Signs A Deceased Loved One Doesn’t Want To Keep Connected

By Paula Tudoran 9 months ago

The Elusive Dreams

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If you dream about your departed loved one, but they remain distant or unresponsive in the dream, it could be a sign that they prefer to maintain a separate connection in the afterlife. Their reluctance to interact might indicate that they want you to focus on your own life and find peace without clinging to their memory. This distant behavior could be their gentle way of telling you that it's time to move forward and cherish the memories you shared rather than trying to hold onto a connection that's meant to evolve.

Missing Symbolic Signs

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Many believe that spirits communicate through symbolic signs. If these signs suddenly disappear or lose their meaning after a while, it might imply your loved one wants to move on peacefully. These signs could have served as a comforting link between you and your departed loved one, but their absence could indicate that they are content with their new spiritual journey. It might be their way of reassuring you that they are at peace and want you to find solace in your heart rather than relying solely on external signs.

Unanswered Medium Sessions

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During medium sessions, no contact or response from the other side could indicate that your loved one is content with their new journey. While it might be disheartening not to receive the messages you seek, it's essential to remember that spirits have their own way of communicating. Their silence may signify that they have found their place in the afterlife and that they want you to find closure and healing within yourself, knowing they are in a better place.

Diminished Presence in Your Thoughts

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As time passes, you might feel your loved one's presence fade from your daily thoughts, signifying their desire to let go and allow you to do the same. This gradual fading of their memory doesn't mean you are forgetting them; rather, it's a sign that they want you to focus on your life without being held back by grief. Embrace the beautiful memories you shared, but also give yourself permission to create new experiences and connections, knowing that your loved one's love will always be with you.

Disappearing Aromas

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Some claim to smell the perfume or cologne of a departed loved one. When these scents cease to linger, it might suggest they have found their place in the spiritual realm. The absence of these familiar scents doesn't mean their love is gone; it's a sign that they are releasing their earthly ties and moving on to a higher plane of existence. Allow their fragrance to remain in your heart and memories, and remember that their essence is forever imprinted in your soul.

Fading Sensations

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The comforting touch or warm sensations you once associated with your loved one might gradually decrease, showing their readiness to move on. While these sensations might have comforted you during times of grief, their diminishing presence doesn't mean they are leaving you. It's their way of encouraging you to find strength within yourself and carry their love in your heart. Know that they will always be a part of you, even if the physical sensations wane with time.

Reduced Electrical Phenomena

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Lights flickering or electronics behaving strangely can be linked to spiritual connections. If these occurrences diminish, it could indicate a desire for detachment. While it might have been comforting to interpret these phenomena as signs from your departed loved one, their reduced frequency may suggest that they want you to focus on living in the present. Embrace their memory with love, but also allow yourself to grow and find joy in the everyday moments without relying on external validations.

Changes in Animal Behavior

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Pets are believed to sense spiritual energy. If your pets stop reacting to a presence, it might be a sign that your loved one has chosen to disconnect. Your pets might have been sensitive to the spiritual energy of your departed loved one, but as time passes, they too may sense the shift in the connection. Take comfort in knowing that your loved one's presence in your life has positively impacted your pets, just as it has on you.

Absence in Significant Moments

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During important life events, you might have felt their presence strongly. If these moments pass without signs, they may want you to embrace your journey independently. While seeking their presence during significant milestones is natural, their absence doesn't imply neglect. Instead, it shows their trust in your ability to navigate life independently. Celebrate these moments with the knowledge that your loved one's love and blessings continue to guide you from the spiritual realm.

Vanishing Trinkets

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Objects that were considered mementos or signs from the departed might start disappearing as they wish to release their earthly ties. The disappearance of these trinkets doesn't diminish the significance of the memories attached to them. Instead, it could signify their desire for you to cherish the memories in your heart rather than relying solely on physical objects. Embrace the intangible connections you share, knowing that the love and bond you had will endure beyond the confines of the material world.

A Sense of Closure

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You may suddenly feel a profound sense of closure and peace regarding the passing of your loved one, suggesting that they want you to move forward without them. This newfound tranquility doesn't mean you're forgetting them or their impact on your life; rather, it's a sign that they wish for you to embrace life's opportunities with a lighter heart. It's their way of saying that while you will always hold a special place for them, they want you to live fully and find joy in the present.

