Things All Parents Say Vs What They Really Mean

By Molly 9 months ago

1. You Look Well

Mom recently told me she is more disappointed that I drink than the ...
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You do not in fact look well - Ha-ha! Normally if someone tells you that you
'look well'
it is a welcomed compliment, but coming from your parent it might be a different story. Parents sometimes have an odd way of letting us know we might not be looking our best and this line has definitely been used more than once to get their point across without upsetting you too much.

2. We Won't Stay Long

Gabby sleeping in the van - YouTube
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The phrase every young child hates to hear! When you're a kid you have no choice but to go where ever your parents go but there are times when you would just rather be doing your own thing. Being dragged to a family friend or relative's house when you want to go home can be infuriating, especially with your parent's promising 'We won't be long'
- such liars!

3. I'll Think About It

Sweet Shop: September 2011
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Although not an immediate yes, you might be in with a chance of getting what you want. Giving your parents some space during this time will most likely let them consider the request...just make sure you are on your best behaviour because this could change in an instant. However, sometimes a
'I'll think about it'
is already an instant no and they just don't want you to moan too much.

4. Maybe

10 Reasons Moms Look Annoyed | Amy Wruble
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"Maybe" might sound promising but set yourself up for disappointment, this without a doubt is a big fat.
When your parents respond to a request maybe it is their way of saying "I don't have time to deal with this" and they want you to leave them alone without asking too many questions. It also means they won't be considering your request anytime soon either.

5. Go Ask Your Dad

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Did you grow up with a strict father? if the answer is yes then you've most likely heard this saying from your mother quite a lot… as she doesn't want to decide without first hearing his input. Your mother might also say this when she doesn't want to come across as the bad guy and knows for a fact that your dad will say no when you ask him...
How sneaky!

6. Dinner's Ready

The Average Parent Problems Instagram Is For All The Not-So-Famous ...
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Nothing makes you move faster than your parents calling you for dinner. The disappointment comes when you reach the kitchen within seconds only to discover that dinner isn't in fact ready
- How upsetting!
It's probably best to give it a few minutes, whenever you hear "dinner is ready"... as it's common knowledge that this saying means dinner is

7. I Will Be There In 5 Minutes

Waiting in the Rain at the Museum – Photography by CyberShutterbug

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Ever been the last kid to be picked up from soccer practice, a party or have you been stranded in the school parking lot waiting for a lift? If the answer is yes, you've heard "I'll be five minutes" on more than one occasion. The real reason is that they will take 5 minutes to get ready and then they will leave to come and get you...either way, you will be waiting a while.

8. I'm Not Mad

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They are
mad at you. Beware of this trap...parents tend to use this saying to try and trick their kids into telling them the truth and they know that their child won't say anything if they think their parent is mad at them. This can also be a dangerous saying because they might not be mad at you for the moment...but you are on
thin ice
, and any wrong step can instantly change their mood.

9. Are You Going Out Like That?

Trying On My Parents Clothing😂 - YouTube
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Parents always have strong opinions and they aren't afraid of expressing them. We've all tried sneaking out of the house wearing something we know our parents wouldn't agree on, especially in our teens but we were always hit with the
"You aren't going out like that".
Sometimes parents just don't understand new fashion trends and find what we wear amusing...aka they are embarrassed for us.

10. Go Ask Your Mum

25 Intimate Photos of 'Mom Working in the Kitchens' in the 1970s ...
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Mums can be scary...even to their husbands. Dads are normally cool with whatever you're asking for but the thought of getting into trouble with your mum is scary enough for them to question their decision. Instead of getting into trouble further down the line, they will make sure you ask your mum first and this will give them that reassurance that they made all the right decisions

11. Do You Know Who Did This?

464846_3550765981917_1655648320_2683689_813902614_o | Flickr
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Have you ever made a mess when playing or have you accidentally broken something in the house and tried to hide it? ...then you've had one of your parents scream
"Who did this!".
Everyone in the family gets sat down (including the pets) and questioned until someone gives in and admits to the crime ha-ha. It's better to fess up as soon as possible before you get into any bigger trouble.

12. They Seem Nice

Professor Mungleton: Makin' it happen
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I don't know about you but whenever my parents said this particular phrase they didn't like the person I introduced
- oops!
Sometimes parents can right see through your friends or partners but instead of trying to upset you, they will just say this instead. It depends entirely on the context in which it is said but it might not be the validation you are looking for...

13. I'm Not A Taxi Service

Driving with kids - YouTube
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Until you get your driving licence, you are going to rely heavily on your parents to give you lifts everywhere. The problem with this is that your parents will ultimately get annoyed and you will have heard this saying on many occasions. They might get frustrated now and again, but your parents are happy to give you lifts if it means putting their minds at ease.

14. I Only Need A Few Things

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Never trust a parent who says this...what they mean is that they need to do a full shop and you are going to help them unload all the groceries when you get home. Sometimes they might nip into the store and leave you in the car with the promise they won't be long but you end up bored waiting in the car for at least 45 minutes
- How annoying is that!

15. Have You Met Anyone Nice?

𝚙𝚒𝚗𝚝𝚎𝚛𝚎𝚜𝚝: 𝚊𝚗𝚗𝚊𝚐𝚛𝚊𝚌𝚎𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚛𝚎𝚜 | Cute couples goals, Couple goals, Couple ...
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Parents especially mothers are always interested in your love life and love hearing all the juicy gossip. Ultimately they just want to see you happy and have someone in your life that supports and cares about you just like they do. They might have already caught wind of you seeing someone from your siblings or other family members and are now just doing some digging to find out more information.

