked out!

22. Doors slamming shut

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You might get spooked when your door decides to slam shut, like it's got a mind of its own or is being manipulated by something malevolent from the spirit world.  As if this spirit just wants to torment you constantly.  But despite the many beliefs that this might be a sign of a negative spirit attachment, the likelihood is that it was probably just caught by a sharp gust of wind!

23. Having vivid recurring dreams of supernatural encounters

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Vivid dreams can be pretty alarming because they feel so real.  But what if they ARE real?  No only joking!  Some people do believe that their dreams signify a spirit attachment and depending on the nature of these, perhaps a negative spirit attachment.  These vivid dreams or nightmares can be frightening and can cause stress and sleep deprivation.  Usually, people can deal with infrequent nightmares on their own but if they're chronic and you are experiencing sleep loss and stress, then it's time to stop ignoring them and seek help from a professional.

24. There are lots of mysterious creaks during the night

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Lots of mysterious creaks with no known origin during the long, dark, cold night, can really creep you out and is a common occurrence in your favorite horror movie.  Hearing the sounds might cause the imagination to run wild with thoughts about spirits and malevolent entities, but the truth is, you've probably just got a few old floorboards that need seeing to!

25. Your GPS sends you in loops

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GPS is known for its unrivaled accuracy and always gets you to your destination with no trouble whatsoever, right?  So any mistakes it makes including sending you around and around in loops and hoops around town has got to be down to a malevolent spirit tormenting you.  Doesn't sound as logical as it once did now does it? In truth, it's probably your faulty GPS sending you on a wild goose chase!

26. Your keys end up in different places from where you left them

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Losing your keys is probably a daily occurrence for a lot of people; very familiar indeed!  But could it be that malevolent spirit playing tricks on you again?  And WHY is it always the things that you actually need on a daily basis?!  In all seriousness though, if forgetfulness is distressing, do make sure you seek help and make sure you don't suffer in silence.

27. Your plants keep dying

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With the icy cold air, it's no wonder your plants are dying.  They don't live and thrive in the presence of a malevolent entity, they shrivel up and lose their lush green leaves.  Just think: are you sure you've fed and watered them; do they have enough light; Have you sat on them?  You probably need to revise your plant-care routine so they can thrive and continue to brighten up your home!

28. You lose track of hours or days

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Some people believe that a negative spirit attachment steals time from their target.  They attach themselves to that person's energy and drain them, making them feel extremely fatigued and perhaps wondering where the last few hours or even days have gone.  Or is it that you were just too busy or preoccupied with something that you didn't notice time passing?  It happens to the best of us!

29. It is important to mention...

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As mentioned earlier, although these beliefs do exist in various forms across the world, they are not backed up by science, and many professionals including psychologists, see these signs as symptoms of certain mental health or psychological issues.  And often, further professional, including psychological and medical evaluation can help to understand and address these symptoms.

30. Seeking support if you or someone you know needs it

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If you or someone you know is experiencing any of these symptoms, it is of utmost importance that you seek support, either for yourself or for someone you know.  This is even more urgent if these symptoms are distressing as help is available for individuals to explore their experiences in a safe environment with a compassionate professional.  These signs can of course be rooted in spiritual aspects of life, but they can also be rooted in psychological aspects too.

31. What causes a spirit attachment?

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One of the most common causes of spirit attachment can be when a person experiences trauma in their life, that creates a certain negative energy in their body and opens a doorway for something to latch onto that. Trauma can cause a sort of 'crack' in your body's energy which is easy for something unwanted to slip through and 'get inside'.

32. You shouldn't feel guilty for it

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At the end of the day, you can't help it when you're feeling low or negative, and you definitely can't help it if you've been through a traumatic experience that changed you. Some people can feel guilty for letting a negative spirit latch onto them but the reality is a person very rarely knows it's even happened, let alone allowed it to consciously happen!

33. You can control your thoughts

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One of the best things you can do is try to think positively wherever possible. You can't help when you feel low, but trying to turn a situation around to focus on the positive - or even just the neutral - side of things might help you to not start drowning in negative thoughts, which makes it more likely for a negative spirit to become aware of that and get attached.

34. Rituals and spellwork can cause negative attachment

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Some people work with at-home rituals and spellwork, and sometimes what can happen is they don't really know what they're doing, or don't focus enough on protecting themselves - like through imagining a protective circle or aura - that ends up opening a portal for unwanted spirit attention to come through. This can make it more likely for that attachment.

35. And definitely don't do any rituals you don't know about

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Positive rituals and spellwork, like from reliable witchcraft sources or published book, can still go wrong if you don't follow the instructions and potentially let something unwanted through. But it's even worse if you're trying a ritual you know nothing about, like one you found randomly online or on social media. Without knowing the background of these, you could be actively performing something that was designed with the very purpose to let a negative spirit in.

