Signs Someone Is Being Followed By A Private Investigator

By Molly 9 months ago

1. Seeing the same person in different places.

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Is the same person repeatedly cropping up all over the place, in various different locations, at completely different times? Well, it's probably not the best sign! Whilst this could of course just be a huge coincidence, the individual being watched will know when it just seems too fishy. This person could be observing, following and taking notes for an investigation.

2. Trash is mysteriously taken.

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Nobody should have any business taking somebody else's trash. First of all, it's gross. Secondly, there are private things in there! So, if somebody's trash is mysteriously going missing and it's suspected that it's being taken, then it looks like they're being watched. Clearly, somebody out there wants to gather as much information as they possibly can about this person.

3. Random cars parked nearby, seemingly watching the individual.

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If there often seems to be random, unrecognised vehicles parked nearby wherever this person goes, then they might well be watching this person. Look out for signs that the vehicles are listening or watching, such as whether the car seems to be there for no reason, having tinted windows, or especially if you see the person inside taking photographs.

4. Strange behavior from people nearby, like staring or loitering.

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Look out for people displaying strange, unusual behavior around the individual. For example, do passers by seem to always stare or loiter around this person? Chances are, these people are undercover and they're trying to get a good look and listen! Especially if this happens in usually quiet, remote areas or places where the person is trying to go about private business.

5. Receiving anonymous phone calls or texts.

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If somebody starts to receive a frequent amount of anonymous phone calls or texts, then they could be from somebody that is targeting them. The private investigators could be trying to gather information about this person, whilst keeping their own identity protected. This might be with the intention to collect evidence, attract the person's attention or even blackmail them.

6. Unusual clicking noises or interference during phone calls.

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Hearing strange noises or interference during phone calls is a sure sign that somebody is being listened to. These noises happen when somebody is trying to record or monitor phone calls without the person knowing. Whilst it could be put down to bad signal or a problem with the phone, if this is happening paired with other signs, they might want to change their number.

7. Feeling like someone is always watching.

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Now, this can be a tricky one, as it's hard to prove. But, if somebody is just constantly living with the unshakeable feeling that they're being watched, then chances are that they could be. Whilst this could be put down to a bad case of paranoia, it's important that you hear this person out and help them where you can. Sometimes, you've just got to trust your gut.

8. Suspicious vehicles frequently passing the person's home or workplace.

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A person's home and workplace are two places where they are at their most vulnerable. Also, where most valuable information about them as a person will be revealed. So, it's no surprise that private investigators target these two areas as a priority when somebody is on their watch list. Seeing suspicious vehicles continuously pass by these places is a red flag.

9. Sudden disappearance of personal items or documents.

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If a person realizes that their personal items (or worse, personal documents), seem to be disappearing suddenly, then there might be somebody taking them. Pay attention to what kind of items are missing. If their valuable watch is stolen, chances are this is a thief. If their passport, financial records or tablet is missing, then it sounds like there is more to it.

10. Strange disturbances, such as hang-ups or heavy breathing on phone calls.

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Now, this completely gives the game away. During phone calls, if anybody is hearing heavy breathing that isn't coming from the person that they're talking to, then clearly somebody else is on the line! If an uninvited person is listening to phone conversations without permission, then they must be digging for some information to back up their investigation.

11. Unfamiliar faces attending social events or gatherings.

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Are there unfamiliar faces that suddenly have started to show up all over the place? Maybe this person is attending social events or gatherings where they're used to the same circle of people, when they're now including random people? These unfamiliar faces may just be there to listen, watch and dig for information on the person that is being watched.

12. The feeling of being followed when driving or walking.

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Picture this - the individual gets in their car, starts the engine and pulls away. Just after, the strange looking car behind them pulls out too, and continues in the same direction as them. Sounds far too coincidental to me, right? If this person feels that somebody is following their direction, then they're probably right about the fact that they're being monitored.

13. Strange or excessive number of friend requests on social media.

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It's great to have friends on social media, but look out for who you accept and allow to view your profile! When a person gets a sudden, random influx of follow or friend requests, then it should most definitely be raising alarm bells. If these people are strangers, then it's even more suspicious. Social media profiles can be hacked into, or used to find valuable information on the person.

