1. Ditch your phone for a while
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Most of us are glued to our phones more than we realise. Constant tapping, scrolling and calling isn’t something our brains are used to, so it’s a really good idea to limit the time you spend on your device to stop you from being ‘plugged in’ 24/7. This will stop your brain from becoming overly stimulated, allowing you to fully relax and unwind and appreciate the real world around you.
2. Practice gratitude
(Image/ Source: forbes.com)
This might sound overly simple, but directing your attention to the things you’re grateful for, especially in times of stress, anxiety and grief, can center the mind and ground your spirit. A two-part study found that regular practice of gratitude can have a positive effect on our feelings of hope and happiness, so it’s a really good habit to get into.
3. Exercise
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Exercise was always going to come up on this list – and for good reason. Not only will you feel the physical benefits of exercise, but the mental and emotional benefits too. Try to exercise daily, even if it’s just going for a walk at lunchtime or five minutes of stretching after work. Physical activity has been proven to boost mood, and improve confidence too.
4. Get plenty of sleep
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Sleep is super important. Most adults generally need seven hours of sleep to function, but many of us need more than that. So if you find that you’re usually tired during the day or your brain feels like it's in fog, it might be time to up your sleeping hours. We can find it difficult to concentrate when we’re not getting enough sleep, and our brains find it harder to file our short-term memories into long-term memories.
5. Give compliments
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No, we don’t mean those fake compliments that you can give to someone when you’re trying to make a good impression. We mean genuine, sincere compliments that brighten someone’s day. Not only will they make someone else feel good, but they actually boost your own mood too! This is why acts of kindness are considered to be an important part of our overall happiness.
6. Smile
(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re not smiling that much at the moment, find the things (and people) that can make that happen! Smiling helps our brains release dopamine, which is considered to be the ‘feel good’ hormone. While we’re not suggesting that you spend your day with a fake smile plastered to your face, you can try smiling at yourself in the mirror now and again to improve your mood.
7. Take deep breaths
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Most of us take really shallow breaths without even realizing it. We hold tension in all sorts of places (including our stomachs, shoulders and neck), and this gets worse when we get stressed and anxious. So be sure to take a few deep breaths to calm your body and mind. Ease the breath in through your nose, and breathe out through your mouth. You can close your eyes as you do so. Spend five minutes or so on this deep breathing to feel the benefits.
8. Eat for your mood
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You’ll probably already know that our food choices can impact our health. But did you know they can affect our mood too? To give an example; lean meat, fish and dairy are all high in protein, and release both dopamine and norepinephrine, which boost our energy and concentration. This is why it’s a great idea to make your food choices around your mood, as it will help you care for your wellbeing.
9. Journal
(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We know this technique isn’t for everyone, but journaling is a powerful way to process your thoughts, feelings and emotions. It also gives us an outlet to speak our truths in a safe psychological space. It can be as simple as jotting a few thoughts down from your day, and you can tear the paper up if you’d prefer to not read what you’ve written. Whatever works best for you!
10. Acknowledge and accept the bad moments
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It can be really tough to work through our bad moments in life. Sometimes, they don’t just seem like moments; bad situations and thoughts sometimes feel like they’re going on forever. But remember one key thing; they won’t last. Bad things will happen, but things won’t always be bad. Try to accept the bad, and have confidence that things will get better in time.
11. Stop comparing yourself to other people
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We know this one is definitely easier said than done (especially if you’re spending a lot of time on Instagram) but this will lead to anxiety and low confidence. This is why it’s important to center your mind on yourself, your values, and the things that make you unique. You can do this by journaling and reducing your phone time, which will improve your inner peace and happiness.
12. Tackle stress head-on
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Stress is a super common symptom of our busy lives, and it can often consume us if we let this stress run unchecked. But we can become better at dealing with stress when we build up our resilience. So instead of feeling caving into the overwhelm, try to tackle your stressors head-on by confronting your worries and fears. The better we become at addressing stress, the calmer we will feel.
13. See your friends and loved ones
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Humans are social creatures, and we need to spend time around others if we want to avoid feelings of loneliness and isolation. Our friends and loved ones can help us relax and feel good, and take our minds off negative thoughts that we might have whirling around in our minds. Even if you’re just having a phone or Zoom call or going for a coffee with a pal, your brain will definitely thank you for it.