36. Bad habits can also attract attention

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It's true that you attract the same energy you're putting out into the universe. So if you're someone who is constantly gossiping negatively about other people, repeating bad behavior like acting unkindly or acting jealous, or even suffering through bad addictions, this can all be a huge attraction for negative spirit energies that are going to pay attention to that.

37. You can actually attract specific energies

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It can also be very common if you have a particular negative thought pattern or a bad addiction to actually attract a spirit of the same nature. For example, if you have a pattern of being a very jealous and negative partner, you might attract the spirit of someone who was a negatively jealous person in life. It's best to work to improve the bad patterns of behavior you see in yourself.

38. Hearing low voices

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One of the key signs of negative spirit attachment can also be to hear negative voice patterns, and this is also one key way to recognize the difference between positive and negative spirits. For the most part, positive spirits will make their presence known through signs like light, colors, rainbows or feathers. But with negative spirits, you're more likely to hear voices or words.

39. Negative spirits still need consent to attach

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This is the difficult fact to grasp because you may be thinking you would never actively consent to a spirit to latch onto you, but for the most part, you might be consenting without realizing it. If you're going through life thriving on resentment, feeling better when you gossip about people or say mean things, then a negative spirit can see this as 'consent' that you're happy to have that sort of vibe in your life!

40. Empaths can be most at risk

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Being an empath means you're very in tune to other people's emotions, and often subjected to the negative emotions of others - you feel very deeply when other people are in pain or you may feel like their negative influence rubs off on you if you spend too long with them. Even though you're not actively a negative person yourself, being very empathic can make it easier for a negative spirit.

41. The different types of spirit attachment: pieces of other people's soul

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When we spoke about some negative spirits getting in through the 'cracks' if you've been through a traumatic experience, this is usually an example of a negative spirit that's a part of another person's souls. This is because those tiny soul fragments can get in through the 'cracks' and latch onto you. Soul fragments are often associated with negative experiences, like when you have a heart 'broken into pieces'.

42. Spirits which are bound to the earth

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Another example of a negative spirit that might be attached to you is a spirit that is earthbound. This is the full spirit/form a person who never moved on from this world, or is maybe still trapped on this plane of existence. This can often make them drawn to the energy of people still alive in this world because they need to 'feed' off that energy and warmth they no longer have.

43. Parasites that feed on thoughts

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You might think any form of negative spirit with an attachment to you is a form of parasite, but there is actually a specific kind more of a 'thought parasite' that feeds off your negative thoughts and gets its energy from them. This is why people who constantly have negative thoughts are more at risk of these types of spiritual parasites, who are drawn to feelings of hate or jealousy.

44. Contracts made in past lives

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If you believe in past lives - or even parallel lives - then it might also be that this negative spirit is attached to you because of some connection you had with it in a different life. It could be that you actively made a 'contract' with this spirit, or unconsciously did so without meaning to. This can mean they might have followed you into this life because of that.

45. Other types of attachment

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There are also other times of negative spirit attachment, which can include more of a sense of just 'bad energy' directed your way. This is more focused on the energy or attempts against your positive aura, rather than a fully fledged spirit with a form or voice. It could be that you're just receiving negative attacks from a hostile force or bad energy.

46. How to get rid of spirit attachment: work through trauma

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A good place to start is to tackle any trauma head on, especially if you haven't already been seeking help and trying to ignore any negative feelings you have. The only way to overcome them is to work through them - and while, in many cases, trauma never really goes away, it's more about learning to live with it in a better and stronger way that won't make you fall victim to negative energies.

47. Practice positive thinking

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We know this can be very difficult at times, and you don't have to be a painfully cheery person all the time, but you can find a way that works for you to explore more positive things. Journaling is a great way to express gratitude for things throughout the day, and you can also try new experiences that will have a positive outcome rather than feeling worried about things.

48. Find balance and cleansing

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Only you can know how best to find a balance within yourself, but the more balanced and 'cleansed' you feel, the harder it's going to be for a negative spirit to latch onto that - or even want to in the first place. Cleansing could be better self care, receiving massages, even better skincare - anything that makes you feel more 'clean'. Feeling more balanced could also come from making more time for yourself, and the things you'd like to do.

49. Avoid any rituals or spellwork

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If you were doing them before and noticed any signs of negative spirit presence, it's important not to continue with any ritual or spellwork for the moment - especially if that's how they might have come through in the first place, and if you're not very experienced with it. If you're also feeling negative while doing these things, that can flow through.

50. Speak to a professional

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And, ultimately, we aren't professionals - but there are people who know more about this stuff and can help you to cleanse your aura or tackle any negative thoughts head on. You may want to try energy healing or speak to a spiritual practitioner who can better guide you about what you're experiencing and how you can improve the situation. Be sure to never ignore it!

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