Inside New Orleans Abandoned ‘Six Flags’ Theme Park

By Anna Collins 10 months ago

1. Six Flags New Orleans was abandoned after being destroyed by Hurricane Katrina

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In 2005 Hurricane Katrina struck the Gulf Coast. New Orleans where Six Flags is based faced huge destruction. The park suffered massively and it was left damaged beyond repair by the Hurricane. The site where the beloved theme park lay was in ruin and it led to it being abandoned after the rides and the infrastructure of the park faced too much damage.

2. The damage was irreparable and cost too much money

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The damage was deemed so great that the whole park was ruled out as beyond repair. It was a terribly sad affair as the park had become a beloved feature of the area by local families and tourists who came in thousands every day. The repairs would have cost too much money, and even then it may not have been enough to make the park safe again after the extent of the damage.

3. The park's location put it at risk of floods

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The location of the park also contributed to its downfall. The area where it was situated was very susceptible to flooding, meaning that when the hurricane did hit it caused even more damage than it may have done in a different location. But a combination of the hurricane and where the park was, it ended up drowning under several feet of water which covered the entire theme park.

4. It remains a popular attraction even in this abandoned state

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The word abandoned suggests that the park gets zero tourists anymore. And while this technically should be the case, because the park is closed, it still attracts a lot of people who want to go and see the empty and ruined site due to its creepy aesthetic that has been acquired due to its ruin and subsequent neglect. So, despite the site being shut down, it is still a visited area!

5. It has become the backdrop to several movies

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The abandoned rides, the graffiti-covered structures, decaying materials, and the overgrown nature of the park give it a very horror movie-like appeal which has attracted several movie scenes to be shot here. Some of the movies include Percy Jackson: Sea of Monsters, Dawn of the Planet of the Paes, and Jurassic World along with many other well-known movies.

6. The park was struggling financially even before the hurricane

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Despite the ruin of the park coming after the hurricane, it is true that even before the hurricane the park was struggling financially. Since it opened it had struggled to bring in enough visitors to be able to make the park deemed profitable enough and sustainable. Some people blame this on its location which was fairly removed from other tourist attractions.

7. There are rumors that the park is haunted

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The eerie state of the park has led to rumours that the park is haunted. Not only the decaying appearance of the park but also the tragedy of its past have contributed to the stories and legends that have emerged. Some people believe that there are supernatural occurrences genre, and other people believe that they have experienced strange things here such as inexplicable sightings and sounds.

8. Insurance paid out $175 million

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The extent of the damage to the park was so huge that the insurance had to pay out a hefty sum to reflect the damage that had been caused by the hurricane and the flooding. The insurance company paid out $175 million, but the rebuilding of the park was still not deemed viable despite the huge payout. The damage may have cost even more to repair it than the insurance sum.

9. The park was officially abandoned one year later in 2006

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The Hurricane Katrina hit in 2005, August. But the park wasn't declared fully abandoned until one year later in 2006. This is because the park was under assessment to really determine the extent of the damage and what or if it could be saved. Eventually, it was considered too damaged to ever be repaired and so by 2006 the Six Flags New Orleans Theme Park had closed forever.

10. The entire park was covered in seven feet of water

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The severity of the storm was understood when the park was literally submerged in seven feet of water. There wasn't an area of the park that had managed to escape the water or the damage. It took many weeks for the water to be able to be removed, and of course, the extent of this kind of water damage to the infrastructure makes it unsafe to ever be used again.

11. People are attracted to this creepy atmosphere

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It's not only movies that seek out the creepy and eerie atmosphere of the abandoned park. There are thousands of visitors a year who still come to see the park in its decaying and destroyed state. There truly is a strange energy around the place that attracts people to see it for themselves. People feel an unease and the park is frozen in time in a state of disrepair which can feel quite haunting.

12. A documentary about the park was made in 2020

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Because all these years later there is still a huge attraction to the park, a documentary was made, seizing the opportunity to create a profit from the buzz of the abandoned area. The Closed For Storm documentary was created by Jake Williams and Bright Sun Films and it explores the dilapidated park and explains the history of the park, its life, and its sad ending.

13. The site now attracts crime and vandalism

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Sadly, the abandoned site has now become a magnet for vandalism and crime. Because of the location of the park and how deserted it is, it means that it is an appealing place for crime to take place out of the eyesight of the public. So the already gloomy site has become a place of illegal activity, and, the appearance of the park attracts vandals who cause even more damage to the structures.