14. Unexplained changes in online account activity.

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If somebody is noticing unexplained changes on their online platforms, such as social media or even work platforms, then it sounds like they're being tampered with. This could mean that they have been hacked, and that somebody is accessing their personal information without their consent. There's no reason for any changes on personal online accounts if the individual themselves hasn't done this.

15. Instances of private information being exposed.

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Private information should be, well, private! So, if this individual is coming across situations that suggest their private information has been leaked, then it's important to find out the source. For example, other people approaching them with information that they shouldn't know. If the information is getting out, then somebody is clearly watching them.

16. A sudden increase in traffic violations or parking tickets.

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This one is a sign that a lot of people wouldn't pick up on. Well, now you know! Private investigators can sometimes use tools such as traffic violations and parking tickets to intimidate the individual that they're watching, creating stress and paranoia. This way, their target is more likely to slip up and make mistakes. Which is exactly what they want.

17. Someone taking photos or videos of the person without consent.

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Of course, if this person directly sees somebody taking photographs or videos of them without their consent, then this is a huge red flag. There shouldn't be any genuine reason for a person to record somebody against their will and it's always something that needs to be addressed. It could be a private investigator compiling evidence and information on the individual.

18. Seeing strange vans without windows nearby.

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If there are strange looking, large vehicles parked outside this person's home or workplace, then they could be containing specialist recording equipment. Large, suspicious vans without windows suggest that they don't want to passers-by to see what's inside. The person in question should be careful to watch what they are saying, so this can't be used against them.

19. Unusual static on landline calls.

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If this person is hearing unusual static or buzzing whenever they're talking on their landline, they might want to get this checked out. If it can be ruled out that there are no problems with their phone line, then all signs point to the fact that their phone has been tapped! Other signs are calls dropping frequently or hearing tapping and clicking.

20. An increase in suspicious mail or packages.

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There are a number of different reasons why a private investigator may send packages in the mail to the person they are watching. Depending on what the items are, they could be sent as a way of intimidating and unnerving the person. Or, the items could be including tracking and hacking devices to help them with to investigate the individual in question.

21. The sensation of being watched from a distance.

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If the person who suspects they are being followed keeps sensing that there are people observing them from a distance, ask them why? What signs are they noticing? If they've spotted behavior such as the individual taking down notes, wearing clothes that appear plain to try and blend in, or that they're staring, then they could definitely be onto something.

22. Unfamiliar people approaching the person asking questions.

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Are there unfamiliar strangers randomly approaching the person with questions? Are the questions completely random and none of their business? If this keeps happening to the same person, then it sounds like there are people out there trying to gather information on them. They should be careful how they answer the questions and try to avoid conversations with people they don't know.

23. Detecting hidden cameras or listening devices in personal spaces.

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When there are hidden cameras or listening devices found in personal places, especially in somebody's home, then the police should be notified immediately! You don't need an article to tell you that watching and listening devices mean that somebody is being watched and listened to. If this has happened, it's getting very serious and the person might want to consider moving house.

24. Instances of the person's devices being compromised.

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When a person's electronic devices have been compromised, this can be a way in for hackers and investigators. A person's device contains a huge amount of personal information, which can be extremely valuable to a private investigator. So, if this person has noticed a malware infection, phishing attacks or anything similar, they need to get a new device and erase their history.

25. Strange behavior from coworkers or acquaintances.

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Is this person noticing strange, out of character behavior from coworkers, acquaintances or even their friends? It's a long shot, but these people could have been bribed or hired by a private investigation team to find out information about the individual for them. This is especially true if they start asking intrusive questions or are taking more photos than usual.

26. Instances of being pulled over by the police.

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Being pulled over by the police is of course usually not a sign that a private investigator is following you. But, if this is suddenly happening more and more often to the same individual, you've got to question where this change has come from. Pay attention to whether these police are definitely who they say they are, and the kinds of questions that they're asking.

