Things We Should All Be Doing Just In Case Of An Apocalyptic Event

By Paula Tudoran 9 months ago

Stockpiling Non-Perishables

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Canned goods, rice, and beans form a sturdy alliance when the shelves go barren. Imagine your pantry as a time capsule of sustenance packed with preserved nourishment that defies decay. These items transform into gourmet meals in the apocalypse, showing you that patience pays off in flavors that remain vibrant even in the face of societal collapse.

Learning Basic First Aid

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When civilization's healing touch retreats, your band-aid ballet steps into the limelight. First aid know-how becomes a testimonial to your adaptability. From cuts to bruises, you’ll be the remedy-revealer, armed with a medical arsenal that soothes pain and saves lives. A tapestry of skills woven with compassion, ensuring that in a world of chaos, a helping hand is never far away.

Building a Bug-Out Bag

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Imagine a bag that whispers "survival" with every strap, a trusty companion ready for the unknown. Your bug-out bag carries the weight of your foresight, equipped with water’s salvation, a multi-tool versatility, and a flashlight’s guiding glow. An ode to preparedness, it's your reminder that life’s adventures can take unexpected turns, and being ready is your ultimate armor.

Mastering Fire-Making Skills

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When modern conveniences flicker out, the ancient dance of fire takes center stage. Mastery of this primal art becomes your ticket to warmth, cooking, and warding off the darkness. Twigs and sparks become your partners, and the spark of confidence in your fire-making abilities spreads not only warmth but a feeling of invincibility in the wilderness.

Growing Your Own Food

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Amidst urban decay or barren landscapes, your garden becomes an oasis of abundance. Seeds sown in the soil whisper stories of renewal. As you nurture life from the ground, the rewards extend beyond sustenance. Your garden, a testimony of your resilience, is a reminder that you hold the power to nurture and flourish amidst chaos.

Developing DIY Skills

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Hammer, saw, and creativity collide as you emerge as a post-apocalyptic MacGyver. Amidst the rubble, you're the architect of solutions, reimagining brokenness into beauty. Your hands craft more than just objects; they forge the spirit of self-reliance. With each fixed chair and repurposed tool, you rewrite the narrative of a society that thrives through resourcefulness.

Becoming a Water Wizard

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In a parched landscape, you're the modern-day alchemist, turning muddied waters into liquid gold. Armed with filtration and purification techniques, you transform uncertainty into clarity. With every sip, you savor not just the taste but the satisfaction of mastering nature’s most vital elixir. Each drop is a testament to your foresight and adaptability in an evolving world.

Studying Edible Plants

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Amongst the foliage, you uncover nature’s culinary secrets, transforming survival into a flavorful adventure. Those inconspicuous greens become gourmet treasures, and foraging evolves into an art of nourishment. As you identify, gather, and create meals from earth's bounty, you reinvent dining. With each bite, you salute the resilience of human taste buds and the wild gastronomic wonders they uncover.

Learning Navigation Tricks

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The blinking GPS screen may fade, but the compass of your mind finds true north. Old-school maps become your allies, unraveling the labyrinth of terrains. As you trace trails with ancient wisdom, the journey becomes more than a path — it's a dance with the land. You navigate through adversity, rekindling the spirit of exploration that once led civilizations into the unknown.

Understanding Herbal Medicine

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Amidst the ruins, nature's apothecary flourishes, and you're its keeper. Herbal medicine becomes your wand, conjuring remedies from leaves, roots, and petals. With wisdom passed down through generations, you mend wounds and heal ailments. Each elixir concocted is a tribute to your bond with the earth, a reminder that even in turmoil, nature's healing touch endures.

Honing Self-Defense Abilities

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In the apocalyptic theater, your body becomes the instrument of survival. Martial arts resurface as the dance of life and death, where every move speaks a language of self-preservation. A punch, a block, a kick — each step is a declaration that you refuse to be a mere spectator in the world's unraveling. A warrior poet, your body becomes a proof to resilience and adaptability.

Mastering Basic Farming

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Gone are the days of casual grocery strolls. Now, knowing the earth's secrets is your greatest treasure. As tractors fade into memory, your hands embrace the plow, coaxing life from the soil. Seeds become your allies, and each harvest is a symphony of sustenance. Amidst the ruins, you cultivate a future, proving that amidst chaos, the skill of farming truly is a golden harvest.

Practicing Stealth Mode

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In a realm of shadows and uncertainty, silence is your closest confidante. Your footfalls, gentle as a whisper, defy detection. In a world where survival hinges on the unseen, your mastery over stealth becomes an art form. You slip between the cracks of chaos, eluding danger's grasp. Every hushed breath and soundless step are proof of your ability to dance between the realms of light and darkness.