14. Former workers at the park have revealed strange experiences whilst the park was open!

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When the rumors began to emerge in the media about the abandoned park, former employees of the park started to come forward to share their unusual and strange experiences too. Some workers had experienced ghostly sightings of unexplained shadows or eerie occurrences. Others heard strange sounds which seemed to be coming from nowhere and there were a lot of rumors circulating through the park even before its demise.

15. The park first opened in 2000 as Jazzland

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The park wasn't actually make Six Flags New Orleans, it was primarily known as Jazzland Theme Park due to the city's reputation for jazz culture. But, after the park was purchased by Six Flags in 2000 they changed the name to represent their brand and acknowledge it as one of the many Six Flags theme parks. Six Flags is among the largest theme park operator in the world.

16. The ponds are now home to alligators

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One surprising thing to have come out of the closure of Six Flags New Orleans theme park is that the site is now being overtaken with wildlife. The ponds in the area are now home to alligators! The alligators have managed to move here over the years of the site being abandoned. Their new home is rarely disturbed apart from occasional tourists in the area.

17. Lights and electricity has strange and random surges here still

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One of the reasons that ex-employees and guests began to circulate rumors of the park being haunted was because they had experienced strange things with the electricity malfunctioning for no apparent reason. Even now, there are random surges where the lights come on with absolutely no explanation...leading people to believe that it's the result of supernatural forces!

18. It's illegal to visit

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We have already mentioned how the site attracts many thrill-seeking visitors wanting to experience the eerier nature of the site. Yet it is actually illegal to visit, and those who do enter are trespassing. The site was closed off to the public because it is deemed unsafe for people to be there due to the decaying structures. Yet this doesn't seem to stop people, in fact, it creates a new appeal for some people.

19. The park opened once after Katrina for the Fright Fest

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After the hurricane Katrina, it wasn't the last time the theme park ever opened again. In fact, it had one last opening in 2006 before it shut forever. This was for the Fright Fest during Halloween which features haunted houses and other spooky attractions which were held in certain areas of the park. However, after this last event, it was the last time the doors were ever opened to the public again.

20. The site has been used for emergency responder training since the Hurricane

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The site isn't completely useless now, Although it will never be opened to the public again as it once was, it does not mean that it hasn't had certain uses over the years. Due to the space and the setting left as a memento of a natural disaster, the space has become an area for training for emergency responders. Training incorporating search and rescue and disaster scenarios is recreated here.

21. It STILL remains exactly as it was left...

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One of the strangest things about the site is that it remains exactly as it was left. It's a very strange illusion, the park looks like it was when it was closed all of those years ago, yet things have started to fall into even more of a state of disrepair. Even the roller coasters remain where they were left. yet the emptiness and lack of sound here create a highly disconcerting atmosphere.

22. The park was one of the least profitable of the Six Flags park

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Six Flags New Orleans was known to be the least profitable of all of the Six Flags amusement parks. One of the reasons was that the theme park faced a lot of competition from Disney World and Universal Studios in Florida which had a bigger reputation and it wasn't far away. Also, the weather in New Orleans could be stifling hot in the summer months which could have affected visitors.

23. There have been numerous failed attempts to reopen it

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Despite many people wanting to overtake the theme park and reopen it, but all attempts so far have failed. In fact, there have been several announcements over the years regarding plans and intentions for the site, yet none of them have ended up in fruition. And so, for now, the park remains closed and there are still no plans. For now, the park remains sat steadily being overgrown in nature.,

24. Some of the in-tact rollercoasters were relocated

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Some parts of the roller coasters were still fully intact. The ones that were had numerous checks to determine if they were still structurally sound, and those that were were relocated to other Six Flags theme parks. And so, some of the New Orleans theme park currently stands in a variety of other theme parks over the USA. Rides cost a huge amount of money, so these were saved.

25. Nickelodeon announced it would take over the park in 2009

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Nickelodeon announced in 2009 that it had plans to take over the site and reconstruct it into a Nickelodeon theme park. It raised a lot of attention in the media and garnered a lot of enthusiasm and support from fans who wanted to see the theme park up and running again, resorted from its sad state currently. Yet nothing ever emerged after this announcement.

