1. Coins

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Your baby might make a beeline for these shiny, rattling objects, but letting them play with coins is a big no-no. Coins are a choking hazard, so it’s a good idea to keep them out of sight at home, or any place your baby might find them. If your baby is super keen on coins, you can buy them a toy piggy bank instead, which you can pick up from Walmart.
2. Keys

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Just like coins, keys have that shiny, rattly sound that babies seem to be drawn to. And while many parents will let their baby play with them (providing an adult is holding on to them at all times) this isn’t the best of ideas. Keys tend to be made of brass, which contains lead. While the amount of lead in brass is minimal, it’s not really something your baby should have in their mouth. Plus, the edges of keys can really hurt them.
3. TV remotes

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
Some babies are obsessed with TV remotes. There’s a whole lot of stimulation there for them; they can chew and suck on it, and press all the tiny buttons. Babies can also become more fascinated by the TV remote if they see adults using it. But they should never be given one as a toy, as it can have serious consequences. There have been numerous occasions that have seen babies rushed to the hospital because they’ve swallowed a button or the remote battery.
4. Pens, crayons and markers

(Image/ Source: pinterest.com)
We’ve all seen pictures of babies and toddlers causing chaos with pens, crayons and markers. Not only can they end up drawing on walls and furniture, but they often end up drawing on themselves too! So it’s a wise idea to protect your home and baby and stow these items away until they get old enough to use them. And even then, they should be supervised with them at all times; while most children’s pens and crayons are non toxic, they can still end up choking on the marker lids.
5. Cell phones

(Image/ Source: flikr.com)
Babies also seem to love cell phones, but you really shouldn’t let yours go anywhere near your baby’s mouth. Recent research has shown that cell phones carry tons of germs, and some even have traces of feces on them! Plus, you won’t want your baby accidentally swallowing a phone battery. This is why it’s a much better idea to buy your baby a toy cell phone instead.
6. Baby wipes

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re changing your baby, you’ll probably be all-too-familiar with the constant wiggling and grabbing. And while it might be tempting to let them play with baby wipes and suck on them while you get the job done, it’s not good for your baby’s health. Experts have warned parents that as baby wipes contain tons of chemicals, your baby will ingest them if they are allowed to put them in their mouths. Plus, they’re a choking hazard.
7. iPads and tablets

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
It’s becoming more and more common for parents to let their babies play on iPads and other tablets. With so many baby-friendly apps on the market, it might seem like a perfectly safe pass time for your little one, but it’s actually dangerous for children under 18 months to be exposed to constant screens. And even after that, your child should have limited screen time. Screens overload a baby’s brain, and can interfere with their sleep patterns (the same holds true for adults too!).
8. Thermometer

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A baby thermometer is a crucial part of any baby first aid kit, as it will let you know if your baby is sick and coming down with a fever. However, all those buttons, flashes and noises make this very tempting for a baby, and they’ll probably want to stuff it in their mouth at the first chance they get. Be sure to keep your thermometer away from your child, as it can be a serious choking hazard.
9. Pet toys

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
While it might look like a cool new toy especially for them, babies need to be kept well away from pet toys. Pet toys and gadgets tend to be covered in germs and bacteria, which can be super harmful to your baby’s health. If you have any furry friends in your home, it’s a good idea to stash your pet toys in a specific room that your baby can’t crawl into.
10. Pet bowls
(Image/ Source: rumble.com)
While we’re on the subject of pet items – don’t let your baby drink or eat from your pet bowls! While it might look funny and cute enough to record and post to social media, it’s not the most responsible thing to do. Pet bowls are actually the fourth germiest thing in your home, so this could mean that your baby ends up getting sick. A lot of babies will tend to mimic animals around them, as they’re still learning new behaviors, but this shouldn’t be encouraged.
11. Washing and laundry detergent

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Washing and laundry detergents are some of the most common household items that babies can be poisoned by. There have been tons of incidents of babies being rushed to hospital after consuming detergent, so make sure you buy detergents in child-proof packaging, and ensure that you read the instructions to seal the lid properly. Some bottles require two clicks, so be sure to double check.
12. Baby lotions

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Baby lotions will be close to your baby most of the time – which means they may well get grabbed by your little one at some point! Lotion bottles and tubes may seem like a fun thing for them to play with, but if they ingest any of the cream, it could end in a trip to the emergency room. Try giving your baby something else to gnaw on while you’re changing them.
13. Paperclips

(Image/ Source: conservation-resources.co.uk)
Paperclips are yet another shiny, ratty object that your baby will probably go wild for. But again, it’s a good idea to keep these well away from your child. Paperclips are a choking hazard, and can cause major problems for your baby if they end up ingesting them. If you suspect your baby has swallowed one, get them to the hospital as quickly as you can.
14. Buttons

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
An ENT surgeon recently went viral after they spoke about the most common emergency problems they faced with babies. The most common issue was foreign objects found in the ear, nose and throat – and buttons were one of the culprits. They’re small and easily detached from clothes, and babies have a bit of a habit of popping them in their mouths. Try to stay one step ahead and by baby clothes with poppers instead of buttons.
15. Beads

