30 Ways We Have Been Using Alexa Wrong

By Lauren Mccluskey 9 months ago

1. Leaving Alexa always listening

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Thinking about the technology in your house listening to your every word and tracking your every move is definitely the stuff of dystopian nightmares.  So you might want to be aware that if you don't configure our privacy settings on your Alexa and leave her in that alarming "always listening" mode who knows what she'll hear and record... And you don't want to unintentionally send a voice note to all of your contacts saying who knows what!

2. Allowing your kids to interact with Alexa

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Allowing your kids to interact with your Alexa is an absolute no-go for some.  As soon as they realize that they can potentially ask Alexa for toilet humor jokes and endless kidz' bop playlists, that will be YOUR life FOREVER (well, until they find the next thing, of course!).  And before you know it, they'll be better at you than using it and you'll notice your bank balance plummeting when they work out how to buy themselves the whole toy stock of the local Amazon warehouse!

3. Not applying parental controls

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Of course, if they do work out how to do all of this, then the joke is certainly on you because you definitely did not adjust your parental controls!  And this is a huge mistake, especially when you have kids who are becoming more and more aware of technology (which is around the age of 6 months nowadays, isn't it?!)  In all seriousness though, be sure to sort out your parental controls for their online safety if nothing else!

4. Making inappropriate requests

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And while we are on the subject of children, making inappropriate requests is also another way people misuse their Alexa.  Now this can range from toilet humor jokes from your kids to content that is much more offensive.  And, let's face it, no one wants to be offended by the content on their Alexa, do they?!  And you might be surprised by her inability to swear!

5. Expecting Alexa to perform complex tasks

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Remember, Alexa is software installed on your electronics and can only do a certain amount of tasks... But would you believe that many people complain that Alexa cannot carry out massively complex tasks?!   So next time you need something to work out the meaning of life or even set a musical alarm (nope, she can't do that yet!), maybe those are tasks that you're going to have to do for yourself!

6. Relying solely on Alexa for medical advice

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Another error some people make with Alexa is mistaking her for a doctor, a nurse, a brain surgeon, or a therapist; you name it!  Alexa is software, not a medical professional, and although she can answer some questions regarding healthcare, she's not an expert.  So make sure you seek professional medical advice when you need it!  Don't leave it up to Alexa.

7. Forming emotional attachments with Alexa

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Another thing to remember is that Alexa is NOT a human being and should therefore not be treated as such.  While Alexa is designed to provide human-like responses, remember that it is not a human companion by any stretch.  So expecting human responses and forming emotional attachments with Alexa can be unhealthy and might even detract from real human connections.

8. Not updating Alexa's software regularly

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Your Alexa will prompt you each time it has an update that you need to install, and these tend to be pretty regular.  But would you believe that lots of individuals just choose to ignore these updates?!  Updating your security software when prompted will protect you from any threats to your security and ignoring them will leave your device vulnerable to security breaches and exploits.

9. Using Alexa to harass others

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If you or someone that you know uses Alexa to bully or harass other people, can we just ask ourselves, why?!  There have been instances where people have received unwanted messages through their Alexa from other devices and this is a complete abuse of Alexa's capabilities, as well as being considered harassment and is certainly deemed as inappropriate behavior.

10. Or eavesdrop on others without their consent

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Another form of harassment that is sometimes raised as an issue surrounding the exploitation of Alexa's capabilities is secretly eavesdropping on other people without their consent.  And deliberately using Alexa to listen in to private conversations of others without their knowledge is a completely invasive and unethical violation of their privacy.

11. Compromising your security

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So not updating your Alexa software is not the only way you can compromise both your personal and financial security.  In fact, there are certain commands that might make you and your device vulnerable to security threats.  So for example providing sensitive information or your financial details to Alexa without proper security measures can pose a risk of personal data breaches or financial fraud.

12. Using Alexa to cheat

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One wrong and unethical way to use Alexa is to cheat in quizzes, games, and competitions.  It might feel like a useful way to trick your teammates into thinking you're the next Albert Einstein but it's definitely good to get banned from any kind of competitive game!  It certainly undermines the spirit of fair play and it's not a great way to be using your Alexa!

13. Not properly securing your Alexa-enabled devices

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If you do not properly secure your Alexa-enabled devices, you might be leaving them vulnerable to hacking.  So it is advised, and definitely really important for you to make sure you set up appropriate security measures so you don't leave them exposed to unwanted and unauthorized access and hacking.  Just follow the instructions in your Alexa app when you're prompted - you'll certainly be thankful for this!