Minding Mental Health

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In the apocalypse, battles are waged in the mind. Meditation becomes your armor, breath your sanctuary. Amidst the chaos, you find solace in mindfulness. Your doomsday journal becomes your confidant, a space to pour out fears and dreams alike. As you tend to your mental garden, you rise above despair, a testimonial to the unwavering strength of the human spirit.

Crafting Clothes from Scratch

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Needles become your wands, and fabrics your canvas as you channel the sartorial spirit of your ancestors. In a time when trends are recycled, you redefine fashion by stitching your own narrative. The whir of the sewing machine accompanies your creations, each stitch a testament to your creativity. Your wardrobe, a patchwork of survival and style, nods to the past while embracing the future.

Getting Fit & Agile

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Beyond the treadmill's monotony, a symphony of strength and agility awaits. In the realm of survival, you're the dancer, and danger is your partner. Fitness transforms into a practical skill, enhancing your ability to flee, climb, and conquer. Muscles become your allies, ensuring that when life demands a sprint, you're not just running; you're outpacing the odds.

Securing Shelter Skills

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Amidst chaos, you're the architect of refuge. Your hands wield the hammer, crafting havens from the elements. Wood and ingenuity intertwine, birthing shelters that defy adversity. Your mastery over makeshift dwellings earns you the title of "Apocalypse Architect." Amidst the ruins, you prove that even when the world crumbles, you can build a sanctuary that stands tall.

Perfecting the Art of Bartering

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In the marketplace of survival, your charm is currency, and canned goods are prized possessions. A can of soup becomes a bargaining chip, a gateway to acquiring vital tools, supplies, or camaraderie. Your negotiation skills dance to the rhythm of survival, and every trade is proof of your resourcefulness. In a world where value takes diverse forms, you're the merchant of mutual benefit.

Exploring Alternative Energy

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When power grids fade to black, your knowledge ignites the spark of illumination. Solar panels, like modern-day hieroglyphs, tell the story of harnessing nature's energy. Your exploration into alternative power becomes a beacon of innovation. The sun, your ally, transforms into electricity's muse, reminding you that even in darkness, you can conjure rays of light and possibility.

Making Soap the Old-Fashioned Way

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When modern luxuries slip away, soap becomes your alchemical creation. Cleanliness might not be an act of divinity, yet in the gritty world post-apocalypse, it's a close contender. Crafting soap like a medieval apothecary connects you with heritage, turning everyday routines into rituals of self-care. A bar of your handcrafted soap is more than cleanliness — it’s a token of resilience and resourcefulness.

Hunting and Fishing Proficiency

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Your primal instincts resurface as you tread the path of the hunter-gatherer. The forest becomes your supermarket, each rustle a potential feast. Your spear or rod, an extension of your intent, turns you into a provider. Amidst the wilderness rugged embrace, you reclaim the age-old pact between humanity and nature, satiating not just hunger but the primal connection that pulses in your veins.

Learning Basic Mechanics

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Amidst the rusting relics of yesteryears, your mechanical prowess emerges. That old engine, silent for years, awakens at your touch. Spanners and wrenches become your wands, coaxing life back into forgotten machinery. You’re the repair conjurer, breathing life into the mechanical ghosts of the past. A symphony of cogs and gears resounds, reminding you that even in a world undone, ingenuity prevails.

Practicing Home Security

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In the realm where shadows hold secrets, you're the guardian of your sanctum. Fortifying your abode becomes an art, a maze for zombies, a deterrent for marauders, and a challenge to nosy squirrels. Your defenses are a testimony to your vigilance and adaptability. Behind your barricades, you declare that your haven is off-limits, whether the threat is undead or simply unwelcome.

Mastering Knot Tying

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Knots weave stories of versatility in a post-apocalyptic world. No longer just a sailor's domain, they bind your survival gear and craft makeshift shelters. With each loop, hitch, and bend, you're a modern-day artisan, crafting security and utility in every twist. These knotted creations remind you that the web of survival is intricate, and your skills are the threads that keep chaos at bay.

Setting Up Communication Systems

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Amidst the silence, your voice defies the void. The DIY radio becomes your lifeline, a conduit for news, connection, and solace. Twisting wires and tuning frequencies, you bridge the gaps between survivors, your words echoing resilience across the airwaves. Your communication system isn't just technology; it’s a testament to the power of human connection, proving that even in isolation, we're stronger together.

