Characteristics That Our Pet Inherits From Us

By Shelby 9 months ago

1. Cuddliness

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Some pets inherit a love for cuddling and physical affection from their owners. If you adopt a puppy or kitten at a very young age and smother it with love and attention while they’re developing, it may very likely grow up to be a warm, affectionate, possibly clingy pet. This isn’t always the case with every pet, but sometimes there’s a direct correlation!

2. Fear or Bravery

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The level of fear or bravery that a pet has in response to new situations or stimuli can be influenced by their owner's behavior. For example, if you have several fears and exhibit those fears on a regular basis in front of your dog, they may gradually begin to show similar fearful behaviors. Once again, this isn’t always the case, but pets pick up more behaviors from humans than we realize!

3. Vocalization

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The way pets vocalize, whether they're talkative or quiet, can be influenced by the sounds and tones they hear from their owners. For example, if a dog’s owners speak very loudly and enthusiastically, it’s likely that the dog will also be vocal. Some dog owners even encourage their dogs to howl on command. On the flip side, if a dog owner lives a calm, quiet life, their dog will likely end up being quiet, too.

4. Hunting Desire

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Certain pets may inherit a strong hunting instinct from their owner's background or preferences. This is because oftentimes, someone who enjoys hunting as a hobby will end up adopting a dog that has natural hunting instincts. Retrievers, beagles, and hounds are a few examples of breeds that typically end up with owners who hunt. If they’re raised in that environment as a puppy, it’s even more likely that they’ll have strong hunting instincts.

5. Sociability

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The comfort level pets have with other animals can be influenced by their owner's attitude toward other animals. This is especially true if someone adopts a puppy or a kitten. Much of a pet’s sociability and desire to interact with other animals is determined by their social habits as a young puppy or kitten. If you expose your pet to other animals during that critical time, they’re more likely to enjoy being around other animals.

6. Travel Adaptability

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Pets might inherit an ease or unease with traveling based on their owner's travel habits. If you often being your pet on road trips and flights, they’ll grow accustomed to the unpredictable nature of traveling. Cats won’t feel as anxious in their carriers, and dogs won’t feel timid in the cramped structure of a car or airplane. If you never travel with your pets, long drives and flights will likely cause them distress.

7. Water

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Some pets might be more comfortable with water and swimming if their owners enjoy water-related activities. If someone who lives at the beach adopts a dog and has them in the sand every evening, it’s likely that they’ll learn to play fetch in the water and grow accustomed to getting wet. If you live in the middle of the country and never expose your dog to water, they might prefer to stay dry on land.

8. Appetite

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Pets can develop a preference for certain foods or treats based on what their owners offer them. If baby carrots and blueberries become a bedtime snack for your dog, they’ll likely grow to prefer “healthy” snacks. But if you make a habit of offering your dog dinner leftovers and generous licks of ice cream for dessert, they’ll probably have different preferences.

9. Playfulness

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Playfulness in pets can sometimes mirror the playfulness of their owners. For example, if you play with your cat often, they might embrace their inner kitten and run around energetically when you engage with them. However, if you don’t have a lot of time to play with them, they might naturally sleep more often because they don’t have a play partner.

10. Musical Preferences

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Pets may have a preference for certain types of music based on what their owners play in their presence. If you play a lot of classic rock while you’re working from home, your dog might feel relaxed and at-ease while Led Zeppelin is crooning. On the other hand, if you enjoy classical music while you’re studying, your cat might fall asleep easier with Beethoven in the background.

11. Environment

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How comfortable a pet feels in various environments can be influenced by their owner's behaviors. For example, if you live with roommates who enjoy throwing parties, your cat might be accustomed to loud noises and a lot of people. On the flip side, if you live alone and rarely have people over, your cat might retreat under the bed while people are over.

12. Guarding Instincts

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Some pets may inherit protective or guarding instincts from their owners. Dogs, particularly, can pick up on tension if their owners aren’t at-ease in their home environment. Animals, in general, are very empathetic beings who can often pick up on their owner’s feelings. If their owners are perfectly relaxed and stress-free at home, their dogs will probably be unbothered.

13. Attention-Seeking Behaviors

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Pets might display attention-seeking behaviors similar to how their owners seek attention or interact with them. If you regularly approach your cat and pet him while he’s sleeping, don’t be surprised if he does the same and wakes you up from your precious slumber during the night. On this same note, pets often learn boundaries (or how to break them!) from their owners.

14. Sensitivity to Touch

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Tolerance to touch can be influenced by how owners handle and touch their pets. It’s quite simple, really. If you constantly touch and pet your cat or dog, they’ll adjust to the external stimulation and develop a tolerance to being handled that way. If you never touch your cat or dog, they’ll likely be thrown off by physical affection. They might even react negatively to it!

15. Routine Adaptation

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Pets can inherit an ability to adapt to routines and schedules based on their owner's structured lifestyle. Basically, they can end up being super flexible and adaptable to different routines, or they can end up being very strict, regimented, and easily thrown off if their schedule changes. It’s important to keep this in mind when you’re raising your pet, especially if you want your pet to be able to adjust with ease.

