12 Reasons Why Coincidence Does Not Actually Exist

By Juliet Smith 9 months ago

Bad things happen to make us strong

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Everything happens for a reason, and that’s a big reason bad things happen in our lives. If we didn’t face difficult dilemmas in life then we wouldn’t know how to battle the issues that come along with them. Experiencing the bad, allows us to be grateful for the good and enjoy the ups when they happen. This is why it’s probably not coincidental when bad things do happen, but rather a part of the experience.

Psychic readings misleads us into coincidence

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Many people believe in psychic readings and have been given secrets to their own future before they actually happen. After psychic readings, people’s brains and eyes are looking for that which they were told, making them believe it’s such a coincidence that it all came true. For this to work, there has to be a greater power that has life planned out before you know about it.

Cause and effect are not coincidences

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When something happens in life, it’s easier to think that it was just a one off moment and that there’s nothing that would have influenced it, or it would influence in the future. However, most of what we do will have an influence on what’s to come. For example, when you took on a new job, and later bumped into an old friend who works there, that’s not a coincidence, your choices just led you there!

Life throws things at us with a greater plan in mind

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Without going through tough experiences, your world wouldn’t bother to evolve and change. For example, buying your first home wouldn't happen if you hadn't gained the strength from having bad landlords in the past. The determination that these issue create strives for you to make progress, and achieve your ambitions and life goals. It’s simply not coincidence, but your own strength and resilience.

We gain empathy from things that happen

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To be able to understand other people's situations, you have to have lived through their issues before. This is because by being able to go through the same issue as someone else, you can gain great empathy. It's not coincidental that you meet people who have been through the same hardships as yourself in life. You were put together to help them and guide them through.

Your childhood affects what happens in later life

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When you are a child, a lot of stressful events happen that shape you into the person you are today. This is why your upbringing has a big impact on the way in which you act and the choices you make. Sometimes you can make choices that are impacted by events from your childhood that you don't happen to remember anymore. This learning and experience makes coincidences hard to believe.

We learn valuable life lessons from others, not coincidence

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Many people stay in your life forever, but there are some people who are made to just teach a lesson. Even people who you do not like anymore would have given you a life lesson to take on in the future. This then impacts you later down the line, when choices are made and memories help make these decisions. Meeting these people was no coincidence, you’re meant to learn from what they’ll teach you.

Meaning is brought to life by events that we come across

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Without us going through difficult times, there is no meaning to life and no reason to achieve anything. This is why it’s not coincidental that we work to make changes and life decisions to improve our lives. Bad things happen to give meaning to life and to the positive things that happen around us. It's important to be grateful for all life's events for this reason.

The right time for something to happen is exactly when it does

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Have you failed your driving exam six times? There might just be a reason for that. Maybe your dream car isn't going to be available until the time you pass, or maybe it's keeping you safe from some awful accident. It's hard to think this way in the moment, but the perfect timing for something to happen can be argued to be when it does happen. We’re never given anything until we’re truly ready.

Hard work achieves goals

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If you are working hard at the gym every night, it's no surprise that you will achieve the body you have longed for. This makes it no coincidence that when you work hard for something, it happens. By setting goals, you are manifesting for them to happen and you will then put in the work to get there. This type of goal takes a lot of willpower, and nothing as easy as coincidence.

Angel cards are led by a divine power

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Many people believe in angel cards, which are a deck of cards that guide people through difficult decisions. To make these work, you simply ask a question and get the direction you should be going in. It can be argued that without a higher power, things like this do not work. However, what they say can guide you to the right path to take. This makes the choices not coincidental at all.

Fortune tellers must take knowledge from somewhere

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A fortune teller can look into the future and tell you the happenings of your life rather than guide you like a physicist would. If you believe in these, then there is no way anything can be coincidence, given that they must be telling you what life has planned for you. Many fortune tellers will use the palm of your hand to navigate through this and predict what is going to happen.

People around us affect our beliefs and choices

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Depending on the environment you are in, your life choices will change. This is something you do without thinking and can only be noticed when the environment of the people you are around is different. You may mimic the people in your life if you believe they are doing the right thing. Alternatively, you could not agree with them and go the opposite way. We are led subconsciously by the people we surround ourselves with, not coincidence.

We have gut feelings

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Many people will say “go with your gut” when making a decision in life. This is simply because when you are at a crossroads, your gut will always make the decision it feels is right. This isn't to say that any choice is right or wrong, as the fallout effect will be the next events that happen after these choices. If you go with your gut, then this is a choice that makes the next consequences not coincidental.

Life will give you healing time to grow

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Every good or bad thing that happens in your life does not all happen at the same time. This is because without time between these events, you do not have the chance to heal and grow from them. It may sometimes feel like all the bad things that happen in life are happening together, but in your whole life, this is not the case at all. You’re only ever given what life knows you can take on. Coincidences are too random and farcical to let this make sense.

