1. You can see orbs in the photo when you take pictures of your home
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Everyone knows the theory that orbs are balls of energy that could show some kind of presence. While some people believe that orbs show the spirits of people who have passed, there's also another theory that they could represent supernatural forces. One way to double-check if you've had an extraterrestrial being in your home is to see if orbs appear in pictures.
2. Crop circles in your garden
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Crop circles are another phenomena that represent (in some people's opinion) the presence of extraterrestrial beings. If a crop circle has appeared in your garden and you have no explanation as to where it has come from, then it's a clear sign that you have been visited by beings from another world. The perfect structure and circles otherwise, are inexplicable.
3. Perfect rock formations in the garden
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If you walk out into your garden and you find that there are rocks formed in perfect structures, you'd know immediately if you or any other member of your household had done it. So what if they haven't? They are too perfect and purposeful to be accidental. There's another explanation entirely; you have been visited by extraterrestrials. It is one of the signs!
4. Unusual symbols drawn onto the windows
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Another sign that extraterrestrials have been to your home is when you find symbols or shapes drawn onto your window. In this case, the extra-terrestrial being is actually trying to leave you a sign, however, we do not yet know how how to communicate or understand these symbols. But you can be assured that this message was intentional and it definitely can't be mistaken for random fingerprints or streaks.
5. Strangely shaped footprints in your garden
Image source: Reddit
Don't dismiss strange footprints as a coincidental print from two animals combined. It is a clear sign that this being may not be from planet Earth, and here you have the very evidence right in front of you. Take a closer look and inspect it and if you really do find the inexplicable prints of a creature in your garden then your house may have been paid a visit by something not so human or earthly.
6. Houseplants with white-tinged leaves
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This is something you'd probably dismiss as a houseplant owner because you'd assume that it is because of a plant-related disease or problem. But actually, when the nature in your home starts to look pallid and gets a tinge of white to it, it can be the effect of an extra-terrestrial force. It is caused when unknown forces enter the earthly world, and nature is disrupted as a result.
7. Mirrors with a blue tinge
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A similar thing occurs with windows and mirrors. There may be some kind of reaction that happens to mirrors which creates a blue tinge. It may not be too obvious to detect. This phenomenon remains unexplained. Perhaps it's because mirrors provide a glimpse into an alternate reality, where terrestrial beings can enter your home and leave their subtle mark.
8. New sights in the sky above your home
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Of course, if we're trying to discern whether we've been visited by an extraterrestrial being, then the first place to start looking is the skies. You may notice new sights that look like they are above your home (of course, they could really be light years away). But perhaps you notice a new 'star' in the vicinity- or at least, what appears to be. Creepy huh?
9. The furniture has been rearranged
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When an extraterrestrial being enters your home it's very alien to them. The way you've decorated your house, and furnished your home with the usual sofa, chairs, and table, etc. may be normal to you, but not to them. And when they visit things may not look the same as they once did. It could be subtle tweaks, or a complete turn the place upside down kind of thing.
10. A strange sensation
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Sometimes things aren't made so clear to us. Sometimes it's simply down to our gut feeling when something's just not quite right. You may be experiencing a strange sensation that you cannot fathom the cause of. When an extraterrestrial being has been in your home you will feel an unworldly presence for some time after as the two worlds collide. Have you ever experienced this feeling?
11. A telescope that points in a different direction from where you placed it
Image source: Reddit
If you have a telescope in your home and an extraterrestrial being comes to visit, they are going to leave some signs - intentional or unintentional we will never know. But, some people who claim they have been visited by aliens have said that their telescope was facing a completely new position as if the being wanted them to see something in space.
12. A chill in the air that takes a few days to go
Image source: Reddit
When the earthly world and the alien world combine it upsets the delicate balance. So strange things start to happen, especially with the temperature. It will feel as though a chill has come over your house that cannot be shifted with warmth. In a few days, after the extraterrestrial being has left, it will start to clear. But until then you'll feel the chilly presence.
13. Vivid dreams about extra-terrestrials
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Dreams are one of the most informative pathways into other realms. In our waking and conscious mind, our brain often inhibits fantastical thinking meaning that we cannot connect with other realities. In our sleep our brain is open, and we may dream about terrestrial beings because we feel that they have been in our home and we are connecting to them.
14. Flickering lights
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Electricity as a man-made object can detect energies that we can't. Extraterrestrials are made up of an entirely different composition to us, and some may interfere with the electricity. You may experience flickering lights due to unknown discernible electronic issues. Instead, it could well be a sign that you have had extraterrestrial beings in your home!
15. A continuous humming sound
Image source: Reddit
This leads on from a similar idea, that technology and electricity have been disrupted due to the presence of a being from another world. The idea is completely crazy and hard to get your head around. But their visits can't come totally undetected or without signs. And one of these signs is that you experience a strange but continuous humming sound that takes around a week to disappear.
