Things Everyone Should Have Before They Are 50

By Anna Collins 1 year ago

1. Pension

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So first things first one of the main things you need to have before approaching the 50 milestones is a pension. While it's not the most exciting of things to acquire, it's what's going to keep you afloat when you eventually retire - even if that time feels some time away yet. A pension essentially keeps you safe, because you'll still have money to live off when you are no longer working!

2. Life insurance

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Life insurance is one of the things that we don't really want to think about because none of us want to think about needing it or any situation that could possibly arise where our life insurance will be used. But, it's one of those things to put in place before you reach the age of 50 because it's always good to be proactive and take the precautionary steps.

3. A will

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A will is depressing to think about, as it's what will happen to your assets, money, and things after you pass. But it is one of those things you should get in order before you hit 50. This is just so that it's done and all your affairs are in order and then you don't have to think about it again further down the line! It's one of those life jobs that nobody wants to do, but it can save a LOT of trouble.

4. An emergency fund

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By the age of 50, you should if possible have managed to acquire an emergency fund. This isn't to do with your savings, or banks etc, an emergency fund is a pot for all of those things which you hope do not crop up but always do. For example, the boilers bust during the winter and suddenly you need to amass 3000 dollars for an entirely new heating system. These things come out of the blue and are unexpected, yet what we can expect is that something will happen that requires a lot of money to be spent!

5. Health insurance

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Health insurance is very important. and it's a sad reality that as we get older more health problems are likely to arise. And while 50 is the new 40, it's better to have health insurance just in case you0 experience any problems and need health. It will mean that you are protected from having to find thousands of dollars in the unfortunate incident that you need medical help!

6. A home

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One of the best things to own before you reach the big 50 is, of course, your own home. Having a home not only gives you a sense of stability and safety in terms of having a space that is truly yours, but it also gives you financial stability in that you have an asset. So if it is possible, then if you can make a purchase before you are 50, try and save for your very own home.

7. A toolbox

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There's something about being an adult which just means you have to own a toolbox. Especially if you have children, where else are they going to go when they need a screwdriver or a drill to put up shelves? It's one of those declarations 'I'm totally a responsible adult because I own a toolbox'. It just screams 'I know what I'm doing', even if you really don't!

8. A cordless vacuum

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Say goodbye to adjusting the vacuum wire and moving to a closer plug every time you want to change room and having to step over the cord every time you change the angle. No, now you're reaching 50 it's time to make things easier. Get rid of the cord and invest in a cordless vacuum. It will change the game entirely! Plus, they're so much more lightweight too.

9. A savings account

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It really is the responsible thing is to have a savings account. This is different from an emergency fund because this isn't for spending as needed. This is for spending slowly in the future or for investing down the line. Savings are to sustain you and protect you so that you do not get to a point where you are struggling for money or feel as though you have no financial backup or safety.

10. A retirement plan

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When you're approaching 50 you may start to think more about the day you return. It may be imminent or you could have another 15 years to go. Either way, it's good to have a retirement plan so that you know what will happen when you do finish work. Will you downsize your house? Do you want to move area? Do you want to take up volunteering or another part-time paid role? The world is your oyster now you have free time to think about it.

11. A box of memories

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Life's all about making memories and now we have our phones we store all of our photos online. But these aren't the same as having a good old-fashioned print out that you can store in a dusty old box under the bed and pull out from time to time to receive a huge blast of nostalgia. This is the way we think it should be! So keep printing photos like you used to and collecting memories and adding to a big memory box which the whole family can look at.

12. A reliable car

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When you're approaching 50 you've got a lot on your plate be it kids, maybe even grandkids, work, and all the other responsibilities pulling your left, right, and center. What you absolutely don't need is a car letting you down all the time and having to pay big chunks of money to keep the old thing running. Get yourself a reliable car where you know nothing is going to malfunction during your travels.

13. A first aid kit

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A first aid kit usually consists of the usual, plasters, disinfectant wipes, painkillers, and the like. And it's something that every adult should have, especially when they're nearing 50. You might not even use it, but it's the mark of being a middle aged adult that you've reached the point of wisdom and responsibility where you're always prepared!

14. A fridge with an ice dispenser

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Are you wondering why you need a fridge with an ice dispenser? Because...why the hell not? You're nearly 50 years old, don't you think you deserve an ice dispenser and ice-cold drinks by now? Absolutely. Instead of having to have lukewarm beverages or pouring water into ice cube makers, at least make one aspect of life easier. Plus, it really changes the way you can enjoy a drink.

15. At least one luxury buy

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Come on it's time to treat yourself. If you're nearing 50 you've probably spent what feels like the majority of your life looking after other people and spending money on mundane things for general life. Every once in a while it's good to splash out and indulge. So before you hit 50, really treat yourself to The thing that you've been wanting for years but always felt too extravagant!

