Things We Only Inherit From Our Great Grandparents

By Paula Tudoran 9 months ago

Quirky Habits That Make You Unique

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From tapping your foot to drumming your fingers, these idiosyncratic actions connect you to your great-grandparents' offbeat tendencies. Whether it's absentmindedly doodling during meetings or rearranging furniture for no apparent reason, these quirky behaviors offer a glimpse into the legacy of uniqueness that runs through your family tree.

Taste Buds and Culinary Preferences

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That unexplainable craving for pickles and ice cream? Or the way you savor every bite of a perfectly grilled steak? The fact that you only buy a certain brand of tomato sauce, for instance, since that's what your mom and grandma did? These gastronomic delights could be echoes of your great-grandparents' culinary escapades. Passed down through generations, your taste buds harbor a heritage that spans time and geography, making your love for certain flavors a tribute to the palates that came before you.

Resilience in the Face of Adversity

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When life throws curveballs, do you find yourself resiliently standing firm? This inner strength might be an inheritance from ancestors who weathered storms with unwavering resolve. Your great grandparents' ability to persevere in the face of adversity has woven a tenacious thread into the fabric of your being, empowering you to navigate life's challenges with courage and determination.

Distinctive Facial Expressions

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A quirk of the eyebrow, a knowing smirk — these facial expressions are like silent echoes from the past, inherited from your great-grandparents. The way your family's eyes crinkle when they laugh or how a single raised eyebrow conveys a range of emotions harks back to the nonverbal communication patterns that have been passed down through generations.

Linguistic Nuances and Sayings

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Do you ever find yourself using phrases that seem to have no origin in modern language? These linguistic gems could be whispers from the conversations of your great-grandparents. Whether it's a regional idiom, a colloquial saying, or a charmingly outdated word, your language quirks carry the legacy of your family's verbal traditions, bridging the gap between generations past and present.

Musical Preferences and Talents

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The melodies that resonate with your soul might be harmonies that have echoed through generations. Whether you find solace in classical compositions or groove to the rhythm of rock 'n' roll, your great grandparents' musical tastes could be the guiding notes behind your own preferences. Perhaps their piano-playing prowess or affinity for the saxophone was encoded in your genes, influencing your innate musical abilities.

Craftsmanship and Artistry

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The intricate woodwork that adorns your home or the brushstrokes that bring your canvas to life might be an artistic legacy passed down by your great-grandparents. Their craftsmanship, honed in an era of hands-on creation, could be the source of your passion for creating something tangible and beautiful. As you delve into DIY projects or express yourself through art, you're embracing a heritage of ingenuity that spans generations.

Love for Outdoor Activities

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When you lace up your hiking boots or cast a line into the water, you're channeling the spirit of your great-grandparents' love for the great outdoors. Their connection to nature, nurtured through gardening, fishing, or simply taking leisurely strolls, has been woven into the fabric of your DNA. So, as you bask in the beauty of nature's wonders, know that you're continuing a tradition that began with those who came before you.

Nose for Navigating

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Whether it's navigating unfamiliar city streets or embarking on cross-country road trips without a GPS, your knack for finding your way might be a skill inherited from your great-grandparents. In an era before digital maps, their uncanny sense of direction and ability to read the stars guided them through journeys near and far. Today, their innate navigational prowess lives on in your ability to traverse the world with confidence.

Inherited Family Recipes

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The aroma of your favorite family dish might be a fragrant link to your great-grandparents' kitchens. These cherished recipes are a testament to the culinary heritage that courses through your veins. From hearty stews simmered to perfection to delicate pastries crafted with love, each bite is a tribute to the flavors and traditions that have been carefully preserved over time.

Gestures of Kindness

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When you extend a helping hand or offer a heartfelt word of comfort, you're embodying the empathy that your great-grandparents held dear. Their acts of kindness, whether tending to neighbors in need or providing solace during trying times, have left an indelible mark on your family's character. By continuing their legacy of compassion, you're perpetuating a tradition of goodwill that transcends generations.

Longevity and Health Resilience

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The vibrant health and vitality you enjoy might be a tribute to the robust genes inherited from your great-grandparents. Their enduring strength and ability to withstand the challenges of life have paved the way for your own longevity and health resilience. As you navigate life's twists and turns, you're tapping into a wellspring of vitality that has flowed through your family tree for generations.