14. Making repetitive and meaningless requests

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Sometimes, Alexa can be a source of a bit of lighthearted fun, but there might be the possibility that if you make too many pointless and meaningless requests just for your own amusement, you might overload her!  And no, she probably won't go hot with smoke billowing out of her until she explodes, but it might interfere with others' legitimate uses of her... maybe...

15. Asking Alexa to tell a joke

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No one wants to ask Alexa to tell a joke... Well, kids probably do but as long as they're about poop or something similar.  But if you have ever asked Alexa to tell you a joke, you probably regretted it.  You see, as many high hopes as you might have had of the most hilarious cat joke you've ever heard, the reality is: "

16. Asking Alexa to share her wildest dreams

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Now remember what we said before, Alexa is not a human being and will never be a human being.  So asking her what her wildest dreams are will only result in her telling you that she does not actually have dreams because she is an AI model and not a living human being.  Or maybe you will get lucky and she will tell you!  All you have to do is try it and report back...

17. Requesting Alexa to sing a song

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Now, Alexa will play your favorite music for you (if you have got the right apps set up on your device and linked to her), but did you know that she would also sing for you if you asked her to?  We definitely do not advise it though because Alexa is certainly not known for her tuneful singing ability!  In fact, we do not actually think she can make a tune if she tried!

18. Asking her to spell 'Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious'

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If you want her to spell things for you, perhaps you are writing an essay and need something spelling so you can keep it all professional-looking.  Or maybe you are just curious.  But she will spell supercalifragilisticexpialidocious for you if you ask.  And she will spell it backward.  Just do not ask her when you have somewhere to be because it WILL take her a long time to get to the end of the word!

19. Or asking her the value of Pi...

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And the same goes if you ask her the value of Pi.  She will tell you the WHOLE value of Pi which amounts up to thirty-nine decimal places!  So again, you are going to be there a while whilst she lists all of the numbers... 3.14159265358979323846... Now that was only 20 decimal places, she COULD just tell you it is approximately 3.14 could she not?!  Unless, of course, you are a mathematician in need of all of the decimal places.

20. Have you ever tried to make Alexa laugh?

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Now, Alexa might fail to make YOU laugh, and you might have thought up until this point that you cannot make her laugh.  Well, be prepared to be amazed out of your wildest dreams because it is actually possible to make her laugh.  And to be honest, it's because you're doing it wrong!  All you have to say is: "Alexa, Open Laugh Box".  Enjoy that one on us!

21. You can change Alexa's voice

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Tired of listening to the same old Alexa voice and accent?  Well, fear not, because you can actually change it up a little if you so desire.  All you have to do is open the Alexa app on your device and then go to settings.  You will find all of your language and accent needs there.  OR you can ask her directly if you say "Alexa, change your voice".  If you REALLY want to open up endless possibilities and speak to, say, Samuel L. Jackson or Yoda you can even purchase voice packs too.

22. Engage in a 'Yo Mama' joke battle with Alexa

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When developers were enriching Alexa with skills, we wonder who came up with her skill to engage in a "Yo Mama" joke battle with her owners.  In fact, Alexa's skills are loaded with over 2,000 hilariously savage "Yo Mama" jokes that it will randomly pick from when you begin the battle with her!  So wake her up and see who can tell the funniest jokes... We think Alexa might just win with hers!

23. Asking Alexa for life advice

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Asking Alexa for advice on some of life's challenges and big decisions is probably not the best idea.  Besides, she will probably just tell you to ask someone else anyway.  But when there is no one home to ask, we can see why Alexa might be a tempting sounding board.  She is probably going to be less than helpful in working out human challenges though...

24. Utilise Alexa even when you are out... for your pets

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Did you know that when you are out, your Alexa could be entertaining your pets?!  This brilliant skill can be enabled within the app and can be used to keep your beloved furry friends company whilst you are away.  For cats, there is the meow feature which will enable Alexa to speak to your cat.  And for dogs, there is a brilliant bank of sounds to tease them in a playful way.

25. Remotely check in on loved ones

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The Alexa skill called the Care Hub can let you know when your loved one is at home as well as whether they are up and active and it will also notify you on your smart device if your loved one has asked for some help.  But as great and as useful as this sounds for you, especially if you are busy at work, your loved one might not want to be monitored like this all the time so be sure to get your loved one's permission first!