27. Car or personal items being vandalized.

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If this person has had their car or personal belongings vandalized on two or more occasions, then chances are these have been targeted attacks. This is a sign that there is somebody (or multiple people for that matter), wanting to intimidate or harm the person. Clearly, they know the individuals whereabouts and so must be watching them. It's important to inform the police.

28. Being repeatedly threatened or harassed.

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Whilst this might sound far fetched, sometimes, private investigators can hire people to threaten or harass their targets. The reason that they do this is to create fear in the individual, making them easier to crack and much more likely to cooperate when needed. If somebody has started to receive threats out of nowhere, they should be documented.

29. Being confronted by others about matters they shouldn't know about.

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Does this person seem to be being confronted by nosy people all of a sudden? Are they accusing, or asking about events and information that they shouldn't know anything about? These people may be doing their best to dig for information, or even just purposely cause the individual to feel unsettled. At worst, this can even make the person doubt their sanity, making them more vulnerable.

30. They feel anxious or depressed.

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If the person in question is suddenly displaying out of character anxiety or depression, then there might be a reason that these feelings have been triggered. When somebody feels like their safety, privacy and sanity are being tested, it can quickly cause them to spiral into a difficult place when it comes to their mental health. Keep an eye on them and help where you can.

31. The craziest stories from private investigators: being hired to follow a cat

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Most pet owners will agree that having a camera in your home where you can check on your pet when you're not there isn't the worst idea - but fully hiring a private investigator to follow your pet cat all day to find out what it does? That's a bit much. But that's exactly what happened when one investigator was hired to follow a woman's cat all day. Turns out it just... walks around and climbs trees.

32. Tailing a 'blind' woman

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There are many stories out there about people pretending to have a disability so that they can claim benefits or have perks of disabled parking spots - and sometimes investigators might be hired to tail them to find out if they're telling the truth. This one was hired to follow a 'blind' lady claiming insurance money. Her followed her all day as she drove around. By herself. With her own eyes.

33. The mysterious suitcase

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Sometimes as a private investigator you might stumble upon something that even you're not legally equipped to deal with. This person was working on a divorce case back in the 90s and was tasked with going to collect some personal items - one of which was a suitcase belonging to a woman who worked for NASA. When they got it open, it had technical plans for an attack helicopter. It was swiftly handed over to the FBI...

34. Going round in circles

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Even private investigators might wonder if they're being followed sometimes, and hey, there's no reason why someone might not want them followed - if they have a suspicious spouse or something similar. Well, it turns out it can happen - as one investigator found out that he was hired to tail another investigator who had, in fact, also been hired to tail him!

35. Sometimes people are seriously mentally ill

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As an investigator, you're bound to come across clients in distress who are revealing ludicrous-sounding stories, but usually it's because they think they're being cheated on or followed. Sometimes, though, you might come up against someone mentally ill who needs professional help. This investigator had a woman come into his office and say she'd been implanted with a listening device, someone was stealing her ideas and even had an x-ray to show him of her ovaries.

36. The college kid tailed by his parents

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You do get overbearing parents who want to know what their kids are getting up to, especially at college, but hiring a private investigator is a little bit too far. But this one was hired to follow a college student at the behest of his parents because they were worried about him after he was sleeping a lot, not attending classes, and so on. Turns out the guy was just enjoying the freedom of not being around his parents and was visiting stores and playing games!

37. Delivering news you probably shouldn't

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When it comes to actually knocking on people's doors and delivering news of family deaths, that's usually a matter for the police and not a private investigator - but for some reason, this one was tasked with delivering the news of a guy's great uncle passing away while traveling in the Congo - and then continued to reveal that the uncle, a priest, had actually died from an infection he got from a s*x worker.

38. A tragic insurance fraud attempt

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Trying to pull insurance fraud by faking death isn't a new thing, but this one is a little different. This investigator was hired when a woman thought her husband was acting very strangely. It turned out they were in financial trouble, and he was planning to fake his own death so that his wife could get the insurance payout - without her knowing anything about the plan. Tragically, in his attempt to drive his car off a cliff and fake his death, he got stuck and ended up actually being dragged over and dying. Because it was fraud, his wife didn't get a penny.

