12 Subtle Signs Someone Is A Clairvoyant

By Paula Tudoran 9 months ago

The Dream Weaver

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They often experience vivid dreams that later come true, like premonitions offering glimpses into the future. These dreams unfold like a surreal reel, containing cryptic messages that unravel with time, validating their clairvoyant gifts. Whether it's a warning or a glimpse of forthcoming joy, these dreams leave them in awe of the mysterious workings of the universe, where the boundaries of time seem to blur.

They Have Some Uncanny Intuition

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Their gut feelings are remarkably accurate, guiding them in decision-making and steering them away from trouble. They possess an inner compass that consistently points them towards the right path, even when the rational mind offers no explanation. Friends often seek their advice, knowing that their intuitive insights are worth heeding. It's as if they have a hotline to the cosmos, receiving subtle cues that guide them through life's intricate maze.

They are a Synchronicity Magnet

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Coincidences seem to gravitate toward them, leaving them pondering the mystical connections in life. They notice these meaningful coincidences like little winks from the universe, affirming they are on the right track. Whether it's stumbling upon a long-lost friend in a foreign city or encountering the same rare book repeatedly, they revel in the enchanting dance of synchronicity that weaves the fabric of their reality.

Crystal Clear Vision? Ofc!

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They might have visions or mental images that provide insight beyond the ordinary. These visions appear like ethereal paintings, offering glimpses of events yet to unfold. Their mind's eye captures intricate details, and they learn to interpret the symbolic language of these visions, unraveling hidden meanings and warnings. This gift allows them to peer beyond the veil, catching a fleeting glimpse of the universe's master plan.

They're a Deja Vu Extraordinaire

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Experiencing frequent and intense moments of deja vu might be their norm. They often find themselves in situations that feel eerily familiar, like dancing with time itself. These episodes trigger a surreal sense of remembrance, leaving them questioning the nature of reality and the possibility of parallel lives. Though sometimes disorienting, these moments of deja vu affirm their innate connection to the cosmos.

Having Conversations with Their Spirit Guides

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They engage in inner dialogues with spiritual entities or guardian angels. In moments of stillness and meditation, they open a line of communication with their spirit guides, seeking wisdom and counsel from the ethereal realm. Through these conversations, they find solace and direction, knowing they are not alone on their life's journey. These guiding spirits whisper ancient truths, anchoring them in a higher purpose.

They're Object Whisperers

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Holding an object can unlock visions or emotions linked to its history or owner. When they touch an old artifact or a cherished heirloom, a rush of sensations floods their consciousness. They become vessels for the emotional imprints left on these objects, glimpsing into the lives of those who came before. This unique ability allows them to piece together forgotten stories, connecting the past to the present.

And Also, Past Life Whispers

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They may have flashbacks or unexplained familiarity with historical eras or places. Certain locations evoke nostalgia and recognition, as if they have walked those streets in a bygone era. They experience echoes of past lives, and sometimes, the memories are so vivid that they momentarily transcend time. These whispers from the past provide valuable insights into their current journey and help them piece together the puzzle of their soul's evolution.

As Well As Weather Whisperers

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They feel changes in the atmosphere and predict weather patterns with surprising accuracy. The subtle shifts in air pressure or the faint scent of rain prompt them to anticipate weather changes long before the forecasts do. Their intuition acts as a natural barometer, attuned to the ever-changing moods of nature. Friends often turn to them for weather updates, marveling at their ability to tune in to the Earth's meteorological symphony.

Empathy on Steroids

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Their empathic abilities surpass the norm, sensing emotions and energies from afar. When someone enters the room, they feel the emotional atmosphere shift, like ripples in a pond. They absorb the joy, pain, and turmoil of others, often becoming emotional conduits for those seeking comfort or understanding. While intense, this gift also allows them to offer unparalleled support and compassion.

Animal Allies Everywhere They Go!

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Animals are drawn to them, as if they understand the clairvoyant energy they emit. Whether it's a stray cat seeking shelter or a wild bird perching nearby, animals seem to sense their inherent connection to the natural world. In return, they find solace and companionship in the company of these creatures, understanding the unspoken language that binds all living beings.

