Top 10 Things We Should Never Leave The House Without

By Paula Tudoran 11 months ago

Your Wallet

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Always carry your wallet with some cash, identification, and important cards. You never know when you might need it. Whether it's for a sudden coffee craving, an unexpected shopping spree, or an emergency cab ride, having your wallet ensures you can handle any unplanned expenses. Additionally, your identification cards are essential for various situations, like age verification or proving your identity in unfamiliar places. Keep your wallet organized and periodically check for expired cards to stay prepared for any eventuality.

The Phone (ofc!)

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Our trusty companion — for communication, navigation, and staying connected with the world. From calling loved ones to accessing maps for directions, our phones have become indispensable tools. Social media, messaging apps, and email keep us connected to friends and colleagues. Additionally, mobile banking and digital wallets make transactions a breeze. However, don't forget to unplug occasionally and give yourself a tech break. Balance is key to ensuring your phone remains a helpful ally, not a source of constant distraction.

House And Car Keys

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A must-have to avoid getting locked out of your house or car. Car keys allow you to drive to your destination, while house keys grant access to your safe haven. To prevent misplacing them, designate a specific spot for your keys, like a bowl or a hook by the door. If you're prone to losing them, consider a key tracker device. Spare keys are also a smart backup, especially when you have trusted neighbors or friends to hold onto them in case of emergencies.

A Pack of Tissues

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Useful for spills, sneezes, or impromptu picnics. Tissues are versatile tools that come to the rescue in various situations. From wiping away tears to cleaning up spills or messes, they're reliable companions. During allergy season or a common cold, tissues help maintain personal hygiene and prevent the spread of germs. Don't forget to pack a travel-size pack, as you never know when you or someone around you might need them.

Your Favorite Sunglasses

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Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays and look cool doing it. Sunglasses are not just fashion accessories; they shield your eyes from damaging ultraviolet radiation. Prolonged exposure to the sun's rays can cause eye discomfort and even contribute to eye diseases like cataracts. Opt for sunglasses with UV protection to safeguard your vision since they reduce glare, making driving and outdoor activities safer and more enjoyable.

A Reusable Water Bottle

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Stay hydrated throughout the day while reducing plastic waste. Carrying a reusable water bottle is an eco-friendly way to quench your thirst on the go. It saves you money by eliminating the need for single-use plastic bottles. Plus, staying hydrated boosts energy levels and keeps your body functioning optimally. We recommend choosing a durable, BPA-free bottle that's easy to clean and leak-proof.

A Pair of Headphones

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Enjoy music, podcasts, or just block out noise during your commute. Headphones transport us to a world of entertainment and relaxation. Whether you're listening to your favorite tunes, engaging in an audiobook, or simply tuning out the noise around you, headphones provide a personalized audio experience. However, remember to stay aware of your surroundings, especially in busy areas or when crossing roads.

Your Lip Balm

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Keep your lips moisturized and kissable. Chapped lips can be uncomfortable and unsightly. A good lip balm provides much-needed hydration, protecting your lips from dryness and cracking. Look for balms with natural ingredients like beeswax or shea butter. Regular application not only keeps your lips soft but also enhances your smile. So, pucker up with confidence, knowing your lips are well-cared for and ready for any occasion.

A Foldable Umbrella

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Rain can catch us off guard, but a small foldable umbrella offers instant protection from getting soaked. Compact and lightweight, it easily fits in your bag or backpack, ready to be deployed when dark clouds appear. Invest in a quality umbrella with windproof features for added durability. Its convenience extends beyond rainy days; it can also shield you from the sun's rays during scorching summer days.

Sunscreen, obviously!

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Sunscreen is your ally in safeguarding your skin from harmful UV rays as it protects your skin from sunburn and reduces the risk of skin damage. Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a high SPF value to exposed areas of your body, even on cloudy days. This protective layer prevents sunburn, premature aging, and reduces the risk of skin cancer, so keep a travel-sized bottle in your bag to re-apply throughout the day.

The Right Mindset

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A positive and focused mindset can turn challenges into opportunities and make your day more productive and enjoyable. Embrace a can-do attitude, and remember that your thoughts influence your actions. Replace self-doubt with self-belief and watch how it transforms your day. Be open to learning from setbacks and see them as stepping stones to success. Cultivate gratitude for the little things, and you'll find joy in the ordinary. Choose to see the silver lining even on cloudy days, and you'll radiate positivity to everyone you meet.