Artistic Skills and Creativity

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The strokes of a paintbrush, the rhythm of a dance, the flow of words on a page — all could be echoes of your great grandparents' creative prowess. Their artistic talents, whether showcased on canvas or in the melodies of music, have become part of your own artistic DNA. By embracing your creative inclinations, you're breathing new life into the artistic legacy that courses through your veins.

Sense of Humor

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A well-timed joke, a playful pun — these are the threads that connect you to the humor of your great-grandparents. Their quick wit and light-hearted banter have been passed down, contributing to your own ability to find laughter even in the midst of life's challenges. With a nod to their witty repartee, you continue the legacy of joy and levity that has woven its way through your family's history.

Environmental Stewardship

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As you champion eco-friendly practices and advocate for the preservation of our planet, you're carrying forward the torch lit by your environmentally conscious great-grandparents. Their deep-seated love for nature and commitment to sustainable living have shaped your own environmental stewardship. By treading lightly on the Earth and inspiring others to do the same, you're honoring the legacy of care and reverence for the natural world that they instilled.

Entrepreneurial Spirit

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That business acumen and knack for seizing opportunities may be encoded in your genes, a direct inheritance from your great-grandparents' entrepreneurial endeavors. Their risk-taking, innovative thinking, and determination to turn dreams into reality paved the way for your ventures. As you navigate the world of business and innovation, you're tapping into a reservoir of entrepreneurial spirit that has been fueling your family's success for generations.

Reading Habits and Literary Tastes

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The well-worn pages of your favorite books might hold a connection to the literary preferences of your great-grandparents. Whether they passed down a love for mystery novels, classic literature, or thought-provoking essays, your reading habits reflect a continuation of their intellectual curiosity and literary passions. By immersing yourself in the written word, you're engaging in a dialogue that transcends time and connects you to the minds that came before you.

Instincts for Herbal Remedies

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As you reach for that jar of honey to soothe a sore throat or mix up a batch of elderberry syrup, you're channeling the healing wisdom of your great-grandparents. Their intuitive understanding of the power of plants and herbs has woven a thread of natural wellness through your family tree. With every chamomile tea sip or aloe vera application, you're honoring their age-old traditions and embracing a heritage of holistic care that spans generations.

Perseverance and Tenacity

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When life's road gets tough, your unyielding determination might be a legacy of the relentless spirit your great-grandparents embodied. Their ability to push through adversity and never back down continues to shape your resilience in the face of challenges. With their unwavering resolve echoing in your heart, you navigate obstacles with the same indomitable will that has been a hallmark of your family for generations.

Famous Ancestral Connections

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Unraveling the tapestry of your family history might reveal surprising ties to historical luminaries or influential figures. From renowned artists to trailblazing visionaries, the connection to your great-grandparents adds a fascinating layer to your family's story. Discovering these threads of fame woven into your heritage can inspire a deeper sense of pride and connection to the impactful legacies that flow through your veins.

Distinctive Laughter

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The echoes of your family's laughter passed down from your great-grandparents resonate in your own unique chuckles. That infectious mirth and the way your family's spirits lift when sharing a good laugh mirror the joy that your ancestors found in life's simple pleasures. Every hearty guffaw and light-hearted giggle becomes a living tribute to the timeless bond of laughter that links your generations together.

Celebratory Traditions

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From a spirited dance passed down at weddings to the aroma of a treasured dish on festive occasions, your great grandparents' celebratory traditions have imprinted a sense of belonging and unity in your family gatherings. Each ceremonial gesture and heartfelt tradition binds your present moments to the legacy of joy and togetherness that your great-grandparents cherished, enriching your celebrations with a profound sense of continuity.

Love for Handwritten Letters

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In an age of digital communication, your fondness for penning handwritten letters is a nod to the timeless art of correspondence cherished by your great-grandparents. Their ink-stained pages and carefully chosen words laid the foundation for your own love of the written word. By keeping this tradition alive, you forge a tangible link between generations and preserve the intimate connection that can only be conveyed through handwritten sentiments.

Attention to Detail

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The meticulous precision with which you approach tasks and the meticulousness you bring to organization might be a tribute to your great grandparents' exacting standards. Their dedication to excellence and commitment to getting things just right has left an indelible mark on your own attention to detail. With every finely crafted project and carefully organized space, you're upholding their legacy of precision and contributing to the symphony of meticulousness that threads through your family's history.

