Things We Only Inherit From Our Big Sister

By Molly 9 months ago

How to Deal With Bullies

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When confronted by a bully at school, big sisters are the first role models we turn to. They know what it takes to defend themselves because they have been there. They show us how to maintain composure when bullies are picking on us, how to think of clever reactions, and when to leave a dispute without coming across like a victim. Every bully is unique, of course, but our big sisters are familiar with many of them to develop a general solution.

Hair Tips

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Have you ever pondered how we somehow acquire the ability to style our hair? Our amazing hairstyles, however, are a result of our elder sisters. They gladly lend us their combs and tools while instructing us on how to curl, straighten, or braid our hair. Additionally, even though we may not have inherited our older sisters' hair genetics, they let us practice styling and re-creating their favorite styles.

Emotional Intelligence

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The way we handle turbulent emotions is modeled by our big sisters. They teach us how to deal with sadness or disappointment and that it's good to feel these things. Big sisters are our pillars of strength, supporting us via late-night heart-to-hearts and pillow talks when we're at our lowest. Their counsel offers us support and a shoulder to cry on during trying times.

How to Find Romantic Love

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Regarding the concerns of the heart, our big sisters are always wise. They always know how to flirt, attract the notice of those they like, and gracefully ignore those they don't. They also pass all of these skills to us. They show us how to handle males' interest and approach the guys we have crushes on. Finally, they offer us a shoulder to weep on and reassure us that there are other fish in the sea if we are rejected.

Handling Heartbreak

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Big sisters always know how to handle heartbreak, whether they are the ones experiencing it or are the ones providing advice to someone else. They are constantly there when a romantic partner rejects or dumps us. However painful heartbreaks may be, big sisters teach us that there is always someone else out there for us. And in the meanwhile, we are confident in their support.

Being a Good Sister

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No one has the same sense of sisterhood as a big sister. They show us that being sisters is about sharing secrets, having someone to lean on when you're down, and knowing that someone always has your best interests at heart, in addition to sharing DNA. They use disputes and laughter to teach us the value of cooperation, tolerance, and compromise. We are able to treat other siblings well because of our big sisters.

Conflict Resolution Abilities

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Big sisters are the best at putting an end to the conflict. They know how to remain composed and are sympathetic enough to consider all sides of an issue and come up with solutions. For instance, you and your older sister could be arguing over who gets to use the shower first. However, your older sister can step back and compromise to end an argument.

Qualities of a Good Friend

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Our first and only pals who are actually dependable are our big sisters. Before we ever make any friends, they are there, and even after we lose them, they stick with us.
As a result, we can learn a lot about friendship from our big sisters. They’re selfless and often sacrifice something they love to make us happy. Additionally, they’re always by our sides, even when we’re going through a rough time.

Handling Embarrassment

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We’ve all had embarrassing moments we’d wish to erase from our memories. However, big sisters teach us to handle the embarrassment and walk away with our heads high.
Picture this: you’re walking right past your crush’s table in the cafeteria, but you trip and fall. Embarrassing, right? However, you’ve seen your big sister in a similar situation, so they teach you how to develop a thick skin to handle such embarrassing moments.

Unconditional Love

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The affection of a big sister is unmatched. It is like a warm blanket that never ages. They show us how to love people even when they are flawed, make mistakes, and don't deserve it. Our older sisters also teach us the importance of love, forgiveness, and patience. We learn to be more sensitive and caring by imitating these crucial traits from our big sisters.

How to Follow Our Dreams

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Our older sisters are tenacious dreamers. They are skilled in goal-setting, hard work, and perseverance. Problems and failures never stop them. Instead, they persevere in their efforts and never give up until they succeed. Even when no one else does, our big sisters always have faith in our aspirations. They push us out of our comfort zones. No matter how improbable they seem, they dare us to pursue what we want.

Financial Literacy

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Are you good with money? If you are, it has something to do with the skills you inherited from your big sister. Big sisters are early financial stabilizers, encouraging us to save, budget, and spend money wisely. Thanks to their good and bad experiences, we learn important money lessons like how to set up a savings account and why it’s essential to track expenses.

How to Be a Good Person

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Big sisters often pass down invaluable lessons on being a good person. They're like our personal ethics mentors. They teach us the significance of helping others, standing up against injustice, and embracing diversity. We also learn the importance of honesty, loyalty, and being there for our loved ones from them. By watching their example, we inherit a moral compass, fostering a legacy of goodness that ripples through our relationships.


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From an early age, our older sisters teach us how to cope with our worries, such as the dread of failing. We learn from them that while feeling terrified is okay, we must do what scares us. Even when we don't want to, they inspire us to be brave and let us know that we are not alone in our worries. We develop more courage as a result and learn to face our fears.

Embracing Our Identities

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Our elder sisters are always there to help us embrace ourselves for who we are, even though we have all experienced identity crises. Your older sister will advise you to "Be kind to yourself and refrain from letting anyone tell you who to be" whether you're having difficulties blending in at school or work. In addition, we imitate them and learn to feel confident in our skin since they are constantly so self-assured.