Unresponsive Divination Tools

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Tarot cards or pendulums that once seemed to communicate with the other side may cease to provide meaningful insights, signaling the end of that connection. This shift in divination tools' responses could indicate that your loved one has found peace and no longer requires the same method of communication. It's an invitation for you to seek answers within yourself and trust your intuition, as they believe in your capacity to navigate life's journey independently.

Reconnecting With Old Hobbies

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If you find yourself drawn back to old hobbies or interests that were unrelated to your departed loved one, it might indicate they want you to rediscover the joy in life. Engaging in activities you once loved can be a therapeutic way to heal from grief and embrace the present moment. Your loved one may guide you to remember the essence of who you are beyond your loss and find fulfillment in the simple pleasures that ignite your spirit.

Stalled Grief Process

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Your grief process may come to a halt, and you may feel emotionally distant from the loss, which could be a sign that they are encouraging you to heal independently. While it's essential to honor your feelings, their message might be that they don't want their passing to overshadow your growth and happiness. Take the time you need to grieve, but also allow yourself to step into the light of the future, knowing that they are at peace and rooting for your well-being.

Absence in Shared Spaces

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If you felt their presence strongly in specific places, but that feeling wanes, it may imply they have moved on to another realm. The places that once held a powerful connection to your loved one might now serve as a reminder of the memories you shared. As they move on, they want you to continue living without being tethered to the past. These spaces can still hold significance, but they are also an opportunity for you to create new memories and find solace in the present.

Changes in Nature Signs

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Some believe that nature reflects spiritual messages. If the usual signs in nature become less apparent, it might be a way of saying goodbye. The familiar signs from nature, like birds or specific animals, might have carried a sense of connection to your loved one. As they transition to another plane, these signs may diminish, assuring you that they are in a better place and encouraging you to find solace within yourself, even without external validations.

Rare Dreams or Visits

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Instead of frequent encounters in dreams, your loved one may visit you rarely, indicating their readiness to let go. While dreams may have been a conduit for them to connect with you, their less frequent visits might signify their wish for you to stand on your own feet. Cherish the infrequent moments of connection and know that they are still present in your heart, supporting your journey from afar.

Sense of Being Watched Lifts

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The feeling of being watched or protected by your loved one may lift, hinting at their desire for you to become self-reliant. Their loving gaze might have brought comfort and reassurance, but as they distance themselves, they want you to trust your inner strength and confidently navigate life's challenges. Know that their love and guidance remain with you, even as they encourage you to become more self-assured and independent.

Messages Through Songs

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Songs might have carried special meaning from your loved one. When these messages become rare, it could imply they want you to find your path. The songs that once felt like direct messages might now serve as a reminder of their love and encouragement for you to continue your journey. Embrace the wisdom and love in those songs, and remember that their presence will always be felt in the music of your life.

Fading Visions

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If you used to see visions or apparitions of your loved one, but they decrease over time, it might suggest they are moving on. The visions you experienced might have been a way for them to comfort and guide you. As they transition to a higher realm, their messages might be woven into your heart, guiding you from within. Embrace the memories of those visions as a cherished gift, knowing that their love endures in the depths of your soul.

Absence of Synchronicities

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Meaningful coincidences or synchronicities may have been a way of communication. Their absence may signify their wish for you to move forward. While these synchronicities might have brought comfort and reassurance, their diminished presence doesn't mean your loved one is disconnected. It could be their way of encouraging you to trust your inner guidance and find your path without relying solely on external signs. Embrace the lessons and love from those synchronicities, knowing that they have left an indelible mark on your soul.

Reduced Sleep Disturbances

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If you experienced disturbances in your sleep, but they lessen, it may indicate your loved one's desire for you to rest peacefully. Sleep disturbances could have been their way of reaching out to you during times of heightened emotions. Now, as they sense your growing sense of tranquility, they may want you to experience peaceful nights, allowing you to wake up refreshed and ready to face each day with a lighter heart.

Feeling Less "Haunted"

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The feeling of being haunted by their presence may subside as they allow you to find peace. In the initial stages of grief, it's natural to feel their presence more intensely. However, as time passes, they want you to find solace and healing in their memory rather than fear. The subtle shift in their spiritual energy may be their way of telling you that they are watching over you with love and they wish for you to embrace life without apprehension.