Passion for Collecting

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The treasures you amass, whether vintage postcards or antique buttons, are tokens of a collecting spirit inherited from your great-grandparents. Their penchant for preserving pieces of history and finding beauty in the ordinary lives in your own collections. Each trinket holds a connection to their past and is a testament to the enduring joy that comes from curating tangible memories.

Unconventional Wisdom

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The quirky anecdotes and unconventional advice that shape your family's worldview might be fragments of the unconventional wisdom passed down by your great-grandparents. Their unique perspectives and out-of-the-box thinking continue to guide your own journey, offering fresh insights that challenge conventional norms. Embracing their wisdom is like honoring the trailblazing spirit that has lit the path for generations before you.

Strength of Character

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When the winds of adversity blow, your steadfast resilience echoes the strength of character demonstrated by your great-grandparents. Their unwavering resolve and determination to stand tall in the face of challenges have been woven into the very fabric of your being. With every hurdle you overcome, you carry forward the torch of fortitude that your ancestors ignited, illuminating your path with their legacy of unwavering courage.

Creative Problem-Solving

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The knack for finding ingenious solutions to life's puzzles might be a legacy bestowed upon you by your great-grandparents. Their resourceful minds and ability to navigate complex situations continue to influence your own approach to problem-solving. By tapping into their creative reservoir of ingenuity, you're honoring their memory and fueling your journey with a wellspring of innovative thinking.

Love for Traditional Crafts

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The rhythmic click of knitting needles or the smooth glide of a carving tool might mirror the timeless crafts practiced by your great-grandparents. Their dedication to handmade creations and the meticulous mastery of traditional techniques have paved the way for your own love of crafting. As you weave, stitch, or carve, you're weaving a thread of continuity that links your creative pursuits to the skilled hands that once brought artistry to life.

Appreciation for Diversity

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Your celebration of diverse cultures, perspectives, and identities echoes the inclusive values upheld by your great-grandparents. Their forward-thinking embrace of different backgrounds and beliefs continues to shape your open-mindedness. With every gesture of acceptance and every bridge of understanding you build, you're extending the legacy of tolerance and unity that your great-grandparents fostered, fostering a world where diversity thrives.

Other Surprising Things You Can Inherit Through Genetics! Going Gray

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Gray hair is something a lot of people dread, and has most reaching for the hair dye box every month. While it's a natural thing, it can happen very quickly and at a young age for a lot of people (it's never a great feeling to find a gray hair in your 20s!). The gene responsible for the gray hair situation is actually IRF4, and this gene can actually give insight into when you're likely to get your first gray hair.

How Much Earwax You Have

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Are you always itching at your ear, thinking you're going deaf or pulling out big clumps when you clean out your ears? You might have your genes to thank for that! Genes can also affect the appearance, color and texture of earwax (whether it's dark, flaky, yellow, wet... yeah, we'll stop). The gene responsible is called ABCC11, and it also relates to the smell of your sweat, too! Lovely.

Odds Of Going Blind

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Losing vision as you get older is a natural thing, and it's one of those things linked to aging - but did you know it could also have a link to your original genetic makeup? It's believed that some genes can make it more likely to develop macular degeneration which causes vision loss in people over 50. Some combinations of this gene can make it more of a risk to develop later in life.

Gluten Intolerance

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There's actually around 40% of people who have genes linked specifically to celiac disease, which means how your body reacts to gluten could also be something you've inherited through genes, too. Although 40% of people have genes linked to the disease, that doesn't mean that 40% have it, as there's actually only a very small percentage of these people that show any symptoms!

How You Handle Stress

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You can cope with stress in different ways, and most of the time it's going to take active effort to calm down, like counting to ten, meditating or changing your surroundings. While how you cope with stress is up to you, how stressed you get in the first place could actually be something you have no control over, because it can be down to genetics, too!

Certain Health Conditions (Fraternal)

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There are things we've spoken about that you can inherit from your grandmother, and even health conditions that can become likely from your mother's side. But your father's influence can also pass on certain genes in terms of health risks. When men as father's age and they put on weight or gain bad habits, it can actually affect their genes. If this changed genes are passed to baby, it can increase risks of health conditions like diabetes.

Whether You Can Sing Or Not

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You don't have to have any 'musical' genes in you to become a good singer if you're willing to work at it, have lessons and learn pitch. But for some people, they can actually inherit perfect pitch, where you can hear or sing any note from the top of your head. Studies have shown that people with perfect pitch ability have a relative who also has that ability!