(Image/ Source: krcrtv.com)
Beads were another common object that the ENT surgeon saw a lot of. Beads are a choking hazard for babies and small children, and can get stuck in the esophagus or windpipe. They can also enter the airway, or get stuck all together, which requires emergency surgery. There have been numerous incidents of children ending up in hospital after playing with beads (including water beads) so be sure to keep them out of reach.
16. Pill bottles and containers

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
It’s common sense to keep babies away from pills and containers, but some still manage to get their sticky hands on them. Babies and small children can be attracted to the bright orange color, as well as the rattling sound of the pills. And the risk of accidentally swallowing one pill (or multiple) is pretty high. Keep them out of sight and away from babies and children by placing them in a locked drawer or container.
17. Straws
(Image/ Source: smiles4kids.com)
Babies and toddlers love learning to drink out of straws. You should never let them drink out of single-use straws, as they can eat or ingest them, but you should also tread carefully with solid plastic ‘sippy’ straws too. If a baby is crawling or toddling with a straw in their mouth, the straw can cause a cut inside the mouth, so be sure to observe your child at all times.
17. Small brick sets

(Image/ Source: abcnews.com)
Kids love brick sets – especially Lego! But while they can be great for older kids, they can have deadly consequences for babies and smaller children. They can cause choking if swallowed, and can also end up in your little one’s ear or nose. Make sure you have a dedicated container for Lego and bricks, and ensure it locks or snaps shut. And if you have older kids, remind them to pack up their toys once they’re done playing with them.
18. Bubble wrap

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Bubble wrap might look like a fun thing for a baby to grab (especially with all those little popping noises!) But it’s something you’ll want your child to avoid. As pretty much everything a baby grabs ends up in their mouth at some point, bubble wrap could be a serious choking hazard, or cause problems if tiny shreds of plastic get ingested. Stick with standard baby toys instead.
19. Storage containers of food

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Food containers will probably fascinate your baby. There are all these bits of foods that they don’t understand yet, and shiny jars that they will want to stick into their mouths at any opportunity. While it might be tempting to give one to your baby to play with while you’re cooking, it’s not the best of ideas. Not only are these objects choking hazards, but your baby could also cause a LOT of mess in your kitchen!
20. The recycling bin

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
While some parents definitely wouldn’t let their baby play with garbage, your little ones can get in places you never thought possible. You might turn your back for a few seconds, and they may have crawled somewhere they shouldn’t have! So be sure to move your recycling bin and trash as far away from them as possible, as it’s not a hygienic place for them to explore.
21. Kitchenware

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
While lots of child psychology experts will encourage parents to let their children role-play with wooden spoons, plastic bowls and pots and pans, it might cause problems further down the line. If you’re letting kids play with kitchenware, they won’t understand the difference between when it’s a toy on the floor and when it’s on the stove with a flame underneath.
22. Tissues

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Tissues might seem like a magic box of endless toys to a baby, but this isn’t an ideal thing for your child to find. Tissues can be easily torn up and eaten, which may end up choking your baby. They can also cause blockages in their stomach and intestines, and end up with viruses if the tissues happen to be dirty. It’s therefore a good idea to keep tissues out of sight and away from sticky hands!
23. Dirty laundry

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Mountains of dirty laundry might seem like a great place to crawl into and play. And while some parents won’t see much harm in it, especially as there are no choking hazards involved, there’s one thing you might want to think about. Dirty clothes often hold small amounts of bacteria from body fluids, so it’s something you might want to avoid. We don’t want you to be overly obsessed with germs, so if you do end up letting your baby play in laundry, be sure to give them a bath later.
24. Wrapping paper, bows and ribbons

(Image/ Source: simplehomeblessings.com)
Many parents will have let their little one play in some wrapping paper at some point. And while it’s super cute to watch them get excited about all the shiny paper, it’s yet another choking hazard that could cause your child serious issues. If your child is still putting things in their mouth, keep wrapping paper away from them – the last thing you want is a trip to the emergency room.
25. Cardboard boxes

(Image/ Source: www.hellowonderful.co)
We don’t want to come across as the fun police here. Cardboard boxes WITHOUT anything else in them are absolutely fine, but if you’re letting kids play in boxes that haven’t had plastic bags and packaging removed, you might want to rethink this. Make sure you take every bit of wrapping and plastic out of the box before you let your little one get in!
26. Magnets

(Image/ Source: instructables.com)
Magnets are super dangerous for babies. There have been tons of incidents of babies being rushed to hospital because they swallowed magnets, as they will try and stick together while tearing through organs and tissue. They can also cut off your child’s blood supply, so be sure to keep all magnets out of reach at all times (that includes fridge magnets too).
27. An older child's toys

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you have older kids in the house, it’s not just Lego that you need to keep an eye out for. Small items like Barbie’s shoes can often go unnoticed until your baby decides to put them in their mouth, so be extra vigilant. Encourage your older kids to tidy up properly after they’ve finished playing with their toys – especially those that could be choking hazards.
28. Batteries

