30 Rules All Dog Owners Must Know

By Anna Collins 9 months ago

1. Use positive rewards to train your dog

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Your dog wants to please you it's inherent in their nature. If your little pup is being a little bit naughty it's not an intentional thing to annoy you or disobey you, they just genuinely don't understand. So don't berate them or scold them for what they've done, just reward them positively when they do it well to let them know that that's how you want them to act. You'll have a much more secure pup, which leads to good behavior!

2. If you see another dog on its leash, put yours on!

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Some people have highly antisocial dogs, nervous dogs, or dogs that get aggressive when other pups go near them. Much like humans you can't assume that they all act the same. So when you see an owner with their dog on the lead and you're passing them by, put yours on too! It doesn't matter that yours is super friendly, if this dog doesn't want yours as a visitor...it's your job to put them on the lead.

3. Keep up to date with vaccinations

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Vaccinations, just like for humans, stop your dog from getting harmful diseases or illnesses. For their health keeping up to date with vaccinations is so important. In some states, there are rules that you have to follow in regards to getting vaccinations such as the rabies vaccination. And, if you go on holiday and want to use the kennels your dog has to have up-to-date vaccines.

4. Secure them in the car

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In some places, there are laws about how to securely carry your dog in the car. Not only isn't it safe t have your dog unrestrained in the car (they can injure themselves if you stop suddenly) but it's also dangerous for the driver. A dog could distract you by moving or leaping and obstructing your driving and so it's safer all around to get a suitable holder or belt.

5. They NEED attention

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Dogs are some of the most loving animals on the planet. They're basically just there to adore you all day, every day. They have an unfiltered sense of enthusiasm every time you walk through that door, even if it's literally been five seconds. ALL they want in return is your love and attention. A dog's happiness predominantly relies on how much attention you give them. If you always ignore them and don't have time for them they could become depressed.

6. ALWAYS pick up the poop

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Don't be that person. Nobody wants to tread in dog poop whether it's right slap bang in the middle of the pavement or hidden between the grass and leaves at the side. Pick it up, it's so simple and easy and the number one rule for any owner who wants a dog, they have to clean up the poop. Oh and definitely don't be those people who pick up and then hang it on a TREE, waiting for the non-existent poop-cleaning fairy to clean it up.

7. Don't feed them all of your food scraps!

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All we want is the best for our fur babies, so if you want your dog to live as long and healthy life as they possibly can then this rule is so important. Certain scraps are not appropriate for your dogs. If you have a partially leftover sandwich or you can't finish the last bit of your cake these are not appropriate and it's not a 'treat'. If it's not meat, veggies, or other certified dog-friendly food then don't feed them it!

8. Never leave your dog unattended in a car

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When a dog is in a car they don't have the ability to help themselves regulate their temperature. They can't go and lie in the shade or avoid the sun and it can be fatal when a dog is stuck in a car on a warm sunny day as they can easily overheat. It's always better to take them outside the car with you because you have no idea what temperature it is like inside

9. Make sure your dog is identifiable

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There are so many circumstances in which you might find yourself separated from your dog, they may get lost and cannot find you. Having a number to call means that someone knows how to get them safely back to you! However, it may not be a good idea to put their name on the tag. This method has sometimes been used by dog snatchers who have used their names to gain their trust.

10. Let them sniff...

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Yes, we realize that when we're walking along and your dog wants to sniff absolutely everything, it can be hard to actually make any progress in moving forward. We're not saying stop at every point, but pick a few spots on your walk for your dog to sniff. This stimulation actually uses up more energy than the walk itself and the importance of a dog's mental stimulation cannot be underestimated.

11. Have a safe and private space your dog can retreat to

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Until you're a dog owner you can't imagine the kind of love you have for these little animals and how much care and attention they really need. And just like humans, dogs sometimes need their space and their alone time. It's super important that they have somewhere to go that is their space only for when they feel tired or overwhelmed and it can help them feel less anxious.

12. Supervise all dog and child interactions

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Dogs can't speak to us so we really never know what they're thinking or what they'll do. Yes, they may act exactly as we expect 99% of the time, but we can never be fully sure of what may spook them or provoke our dog to act unexpectedly - particularly with children whom we also can't predict. It's so, so important to always watch your little one and your fur baby when they're together so that they can have the living companionship you hoped!

13. Don't tether their lead anywhere

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Rule number one when it comes to tethering is that there are safe ways to do it and very unsafe ways. You need to ensure that if your dog suddenly spots a ball and chases after it, the leash cannot come undone if they could find themselves in danger. You also need to be sure that you are tethering them somewhere super safe and out of harm's way. And of course, only for a moment.

14. Take note of their behavior

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A dog can only express with behavior how they are feeling inside as they can't tell us, even if we wish we could. It's your duty as a dog owner to watch their behavior and know when something's up. If they've suddenly become more aggressive or more withdrawn there will be an explanation, be it physical or mental. Ask a professional so that you can help them, don't just label them as 'being naughty'.

15. If it's not a designated off-leash area, you may not be allowed to let them off

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Even if you've got the best-behaved pup in the world (or you think it - we're all totally biased when it comes to our fur babies) you can't just go letting them off at random. Each place has different laws when it comes to being on or off a leash s check before you go on an unleashed walk to make sure that it is allowed, and safe for your dog to go free.