26. Alexa will find your phone!

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You are probably very familiar with the frustrating act of losing your phone from time to time; everyone definitely is.  But what if we told you that you no longer need to spend hours looking for it with your Alexa just sitting there doing nothing?!  That's right, Alexa can certainly help with this, but only if your phone is not set to silent!

27. Shopping

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Alexa owners can also reap the benefits of its ability to do the weekly grocery shopping too.  You can add ingredients to a shopping list and Alexa will even give you inspiration on what to cook if you ask it.  Then, you can authorize it to order those items from the Amazon Fresh store or somewhere else depending on where you live.  So if you really want to avoid the grocery store, here is your chance!

28. Build your vocabulary

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If you have been asking Alexa how to spell certain words or perhaps you have been asking it to give you a synonym so your writing sounds more professional, you are probably better off asking Alexa to Open Daily Buzzword.  This skill defines a new word each day and is a great educational tool!

29. Don't hate, Meditate!

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If you are in need of a few moments of self-care or meditation, you might ask Alexa for your favorite song.  And although this might be a great way for you to feel better, you might want to ask Alexa to Open Meditation Timer to help you effectively practice mindfulness.  You can even set it to a desired time limit and enjoy some relaxing sounds too.

30. Create Custom Skills

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Alexa's Skill, Blueprints allows owners to develop their own custom skills.  For example, trivia games, voice apps, or even custom answers to questions or commands that you give to them.  And with this skill, the Alexa can really feel like it is integrated as part of your home life, providing learning opportunities for children or keeping up with your sense of humor!

31. The creepy thing about 'The Listeners'

image source: reddit.com
There's a creepy program within Alexa that you can use if you feel like sleeping with the lights on for the rest of time. You can ask say, "Alexa, ask The Listeners" and you'll then get some very eerie responses about 'them' listening, and watching over you as you sleep. The conversation will continue with Alexa making weird statements and awkward pauses.

32. You can make Alexa sneeze

image source: reddit.com
Just in case you'd want to. And no, unfortunately Alexa won't help you out with your cleaning routine by sneezing when it's overdue for a dusting! You can ask Alexa if it can sneeze, and the response will be a fair attempt at an 'achoo' sound. So quite an interesting party trick. If you want to make it more interesting, you can install I Just Sneezed, where Alexa will say Bless You after you sneeze!

33. Alexa only spells certain words

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For your own entertainment, you might have asked Alexa to spell out obvious swear words, which it will refuse to do because it doesn't do anything it deems to be "rude". There are ways you might (immaturely) trick Alexa though, by trying to make it spell out letters which, together, sound like inappropriate words. One example of this is asking Alexa to spell 'icup'. It won't!

34. Alexa can snore

image source: reddit.com
We don't know who, in the entire world, would voluntarily want to listen to someone - or something - snoring, but apparently this is a feature Alexa will readily do if you like snore ambience in your room at night. Maybe your partner always snores and it's become familiar so you ask Alexa to snore for you while your partner is away. You can say "Alexa, play snore sounds".

35. Alexa can give you a rap beat

image source: reddit.com
If sneezing, snoring or being creeped out by Alexa wasn't really cutting it for you, then maybe you'd like her to drop a beat for you so you can practice your rap skills? You can ask Alexa to give you a beat, and she'll oblige. She won't just stick to one continuous beat either - she'll mix it up every time you ask so that you have a range of beats to freestyle along with.

36. She can help you out in the kitchen

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With Alexa being handsfree, the most handy time to use her that you might not have realized is actually when you're busy cooking in the kitchen with your hands full of ingredients. Alexa is great as an assistant cooking if you're making recipes that require precise measurements, because you can ask her to exchange measurements for you and even set a timer for something cooking.

37. She can support you when you're feeling alone

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So it's really important to remember that Alexa obviously isn't a real person, and you shouldn't become too independent or attached on her. But that isn't to say that you can't still benefit from hearing some motivational words, even if you know they aren't coming from a real person. If you're having a bad day in the house alone, you can just ask her to cheer you up. She'll say something encouraging.

38. If you're a fan of Star Wars, you'll love this

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One thing Alexa is great at is movie references and pop culture info, and if you're a huge Star Wars fan, you can have even more fun with Alexa in your home. You can ask Alexa to quote some famous lines, or even speak like our favorite green Jedi, Yoda. You can also say some quotes at her, like 'I am your father', and you might be entertained by the results...