A Conventional Weapon

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In extreme cases, having a small, legal, and non-threatening self-defense tool, like a personal alarm or pepper spray, can provide peace of mind. While we hope never to face such situations, it's better to be prepared for the unexpected. Familiarize yourself with how to use the tool responsibly and confidently. Remember, it's for personal safety only, and using it should be a last resort. Stay vigilant, trust your instincts, and prioritize your safety above all else.

Your Driver's License

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Ensure you carry a valid driver's license or any other necessary licenses for specific activities you might engage in during the day. Your license establishes your identity and demonstrates your competency to carry out certain tasks. Whether driving, handling specialized equipment, or practicing a profession, having the appropriate license showcases your responsibility and adherence to regulations. Keep your license in a secure and easily accessible place to avoid any unnecessary inconveniences.

An Extra Jacket

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Weather can be unpredictable; having an extra jacket ensures you stay warm and comfortable outdoors. Whether it's an unexpected breeze, a sudden rain shower, or a chilly evening, having that extra layer can make a significant difference. Opt for a lightweight and foldable jacket to save space in your bag. You'll appreciate the warmth it provides when the weather takes an unexpected turn, and you'll be ready to enjoy your day, no matter what Mother Nature throws your way.

A Hair Tie or Scrunchie

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Keep your hair under control and maintain a tidy appearance throughout the day. A hair tie is not just a practical accessory but also a quick fix for moments when your hair gets in your face and hampers your focus. Whether you need to tie your hair for a workout session or to handle a windy day, a hair tie is a lifesaver. It adds a touch of convenience and style, allowing you to stay comfortable and composed, even during the busiest hours.

Hand Lotion

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Combat dry skin and keep your hands soft and moisturized. The skin on our hands is often exposed to various elements, leading to dryness and roughness. A portable hand lotion provides a refreshing burst of hydration, preventing discomfort and cracks. Regular application keeps your hands looking and feeling their best; choose a non-greasy formula, and let your hands radiate a healthy glow wherever you go.

Your Sense of Humor

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Life can get serious, but a good sense of humor can lighten the mood and make any situation more bearable. Laughter is a natural stress-reliever, and sharing a joke or a witty remark can brighten not only your day but also that of others around you. A light-hearted approach to life helps you find joy in the little things, even during tough times. Embrace your unique sense of humor, and let it be a powerful tool to connect with people and create memorable experiences.

A Small First Aid Kit

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Minor cuts and scrapes happen — be prepared to handle them. A well-stocked first aid kit with adhesive bandages, antiseptic wipes, and pain relief ointments can quickly come to your rescue. From small mishaps during outdoor activities to everyday accidents at home, having a first aid kit ensures prompt and proper care. Familiarize yourself with its contents and how to use them, empowering you to address minor injuries with confidence.

Your Portable Charger

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Never run out of battery on your essential devices. In a world heavily reliant on technology, a portable charger is a lifeline for your gadgets. From smartphones to tablets, keeping them powered up means staying connected and avoiding potential emergencies caused by dead batteries. Opt for a high-capacity power bank that can charge multiple devices simultaneously. Never again worry about missing important calls or getting lost without navigation when you have your trusty portable charger.

Some Reading Material

Image Source: Cup Of Jo

A book or magazine can be a great way to pass the time. Whether during a long commute or while waiting for appointments, having reading material on hand offers a mental escape into captivating stories or informative articles. Physical books provide a nostalgic experience, while e-books offer a library at your fingertips. Expand your knowledge, explore new worlds, or simply unwind with the magic of words and imagination.

A Foldable Shopping Bag

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An eco-friendly option for unexpected shopping trips. Ditch single-use plastic bags and opt for a foldable shopping bag that's reusable and easy to carry. You never know when you'll stumble upon a great sale or need to pick up a few items unexpectedly. Having a foldable bag in your purse or backpack means you can avoid accumulating more plastic waste and contribute to a greener planet.

Some Breath Mints or Gum

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Freshen up your breath and be ready for any conversation. Social interactions are smoother when you feel confident about your breath. Keep a pack of breath mints or gum handy for quick freshening up after meals or before important meetings. Not only does it make you feel more comfortable, but it also shows consideration for others when engaging in close conversations.

Pain Reliever(s)

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Headaches or body aches can strike anytime. Be prepared for unexpected discomfort by carrying a pain reliever in your bag. Whether it's a headache from stress or muscle pain from an active day, a pain reliever can provide quick relief and help you carry on with your day unhindered. Always follow the recommended dosage and consult a healthcare professional if the pain persists.