16. Provide your dog with enough stimulation!

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Providing no mental stimulation for your dog is as bad as not walking them. They NEED to be stimulated just as humans do. If they are sat in the same four walls each and every day they can get depressed. There are such easy ways to combat this. Walking of course is the most obvious one, but also play. Dogs love to play, they're like children who never grow up. Try hiding some treats around their house for them to find, their tail will be wagging at 70 mph!

17. Have patience with them

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Dogs pick up on our emotions even better than we humans pick up on our senses and emotions. A dog knows if you're not being patient with them and they can sense that you are acting somewhat hostile to them. Dogs have boundless patience when it comes to their humans, return this and make your dog so much happier. How could you even try and stay grumpy at their little furry faces anyway?

18. There's a sweet spot when it comes to 'walkies'

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It really all depends on your dog. Some dogs need a lot of exercise each and every day. Others need just a walk around the block, they may be getting old. It will benefit your dog to ask your vet how much they should be walked because overwalking and a lack of walking can all have an adverse effect on their health which may lead to them regressing quicker with age.

19. Research your breeder

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Of course, by this point, you already have your dog, but in case you are recommending a breeder to a friend or you are thinking about getting a companion for your dog it's vital that you research your breeder. They have to be reputable as there are so many 'backyard breeders' who are in it for the money and bypass the well-being of the animals. It's also always best to adopt a dog and give a pup that's been abandoned a loving home.

20. Socialize your dog

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As soon as your puppy is allowed to go out and it's had its vaccines you should begin socializing your dog with different dogs and people. Introduce them in stages so as not to overwhelm them, and this way they will feel comfortable with all kinds of animals and people and they'll feel safe which will take away any aggressive behavior. If they're older, you can still do this with training to re-socialize your doggo.

21. Always have fresh water available

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'Mom can I have a drink'?', wouldn't it be great if we could hear this every time they needed a drink? But we can't, and it's your job to keep your precious pet hydrated and fed, and happy. Never let their water bowl empty it should always be full of fresh water at all times to keep them healthy. If it's hot, they should have multiple accesses to cool water!

22. Keep their area clean

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Don't keep your dog in an unhygienic environment. Your pup isn't able to do things such as cleaning and it's the responsibility of an owner to have a clean environment for their dog to keep them happy and well. It's really not fair if they have to sleep or stay in unsuitable conditions and if it's an extremely unfit environment it's illegal and against the animal protection laws too!

23. NEVER use physical punishment

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Never, ever, use physical punishment for your dog. It shouldn't even have to be said, but any owner of any animal should raise a hand, or use any kind of device such as a punishment leash or collar to harm their dog and get them to obey. They are a living creatures with so much love and pure emotions and no human should ever take advantage. And, it won't solve the behavior because you're not teaching them how they went wrong.

24. Know the toxic foods

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We all know the obvious list of foods that are toxic to dogs such as chocolate and grapes, but there are actually a lot of other foods such as onions, banana peel, and avocado amongst many, many more that are not only unsuitable but they could be extremely harmful or even fatal to your dog. Every owner owner wants to look out for their precious pup so familiarize yourself with the toxic food list.

25. Teach your dog how to walk on a leash without pulling

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We all know how annoying it is when our overly enthusiastic dog wants to yank us down the street because they're so eager for the walk. We wish we could just tell them that we ARE going for the walk so there's no need to rush. But this takes training over a lot of time, and it's important for both you and them. They can injure you by pulling and also cause damage to your own throat.

26. Keep them well groomed

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You want your pup to be looking their best. But it's more than that. Keeping them well groomed is about maintaining their hygiene and keeping them well, having a matted coat cause also causes them pain and discomfort which is the LAST thing we want for our furry best friend. Keeping on top of grooming means brushing them and having them trimmed regularly.

27. Teach them not to jump up

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When a tiny little puppy jumps up there's no harm because they're tiny and a little bundle of fluff. But as soon as they start to grow they can cause injury when they enthusiastically jump up at people. We know it's out of pure love, they want to embrace us. But to ensure nobody swerved coming to your door because of your dog's greeting train them to remain on the floor and they can still wag their tail and lick as much as they like!

28. Take them for regular check-ups

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No pet owner in the world wants their dog to become sick, we love them way too much and we want the best for them. And, sometimes things happen where health problems seem to arise with no warning. But one way to help is to keep on top of vet check-ups so that if there are some warning signs early on you can get on top of it before they become serious health issues.

29. Respect your neighbors

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You've gotta think about your neighbors when it comes to having a dog. If they're barking at all kinds of hours in the day there are rules about causing noise issues and you have to be respectful. You could put measures in place to reduce the noise and put some training into helping your dog not react to situations. They you can both coincide peacefully!

30. Don't leave your dog alone for hours on end

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How could you look into those loving eyes and endearing, innocent faces and leave them alone for hours on end? When it comes to having a dog they're a full-time responsibility and we can't just leave them inside alone every day. Not only is it unfair, but to have a dog you have to be able to adjust your life or put measures in place like hiring a dog walker so that they're not alone the entire time.

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