Tea Leaves and Tarots

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They excel in divination tools, reading tea leaves, tarot cards, or runes with ease. The patterns formed by tea leaves or the enigmatic symbolism of tarot cards reveal a secret language they effortlessly decipher. Whether seeking answers for themselves or others, they tap into the universal consciousness, unraveling the threads of fate. Through these ancient practices, they bridge the gap between the seen and unseen, shedding light on the paths yet to be traversed.

They are Gifted With Amazing Prophetic Artistry

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Their artistic expressions often serve as subconscious prophecies. In moments of creative flow, their hands become vessels of revelation, painting visions of the future or potent emotions they are yet to experience. Their art becomes an encrypted diary, foretelling events and evoking emotions beyond their current understanding. These artistic prophecies inspire and mystify, leaving viewers captivated by the depth of their creative connection.

Sensing Spirits (Got Goosebumps Yet?)

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They can perceive and communicate with spirits, though not always intentionally. Sometimes, in the quiet solitude of a room or amidst a bustling crowd, they sense the presence of spirits seeking to convey messages. While it may feel overwhelming at times, they navigate this ethereal realm with grace, offering solace to lost souls or relaying messages from the beyond to those still earthbound.

Time Fluctuations are Normal

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Losing track of time or experiencing time lapses is not uncommon for them. They exist as cosmic wanderers, occasionally slipping between different temporal frequencies. Moments may stretch and contract, leaving them momentarily disoriented, yet deeply connected to the fabric of time itself. While it may bewilder those around them, these time fluctuations become a natural part of their clairvoyant journey.

Serendipitous Preparations in the Horizon!

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They instinctively prepare for events or changes they have no logical reason to expect. A sudden urge to carry an umbrella on a sunny day or postponing a trip for no apparent reason can lead to remarkable outcomes. Their intuition acts as an invisible compass, subtly guiding them toward the optimal path and preparing them for what lies ahead.

They Receive Messages From Music

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Certain songs or melodies trigger profound insights or messages for them. The rhythm and lyrics become conduits for higher wisdom, conveying hidden meanings that resonate deep within their soul. Whether it's a song on the radio or a street musician's melody, the universe orchestrates its divine playlist, speaking to them through the harmonies of existence.

They're Visionary Daydreams

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Their daydreams transport them to alternate realities or future scenarios. These waking reveries go beyond simple imagination, bordering on astral projection. They explore diverse timelines, witnessing the myriad possibilities life may unfold. From joyful utopias to cautionary tales, their visionary daydreams offer glimpses into the boundless potential of the human experience.

A Sensitivity to Spaces

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They sense the energy of places and can tell if they have positive or negative vibes. When stepping into a room, their intuition acts as an energetic radar, detecting the emotional imprints left by previous occupants. They can discern whether a place exudes warmth, tranquility, or residual discord. This sensitivity allows them to create harmonious spaces and navigate environments that resonate with their soul's energy.

They See Technicolor Auras

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They see auras around people or objects, revealing deeper emotions and intentions. Like ethereal halos, auras surround living beings, reflecting their emotional and spiritual state. The vibrant hues and fluctuations of these auras are a rich tapestry of unspoken truths. Their clairvoyant sight unveils the true essence of individuals, providing insights into their intentions, desires, and the interplay of energies that shape their lives.

Get Used to Premonitory Goosebumps!

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Physical sensations like goosebumps alert them to significant events. These goosebumps act as a cosmic Morse code, signaling moments of truth or impending revelations. Whether it's an encounter with a kindred soul, a life-altering decision, or a foreboding danger, their skin becomes a canvas of intuitive reactions. This heightened sensitivity to the unseen weaves goosebumps into their clairvoyant tapestry.

They are Astral Travelers

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They experience out-of-body journeys during meditation or sleep. Their consciousness detaches from the confines of the physical vessel, venturing into astral realms and parallel dimensions. These ethereal escapades offer glimpses of universes unknown, providing profound insights and spiritual growth. Whether floating above the Earth or exploring distant galaxies, their astral voyages unlock the mysteries of existence beyond the tangible world.

Psychic Sensory Overload

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Picking up on multiple psychic channels simultaneously can be overwhelming. Like tuning into countless radio stations at once, they receive a barrage of psychic information. Sorting through this influx of thoughts, emotions, and energies requires skillful focus and discernment. With experience, they learn to fine-tune their reception, filtering out the noise and attuning to the frequencies that matter most.