14. Declutter your home
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A tidy house is a tidy mind! While we’re not saying you suddenly need to throw out all your worldly possessions for the sake of minimalist décor, it’s a good idea to declutter your home once in a while. Try setting just 20 minutes a day aside for some tidying, and start with smaller tasks like cleaning out some drawers or your closet. You’ll thank yourself for it later.
15. Organise your week
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If you feel like your life is a little chaotic right now, take control with a weekly planner. This will help you get organized for the week ahead so you know what you’re up against. And if you’re overwhelmed by the amount of plans in your calendar, now is the time to cut the things that aren’t essential. Even if you don’t stick rigidly to your plan, blocking out time for chores, hobbies and rest periods will help quiet your mind.
16. Meditate
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When you’re constantly busy, taking regular time out to meditate can seem like a challenge. But this is precisely when you need to put your body and mind first. When we’re busy all the time, we can get burnt out, so it’s really important to center the mind and take time to reground yourself. If you don’t fancy taking a meditation class, there are tons of videos you can do on YouTube.
17. Get outside
(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Spending time outside in nature has huge benefits for your health and wellbeing. Studies suggest that just 30 minutes out in nature can lower blood pressure, and decrease the chances of developing depression. Not everyone will be able to do this every day, so try and go for a walk on your lunch break or take a trip to your local park, as this will boost your mood and happiness.
18. Try something new
(Image/ Source: menshealth.com)
When was the last time you tried something new? While doing something different from your usual routine can seem scary or a potential waste of time, it’s really good to step out of your comfort zone now and again. Trying new things can boost your confidence, and give you new perspectives and hobbies. You can do anything from taking a class in your local area to going to a restaurant you’ve visited before.
19. Take yourself out
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While we’re on the subject of trying new things, have you ever thought about taking yourself out to do something alone? There are absolutely no rules to say you can’t go and see a movie solo or visit a restaurant by yourself. In fact, it can actually be quite empowering, and shows you appreciate your own company once in a while. Even social butterflies can benefits from this time, as it will help you assess which activities truly make you happy.
20. Give back to others
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Giving back to others is the ultimate feel-good habit. While it might be hard to achieve big gestures every day, small things like making someone a cup of coffee or helping a stranger with directions not only helps other people, but boosts our own mood too. If you want to take this further, consider donating to food banks, volunteering or charity fundraisers.
21. Create a thought list
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If you have a few brief windows of free time during your day, it can be a good idea to check in with yourself and see how you’re doing. Instead of scrolling through social media, consider writing a few of your thoughts down on paper or in your phone. You can write a few things about how you’re feeling today, or small things that make you happy. Whatever you feel like jotting down.
22. Have a relaxing bath
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Taking a bath is the perfect tonic to stress. They can help us wind down from our busy lives, and promote relaxation. Try and set an evening aside to set up the ultimate bath; think candles, your favorite music, and some bubbles too! This setting will boost your mood, and help your muscles really relax. They’re also really good at fighting off stuffy noses and coughs.
23. Reevaluate your goals
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Do you have a clear idea of where you want to go in life? Or perhaps you’re not sure, or you’ve changed your mind about what you want? Try thinking carefully about the things you want to achieve (professionally or personally) and list them on a piece of paper, NOT a phone or a computer. A screen may distract you, and prevent you from focusing on your innermost wants and needs.
24. Practice self-massage
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Self-massage is a great habit to get into. It can reduce stress and anxiety, reduce muscle tension, boost circulation and ease pain. Our bodies tend to end up with aches and pains after a while, so staying on top of this will help you body recover and restore. Self-massage is especially helpful for those with chronic pain or those suffering from conditions like carpal tunnel, headaches and TMJ.
25. Take time to recharge
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Our always-online lives can take their toll on our mental health and wellbeing, so it’s really important to set some time aside to rest and recuperate. While a lot of us can feel guilty for not doing anything other than chilling out at home, it gives our brains and bodies an opportunity to recharge, so be sure to set some time aside for this in your daily schedule.
