1. Superheroes
Image source: Reddit
Who would have thought that our childhood toys actually say a LOT about our adult selves? Is it because the toys we played with affected us subconsciously or did we gravitate to those particular toys because of something innate in our personality? That's another question. But if you played with superheroes when you were small we can assume in your adult life that sometimes you seek ways to escape reality, be it through a TV program or delving into a hobby.
2. Babies
Image source: Reddit
Now it makes total sense that if you gravitated towards the baby toys when you were a child, that you have a strong nurturing side in your adult life. We bet that you're the person that feels like you're always looking after everybody else! And, you're probably the first port of call when someone's feeling a little bit down and they want someone caring to go and vent to.
3. Figurines
Image source: Reddit
There does seem to be a strong link between the kids who loved to play with figurines and those who are more intellectual and those very stereotypically deemed adult 'nerds'. So we can assume that if you used to play with figurines you now in adult life have a set of hobbies that other people may see as fairly 'quirky', and you're still called the super clever one!
4. Racing cars
Image source: Reddit
Okay, it's a push to say that if you used to love racing cars as a kid, you ended up a racing car driver because while you may have dreamed it, it's probably not super likely. But what this childhood car does say about your adult life is that you are competitive and motivated. You're never settled and always want to achieve more and more with where you're at.
5. Plushies
Image source: Reddit
Were you an avid plushie collector when you were a child? If plushies were your toy of choice when you were a child then we can assume that you're currently living a stable family life. You have a happy relationship (of course ups and downs) but you feel super lucky with your position right now and you know that you're surrounded by lots of people who love you.
6. Lego
Image source: Reddit
Those who loved Lego as kids were people with intricate minds and love and skill for the small details. Not everybody has the time and patience in them and this is often something people naturally have. So in your adult life, you're probably very analytical and rational. You can use logic to see the best way forward and you're very methodical in how you carry out your day-to-day life and routine.
7. Arts and crafts
Image source: Reddit
There's a very strong link between kids who choose to play with arts and crafts and how artistic you are as an adult. Arts and crafts are something a lot of kids enjoy, but those who always wanted to play with creative toys have a natural creative flair that transfers in adult life and can be seen in the fashion sense they have, the way they decorate their house or even the creative career they choose.
8. Board games
Image source: Reddit
Board games take some SERIOUS patience - if you've ever sat through an entire game of Monopoly with your family you'll know just how true this is. So if you used to play board games as a child we can bet that your adult life has been very well established. You've worked very hard to get yourself to a comfortable position and you are always working toward long-term goals that take a long time to accomplish!
9. Mind puzzles
Image source: Reddit
If you used to play a lot of mind puzzles when you were a child, you were one SMART kid. A lot of adults don't even find the resolution to put their minds to a puzzle. As an adult, you're very clever, and you most probably work in an analytical or financial job. You may be even an accountant or in a job in a similar field. You love working things out!
10. Outdoor toys e.g. swings
Image source: Reddit
Kids are totally different, some like to sit inside and play with toys and there are those more practical and boisterous kids who love to be outdoors. Now you're an adult this hasn't stopped. You hate being stuck inside and you feel like there's no better remedy to feeling down than getting out in the fresh air and having some fun or going for a walk in nature.
11. Dolls House
Image source: Reddit
If you used to play with dollhouses when you were a child we can guarantee that even now you're an adult, every time you see a doll house you feel a strong nostalgic pull toward it. In your adult life, you're very independent. You love people and value having a family and close friends but you're also very comfortable with your own company and having your own space.
12. Barbies
Image source: Reddit
You played with Barbies as your childhood toy when you were younger and now you're a boss female/male in whatever you do. You're confident within yourself and your own skin and you know exactly what you're worth. You don't let people mess you around and in general, you have a quietly confident outlook on yourself and your life and people respect you for it!
13. Play cooking sets
Image source: Reddit
If you loved cooking sets as a child it usually shows a strong love for domesticity. In your adulthood, you probably crave the familiarity of everyday routine. You may even find it slightly uncomfortable when things change. You like things to be the way you know and expect them to be. And, you've, of course, probably turned into a good cook after all that practice!
14. Building sets
Image source: Reddit
The love of building blocks shows an important aspect of a child's personality. If you were a child that sat spending hours building your toys then you clearly have an internal passion for creating things. You may have gone into a very practical job such as building or instead this passion may have manifested in ways such as creating your own business!
15. Computer games
Image source: Reddit
Video games for children are becoming more and more common and popular as a toy to play with. But it didn't use to be AS common. If you used to love video games this passion for technology probably hasn't faded. In fact, it will have stood you in very good stead for today's world and we can imagine you've landed yourself a job in the tech world and you LOVE all the new gadgets of today.
