Subtle Ways The Body Is Communicating With Mother Nature

By Juliet Smith 9 months ago

Nature uses weather climates to speak with us

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The weather is something we all see every day but don't really pay attention to. Although, it really is nature's way of communicating on a big scale. Lightning, thunder, clouds, and rainbows, they all hold a message. Sometimes the messages are more about society, but other times they're totally aimed at one person. Just keep an eye out every now and then and try to figure out what the weather is saying.

Animals aren't afraid to approach you

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All animals are part of this huge unity in nature, and sometimes she's talking to us through them. If you ever come across a weird animal coming towards you or get a strange feeling about it, like it's trying to tell you something, don't just ignore it. Just think about it. Just imagine what the animal could mean to you, what it might be trying to tell you, and what characteristics it has that nature might want you to find in yourself.

Are there really coincidences?

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Coincidences are another way that nature loves to play with us. We've all had an experience where something has happened and it almost feels unnatural or uncanny. Take this guy for example. He ended up being at the exact spot his flapjack bar photo was taken at. This is nature's way of saying, you're on the right path, carry on going, and it's usually a good sign.

Our dreams are nature speaking to us

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When we dream, our brain mainly shows us things we forget. It's like our subconscious is finally free to send us messages without our conscious mind getting in the way. The whole dream science thing is huge, but when it comes to whether they actually mean something, the philosophy behind it is pretty much the same. Not all dreams mean something special, but there are some dreams that you just know have a deeper message.

We often understand things before we even realize

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There's not many ways that nature can truly communicate with us. She's not going to just be resurrected from the ground, like Jesus, and tell us exactly what's going on. However, sometimes she'll plant little seeds inside of us that helps us along the way. Have you ever picked up an exercise or task like it was second nature? Well, there's a reason for that...

Nature herself reduces our stress

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It's one of those age-old things isn't it. Feeling stressed? Take a walk! Feeling depressed? Take a walk! It's recommended by so many people, and for good reason too. Nature really is a healer, and there's a reason we feel at one and instantly better when we're surrounded by her open fields. It's natural to us, and there's a subtle connection between ourselves and the earth we were born on.

Intense or irrational emotions can be nature's way of communicating

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One of the other internal changes we can go through when nature communicates with us can be sudden mood swings or feelings of intense emotions. Have you ever just gone about your day, and the slightest thing going wrong has made you want to give up and cry? Well, that's mother nature within you, communicating her own feelings to you that day. It could be a sign or a warning.

Lunar cycles are particularly important

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Just chill and stare at the moon for a while, even if it's just a few minutes each night, just to take in the awe and majesty of the moon itself. Over time, your body will actually start syncing with the moon's cycles. You'll eventually start to notice how this affects you physically and energetically. It's no rumor that the moon is important, it even controls the tides on earth!

For women, nature is always communicating

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Speaking of lunar cycles, women go through a much more intense, natural cycle; the menstrual cycle. As much as you probably don't want to hear it, the menstrual cycle itself is a way of nature communicating with women down on earth. She recognizes their hardships and connects them through a universal experience. It might not feel like it, but it's a special thing to experience.

Feathers drop surprisingly at our feet

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Sometimes we just ignore stuff that's right in front of us, like feathers. But feathers aren't just pieces of bird, they carry the vibes of the bird too. They're all about the bird's migratory path and the rhythm of its flight. It's super easy to ignore these basic messages, but you're totally missing out on the love that nature has for you. They're kinda like a reminder, like a "Hey" from the awesome spirit that we're all connected to.

Do you ever just know something?

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This is another one of those ways in which nature plays with our minds without us actually realizing. Do you ever get asked a question and immediately know the answer? Like you've never researched this topic, and have never read up on it, but for some unknown reason, something within you spoke up at that time, giving you the answers that you needed. That's nature right there.

What you can smell is so important

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One of nature's ways to communicate is through scent. When you catch a whiff of something burning, you just know there's a fire and some serious danger lurking around. It's like a way to talk to nature that we figured out a while back so we could survive better. Even though we know what certain smells mean, sometimes we just ignore a smell because it's not a big deal.

Nature harnesses our recoveries from illnesses

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Just a touch of nature can do wonders for patients in recovery. A university hospital in Sweden decided to survey 160 patients who had heart surgery. They put some patients in hospital rooms with nature paintings, while others got rooms with abstract paintings or no paintings at all. The survey found that patients in rooms with nature paintings were way less anxious and needed less pain meds compared to patients in rooms without any nature stuff.

We receive an invitation from nature

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Nature is trying to talk to you. The phone could ring and you might get asked to go somewhere, but you decline. Then you might get another offer to go to the same place. After a couple of years, you might score some free tickets to a concert at that spot. This is where you'll find a super powerful message from nature that you gotta hear. When we accept it, we get blessed.

Ever thought about karma?

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Now let's think about karma for a moment. Karma is another way in which nature controls the experiences we go through. When you put something good out into the world, it's not just a coincidence that something good happens to you back. It's nature's way of rewarding you for being kind-hearted and emphatic to people around you. Your hard-work and sensitivity never go amiss.