26. Up your skincare routine
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Self care is super important, and your skincare routine is a part of that. Taking time out to cleanse, tone and moisturize twice a day will not only give your skin a healthy glow, but it will make you feel good too! If you’re not sure how to switch up your skincare, be sure to speak to a professional who can advise which products will suit your skin type.
27. Live in the present moment
(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Living in the present moment is one of the best ways to find happiness. This isn’t always easy to do, especially if we have regrets about the past or worry about the future, but by practicing this each day, we can enjoy our lives so much more. One great way to start doing this is by bringing awareness to the present moment; notice your breathing, and use your five senses to center your mind.
28. Laugh
(Image/ Source: businessinsider.com)
They say that laughter is the best medicine – and there’s some definite truth in this. Laughter has the power to strengthen your immune system, reduce stress and pain, boost your mood and stimulate your organs. Laughter also releases endorphins, so it really is a great way to bring happiness into your day-to-day life. Surround yourself with funny, interesting people – your body will thank you for it!
29. Listen to others
(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
To be the best, happiest version of yourself, try and listen with compassion and focus. By being attentive to what others are saying, we can connect with them on a deeper, more meaningful level. This helps create strong bonds with people, which enhances our overall quality of life. Whether it's your partner, a colleague, a family member or a stranger, make an active decision to be more present in your conversations.
30. Forgive
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Forgiving someone (or yourself) can sometimes be difficult. But letting go of bad emotions and practicing forgiveness frees you from further resentment and pain. When we choose not to forgive someone, we’re unconsciously hurting ourselves (and causing more stress too) so it’s better to process our emotions and try to move forward in a healthier, more proactive way.
31. Get your morning routine in order
image source: reddit.com
A daily routine, or a weekly routine, is a good thing to have, but it's the 'first thing in the morning' routine that's the most important, because how you choose to get up and get going can have a positive or negative effect on your whole day! If you're rolling out of bed after your alarm has been snoozed 10 times and you're running late, it's going to affect how good you feel. Plan ahead the night before for what you need to do.
32. Practice good sleep hygiene
image source: reddit.com
Good sleep hygiene is all about creating the perfect space and environment to ensure you get the most peaceful sleep possible. Even if you're going to bed early enough, if your environment isn't right, it can affect your sleep quality. Good sleep hygiene can mean making sure you have fresh sheets, a comfortable mattress, nothing distracting in the room and blackout blinds or curtains.
33. Limit screen time before bed
image source: reddit.com
We know that late at night or when you're actually in bed seems like the most logical choice for browsing social media or trying to wind down, when actually it's just making your brain more awake and having the light affect your eyes. Cut out screen time around 2 hours before bed, and if you do need if for something like ambience or ASMR for your sleep, leave the screen nearby where you can hear it without looking at it.
34. Drink water
image source: reddit.com
We know most people are probably sick of hearing this piece of advice, but it's SO important. It's the simplest thing that can make all the difference, and it's one of the best feel good habits you can do on a daily basis. Drinking enough water means your body and mind stays hydrated, and it also helps to curb off any unhealthy food cravings or feeling hungry, when really your body just needs water!
35. Get a daily mantra or affirmation in place
image source: reddit.com
Create some words of encouragement that you need to hear on a daily basis to make yourself feel good, and feel motivated. If you're not hearing enough words of encouragement from others, there's no reason you can't say them to yourself! A daily mantra is a good one to have to start the day that you can say to yourself in the mirror.
36. Never discount therapy
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people consider therapy as something more 'negative' in terms of how your health and mind is doing, but actually therapy is a really supportive and positive process to guide you through. You don't need to be suffering specifically from things like anxiety or depression to benefit from therapy, as it can help those who feel lost or need a pick-me-up, too.
37. Get a 5-year life plan in order
image source: reddit.com
Planning for your future can help you to focus your mind, and feel good that you're moving in the right direction. If a 5 year plan is too far in the future for you (or maybe not even far enough!) adjust the time to something that suits you: a year plan, a 2 year plan or maybe a whole life plan! This is when you can then start breaking it down into smaller, achievable goals.