Canning and Food Preservation

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As the seasons shift, your pantry becomes a time capsule of flavors. Jams, pickles, and dried fruits are the heirlooms of your culinary survival. Each jar holds the essence of sun-soaked harvests, a symphony of tastes that defy the desolation outside. Through preservation, you savor not just sustenance but the artistry of nature's bounty, proving that even in scarcity, a feast can grace your table.

Understanding Weather Patterns

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Clouds gather like storytellers, revealing tales of impending tempests. Your understanding of weather patterns transforms you into a meteorological detective, predicting nature's moods before they unfurl. Foreknowledge becomes your armor against nature's fury, sparing you from drenched misadventures. In deciphering the sky's code, you master the dance between observation and survival, ensuring your steps are in harmony with the elements.

Learning Basic Carpentry

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Amidst the debris of civilization, your hands wield a different kind of magic. Crafting isn't just a skill; it's a symphony of ingenuity. Trees become your canvas, tools, your brushes. Furniture, tools, and structures emerge from your hands, rewriting the narrative of a post-apocalyptic world. You're not just a carpenter; you're the architect of tomorrow, the one who shapes civilization's second act.

Building a Community

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Amidst the chaos, connections forge unbreakable bonds. Alone, you're a note, but together, you're a symphony. In unity, you discover strength beyond measure. Each individual becomes a pillar of the collective, a contributor to the tapestry of survival. Shared skills, laughter, and support weave the fabric of a new society. In building this community, you realize that even in the darkest times, human connection is the guiding star.

Staying Curious & Adaptable

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The apocalypse becomes a classroom, and curiosity is your compass. Inquisitiveness fuels your evolution, pushing you to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Each challenge is a puzzle, each setback a chance to pivot. As you embrace the unpredictable, you embody adaptability in its truest form. The path of perpetual growth becomes your creed, reminding you that in the face of uncertainty, your spirit remains unbreakable.

Random survival tips you've never heard before: tell someone your itinerary

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This may sound very obvious, but think about it: if you live alone, and you're prone to making spontaneous decisions like going out for a spur of the moment hike for a day, you probably don't tell someone where you're going. We never like to think of the worst that can happen, but letting just one person know where you're heading is important for your safety if you get stranded and need rescue.

Never ignore getting bit by an animal

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This might sound like a very obvious one, but this is more about the speed in which you get it checked out - and in particular, we're talking about rabies. It's easy to think you're actually fine if you get bit by an animal and don't get any adverse symptoms, but rabies will 100% kill you without treatment - even if it doesn't feel like you have it at first.

Don't try to outrun a charging animal

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If you're ever out and about close to animals - like on a safari or at the zoo - and you somehow manage to get into a situation where an animal known for charging (like a rhino) is coming at you, your instinct is to RUN. But there's no way you're going to outrun an animal like that - so your best chance of survival is actually to turn and face it and wait for the right moment to roll out of the way (which you'll hopefully succeed with!).

Being chased by a bear? Run downhill

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Again, we hope this never, ever happens, but if you live in a place prone to bear attacks, this might help. We know there are general rules about the different kind of bears and how to react to them, but generally, bears will struggle running at top speed downhill compared to uphill. This is because their front legs are longer than their back legs, so your best chance is to flee downhill.

If you fall into water, don't try to swim first

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This might go against every panic instinct you have, but if you do fall into a deep and violent body of water, like a raging stream, don't immediately try to swim to safety and get back to the bank. Your first thought should be to try and stay floating on the surface and get your breathing under control - because if you don't, you're at risk of hyperventilating in panic and then drowning.

Trust your own instincts about your body - despite what a doctor says

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There have been many cases of people being misdiagnosed or brushed off by doctors who don't think there's anything wrong. At the end of the day, doctors can make mistakes - and you know your own body better than anyone. If you really don't feel right, despite a doctor saying there's nothing to worry about, always get a second opinion. Or a third - really, however many you need.

Never mix bleach and ammonia

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Simple cleaning products and you could just be innocently going about your daily chores, but never, ever mix bleach and ammonia products together, or even in the same room together separately where the fumes could still combine in the air. This is because, together, they create a potentially fatal vapor if you happen to inhale it - which is likely if you're using it!

If you call 911, say your address immediately

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We'd hope you never have to call 911, but if you do - or have before - the first instinct is to say what's happening or try to explain what you need help with. There's always the risk that you could get cut off or, in an emergency situation, something stopping you from finishing the whole conversation. The very first thing you need to say is the address of your location, so they have that even if you get cut off so they can send help.