An Emergency Contact Card

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Carry essential emergency contacts with you. In case of accidents or medical emergencies, having an emergency contact card with important phone numbers can save precious time and ensure timely assistance. Include contacts for family members, close friends, and your primary healthcare provider. Store the information securely, whether in a dedicated cardholder or on your phone's lock screen, for easy access in case of need.

A Spare Set of Clothes

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Accidents or sudden plans may require a change. Mishaps can happen, from spilled coffee to unexpected rain showers. Having a spare set of clothes, including undergarments, can save you from potential embarrassment and discomfort. It's also handy for impromptu plans like a last-minute dinner invitation or a post-workout hangout. Choose clothing that's compact and versatile, allowing you to adapt to various situations without feeling burdened.

Your Deodorant

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Stay fresh and confident all day long. A quick swipe of deodorant in the morning keeps you feeling fresh, even during busy and active days. It not only helps prevent body odor but also boosts your confidence in social interactions. Opt for a travel-sized deodorant to stay odor-free on the go. Stay mindful of your body's needs and reapply as necessary to maintain a pleasant and approachable demeanor.

A Positive Attitude

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Lastly, don't forget to leave with a positive outlook and a smile — it brightens up your day and others around you! Your attitude sets the tone for your experiences and interactions throughout the day. Embrace challenges with optimism, find joy in the little things, and spread positivity wherever you go. A genuine smile can make a significant difference in how you and others feel, fostering a warm and welcoming environment. So, wear your positivity like a badge and watch it work wonders in brightening your day and those around you.

Your Brain

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Your most powerful tool — stay sharp and curious, ready to tackle any challenges that come your way each and every day. Your brain is the powerhouse of creativity, problem-solving, and learning, so stay open to new ideas, embrace lifelong learning, and nourish your mind with diverse perspectives. The more you exercise your brain in various encounters, observing those around you and communicating with people, the sharper it becomes, enhancing your ability to navigate through life's twists and turns.

A Small Mirror

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Check your appearance and make sure you're always putting your best foot forward. A small mirror is a handy companion for quick touch-ups and ensuring you look presentable throughout the day. Whether it's adjusting your hair, making sure there's no food stuck in your teeth, or simply confirming your overall appearance, a glance in the mirror gives you the confidence to face the world with poise. Stay ready for impromptu meetings or unexpected encounters by keeping your reflection in check.

Your Self-Respect and Dignity

Image Source: The Hollywood Reporter

Hold onto your self-worth and treat others with respect, creating a positive environment around you. Your self-respect sets the tone for how others treat you, and it also influences your own behavior. Remember that you deserve to be treated with kindness and consideration, just like everyone else. Uphold your dignity by standing up for your values and maintaining healthy boundaries. By valuing yourself, you set an example for others, fostering an atmosphere of mutual respect and understanding in your interactions.

Top things you should never go on vacation without, either! Comfortable shoes

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The thing with vacations is that you can never really know how much walking you're going to do if you're not going for a hiking trip, and it might be surprising how much you end up doing. Especially if you're going somewhere with difficult terrain like steep cobbled streets, those flip flops you packed might not be looking so appealing right now... always pack a comfortable pair of shoes you can walk in!

A portable battery/power bank

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This is a must, not only for the trip itself, but for your flight. If you have a long flight over 10 hours or so and you're planning on using your device to keep you entertained, the odds are that you're going to have drained the battery before you've even stepped off the plane! Always have a fully charged battery pack at the ready, especially to keep you safe if you need to contact people or make emergency phone calls.

Your travel adapter or converter

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It doesn't matter if you have a fully charged battery pack or not if you haven't packed a travel adaptor or converter, because you're not going to be able to charge your device or pack in a different country without that! The good thing about this item is that airports will sell them if you forget, but save yourself the money and make sure to pack your own!

A backup copy of all your documents

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We know that travel has been made super easy these days for having all your check in information and confirmations on you phone, but you have to think what would happen if your phone battery went, broke, wasn't loading or if you broke the screen? Anything can happen running through the airport, so it always helps to have a paper backup copy of everything you need, especially flight information.

A first aid kit

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This is something a lot of people take for granted having at home because you know which drawer you have some plasters in or a bandage if you happen to cut yourself. On the road, it's trickier, and you don't want to get caught out on a hike or anything if you end up cutting yourself. Make sure to carry a travel-sized first aid kit for all the essentials!

A pair of compression socks

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This is key for long flights, and especially if you have health issues with your legs or circulation. You should always consult with a doctor before flying if you do have specific health problems, but otherwise compression socks will help to keep gentle pressure on your legs during the time you're sat down on a long flight when you're not able to stand up too much and get the blood flowing.