26. It was then announced it would be a shopping center in 2011

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So after the plans for the Nickelodeon theme park fell through, it was then announced that the Six Flags New Orleans theme park site would be converted into a shopping center. People were sad to see the remains of the park flattened. However, it was deemed a good idea to make something of the currently empty space. Yet again, nothing actually ever came of the idea.

27. In 2011 it was suggested it should reopen with its original name

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In 2011 there were rumors that the park would reopen again, as it once was and even with the same name. People were ecstatic that the park would be opened in its former glory, and the Six Flags New Orleans theme park would be in use, reformed, and even better than before. Yet plans for the revival seemed to fall through and another plan for the park failed.

28. In 2017 the power was given to the mayor

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Then in 2017 after many disagreements regarding what to do with the site and many failed attempts at turning the unsubdued theme park into something else, the power was handed over to the mayor of New Orleans to decide what should be done with the space.  However, even years later, no plans have been made and there are still no firm or concrete plans in place.

29. In 2021 a new developer was found to turn the area into a complex

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Then in 2021, a new developer was found and they wanted to turn the area into a complex. And while the plans seemed set, there has been no further development in what is happening with the area. For now, it remains exactly as it did, standing frozen in time. And while the plans may be running in the background, who knows if these will also be among the many of all through.

30. People believe its demise was also caused by bad management

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Even though the physical damage and disrepair came in the shape of Hurricane Katrin, some people believe that its demise was already on the horizon. Many people attribute some of the failures of the park to bad management. There were many people who did not believe that the park was being run as effectively or as well as it could have been which led to financial problems.

31. Other creepy abandoned theme parks around the world: Nara Dreamland, Japan

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Japan is known for huge attractions and theme parks, but unfortunately it wasn't to be for this particular attraction. Nara Dreamland was supposed to be Japan's own version of Disneyland, which opened back in the 1960s. The rides there included the classics like a wooden rollercoaster and teacups, but unfortunately it wasn't enough for success, and it closed in 2006. Now, it's just eerily overrun by nature.

32. Atlantis Marine Park, Australia

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It's always great to see a water themed themepark sometimes, and that's what this park in Australia was supposed to be, complete with huge Poseidon statue. It opened in 1981, and was supposed to be a big part of the Alan Bond Yanchep Sun City plan. Sadly, the theme park met huge financial difficulties which resulted in its closure after only nine years.

33. Boblo Island, Ontario

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This theme park didn't get off on the ride foot, seeing as you actually needed to take a boat ride to get to it in the first place. It sounds quirky, but in reality, having to do that all the time with every visitor? And now, if you wanted to visit the abandoned theme park, you'd still have to take a boat to get to the site. People think the location difficulty might be the one of the reasons it ended up shutting down.

34. Yongma Land, South Korea

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Yongma Land actually had a very successful run when it was open. The amusement park found in Seoul opened back in 1983 and had 40 years of success until it had to close down. The owners of the park explained that it was due to low profits that they had to close down, so despite success, they must not have been getting enough visitors to break even. You can still visit the abandoned park now.

35. Catskill Game Farm, New York

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Marketed as 'fun for the whole family', Catskill Game Farm was originally supposed to be a hobby of the rich - namely, New York banker Roland Lindemann. He'd wanted his very own zoo as an interest of him, and thus the Game Farm was born in 1933. After operating it for many years, he then handed it down to his daughter, but its tragic end came when his daughter and her husband were accused of selling off the animals to hunters.

36. Cascade Park, Pennsylvania

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It's a shame that this theme park closed down because it's based in a stunning location, surrounded by natural beauty like waterfalls and wildlife. Originally, when it opened, it was called Big Run in 1984, but then it passed to new owners who rebranded it Cascade Park. Unfortunately, the new owners weren't bringing in enough money with the park, and decided to close.

37. Loudoun Castle, Scotland

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The abandoned Loudoun Castle theme park is actually surrounded in tragedy and an air of ominous mystery. The theme park first opened after being built on ruins - and then eventually went the same way itself. It opened in 1995, and everything seemed to be going smoothly, until a worker had a tragic accident when they fell 80 feet to their death. The park shut down a few years later after financial problems.

38. Old Fort Davis, Texas

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The idea behind the historical theme park in Texas was to feel like you'd stepped into the past, with the whole amusement park based in Wilmer being a sort of open museum. Because of this, it was also used as the set for a lot of movies and TV shows. Sadly, it wasn't to be, as a fire ended up destroying six of the buildings there in 2010 and it never recovered.