Respect for Others

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Big sisters are like our second mothers, so you can bet they are well-versed in the subject of respect. They demonstrate the value of treating everyone with respect and compassion, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, or origin. They instill in us the values of empathy, forgiveness, and listening. We discover the value of empathy and understanding by observing their interactions. Their influence strengthens our resolve to combat bias and injustice.

Makeup Tips

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Big sisters are our first stylists, showing us the fundamentals of cosmetics application. They walk us through the process, from picking the ideal lipstick to perfecting eyeliner application. Our older sisters demonstrate makeup techniques for us while instructing us on color schemes, blending, and the value of skin care. Additionally, they share makeup tools and methods, practically letting us copy their look.

How to Dress for Our Body Type

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The only persons who can honestly respond to the question "How do I look?" are big sisters. They will remark, "That dress is too tight," and assist us in locating the correct size. They'll also share whether they have anything in their closets that fits our body types. When we go shopping, they also assist us in choosing the appropriate attire.
The fashion journey of our older sisters serves as our model, teaching us how to love our physical traits and exude confidence.

Study Habits

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With big sisters around, the pressure to get good grades is always high. They’re always doing well at school, so we try not to let them down. Fortunately, they’re always willing to share their study tips and secrets. They offer guidance on time management, note-taking, and staying organized. They also know the best place to study in the house, so we inherit it automatically.

The Art of Patience

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Sometimes, things don’t happen as quickly as we want them to. However, our big sisters always remind us to be patient. They are always calm and collected during difficult situations, knowing everything will eventually work out. Through their example, we learn to be more patient through skills like deep breathing or finding positive distractions.

Being a Good Role Model

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Big sisters are the first people we admire, showing us how to become exemplary individuals. As our first role models, they watch their actions to ensure they demonstrate values like kindness, responsibility, and integrity. They constantly avoid trouble at home and school to set an excellent example for us. As a result, we inherit these qualities and try to be good role models for other siblings.

How to Let Go

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A big sister doesn’t advocate going back to an ex. Big sisters have mastered the art of moving on, so they teach us that it’s important to accept change and focus on the present. Big sisters also teach us the art of letting go of control. They show us that it’s okay not to be in charge all the time and that we can still be loved and respected even if we’re not the boss.

Healthy Competition

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We often pick up healthy competition cues from our older sisters without realizing it. Have you ever had to impress your parents with a good Christmas present?
Big sisters are always ahead of the curve, doing something even more impressive, jeopardizing your chances of getting the praise you want. This forces you to retreat to the drawing board and develop something even better. By competing with our big sisters, we develop a competitive spirit that helps us survive in school, at work, and in the real world.


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Big sisters are our first introduction to the joy of sharing stuff. They’re always selfless with their clothes, toys, and even secrets. They also teach us that shared experiences are more memorable than when we do things alone. As we watch them share their lunch or give up their seat on the bus, we learn the satisfaction of putting a smile on someone else’s face.

Coping With Changes During Puberty

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Big sisters offer vital guidance during puberty rollercoaster of changes. Their experience becomes a comforting compass, helping us navigate the unfamiliar terrain. They openly share stories, easing our worries and normalizing the process. With their advice, we learn to embrace our evolving bodies and emotions. From dealing with mood swings to understanding the importance of self-care, big sisters stand as pillars of wisdom, showing us that this transformative journey can be met with resilience, patience, and self-love.

Strength and Resilience

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Big sisters teach us to be strong and resilient even when we fall and experience setbacks. They are often our first role models for what it means to be a woman, and they show us how to stand up for ourselves, fight for what we believe in, and never give up on our dreams. They also teach us how to deal with disappointment and challenges and become more assertive on the other side.

How to Make a Difference in the World

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We look up to big sisters for inspiration on changing the world because they are often our first models to look up to. They show us the value of compassion, kindness, and reciprocity through their deeds. Older sisters frequently push us to volunteer, provide necessities like food for those in need, and work toward projects that are important to us. Their examples demonstrate to us how even seemingly insignificant deeds have a significant impact, motivating us to lead upright lives.

Not taking life too seriously

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Big sisters gently teach us the art of making fun of ourselves and encourage us not to take life too seriously. Their playful teasing and amusing anecdotes enable us to accept our flaws. Stress can be minimized, and confidence can be increased with a good laugh at a dumb misstep. Their humorous talks teach us humility and the value of not sweating the small stuff.

Dealing With Loss and Grief

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When coping with sadness, big sisters offer a supportive shoulder and a listening ear. Their wisdom and consoling presence assist us in navigating the range of complicated feelings that accompany it. They instill in us the value of expressing our emotions, being vulnerable, and turning to loved ones for support. We also discover that recovery happens gradually, and we should allow time to heal our scars.

Responsible Decision-making

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We make decisions based on the lived experiences of our big sisters. Their guidance encourages us to evaluate our alternatives, take note of potential results, and make wise decisions. In addition to encouraging us to accept responsibility for our acts, big sisters also teach us our choices have consequences. Big sisters assist us in avoiding making impulsive decisions like becoming shopaholics by teaching us other skills like self-control and discipline.

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