Tips for being buried alive... you know, if you need them

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Sure, it's unlikely to happen - and we hope it never does - but this is what random survival tips are for! If you ever happen to find yourself buried alive, the movies would have you believe there's nothing you can do, or that you need to try and hammer on the top of whatever you're stuck in. Actually, there is a bigger chance of getting to safety than you might think - because the soil has been freshly removed and hasn't yet settled back in. Try to break the sides instead of the top (as this will be easier) and crawl as fast as you can.

Never ignore the hotel escape route sign

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Most of us when checking into a hotel don't really pay attention to the escape route - sure, we might take a quick look at the nearest fire exit sign on the picture behind the door, but we're so excited about our vacation (or too jet lagged to care) to pay too much attention to it. But studying the escape route in detail should be the first thing you do, as it's important for your safety.

Choking? Performing the Heimlich on yourself

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The Heimlich is a lifesaving manouvre if someone were to be choking, but the panic can set in if you're home alone and you start choking yourself. With no one around to help, did you know you can try and perform the Heimlich on yourself? The manouvre works by another person pushing on your diaphragm to try and expell air from your lungs. You can try to do the same to yourself by getting the back of a chair or sofa and throwing your stomach over it, as hard as possible.

Use the back of your hand to touch electrical things

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Most of us have seen movie scenes where people accidentally grab hold of an electrical fence, seemingly unable to let go - thanks Jurassic Park - and there's a reason for that. You should actually touch, or test, electrical things with the back of your hand, because if you use your palm and get an electric shock, the current will make your hand close around it and you won't be able to pull it off.

How to judge a spider bite

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Another thing we hope will never happen, but that's what survival tools are all about - hoping you never have to use them! When judging a spider bite, to give yourself the best chance, you need to look whether there is a line running from it. If there is a red line running from the bite towards your body, you need to get emergency help right away. The line is a sign of an infection that's spreading.

Get into the habit of carrying a lighter with you

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Most smokers will do this anyway, and most non-smokers would never have even thought about it - because why would you want to carry a lighter? But as we know, being able to start a fire can be one of the most important survival tools you can know, and it's going to be a lot easier if you always have a workable lighter on you for emergencies rather than rubbing two sticks together.

Don't ignore proper wound care for little cuts

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We've all been there when we nick ourselves on a knife, get a stinging paper cut or cut ourselves on a branch during a hike. For the most part, we'd just stick a band aid on it and forget about it. But proper wound care and cleaning is important no matter the size of the cut, or how it got there - because even the smallest cuts have the potential to get infected and become a worse health problem.

If you get stung by a honey bee...

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Honey bees are creatures we definitely want to leave to their business - or beesness - and we hope we'd never have to deal with one of them stinging us (at the very least because they'd die afterwards). But if you do get stung by a honey bee, you need to cover up the sting site straight away. That's because bee stings release a pheramone that's like a beacon to other honey bees. And not only that, it's a beacon for them to come and sting you in the very same spot!

The truth about performing CPR

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Knowing how to perform CPR is a good first aid and survival skill to have. But many people who only know it vaguely don't really understand what it's about - because most people think it's to bring the person back to consciousness, right? Actually, CPR needs to be performed while they're unconscious to prevent brain death/damage by forcing blood to keep going to the brain. This is why it's important to carry on doing CPR right to the point the medics arrive, instead of doing it for a short time and then stopping if you think it's okay.

What to do if a stranger asks you the time

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There are many everyday things you need to be aware of in terms of street safety, and especially when you're traveling alone. While it may seem completely innocent when a random stranger asks you the time - and we hope it is just an innocent question - the key thing to do to protect yourself is to lift your watch to their eye level to look, or pull your phone out without looking down. This is because attackers might use this question to make you look down or route around in your bag.

The correct way to try escape a fire

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We know the first instinct is to stand and run as quickly as possible to try and get out of a building that's caught on fire. But if you find yourself caught in a fire, the most important thing you can do is stay low to avoid smoke inhalation and falling unconscious. You need to crawl, and definitely don't think you'll be okay if you only need to run for a few seconds - that's enough time for serious damage.

Operating windows in a sinking vehicle

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When we watch movies or TV shows of people trapped in a sinking vehicles, it's common to see them unable to open the window and trying to break the glass. The first survival tip is to actually have something to break the glass in arm's reach in your car at all times, just in case. But also, don't discount electric windows versus manual. Manual are actually harder to operate against water, whereas most people think electrical windows won't work - when there's actually a chance they could.

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