You have an affinity to a particular religion

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Depending on your faith, you may believe that God looks over you and decides the way in which your life goes. Bad things may happen to teach you something, or they may be for the sins you have committed. A believer in this would say that nothing is coincidental, but everything happens for a reason we can learn from. It can sometimes be hard to keep faith when bad things happen.

It can be argued that there’s a system that causes things to happen

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A system of what happens is a scientific way of looking at the events you go through and noting that they are not a coincidence. For example, if you are born blind, this is not a coincidence, but rather due to the defect you are born with from genes and biology. The fallout of this is then not coincidental with the events that happen from being blind; instead, it is just life for that person.

Tarot card readings disprove coincidence

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Tarot cards can be used to look at your past, present, and future. They do not predict the future but rather guide you to the clear path that is about to come. It can also help people make decisions and know that what they are going through will pass in time. People who hold this view contend that if we are capable of receiving guidance from a higher power, coincidence cannot exist.

The current climate causes events to happen

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Depending on the climate you are living in, your life choices can be made through this. For example, the economic climate can influence the decision on when the right time to buy a house is. Non-coincidental events and decisions are factors that affect the climate. Due to this, when you buy something like a house, it is not coincidental but affected by many factors.

Events follow a sequence of happenings

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The events that happen in your life can force you make choices you may not have ever considered in the first place. For example if you think that you don’t want children but then meet somebody that does, your decisions can change. This is not coincidental that your choices have changed, but more due to the life events that happened before this. We are constantly in flux and changing our needs and wants.

Peace can be found in finding the reasons something happened

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Believing that something is coincidental, especially when bad, can create a negative outlook on life, because nobody controls coincidence. But by believing that the bad things that happen in life have happened because of later life events, you can feel a sense of peace. This is because you are more likely to have the willpower to pick yourself back up and keep striving for success. It's a great way to get through the bad times.

Spiritual powers influence our lives dramatically

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Spiritual powers can have a great effect on the way in which your life goes if you believe in them. Many people believe that the spirits look over them and guide them through life. This would mean that they are aware of the way in which your life will go and the events that will happen. If you believe in this, then nothing can be a coincidence, but more like a chapter.

Dreams can relate to future events

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People believe that what happens in your dreams can be a showcase for what happens in your life, and others believe that it’s a coincidence they dreamed of something, then see it the next day. Another theory is that dreams help you make choices and decisions in life that then affect future events. This is why you may dream about something big that is happening in your life. This can then lead you to make subconscious choices about what to do based on the dream you have had.

We become resilient to future situations

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Bad things make us more resilient, and therefore when something else happens, we are prepared for it. This is why it is no coincidence that people who go through different relationships act differently in each one. This is due to the resilience that has been built up through time and being in such bad situations. It's important to look back and see the effect that it has. Coincidence would unwrite everything.

Your old beliefs change when bad things happen

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Many people have strong opinions on certain topics, and it may feel like sometimes these opinions cannot be changed. However, life events that happen can change these beliefs and the person you are today. With this being said, if your beliefs change, then the choices you make will change with them. This makes it not coincidental that situations happen.

Heard of divine intelligence?

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Divine intelligence looks at the person you are deep inside and the power you have to achieve something. This could be your creative potential or the power you have in your mind. Divine intelligence argues that this power comes from the universe and therefore helps to make choices and hit goals. This makes your feelings and the steps you take not a coincidence.

Everything has its purpose

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Finding the purpose in something can be hard, but by doing this, you are able to grow and understand. Believing in a purpose for bad situations can enable a more positive situation to unfold in the end. If you are able to do this, it’s no coincidence that when you move on from a bad situation, the effect isn't as strong as it could have been. This requires strength.

Some believe there are powers in the universe

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The powers in the universe are believed to guide you through the choices you make in life and have a path for you to follow. Through this, many people believe that the higher power has a plan that is set out, and everything therefore happens for a reason. In reality, the choices you make don’t matter when your plan has already been written out for you.

We have opportunity to make choices

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If you didn’t have the chance to make choices, then it could be argued that everything that happens is a coincidence. However, the choices that we make shape the events that happen after that. This means that you have the power to shape your own life and make what you dream of happen. This power affects the rest of your life once you’ve made a big decision in your life.

We plan for a lot of things to happen

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Planning is a big part of life, and we plan for the way in which we want our lives to go. Even though the plan may not always go as you had hoped, it still has an impact. Plans can help reach goals and make good things happen in life, but they do require willpower and the understanding that blockers can get in the way. Coincidence would disprove everything written here, so can it really be real?

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