If You Sneeze A Lot

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Some people are very reactive to bright light in terms of sneezing. Have you ever had that tickle needing to sneeze and someone told you to look at a bright light to get it out? There's actually a name for it - photic sneeze reflex - and it can happen if there's a certain gene in your family line relating to it. So if even just one of your parents sneeze at the sun, you might have it too.

Are You An Early Bird Or Night Owl?

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Your body works off a circadian rhythm, and its relation to hours in the day is usually thought of as your 'body clock'. How your rhythm is affected by the 24 hours in the day has a lot to do with your genes and how they've influenced your body's makeup. People who have moments of their rhythm slowing down are known as either morning people or night people.

How Difficult A Toddler You Were

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Most toddlers will act out on a regular basis as a part of growing up, but did you know genes can affect how often you act out in an aggressive way at a young age? It's likely you have your parents to blame if you were being particularly difficult during your early years, and this is because aggressive behaviors like lashing out or biting can be linked to genetics rather than just environmental upbringing! After a certain age, it becomes more about the environment and upbringing.

Your Relationship With Your Weight

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Have you ever had that moment where you realize you have to hit the gym for 3 hours just to work off a chocolate bar, whereas your friend can eat whatever they like and never put on any weight? It's not just about what you eat and your workout, as genes can play a huge part in the likelihood of putting on weight or not. Some people's DNA can result in them maintaining a good weight regardless.

Whether A Particular Diet Works For You

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Your genetic makeup can also play a huge part in whether a particular diet (KETO etc) is going to work for you, regardless of whether it worked for other people and you're doing the exact same thing they did! This is why a personalized diet plan from a dietician also taking genes into account can be the best way to go if you don't feel like a certain diet is working.

The Smell Of Asparagus

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This is oddly specific, but it's something everyone knows about - your pee smells after you've eaten asparagus, but some people smell it more than others. Some might not even notice it at all. You might never have questioned it, but genes can actually make all the difference whether you can smell the changes in pee after asparagus! This is because of inherited genes that can affect sense of smell.

Whether You Can Roll Your Tongue

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You're trying to do it while you're reading this now, aren't you? Some people can naturally do it, and others can't, leading to that frustrating battle with friends where you're getting angrier and angrier by the minute because you just can't get your tongue to move that way! Well, being able to roll it or not is all thanks to your genetic makeup, and a dominant gene means you can roll it!

Do You Have The Travel Bug?

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The world seems to be split into a few firm categories when it comes to travel: people who hate to travel, people who need to travel as much as possible, and those happy to just take a vacation every year. This undying need to travel or not can actually be down to your genes, too, surprisingly, so if you do have a need to travel, it might be in your genetic makeup - and you shouldn't fight it!

Any Phobias You Have

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It's definitely possible to inherit phobias from your parents or environmental factors through being strongly influenced to hate something or be scared of it. But actually phobias can also be genetic, too! They could naturally pass down to you through your genes regardless of whether you've been influenced about it environmentally or not.

Viruses Which Your Ancestors Battled With

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Evolution has meant that our bodies have adapted to certain situations - like our fight or flight instincts, for example - and that also counts to our body's reaction to illnesses and viruses. Some of the DNA we have is actually a small amount leftover from viruses that our ancestors fought off! Studies have shown these viruses we've inherited have been protecting our bodies against new ones.

A... Worm?

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This is not something we really want to think about, but stick with us! Apparently researchers in Japan have revealed that around 70% of genetic makeup in human beings is shared with acorn worms. Acorn worms are found in the water, with slits that resemble fish gills. It's believed those gills could have evolved to make our throat muscles, tongue, jaw and voice box... Yep.

You Don't Inherit ALL Your DNA...

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Genes of course are responsible for obvious traits like eye color and hair color, and they're all passed down and inherited, not only from your direct parents and grandparents, but your long line of ancestors. The gene molecules are called DNA, and while the majority of DNA will be the same for every person, a very small part of it belongs only to you, and unique to you.

Nature Vs Nuture

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With so many things being inherited through genes, there's always a raging debate about nature versus nurture - but the fact is, it's both! There are many things that come through nature and your inherited genetic makeup, but environmental factors are always going to determine certain traits about your personality, body and life as you grow older. It's just that one of them might be more prevalent than the other in terms of nature/nurture!

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