39. Petty corporate eavesdropping

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We know that the world of business is cutthroat, so you can't blame a guy for thinking his office might be tapped. Apparently this businessman was convinced one of his clients had bugged him. The investigators ended up having to do a very big - and very expensive - sweep of his entire trailer, including completely under it, and found nothing. Turned out the phones themselves had been tapped, and the client was indeed eavesdropping.

40. A wife's awkward suspicion...

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This man and wife were already divorcing, so the investigator wasn't hired to try and prove he was cheating or anything like that. The actual reason was because the wife was wholly convinced that her soon-to-be ex-husband was taking her possessions and putting them up his r*ctum. The investigator was hired to find out, and... yes, her husband was doing exactly that.

41. A nurse secretly working at a str*p club

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We know that nurses work very long hours for very little pay. This particular nurse was claiming that she couldn't work at all because of a disability. The private investigator who was tasked with tailing her ended up following her to more than one str*p club, where she was secretly working. Turned out she made more money there than being a nurse.

42. The cult next door

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A private investigator was hired when a guy was convinced that the church he was living next to had actually set his house on fire. He said that they'd prayed for his house to burn down, as well as his car to break down, both of which actually happened. Upon investigation, turns out that not only was it actually his ex-boyfriend who'd done all the deeds, but the church next door was actually a cult anyway - it just wasn't them that had done it!

43. Hired to investigate the client themselves

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To be honest, this sort of has some weird logic to it - and especially when you have the money to burn to do it. This one client had hired a private investigator to do a full investigation on the client himself, because he wanted to test all the information that would be brought up about him, and see how much information could be found that could possibly be used against him!

44. An elderly man cheating on his much younger wife

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When you hear about cases of very young and attractive women being with much older men who don't really deserve them, it's not for other people to judge. In this case, we're judging - and we're judging the old cheater! Apparently a client in her early 20s suspected her elderly husband of cheating. Turns out he was - many, many times - with his secretary, who was apparently - according to the investigator - "ugly".

45. Cops tailing private investigators

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This is a case of two incognito private investigators being tailed by undercover cops - neither of which knew who the other really was! Waste of time all round, really. The investigators were tailing someone for their client, only to realize they were being followed by a particular vehicle that just wouldn't quit. They were then confronted by the cops, who looked pretty disappointed to find out they were just private investigators on a job.

46. Investigator gets free ticket to an amazing car show

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Sometimes you might have to tail someone to a very cool and exclusive event, and this investigator luckily did. He'd been tasked with following a man suspected of cheating, who worked at the Corvette Museum. The investigator spent a full weekend watching the classic car shows, including Lamborghinis and Porsches, only to find out the guy hadn't been cheating after all.

47. The woman who thought an alien was in her condo

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One investigator had a client - an older woman - who thought a maintenance man from her condo had been coming in and moving all her stuff around. Video recordings were set up, only to reveal that it was only her in the condo. She later said the man must have something to make him invisible seeing as he's "a space alien". Needless to say, she got psychological help.

48. Sometimes the clients are just having a nice night out...

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One investigator working on a potential insurance fraud case was following a man when he had to drive after him completely out of the neighborhood, for miles on the highway out of town, and into a valet downtown parking lot - which of course the investigator then had to check his car into, as well. The investigator then ended up on the same elevator as the guy, who - it turned out - was just going to watch a light parade with his family.

49. Having to hide behind your car's tinted windows

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One investigator had to tail a woman to a run-down motel under the suspicion that she'd been committing insurance fraud. He had to ask at the motel reception about which room the woman might be in, but the guy knew who he was talking about and offered to go get her. The PI had to stay on the down low so said no thanks and bolted to his car. He then had to sit in his car, hidden from view by his tinted windows, as he listened to the owner and the owner's son talk about how there was a PI around and they should warn the woman in question!

50. Sometimes background checks are worth it

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A lot of employers will ask for background checks on potential employees, but it's rare an actual PI will be asked to do some digging. In this case, a PI was hired to do a background check on a guy... only to find out he'd be convicted for s*xual harassment. The guy then denied it, but was forced to admit it after the PI got more information. It turned out he'd flashed someone on a beach, and he - needless to say - didn't get the job.

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