16. A peculiar liquid coming from the tap
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You may be alarmed when you see strange liquids leaking from the tap and your first port of call may be the plumber to try and solve the issue. However, when the answer comes back that there is no explanation, you have to look at other reasons. And this is indeed a sign that extraterrestrial beings have been within your home, close to the area that is affected!
17. Changes to the composition of the earth
Image source: Reddit
Earth is where humans live, and each planet has a completely different composition, everything about it is different. So when an alien visits Earth, and our home, it can change the area's composition. This could resemble the planet that this creature was from! It could give us a lot of insight into the other worlds and how aliens live which could help create the bigger picture.
18. Your pets or local wildlife are acting strange
Image source: Reddit
Pets and wildlife are so much more sensitive to changes and senses. So they will be the first to realize that your home has been visited by something not human. They will not recognize it and they may be acting very strange, much stranger than if they had smelled an unknown animal. Wildlife can recognize that this isn't something that is natural to them!
19. Plants mutating
Image source: Reddit
Again, the balance of nature is so finely tuned on Earth that small things can disrupt it. And if you have started to witness strange natural occurrences in your garden then it could be a sign that something unknown to this natural world has entered and caused havoc. Pay attention to nature, as it is often our biggest telltale sign when something important is occurring.
20. Interferences with technology
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Technology malfunctions and interferences with your devices could point to a bigger issue that a simple technological error. It could mean much greater things, like the effects of an extra-terrestrial being entering our home and making the electrics go haywire. These malfunctions will subside once they have settled from the presence of an interfering entity!
21. Reports of unexplained occurrences in the local area
Image source: Reddit
With the open declaration within the US government that nonhuman beings have been discovered, we may find that extra-terrestrial being occurrences start to get more and more frequent. Who knows, they may start visiting our homes. So we need to know the signs, and a less specific sign is when lots of strange things start happening in the area and you hear inexplicable stories!
22. Strange odors in the house
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Strange odors in our home can be super disconcerting. Where did they come from? Is something wrong? And what will guests think when they turn up and my house smells like THIS!' But this strange odor may have a very interesting reason. If you discover an indeterminable smell it could be caused by some non-human guests (unknowingly) entering into your home!
23. Objects turned upside down
Image source: Reddit
Earth meeting aliens causes all sorts of upside-down, topsy-turvy effects as it's unnatural for these two worlds to combine! And this can literally cause objects to turn upside down. It's also because our natural force of gravity may be distorted by whatever powerful forces occur in their world. This causes objects to be misplaced, and to change shape or position.
24. Food that's suddenly gone bad
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Has all of your food suddenly gone bad? Perhaps your fresh groceries now have a thin layer of mold covering them. This isn't nature. It's because the extraterrestrial being in your home has prematurely aged your food, it's not certain as to why they may have this cause, but it could be to do with the unknown concept of time within a different world that we know nothing about! Physics may be entirely different.
25. Objects in the home you've never seen before
Image source: Reddit
If you've found some kind of unidentifiable object in or around your house then you couldn't have a clearer sign - it looks like you have an alien gest in the vicinity. One person gave an account of finding a kind of stone that was emitting an otherworldly light that he assumed could only be from a different planet. It seemed the only viable explanation!
26. Strange localized weather occurrences
Image source: Reddit
If the weather is bad all over the place it can be a sign that there are extraterrestrial beings around. But if your strange weather occurrences are localized it could mean that the extraterrestrial being has been directly in your home! And, this is why your area in particular has been affected. It may literally feel as though your house has its very own microclimate for a week or two.
27. Strange lights in the atmosphere
Image source: Reddit
Your extraterrestrial visitor didn't appear on Earth and in your home without having traveled through space. So it's likely that if they have been, they have left some kind of trace in the atmosphere around you which may be in the form of an unusual colour or light. Or, they may be hovering around your house, emitting a kind of light you've never witnessed before.
28. Feeling observed in your home
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That uncomfortable and unsettling feeling of being observed in your own home is horrible and one that you want to shake as soon as you can. It makes you feel like somebody's watching you, spying on you. Well, maybe it's not so much a 'someone', but a something. Perhaps that feeling of being watched is because an extraterrestrial being was in your house, possibly even observing you as a human being.
29. Changes in the air quality
Image source: Reddit
Has the fig or mist descended around your house or in your local area? No, you may not just have a microclimate, there may be a bigger reason behind this. Extraterrestrial beings have not made themselves super apparent to us yet. And so where they go, mists may follow in order to disguise them from our view so that they can enter the earth without being detected and all humans can see is haze.
30. People and things feeling lighter than usual
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As we discussed before, gravity occurs at different levels in different areas of the universe. For example, on Earth, it's a powerful force whereas on the moon there is no gravity. This extraterrestrial being who has been inside your home will also have a different level of gravity which could cause you or objects around you to momentarily feel as though they weigh more or less heavily.