16. Play doctors sets
Image source: Reddit
Playing doctors as a child was a lot to do with the cool equipment, and also something to do with a want to help people and feeling as though you are mending or doing good. If this was your favorite toy, you may be now in a very caring or nurturing career, or the service industry or this may have manifested in the acts of service you do for people on a daily basis.
17. Science kits
Image source: Reddit
Using science kits as a child means that in your adult life, you're probably super interested in how things work. You have a curiosity that gives you a different of level intelligence. You also love to experiment and we can guarantee that in your adult life, you don't play things by the book. You don't like to follow what you already know, you love to discover new things!
18. Dress-up clothes
Image source: Reddit
If dress-up clothes were your favorite childhood activity, you've definitely got a certain creative flair and flamboyance. You're probably a super confident adult and we think you are probably very charismatic and able to adjust to different social situations. You absolutely love to socialize and meet all kinds of people from different walks of life.
19. Toy phones
Image source: Reddit
Toy phones, who didn't love having a toy phone as a child? If only we knew that we'd have enough for time for the rest of our life as soon as we hit teenagerhood. But, those people who loved playing with toy phones generally tend to be more playful as an adult. So you are probably one of those people who still feel like a big kid at heart, you have a huge sense of fun that is always there!
20. Jenga
Image source: Reddit
Jenga is a game of skill and chance combined. If you were a Jenga player as a child you probably are a very highly complex adult. You're multi-layered and find that your emotions even for yourself are sometimes extremely complex and hard to understand. You don't ever feel simple about things, you are also very emotionally intellectual and empathize with people a lot.
21. Magic sets
Image source: Reddit
If you were obsessed with your magic set and playing magic sets as a child then you are probably quite a sensitive adult. You may sometimes struggle with your identity in terms of feeling confident with who you are. Sometimes you seek cover behind a façade or try to pretend to be something you are not because you are afraid of exposing your real self to people.
22. Climbing frames
Image source: Reddit
On the other hand, if you were constantly climbing and scaling things like climbing frames (or those things that you definitely weren't meant to) you are probably a very self-assured individual. Nothing phases you and you never doubt yourself. You always appear in your most real form, without feeling as though you need to hide or filter your true personality ever.
23. Robots
Image source: Reddit
Robots are for those kids with mechanical brains. So if you loved robot toys when you were a child, then you definitely have a very complex mind as an adult. You will have followed a career that enabled you to use your mathematic and complex thinking. You may have pursued a career to do with creating computer codes for example, or something along those line!
24. Dinosaurs
Image source: Reddit
Dinosaurs have a certain pull for some children who go through a complete dinosaur-obsessed phase of their childhood. If this sounds like you, as an adult you are probably very much a sensible kind of person. You think before you act and you have still, and always have had a sensible head on your shoulders. You're always practical and forever the sensible one.
25. Collectible cards
Image source: Reddit
Collectible cards have been going for so many years and you can collect cards of almost any topic, be it football cards or Pokémon or many, many others! If you were a card collector you're definitely a savvy adult. You're very money wise and you're super efficient at saving. You know how is best to keep your savings and you are always frugal and never wasteful!
26. Nerf guns
Image source: Reddit
Nerf guns - those pesky toys that were great fun when you had one and were super annoying when you were the target. Those people who had a Nerf gun as kids are now STILL mischievous adults. Yes, they may be sensible on a day-to-day basis and hold down a job without but they have a sense of cheekiness that they will forever retain no matter what age. And they LOVE an office prank!
27. Jigsaws
Image source: Reddit
Jigsaws are a divisive game - you're either the person who gets super stuck into them and whiles away three solid hours fitting piece after piece. Or you're the person who takes one look and thinks 'That's enough for me'. If you were a jigsaw lawyer we can safely say that as an adult you've gone places. You reached success, pretty much everything you do you manage to ace!
28. Dens
Image source: Reddit
Dens, for those with an adventurous spirit that continued straight to adulthood. People who loved dens as children carried that strong sense of adventure and a drive for exploration through to adulthood. These are the adults who always wanting to go to new places, explore somewhere random, set off on an unplanned road trip at the drop of a hat, and call the slight lack of responsibility 'an adventure!'
29. Slime
Image source: Reddit
If you were a slime lover we're guessing you used to be a cheeky kid with a mischievous side. People who loved slime as a kid become very strong adults. They have the capability and the strength to be able to deal with hard situations. They take things on the chin and have a very good resilience to keep on going even when things keep hitting them hard time and time again.
30. Nature toys
Image source: Reddit
A passion for nature is never something that goes away. When it's been instilled within you as a child or you have a natural passion and yearning for nature, this carries right through to being an adult. So now you are an advocate for wildlife, for being out in nature and you fully understand the power and underestimated abilities of the natural world.