They're Word Alchemists

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Their words carry power, unintentionally manifesting into reality. The energy infused into their language becomes a potent creative force. Whether expressing hope or doubt, their words ripple through the universe, influencing the course of events. They are cautious with their speech, aware of the profound impact their words can have on themselves and those around them. Like linguistic alchemists, they wield words with mindful intention.

Might Engage in Automatic Writing

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They allow spirits or higher selves to guide their hand in writing messages. In moments of divine inspiration, their pen dances across the page, transcribing messages from beyond the veil of consciousness. These written communiques may hold answers to their queries or insights to be shared with others. Surrendering to this mystical process, they become conduits for higher wisdom and timeless truths.

They Use Symbolic Language

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They interpret the world through symbols, uncovering hidden meanings in everyday life. From the flight of birds to the patterns of dreams, the universe speaks to them in a rich tapestry of symbols. These coded messages offer guidance, urging them to decipher life's enigmatic puzzles. Embracing the symbolic language of existence, they navigate the labyrinth of reality with profound insight.

The Gift of Mysterious Healings

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Sometimes their mere presence aids in the healing of others. Like healers channeling divine energy, their aura radiates a soothing balm, comforting troubled souls. Whether offering a listening ear or a compassionate touch, they unknowingly become instruments of healing. People gravitate to their energy, finding solace and strength in their presence. This gift of mysterious healings brings both joy and responsibility.

It's a Numbers Game!

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Repeatedly encountering specific numbers holds deep significance for them. These numerical synchronicities become coded messages from the universe, guiding them on their path. Whether seeing angel numbers or recurring dates, each sequence carries a unique resonance. By decoding these numeric nudges, they align themselves with the flow of the cosmos, stepping into a dance of cosmic harmony.

Claircognizance at Play

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They receive knowledge or insights without knowing how they know it. Their mind becomes a conduit for information from the higher realms, bypassing the rational thought process. This claircognizance whispers truths and solutions into their consciousness, often surprising even themselves with their profound wisdom. Embracing this innate knowing, they navigate life's complexities with clarity and assurance.

They Have Subconscious Forecasters

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Their dreams or art often reflect upcoming events, acting as a subconscious oracle. In the depths of their subconscious, whispers of the future find expression through dreams or creative endeavors. These subconscious forecasters provide subtle hints and symbols, allowing them to prepare for what lies ahead. By honing their intuitive introspection, they unveil the veiled secrets of the universe.

You have a certain object you resonate with

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Most people who have clairvoyant or psychic abilities have an item they feel connected to that they keep on their person, and this object might also help them with their spiritual practices, like crystals or talismans. It might be a piece of clothing or a piece of jewelry that you wear everywhere because it gives you a specific feeling of protection or purpose.

You've always been a very good judge of character

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Some people are very good judges of character and read others easily - this doesn't have to mean you're clairvoyant, it could just mean you have a good intuition about these things. But with you, you have a history of judging people's characters perfectly from the first time you meet them, based on how they act later down the line - proving you right!

You get an immediate sense of comfort/discomfort with someone new

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In the same light, it could also mean that you get this overwhelming sense of either comfort or discomfort when you meet a new person, before they've even said or done anything. And when it's a sense of discomfort, it later becomes obvious why you felt that way in the first place (if you find out they've done something negative). This initial feeling trumps anything they say or do after that.

You can tell whose energy is glowing, and whose is dimmed

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You can also very easily pick up on people's energy, even if the room is packed with people you don't know and have never spoken to you before. To you, it's almost as though you can see their energy - sort of like an aura around them - and you can tell (or see) whose energy is glowing brightly, and whose energy is more dimmed. This can help you to find the people who give off a more glowing good vibe.

You can spot lights around people

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You may also see other types of lights around people's heads. With clairvoyance, it can be that you're in tune to a lot of different feelings, auras and energies, so it might be you get overwhelmed a lot of the time with different lights you can spot around people. You may need to work on a personal level to better understand what you're seeing around that person.

You see orbs a lot of the time

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You might also be very open on a spiritual and psychic level, enough to spot orbs around you. Some people might see orbs in particularly 'haunted' spots or if they actively open their minds, but for you, seeing orbs is just a natural thing throughout the day. It's like your eyes and mind are trained to spot things that other people don't usually see.