16. Athletic shoes

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Athletic shoes may sound random, but a sturdy pair of trainers can't be underestimated. Whether it's for walking, gym, running, or just day-to-day errands you can't not have a good pair of trainers. Before you turn 50, buying some athletic trainers is a sensible buy, because suitable footwear also affects posture and your back! So invest in a high-quality pair.

17. Treasury bonds

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Treasury bonds are government-issued bonds and so they are largely viewed as a reliable investment. It can be so difficult to know how to best invest your money and so these offer a way to do it which has no risk!  They pay a steady interest rate so before you are 50 this is a good way to put aside spare money that instead of sitting in your bank, can actually be gaining you more money.

18. A passport

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So as you get to 50 your children (if you have them) have probably already flown the nest. Which, means that it is time to think about what YOU want to do. You should get a passport if you don't have one already and start to explore the world. Traveling isn't just for the young, in fact, your 50s is the perfect time to start ticking off the places you've always dreamed of going.

19. An electric toothbrush

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If you're getting to the age of 50 and you don't already have an electric toothbrush, what are you doing? Electric toothbrushes are so much easier and more efficient and it's more important than ever to look after our teeth as we get older. Get yourself an electric toothbrush and you'll notice just how much cleaner they feel. Plus, your dentist will definitely approve.

20. Quality cooking equipment

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Cooking equipment makes such a difference tot he quality of the food that you can cook and it makes it SO much easier. For example, when you invest in good kitchen knives the way you can finely slice an onion with ease in comparison to an old blunt knife is huge. And by the age of 50 you want to relish in good food and enjoy your cooking, so you must have the correct equipment to do so.

21. A good mattress

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By the time we reach the age of 50, the back pain has more than just begun, and it can be a slippery slope from here on if you don't properly take care of your bag. If you're waking up feeling stiff then it could be because you've not changed your mattress since you can remember. Get a good quality mattress and have yourself a well deserved night's sleep!

22. A garden

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Everyone needs a garden by the time they are 50. A garden can make your quality of life so much better, having somewhere to go outside and enjoy the sun and just enjoy the outdoors. It's scientifically shown that nature contributes massively to positive mental well-being. So have an outdoor space you can enjoy and spend with family and set up the grill in the summer!

23. Home sound system

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When you get to 50 years old it's time to have all the things that once may have felt too luxurious to spend money on, or just didn't feature on the priority list. A home sound system is a purchase you won't regret. You can listen to music around the house, have an immersive movie night, and impress all your guests when they come round. Plus, it will last a long time!

24. House plants

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A house isn't a home until it;'s full of houseplants. They make a space look better and feel better. And, by the time you're almost 50 years old, you need to have some house plants in your home. It will make you look super sophisticated, and you've reached an age where you're responsible enough to keep a variety of houseplants and not kill them (we hope).

25. A comfy sofa

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Who doesn't need a comfy sofa? Let's face it, we spend a lot of time on the sofa, way more than we'd all probably like to admit. But after a day at work, all you want to do is flop onto your comfy sofa and watch some tv. If you've not got a nice sofa you're not going to enjoy some of the most important times of the day...your relax time! It's a necessity!

26. A pair of slippers

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Before you hit 50 and you start to get closer to retirement you need a pair of slippers! It's like the ultimate sign that you're in the next phase of adult life when you throw on a comfy pair of slippers and put your feet up. We're joking of course, but slippers are essential no matter what age so if you've not got a pair before you hit 50, this needs to be remedied!

27. A pizza oven

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If there's a luxury purchase that you need before you hit 5o it's a pizza oven. Imagine being able to have restaurant-quality pizza in your very own home woodfired pizza oven. Plus, you'll be the talk of the time. Family and friends will soon be expecting you to host pizza nights where they can taste the goods. And at 50, it's the perfect item to own!

28. A collection of good books

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You're nearing 50, you've got the wisdom that comes with age. You've probably read a fair share of quality books over your life. But collecting them is a good way to demonstrate your literary prowess, as well as storing books for your family members in the future. And there's something about books that look super attractive in a home, especially displayed in a bookcase.

29. A voice command TV

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You definitely need to own a voice command tv. After a lifetime of raising children or helping with family, now it's your time to have someone listen to you and take instructions with no backchat. So, get yourself a TV with voice command so you can simply state what you want on the tv without having to move a muscle. You've most definitely earned this!

30. A veggie lot

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Hopefully, by now, you have a little bit more free time. So you should definitely own some kind of veggie plot before you're 50. It can be super small or an entire allotment, whatever suits you. But here you can plant veggies, watch them grow and then get to eat them! It's healthier, more sustainable and it's such a satisfying thing to be able to do.

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