A day bag as well as your luggage

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With so much focus on what suitcase or carry on you're going to take and what to pack, it can be so easy to forget the actual bag you're going to need when you arrive at your vacation destination! You'll need to pack a day bag, like a handbag or backpack, to carry your essentials around all day. A lot of people forget to pack a bag within a bag, but there we are!

A travel-sized umbrella!

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Unless you know for certain that you're traveling to a place that never, ever gets any rainfall, having an umbrella packed is a good idea. Raincoats are also a good idea but it's also not comfortable to have your trousers or shoes wet in bad weather, so an umbrella can help to keep you dry and comfortable for your trip. And travel size is a must so that it doesn't take up too much space!

Some hand sanitizer

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This was always important to carry, but in recent times, even more so! Think about how much you touch when you're traveling, and especially in the airport, like bathroom handles, counters, payment machines, everything you're touching on your flight like the food tray... having some hand sanitizer will help to keep you hygienic and freshened up when you need.

A pack or two of wet wipes

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Wet wipes are also a great idea alongside hand sanitizer, as there are some things you might want to wipe down before you actually touch them rather than sanitizing your hands afterwards. This counts for the arm rest or tray on your flight, or maybe even your luggage handles after they've been passed around a bunch of times. You never know when you might need a wipe!

Binder clips can come in super handy

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You might never have thought about taking one of these on vacation, but trust us, they can be extremely handy if you're taking a lot of loose items! If you have a whole bag full of cables and chargers for your devices the last thing you want is for them to all get tangled during the journey, so these binder clips can actually help to keep them all together. They're also perfect for keeping any loose paper documents and your passport together.

Duct tape

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Okay, we know this one sounds weird, but bear with us on this one! If you ran into an issue with any of your clothes or luggage during your trip - like if your bag gets ripped during the airport process, or even while you're away - duct tape can really help in a pinch. You can seal up any holes on anything in the meantime before you can find a more permanent solution!

Your trusty water bottle

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It's so important to stay hydrated on your trip, and especially during the airport process which can see you faced with long airport waits, long flights and changes in humidity. You don't want to get dehydrated during this time, and it's so easy to forget to eat or drink during hours and hours of flight time. Make sure to pack your favorite resusable water bottle.

Your camera of choice

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It doesn't matter if it's your phone camera, a professional camera or a quirky disposable one, just make sure you have something to take travel photos with (and one you can depend on!) because the last thing you want is not to be able to see any of the memories from your trip. If you are using your phone as a camera, it's even more important for that back up battery pack.

A notebook (or note app)

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Whether you prefer physical notebooks or a digital notebook, just something to easily write information down on will be helpful for your vacation. A physical notebook and pen can be a much better option because it's easy to keep in your bag with you and you don't have to worry about battery power. Notebooks can be used for keeping track of travel information, reminders or writing down anything of interest to you during your trip!

Spare underwear

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We all do that thing where we count how many pairs of underwear we need while we're away, but it's actually recommended to take more than just the daily amount for your trip. You never know when you might need a spare pair of underwear, like if you've been swimming or sunbathing and you change before going out, which means you might wear two pairs in one day instead of one!

A laundry bag

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Nothing is worse than the impending laundry pile when you get back off a long trip, but the battle begins before you even get home when you have a pile of dirty clothes you don't want to mix with clean stuff inside your suitcase on the way back. Packing a laundry bag means you can keep all the dirty stuff separate in your case and easy to just pull out and throw in the washing machine when you get back!

A handy stain remover

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So many stains can happen during a trip away, like spilling your coffee down yourself at the airport, dropping food on yourself or any other mishap while you're away from home. It's not easy to just quickly nip home and change when you're in a completely different place, and sometimes you also need to get stains out right away before they set. So a handy stain remover - like a travel sized pen - can be a must!

Cash on hand

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Even if you like to take travel money cards - or your own credit card - away on a vacation and do everything contactless, having some form of cash on you in your wallet will be really helpful for situations where you have to tip, where card isn't accepted or just when you might need a bit of spare change. You never know when it might happen so it's better to have some rather than get caught out!

Your watch

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If you don't usually wear a watch, it might be the time (heh) to start, at least before your trip! Sure, you always check the time on your phone, but when traveling, your phone might be at the bottom of a heavy travel bag or out of juice, and keeping track of time - like with time zone differences or what time your flight is due - is key, and a watch is just so much easier for that!

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