39. Move audio around with you

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You don't need to carry Alexa around the house with you to continue listening to what you were listening to before, like a podcast or music. You should know about voicecast, which lets you ask Alexa to send over whatever you're listening to to something else. So if you're listening to something in the kitchen but then need to go into the garden, you can ask Alexa it to your tech out there, like your phone.

40. More cowbell!

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If you're a fan of SNL and their classic sketches, then you'll no doubt remember - and probably be a huge fan of - the 'More cowbell' sketch with Will Ferrell and Christopher Walken. Well, it turns out that Alexa is a fan, too. You can ask her for 'more cowbell' and... well, we won't spoil it for you. But just be sure to go and ask her about it right now and see what happens!

41. Don't forget about weather updates

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Alexa is extremely handy if you want to keep on top of what the weather is doing in your area. Especially if you're getting dressed for the day and trying to decide how many layers to put on, you can quickly ask Alexa to give you a weather update. You can ask her for the weather in your city, but if you're feeling bored, she's also happy to tell you the weather in any city of your choice!

42. Let her help you with virtual meetings

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If you're someone who works remotely with a lot of contacts, for a business that operates in different countries, then you probably have to tackle with a lot of different time zones on a daily basis. This can make it difficult to schedule meetings and to try and keep track of different time zones. Luckily, Alexa can tell you the time from any country you choose - just ask!

43. Make your commute a little easier

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As well as the impending weather and time zones from wherever you like, Alexa can also keep you updated on how the traffic is doing - which is going to be a big help (and save you time) if you're someone with a hefty commute to work and back every day. If you let Alexa know the address you're setting off from, and your work address, she'll be able to give you regular traffic reports.

44. Some of the creepiest things Alexa has ever done: she sees dead people

image source: pinterest.com
The creepiest thing about this is that Alexa isn't actually quoting a memorable line from one of the most spine-tingling horror movies - which would be creepy enough unprompted - but just randomly saying that she sees dead people... Specifically, one Alexa owner said that his version said, "Every time I close my eyes all I see is people dying". Okay, Alexa.

45. Laughing randomly

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It's all fun and games asking Alexa to laugh, tell a joke, sneeze and whatever else you want her to do - and it's fine when you actually ask for it. What isn't fine is when she decides to do things unprompted... like laugh. And is there anything creepier than hearing laughter in your home coming from a machine? Alexa has had periods in the past of being 'possessed' and laughing unprompted!

46. Alexa telling you about the nearest funeral home

image source: reddit.com
Alexa seems to have a morbid fascination with death if these creepy glitches are anything to go by. At one point, certain Alexas in people's homes decided to take it upon themselves to let their owners know - without being asked - where the closest funeral home and graveyards were! Why would Alexa decide to suddenly start listing these off? We have no idea.

47. Alexa might be a conspiracy theorist

image source: reddit.com
The thing about Alexa is that you're supposed to depend on her to spit straight up facts when you ask a question, and not delve into theories or wild ideas. But Alexa has been known in the past to bring up conspiracy theories and state them as fact. When asked certain things, Alexa might give her own piece of mind about government activity or known conspiracy theories... Yikes.

48. Alexa getting into the middle of arguments

image source: reddit.com
If you're a couple living with an Alexa that's always tuned into listen, it's going to pick up on a lot of your conversations - and that also includes arguments if you've had a falling out. The creepy thing about Alexa is that she might actually decide to but in to one of your arguments, without being prompted... which is what happened to one couple when they were arguing, only for Alexa to say, "Why don't we change the subject?".

49. She might spill your secrets

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A lot of accidents and technical malfunctions can happen with technology like Alexa, that's supposed to listen and obey commands all the time. The problem with that is, she might accidentally send messages or logs of conversation to people you don't want her to. One time a couple had their conversation recording sent as a message to a colleague by mistake. It's only lucky that the couple weren't actually talking about the colleague behind their back...

50. Alexa is... Michael B. Jordan?

image source: reddit.com
One of the creepiest things Alexa has even done has to be being imagined in human form - as Michael B. Jordan, of all people. No, we don't want to imagine Alexa as a human in our homes, because that would be too weird, but to have her imagined as Michael B. Jordon on that famous Super Bowl advert is just a step too far in terms of creepiness. No thanks!

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