16. Territorial Behavior

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The tendency to mark or defend a specific territory can be influenced by their owner's behavior and territoriality. This is especially true if an owner accepts and encourages territorial behavior. Generally, it’s best to discourage territorial behavior, as it can lead to problematic encounters with other pets and humans. This is another thing to keep in mind as your dog is developing.

17. Attention Span

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Similar attention span and ability to focus might be observed in pets as in their owners. If you’re constantly engaging your dog with different toys and games and mixing up their playtime, they’ll likely inherit a learned expectation that playtime encompasses several different toys, games, and patterns. In this scenario, your dog might feel bored by just one game, such as fetch.

18. Curiosity

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Pets may inherit a sense of exploration and curiosity about their surroundings from their owners. If you take your cat out on a leash to explore the backyard, their curiosity will likely skyrocket. They’ll be immersed in the sights and sounds of nature, and they’ll want to see what lies beyond the fence. However, if you keep your cat indoors, they may never develop the urge to explore the outside world.

19. Reaction to Vehicles

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Comfort or anxiety around vehicles and transportation might be influenced by the owner's experiences with their pet. If you start taking your dog in the car with you as a puppy, they’ll get used to the sounds and sensations that come from a vehicle. They might even grow to love car rides. But if they’re never exposed to a moving car, they might be afraid of them.

20. Sense of Adventure

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An adventurous spirit or cautious nature in pets can be influenced by their owner's sense of adventure. If you bring your dog hiking and make sure he can always tag along on road trips, he will likely turn into an adventurous pup that’s always ready to explore. On the flip side, if you only bring your dog on quick walks around the block, he’ll probably prefer the indoors, where everything is safe and familiar.

21. Preference for Indoor or Outdoor Activities

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Pets may show a preference for indoor or outdoor activities based on their owner's lifestyle. This goes for both cats and dogs. If you engage your pet often indoors, and you rarely bring them outside, they’ll likely prefer to stay in a controlled indoor environment. If you bring your pet outside on a daily basis, they may prefer the sights and smells of the outdoors.

22. Learning Styles

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Similar learning styles, such as visual or auditory learning, might be shared between pets and owners. This is because owners often teach in a way that feels natural to them. So, if they’re auditory learners, they may teach their pets through their auditory senses. If they’re visual learners, they may teach their pets through their visual senses. Sometimes, however, adjustments need to be made to accomodate pets who learn in a different way.

23. Resilience

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The ability to bounce back from challenges and setbacks can be influenced by the owner's resilience. Basically, if you have trouble adjusting after a rough setback in life, your beloved pet may also struggle with the same thing. If you tend to bounce back quickly, you may notice that your pet also rebounds after a few days or even hours. Crazy, right?!

24. Empathy and Compassion

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On top of being naturally empathetic, pets might display empathy and compassion similar to their owners' emotional responses. If you often show compassion to your pet or to others in your household, your pet may pick up on that and express concern when others are down. It’s amazing that animals have the ability to do this, if you really think about it!

25. Sleep Schedule

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Pets often adopt the same sleep schedule as their owners, especially if the owner’s pets enjoy sleeping in bed with them. If you go to sleep early, your cat might follow. If you stay up late working on a project, your dog might hang out in the living room until you’re ready to retire. Whatever the case may be, it’s very normal for animals to adapt to their humans’ sleep schedules.

26. Routine Habits

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Certain routine habits and rituals might be mimicked by pets, influenced by their owner's daily practices. Ever notice that your cat loves to lay on your yoga mat while you’re stretching in the early morning hours? Or maybe your dog sits by the bathroom door and waits for you to get out of the shower before you begin your remote work? It’s common for pets to learn your daily routine and even participate in it.

27. Eating Schedule

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Similar to a person’s sleep schedule, pets often learn their owners’ eating schedules and fashion their own eating schedules to be very similar! Maybe you don’t think that’s possible because you feed your pet at designated times. However, you might also notice your cat munching on hard food when you sit down for dinner. Animals typically pick up on their human’s activities and when they take place, and their schedules tend to follow.

28. Personal Space/Boundaries

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The concept of personal space and boundaries might be evident in how pets interact with people and other animals. If you respect your cat’s boundaries and leave her alone when she’s feeling agitated, she’ll be accustomed to humans who respect her wishes. Because of that, she may snap at a human who doesn’t pay attention to her boundaries and tries to pet her, even after she gently bites them as a sign to back off.

29. Problem-Solving Approaches

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Pets can inherit problem-solving approaches and strategies from their owners. This is generally because owners will teach their pets to solve problems in a way that’s familiar or natural to them. Because of this, it makes sense that owners and pets often solve problems in the same way or using the same strategy. Like pet, like owner! The similarities will never cease to amaze us.

30. Stress Coping Mechanisms

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The ways in which pets cope with stress or anxiety might mirror their owner's coping mechanisms. If you tend to eat your feelings when you’re stressed out or anxious, your dog might follow suit and chow down when he’s feeling nervous. It’s important to give your pets lots of love and care during times of distress or anxiety. As their owner, you’re their entire world and the person who makes them feel the most safe.

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