39. Enchanted Forest, Maryland

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Not so enchanting anymore, sadly, for this abandoned theme park in Baltimore, Maryland. It was once built to be an enchanting forest-themed amusement park, inspired by fairytales, and some of the attractions included boat rides and idyllic fairytale cottages. It operated for 25 years but unfortunately ended up closing its doors, and some features like the castle and the dragon had to find a new home.

40. Magic Kingdom, Australia

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Most of us know the Magic Kingdom theme park in America, but did you know there's also an abandoned one in Sydney, Australia? One of the biggest reasons it was forced to shut down was because of the continual problems with heavy rainfall which flooded the park. Not only that, it wasn't making enough money to stay open. It's now just a creepy shadow of its former self.

41. Dadipark, Belgium

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As the name suggests, this amusement park was first supposed to be just a playground behind a church when it opened in 1950. It then began to get bigger as the park attractions were replaced with bigger amusement rides, and it then became the very first of its kind in Belgium. Unfortunately, tragedy struck when a boy lost his arm on one of the rides, and it eventually closed.

42. Disney's River Country, Florida

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You might be surprised that any sort of Disney theme park has closed down, but some of them aren't as successful as you'd expect. It was actually a water park that ended up closing in 2001, and it's believed that the reason it had to shut down had to do with the water itself. Some think that the changes in Florida law relating to using natural water as a theme park attraction were the reason it ended up closing.

43. Camelot, England

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The legend of King Arthur and Camelot was enough to inspire an Arthurian theme park in the county of Lancashire, England, and it was actually doing very well up until quite recent closure. The reason this medieval theme park ended up going out of business was down to a lack of profit as well as bad weather (typically British) and now the abandoned medieval structures remain.

44. Dogpatch USA, Arkansas

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Dogpatch USA was once a very successful theme park that attracted a lot of visitors, and it was themed around hillbilly culture, built on a family's trout farm. The company that bought the land and created the theme park, Recreation Enterprise, decided to do so inspired by the original owners of the land. But the park ended up closing due to financial difficulties.

45. Dunaujavarosi Vidampark, Hungary

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This has to be one of the creepiest abandoned shells of a once-successful theme park. located in Hungary, this amusement attraction was once open for 40 years before it had to shut down in 1993. If you happened to want to visit this spooky location these days, you'd be greeted with a lot of rust, vandalised structures and probably a lot of health risks.

46. Spreepark, Berlin

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When it comes to abandoned theme parks, there's something about an abandoned Ferris wheel that's particularly creepy - and that's what you get with Spreepark in Berlin. It's still a tourist attraction to this day, but of an entirely different nature. It's such a must-see that you can even get an official tour to go around the abandoned site. You can even find deserted dinosaur statues.

47. Pripyat Amusement Park, Ukraine

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If you're very much aware of the history surrounding the Chernobyl disaster, then you've no doubt also seen the creepy abandoned rides that are contained within the nuclear zone. This amusement park had to be abandoned like everything else after the infamous nuclear disaster that happened at the power station. You can go on guided tours in the area these days, at points that are safe, with an experienced guide.

48. Parque Albanoel, Brazil

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There's something about seeing rusting, abandoned theme park attractions overrun by nature that gives you the chills... In Brazil, this theme park found in Rio de Janeiro, was originally started by a politician. It had some unique features, including a random Santa in the middle of the park's jungle. Sadly, construction of the park was stopped because of the owner's death, and it was never completed - just left as it is, with random Christmas-themed statues!

49. Gulliver's Kingdom, Japan

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Located in Aokigahara, Japan, is Gulliver's Kingdom, which was based on the famous novel by Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels. The site is located near Mount Fuji, so it's a must if you're going sight-seeing in that area and want to see an abandoned amusement location. It opened with high hopes in 1997 but ended up closing only four years later due to financial problems.

50. Joyland Amusement Park, Kansas

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This actually used to be the biggest theme park in the state of Kansas, and had a reputation for its huge wooden rollercoaster, as well as a big Ferris wheel and slides. After closing in 2006, it's now just a forgotten ruin of what it once was. After closing, it suffered a lot of vandalism, including a fire that left everything more in ruins than they were before.

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