Closure in Memories

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Memories of your loved one may become less painful, indicating their willingness to release you from the past. The memories you share will forever be a part of your life, but your loved one doesn't want you to dwell in sorrow. Instead, they hope for you to remember the joy, love, and laughter you experienced together. As the pain lessens, it opens the door for you to cherish their memory with a smile and find contentment in the beautiful moments you had.

Disinterest in Psychic Readings

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You might lose interest in seeking psychic readings or spiritual guidance as your loved one steps back. Their stepping back doesn't mean they are abandoning you; it's a sign that they want you to rely more on your inner strength and wisdom. Trust that they have empowered you with the knowledge to navigate life's challenges independently. While psychic readings might have provided comfort in the past, their diminishing significance shows that you are now discovering your inner guidance.

Release from Guilt

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Any lingering guilt associated with their passing may start to fade as they want you to let go of self-blame. Your loved one holds no judgment and wants you to forgive yourself for any perceived shortcomings. It's their way of expressing unconditional love and acceptance. Embrace self-compassion and know that your loved one sees the goodness in your heart, urging you to live a fulfilling life free from the weight of guilt.

Lesser Signs in Mirrors

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Mirrors are thought to reveal spiritual messages. If the signs decrease, it might imply they are moving on. The signs you once noticed in mirrors might have been a comforting link between you and your loved one. Their diminishing presence might indicate that they have found peace and are transitioning to a higher spiritual plane. Trust that their love remains, guiding you from within, even as the external signs become less apparent.

Intuition Becomes Quieter

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Your intuitive connection to the departed may become less pronounced, signaling their detachment. Your loved one might be encouraging you to rely more on your own judgment and intuition, knowing that you possess the strength to navigate life's decisions. Their stepping back from the intuitive connection doesn't diminish their presence in your life. Instead, it reflects their trust in your ability to discern the right path and find comfort in your internal guidance.

Sense of Peaceful Solitude

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You may start embracing solitude without feeling lonely, as they want you to be comfortable in your company. Your loved one wishes you find inner peace and contentment, even when alone. Embracing solitude can be a powerful way to reflect, heal, and connect with your own soul. They want you to know that you are never truly alone, as their love and support accompany you on this journey of self-discovery and growth.

Encountering New Connections

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Finally, meeting new people and forming fresh bonds may indicate their approval of your newfound connections and journey in life. Your loved one wants you to experience joy and love in all aspects of your life. Encountering new connections is a testament to your ability to embrace life, even amidst loss. They celebrate the love you share with others and hope that these new bonds bring you happiness and fulfillment, knowing that their love for you always endures.

How to help a spirit cross over

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Whether it's actually a deceased loved one who has stayed bound to the earth who you'd like to help find peace, or if it's a spirit you feel connected to or have noticed around you that you want to help pass on, there are some ways you can help a spirit attached to you to move on and find peace in the beyond instead. Sometimes, you might feel like you can't rest until you help that energy pass on and leave you be.

Why might a spirit stick around?

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If it's a family member, they might be staying around you to help you, guide you and show that they still love you. Sometimes, it might be the case that you don't feel like you need your loved one's presence anymore and that it's time for them to pass on so you can both be at peace with it. Other times, spirits might linger if people haven't been ready to die or if they went through something traumatic that's keeping them stuck around.

What can be some signs?

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You might be feeling some signs of a loved one near you in your own home, and trusting your intuition that a spirit is close to you. It may also be the case that you feel an unknown spirit in your home, or with you in certain places. This can happen if you have moved into a home where the deceased person lived and decided to stick around, or it might be a place the spirit felt attached to and lingered around instead of moving on.

Harmless spirit versus something more

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Of course there's always the chance that the spirit presence you're feeling isn't too positive. Most of the time, spirits or 'hauntings' will be positive presences that mean you no harm, but you might have got a vibe of a more negative presence around you, or something in your home like more threatening activity. In this case, it's time for the professionals!

Sometimes they might need to be heard

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One of the biggest reasons a spirit can linger instead of moving on is because they feel like they have unfinished business. This might be what's keeping them in one place, in which case, to help them feel ready to cross over, you might want to give them the opportunity to be heard. This could be asking for signs, messages or talking to them for them to try and communicate what they need.

A loved one might have a message for you

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In the case of a loved one who has chosen to stick around instead of moving on, it might be that they have a message specifically for you, or a family member, that they didn't get chance to deliver before they passed on. This is also why it can be helpful to give them an opportunity to 'speak' or communicate that message so that they can say what they need and then feel at peace to move on.