16. If It Makes You Happy

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At the end of the day regardless of any issues you've had with your parents they just
want what’s best for you.
This phrase is simply an acceptance that they might not agree with some of your decisions but they won't fight you on it because they don't want to push you away. They've also given up trying to tell you what to do and have accepted you can make your own decisions in life.

17. Back In My Day

1950s living room | 1950s living room, Living room, Room
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Time to start rolling your eyes. Growing up in different eras always comes with a difference of opinions and tastes. Your parents won't always understand your interests and sometimes this phrase is their way of expressing their distaste. Most of the time they just want you to understand how hard it was for them growing up and how lenient they've been with you.

18. Do You Think That's A Good Idea?

17 Best images about light bulbs on Pinterest | Light bulb crafts ...
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Parents are also a voice of reason. They can see when you might be making a huge mistake and like any good loving parent, they will try and stop you from doing anything too stupid. A quick
"Do you think that's a good idea?"
might make you pause and think more seriously about what you are planning to do. Although, you know you are going to do it anyway ha-ha.

19. This Isn't A Hotel

Moms And Dads Don't Instruct Your Kids To Clean Their Rooms, Experts ...
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Teenagers are renowned for being messy. We've all been guilty of leaving our rooms in a mess after we've been getting ready or because we are too lazy but are parents will be the first to let us know that this isn't acceptable. Your parents are fed up with being
your maid
and treating the
house like a hotel.
..might be time to move out if you're hearing this saying often enough.

20. There's Food At Home

Trying on my products to help your skin - YouTube
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There isn't anything more disappointing than hearing there's food at home. You might have been out with the family and were hoping you would grab some fast food on the way home but this single sentence ruins all your hopes of getting a juicy burger. Also, you just know that the food at home is just leftovers or something that your parents will hastily thrown together.

21. Good Afternoon

25 People With a Serious Case of the Mondays - ViraLuck
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Sarcasm is a parent's best friend. Growing up can be stressful and you always find yourself extremely tired, especially if you've been up late playing games or texting and so you don't eventually get up on weekends and holidays until the afternoon. If your parents are up and about they will make you aware you've slept in quite late and that they aren't impressed you've missed half the day!

22. Don't Get Me Anything For My Birthday

This cat is so sad, could we say Happy Birthday to this sad cat : r/sadcats
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Please make sure you buy something for your parent on their birthday. Anytime you ask them what they want they always reply with
"Oh don't bother"
but secretly they would love it if you bought them something to cherish. Just remember that your parents raised you and have given you everything you've wanted in life so it's only fair you buy them a little gift.

23. That's Nice

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Hearing a
"That's nice"
from your parents is a full proof way of knowing that they are fully ignoring everything you are saying. Sometimes our parents aren't interested in our petty drama or what are friends are up to but they don't want to come across as being rude so they will just
nod their heads
and pretend like the are funny.

24. Are You Getting Much Sleep?

Life With Little Ones: Keeping Busy.
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A roundabout way of saying you look very tired. When you move out or don't spend a lot of time with your parents they will always be worried about you and your health...Any signs that you're struggling and they will have something to say about it. This little sentence always makes us take a step back and realise that we need to slow down -
Time to get some rest and recharge!

25. Have You Called Your Grandparents?

Image result for parents on facetime | Facetime, Couple photos, Photo
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Just a quick reminder that you haven't called your grandparents in a while and now they are moaning to me! Parents are quick to remind us about not keeping in touch with family members especially grandparents as they are most likely
getting nagged by them
as well and want the earache to stop. Although annoying to hear it's a gentle reminder that the older members of your family won't always be around so keep in touch!

26. Don't Tell Your Mum

5 Incredible Budget-Friendly Indoor Family-Fun Ideas # ...
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Dads tend to be the parent that let you get away with things and when they are left in charge of you that’s when the real mischief begins. Of course, your dad is always worried about getting in trouble with your mother so a quick
"don't tell your mother" i
s a surefire way to let you know you can do what you like but this remains between the both of you
- Shh!

27. I'm Not Going To Tell You Again

7 Benefits of Climbing Trees -
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This one is pretty self-explanatory...if they have to tell you one more time then you're going to be in big trouble! Kids can be troublesome and when they aren't listening to you it's even worse. But you know you've pushed your parent too far if they have to give you this's still up to you to decide whether you think it’s worth getting in trouble.

28. It will End In Tears

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Your parent wants to be clear that you won't be getting your way this time and that you will be the one crying when you realise this too late. We've all thrown a few tantrums in our time and normally it is us kids that have ended up being in tears because we haven't gotten our way. Our parents on the hand don't even bat an eyelid at our dramatics or worse they even mock us!

29. Money Doesn't Grow On Trees

Made a money tree for my mother for Christmas. That's a hundred $1 ...

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Stop asking me for money...
we can't afford it!
The familiar saying has been used throughout our childhood and even into our teenage years. Raising a child/children can be very expensive, especially when you have to keep up with all the new trends and latest toys. Sometimes your parents just can't afford to splurge on items that aren't necessary or they are saving them for a special occasion.

30. You'll Understand When Your Older

From 4 months to 91, five generations of family gather in Lake Worth Beach
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You really will understand when you're older how hard it is to be an adult! Parenting is a difficult task to undertake and your kids will always find ways to rile you up. Sometimes this sentence is used to get your child to
stop asking those difficult questions..
.like where do babies come from? Other times it is just simply things they will understand better as they mature!

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