Our energy levels are directly influenced by nature

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So we all know that coffee is, like, the go-to for a morning pick-me-up. But, you know what else? Getting out in nature is an awesome way to get our energy levels up when we start our day. A comprehensive study at the University of Rochester found out that being outside in nature totally makes people feel alive, both physically and mentally, and boosts their energy levels for the day.

Nature occasionally sends you signs

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When nature is trying to tell us something, this is the way most people understand it. When you start searching for a sign from the Universe, you'll usually find it in the weirdest place. Like, an ad, a Facebook post, a movie, a song on the radio, you know? You'll totally get the sign and it'll totally touch deep inside you. It might not be anything special for other people, but for you, it's gonna be like a total package of answers, meaning, and wisdom that you've been looking for.

Even our deepest fears are influenced by nature

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Fears are something that's hard-coded within us. We can't shake them, and for some reason, we can't pinpoint the exact time that we started to experience them. They're just there. Well, believe it or not, this is quite a probable way that nature communicates from you. She warns you away from things that she believes would cause you danger or harm.

Our intuition is guided by nature

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We're not just connected to Nature, we actually ARE Nature. She talks to us using feelings and emotions and these messages are often super personal for you. Sometimes you just get this feeling that something isn't right, and you start thinking maybe you should do something about it. Don't brush off those messages. Intuition is like a big chunk of info that your subconscious mind processes way faster than your conscious mind.

Have you ever lost a belonging then suddenly found it?

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We've all been there, having lost something so valuable to us that it turns our stomach inside. After hours of looking everywhere, we pray to every being there is that someone will let us find it. Eventually, when we've stopped looking, it just appears, as though it had never moved. But we know that it's mother nature's way of drawing us to the place we needed to be.

Nature gives us numbers

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We didn't like, make up math or anything, we actually found it. The Universe talks with geometry and numbers but a bit more simplified. But the whole idea of numerology is totally based on this. Every number has a meaning that your brain can pick up on. That's why it's important to notice a number showing up multiple times. It's not about the number itself, it's about how you see it.

What do you think about ghosts?

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Ghosts are a strange one. Some people believe in them, and some people don't. There's many theories out there about ghosts, and what they actually are, but there's not many pointing the finger at nature. After all, she is the mother of all, and that includes after we have departed life. Ghosts are almost like apparitions of people, or mother nature, that often seem scary, but could just be mother nature's way of seeing us with her own eyes.

Ever had a "gut" feeling?

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Gut feelings can be hard to shake sometimes. You're heading out to a party and you just have that "gut" feeling something bad is going to happen. It's not just random, or a coincidence, it's actually nature's way of speaking to us. She's warning us that the path we're currently on is never going to end well. She wants us to turn back and avoid danger at any cost.

Does nature punish us?

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If mother nature is so high and mighty, and can communicate with us through the earth in many different ways, it begs the question; are we being punished? There's plenty of natural disasters that happen around the world; earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanic eruptions. They all cause massive distress to people involved. But what if she's punishing us for decisions we've made as humans?

There's so many similarities between our bodies and the universe

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While nature is everywhere, it's hard to ignore the similarities between us as humans and nature herself. Take a look at this photo for example, the parting in the hair of the person on the right has striking resemblance to the leaf on the left. This is totally not an accident, nature repeats herself over and over again in everything that's living or breathing.

All matter is made out of the same thing...

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Basically, we're all made out of the same stuff, and that's pretty much cosmic dust. If you're a big bang believer, then you're going to want to stick around for this one. The universe started as the result of a massive explosion, sending cosmic dust flying throughout the universe. Eventually, that dust transformed and over time became us; we are the universe.

We're breathing in her very own breath

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It's hard to deny that mother nature communicates and lives within us, when we literally breathe in what she exhales. If you took basic biology classes in school, you'll know that plants take in carbon dioxide and release oxygen into the air. Similarly (or not so similarly) humans inhale oxygen and release carbon dioxide. It's a repetitive cycle, and we are all one.

Like, our eyes are literally oceans

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Another way in which our bodies reflect that of the natural world is our eyes. Take a look at the colors around the iris, the motions of the streaks, often they can look like the sea. In this case, it looks like honey slipping into a pond of water. That's no coincidence. Nature is everywhere, and we are a part of it. Naturally, we should look the part too.

We are all of one body

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It's hard to admit that we are all one and the same, because we're not, right? Our individuality and sense of identity is crucial to us as people. We have to feel different to feel like we belong. But, in reality, we are so much more connected than you think. Nature binds us all together, and speaks to us as one, such as with the natural disasters and weather conditions.

But, does nature control everything?

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In reality though, does nature control everything? Does she communicate everything to us? Are we just being blindingly led by nature herself. Well, maybe, but maybe not too. We can't blame nature for every injustice or hardship we go through in life. Our own personal actions will have consequences too. Think of nature as a guide, who's happy to help you down the right path.

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