You also have photos which include orbs

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This can also apply to photographs, too. A lot of people don't see orbs in reality only to take a look back at their photos and notice strange lights in the picture. For you, it's mostly about it being very likely that you're always going to capture an orb when you take a photograph, and know that before you come to look at the picture. You might also be the first to point one out in other people's pictures.

You can see shadows around

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When you're connected on this kind of level, the light also comes with the dark, which means that not only can you easily spot things like bright lights, orbs and energies around people, you're also very good at spotting the darkness or shadows that might be around you, too. You might see dark 'smudges' in the air, or in the corner of your eye, or in a room where other people can't see the shadows like you can.

You believe you have a connection with spirits

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With all of this also comes the logical feeling that you have a deeper connection with the spirits around you. As a clairvoyant, you might also have found that you pick up on spirit energies very easily, or people might have even come to you with help for communicating with loved ones who have passed. It's not uncommon for clairvoyant people to become a spiritual medium, too.

It runs in the family

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A lot of people with clairvoyant tendencies or psychic abilities have it run in their family, or at the very least have someone like a parent or grandparent who had 'the gift' of having a deeper connection to things around them. So it might be that you have a family full of clairvoyants or people with a spiritual connection that might have influenced you, too.

You can't explain why you have distrust of certain people

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You know how we spoke about that instant impression you get of people? This can also apply to an overwhelming sense of distrust about someone you first meet. They might not have done anything wrong at all, were polite and kind, but you just can't shake it off. This could be your foresight coming into play that you know they're going to do something distrustful - they just haven't done it yet.

You sense people's history or life stories

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When you're first getting to know someone, you might feel like you're taking a peek into their life story, or parts of their past that they haven't shared with you. You might be able to delve deeper into that person's experiences without them even having to tell you, like you have a sixth sense of what they've been through or who they are as a person.

People seem drawn to you to discuss their problems

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Because of this knack for detecting people's feelings and energies, it could also be that you're giving out an energy yourself that makes people drawn to you. Have you notice you tend to be the go-to for people to talk about their problems with? This doesn't even have to be people you're close to, either - you might get a lot of strangers willing to open up to you.

Animals and pets always seem friendly to you

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Animals are extremely good judges of character, more so than a lot of people give them credit for. Household pets like dogs and cats especially can get a vibe about a person. With you, you have pretty much every animal or household pet you meet warm up to you instantly. This can be because of that higher connection they can sense, and that they're safe with you.

And your own pets always know when you're on your way

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This also applies to the pets you might have yourself, but with your own pets, you have a much deeper bond and understanding. While this is true of any pet owner who spends time with their animals, for you - with that extra clairvoyant sense - it can make the bond between you much deeper, to the point where they can sort of 'sense' when you're on your way home to them.

Babies stare at you a lot

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Babies and young children are just as susceptible to energies as pets are, because pets and children have that more open and innocent mind for things on a spiritual level, or sensing energies. For babies, it might be that you get them staring at you a lot, taking notice of you or even smiling at you. This can be because of that 'otherworldly' energy you're giving off.

You can tell people's mood by a look or voice

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This again comes from your ability to read people very well, but also from that foresight that clairvoyance can give you, that you only need to see one facial expression or hear one word spoken to know the mood this person is in, or how the conversation is going to go. Especially if the person isn't being honest and saying they're fine when they're not, that doesn't fly with you!

You can 'see' a room's atmosphere

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Just like you can spot energies or orbs around people, it's also like you can 'see' a visible atmosphere to any room you're in. Most people talk about the atmosphere in a room changing when a certain person walks in, but while they mean this less than literally, for you it's very literal indeed! You can very much see the atmosphere in a room alter because of a particular person's energy.

You see flashes of history in certain places

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You might also be very connected or affected by certain places. A lot of clairvoyants can feel residual energy of certain places, especially historical places that might have a lot of paranormal activity or maybe a very vivid past. You may also find you become a little exhausted being in places like this for too long, because of the amount of understanding you're being overwhelmed with in these places.

You can detect hot or cold spots in a house

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With this, we don't mean which rooms have the heating cranked up, and which rooms have a drafty window! We mean more about the energies and vibes of a house. If you're in a friend's house, you might be able to feel the 'hot' or 'cold' spots of that house as you move through. This is something nobody else could sense, if you told anybody else about the 'feeling' changing from room to room.

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