38. Write a personal mission statement
image source: reddit.com
You might associate mission statements with businesses and companies wanting to tell everyone what it is they do/care about, but did you know you can also do a personal mission statement to align your values? This can be really helpful to guide you into feeling better about who you are, and what you do. You could even have your mission statement as your daily mantra, such as: 'To treat everyone I meet with compassion and kindness'.
39. Don't neglect stretching
image source: reddit.com
Exercise is so important for a healthy lifestyle, and one of the most important feel good habits - but a lot of people can forget about simple stretches or reflexology when they're focusing on going hard at the gym! Regular stretches and small, therapeutic movements can help to balance out your body and relax you. That's why Pilates or yoga are also good things to do.
40. Take care of one task at a time
image source: reddit.com
Most people think being productive is to take care of as many tasks as possible in minimal time, which can lead to multi-tasking and - you guessed it - feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Being able to multi-task is definitely an impressive skill, but the best way to feel good about your routine is to focus on one task at a time and then move on to the next.
41. Get used to saying no
image source: reddit.com
One of the worst things a person can do is say yes to absolutely everything, trying to juggle everything and please everyone. This is a feel good intention for everyone else, except for you! Saying 'no' when you need to is one of the most powerful things you can do to take control over your mood. You can't do everything for everyone, so understand how much time you have in a day and say no when you simply can't do anymore.
42. Celebrate the small things
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people can start to feel bad about themselves when they're only waiting for big things to celebrate, like if everyone around them is buying a house or getting married and they feel they have nothing to party about! Only through celebrating the small things will you find happiness in the every day - like celebrating the fact you ticked everything off your to-do list for the day!
43. Set your working hours - and stick to them!
image source: reddit.com
Your daily working hours have the power to affect everything, from mood to health. It can often be tempting to work longer hours because you want to get some overtime in, need to finish a task or are worried about something else. But you should understand the maximum working hours you can complete during the day, and stop when you reach the limit.
44. Surround yourself with the right people
image source: reddit.com
No matter what you're doing personally on the day to day, like gratitude journaling or eating well, it can still affect your mood negatively if you're hanging around with the wrong people. You don't want anyone in your life who drags you down, who is toxic or who criticises you. It's better to start afresh and find new friends who inspire you than stick around people who are no good for you!
45. Self-reflect at the end of the day
image source: reddit.com
This is a good end-of-day habit to have because it's all about learning from your mistakes so that you can do better the next day. You might find that at the end of the day you realize you've been more stressed, or you didn't get as many tasks done as you thought you would. You can then work backwards as to why - did you get enough sleep? Did you set out too many things for you to do? You can then do differently the next day.
46. Hug more
image source: reddit.com
We don't mean go up to random people on the street, but if you can find more opportunities to hug, it can actually boost feel-good hormones! You can hug your friends and family more, hug your pets or even get a body pillow or a cuddly toy to hug if you're feeling anxious. This can help if need something to hold against your chest on the couch or when sleeping.
47. Speak up with issues at work
image source: reddit.com
One of the biggest causes of stress and feeling bad about yourself can be within your job when you're not sure of something, or confused about it. Don't be afraid to ask about things at work - remember, there are no stupid questions, only stupid answers! Being more comfortable with speaking up professionally means you'll feel better about the work you're doing, without the worry.
48. Make sure to take a lunch break
image source: reddit.com
So many of us neglect lunch breaks because it's easy to continue working when you're busy, forget to eat, or even to multi-task and eat at your desk while you're continuing tasks. Lunch breaks are important for your wellbeing, both for rest and for making sure you're eating healthily, getting up and moving around! You'll feel better for it when you make sure you're having one.
49. Try not to gossip
image source: reddit.com
Some gossip between friends is harmless and can actually boost connections, but if you're surrounding by colleagues or people gossiping negatively, don't be tempted to join in. Gossiping can make you feel worse about yourself, feel guilty or just spread a more negative energy into the air - so you're not going to feel good when you're surrounded by it!
50. Don't wait for other people to reward you
image source: reddit.com
A lot of people can get into a slump of feeling unappreciated, especially when it comes to work life or if you're single/live alone and don't have the motivating words of others! But you can feel better if you take control of that yourself. If you've done something to be proud of, use positive affirmations and reward yourself with things like retail therapy or booking yourself a trip.