Don't turn to an ouija board!

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An ouija board is a well known tool to speak with the dead, but it shouldn't be used by just anybody in the home. If you think you have a spirit or loved one trying to communicate a message, don't be so quick to buy any old ouija board and have a go! You should speak with professionals and get advice, and professionals like mediums could even use the board in your stead to help get the message through.

You might not need a professional

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Depending on the type of person you are and how connected you are to your spirituality, it might be possible to avoid a medium or another professional if you can 'tune yourself in' to be more open to messages. You might want to practice lucid dreaming or opening up your mind more to receive these messages so that spirits can give them and then move on.

They may want forgiveness

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Some spirits might linger because they feel guilty about something they did in life, or how their death came about, and in response they decide not to move on because they might feel as though they don't deserve to. It may be that they're just looking for forgiveness rather than having any message to give. If it's a loved one you know, give them that forgiveness.

If it's a spirit you don't know...

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You might have a spirit on your hands who's looking for forgiveness, who you don't actually know. It might be worth, in this case, researching the history of where you are, or what's going on. If you're in an old house and feel you have a spirit there, you might want to find out what happened with previous residents. You might be able to find out who the spirit is and contact the right people - or say the right things - for forgiveness so they can move on!

Speak to a medium if it's a negative spirit

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There is nothing you can do yourself if it's a negative spirit that has attached itself to you or your home, as it might not be a spirit who wants to move on, or it might not be able to move on for a negative reason, like something bad it did in life. If you feel like your energy is being drained by a negative spirit, it's time to speak to an expert to get help instead of trying to deal with it alone!

If you're a medium, get help from their family

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If you're already a medium, or feel you have some connection or professional experience with sorting through messages from spirits, a good way to help a spirit to pass over is to try and have a family member sit with you or be with you during the time you're communicating, so that they can verify what you're hearing and being told. This will help to tie any loose ends and help them move on!

Don't ignore any messages

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Sometimes messages can come as signs or feelings, but sometimes you might be so tuned in that you get a very direct message from the spirit, which could be something they want said to a certain person, or something they want done. They're not going to leave you alone if you ignore the message and won't be able to move on until it's acknowledged and accepted!

Reach out to them first

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If you feel you have the presence of a deceased loved one still with you, and you feel like it's time for them to move, don't wait until you get a message or sign from them - because it might never come. Instead, you could make the first move by trying to communicate with them whatever you want to say as a goodbye and tell them it's okay for them to move on.

Send them love and a request to move on

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When you actively try to communicate with the spirit of a deceased love one around you, they're going to hear you, and they're going to be ready to listen to you. If their presence is making you feel like you can't move on or deal with your grief, speak to them to send them love and positive thoughts, and then directly ask them to please move on and be at peace.

Types of lost spirits to watch out for: earthbound

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Earthbound spirits are the ones you're most likely to find pacing their old footsteps in a place they used to be when they were living. It may be a favorite haunt - quite literally - of theirs. A lot of these kind of spirits don't even know that they're dead, which is why they're still going round the same routine in the same place. You might be able to communicate with them that they've passed on, so they can move on!

Wandering spirits

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Wandering spirits are like earthbound spirits in that they're still connected to this earth, but they don't have an old favorite place they're connected to, so they wander a little aimlessly, feeling lost. This is when it's most likely they're going to attach to a person or place they find along the way. They also don't know they're dead a lot of the time, which is why they haven't passed on.

Residual haunting

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This one relates to more of a type of energy left behind, rather than an actual spirit or memory of a person. Residual energy can be found in certain places where this energy has been released (such as a house that has seen a varied history of heightened emotions, or a big event happening there). Historical and old places are the most likely to get this kind of residual haunting.

Interference energy

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Interference energy is again in relation to energy more than the spirit of a person, and it involves links or portals to the astral world. The energy itself is that portal, through which spirits can choose to pass - or maybe even something more negative and unwanted might come through. The portal needs to be closed in order to stop spirits going the wrong way!

Spirit orbs

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Orbs are what most people associate with spirit, ghosts or the paranormal. Orbs are tiny specks of light that can appear out of nowhere, get caught on camera or seen in the corner of the eye. Spirit orbs can be a manifestation of spirit energy without having a complete body. Orbs are believed to have spirit intelligence and be the soul or life force of people who have passed on.

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