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Childproofing your house can definitely take some work. Your baby will discover all sorts of things you didn’t think possible, so you’ll need to take as many precautions as possible – especially with super dangerous items like batteries. While we’ve mentioned cell phones, TV remotes and iPads, be sure to keep any item that contains batteries away from your child. They can be life-threatening if swallowed.
29. Grapes

(Image/ Source: madeformums.com)
You’d think that food would be a safer bet for your baby, right? Well, some foods might seem safe, like grapes, but they can be yet another choking hazard if you don’t cut them up in the right way. This surprising culprit is the perfect size to lodge a windpipe, and can be difficult to extract. We’d recommend cutting grapes into quarters lengthwise if you want to give them to your baby.
30. Marshmallows

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
Another surprising food risk for babies is marshmallows. While tons of parents have allowed their babies to eat them, you might want to tread carefully. As they’re compressible and change texture as they’re eaten, it means they can sometimes get stuck in the wrong place. If you want to give your baby marshmallows, make sure you cut them up into tiny pieces.
31. Things you should definitely be letting your baby play with instead!
image source: reddit.com
There are a ton of household items you can use to engage your growing child with, and use for play, and even better when it can save you money on expensive baby toys! Remember, all of these recommendations are for shared play, so only when you're watching them at all times to prevent any choking hazards or injuries!
32. Ziplock bags
image source: reddit.com
If you want something simple to keep your child busy, the back and forth motion of opening and closing a Ziplock bag is more entertaining than you might think. To make it more interesting, put something inside they like and get them to work out how to open it.
33. Tupperware and lids
image source: reddit.com
A huge cupboard of Tupperware is basically like Lego building blocks to a kid - and bonus if you have all the matching lids! - that they can stack or create with. They'll even have simple fun just taking the lids on and off. Make it more interesting by putting food or toys instead the tubs for them to get.
34. Ice cube trays/molds
image source: reddit.com
This is not only a great toy, but it's a great learning opportunity for them working out their fingers and thumbs! If you place items in the individual spaces, they can practice their grip by picking out the items. Failing that, they can still enjoy using them to touch and play with.
35. Egg crates
image source: reddit.com
In the same way, empty egg crates can also be a great toy for placing things in the holes and having your child pick them out. Egg cartons also let you paint them different colors for a more tailored playtime, or they'll even just get enjoyment from opening and closing the lids!
36. Wine corks
image source: reddit.com
If you've already been stockpiling wine corks like a lot of people do, you'll have some ready to go for the perfect toy. You can use corks for counting and learning games, or to couple with containers or boxes for your kid to place the corks in, or take them back out.
37. Paint brushes
image source: reddit.com
Paintbrushes are underrated as an easy kid's toy, because for starters you have those soft bristles they're going to love touching and playing with, and then you have the fact it's a tool that can be used anyway. They can actually paint with it, or just use it with water on paper for no mess!
38. Clothes pins
image source: reddit.com
As long as you're watching them very closely so they don't get their little pinkies caught in the pin, these are actually extremely fun for a kid to squeeze - we know that even as adults we find it satisfying, right? You can also make it a game for things they can attach them to.
39. Water and ice
image source: reddit.com
Water is one of the number one things you can use for free as an entertaining kids toy - the possibilities really are endless. With water and ice, you can play pouring games from cup to cup, have them play with it in the sink, or filling up a bucket for them to explore.
40. Disposable plastic cups
image source: reddit.com
If your beer pong days are far behind you, put the cups to good use. Your baby or toddler will love using a pile of cups for stacking games or building blocks, or you could also use them as a good old fashioned magic trick where you hide something underneath and shuffle them.
41. Expired credit cards
image source: reddit.com
You're advised to cut up and throw out your old credit cards, but why not use them as an easy kid's toy? You can play shop with your kid with pretend transactions, or make a game where they have to slot the card into another container or gap like a money box. If you don't want to use a credit card, any old card will do!
42. Muffin tins
image source: reddit.com
Muffin trays are a bigger, more durable version of what we said about ice cube trays or egg cartons. You can use the ready-made holes to pop different items in for your kid to choose or try to grip, or you can give them a spare one to paint or decorate as they see fit!
43. Popsicle sticks

image source: reddit.com
The chances are that you're buying popsicles for your kids anyway - and yourself, of course - so why not keep the sticks and make a toy out of them? You can cut a hole in other containers and have your baby slide the sticks through the gap, or make holes in other items for them to pin them in.
44. Plastic water bottles
image source: reddit.com
Babies love the loud crinkly sound of empty plastic water bottles, so if you have a couple, keep hold of them (and reuse them to limit plastic waste) so they can simply hold them, feel them and listen to them. You can also put items in there they can shake or move around!
45. Hampers
image source: reddit.com
If you have a collection of small hampers, then this is a great 'toy' for your toddler to play stacking games with, or picking them up and moving them about. You can use individual hampers to fill with something, like water for a play pool in the summer, or cushions and blankets for inside.
46. Uncooked rice and beans
image source: reddit.com
When you dry rice and beans, you can easily make them into sound games or rattles for your baby or toddler by pouring the grains into empty bottles or containers. Be sure to leave some room and not overfill them so that your baby or toddler can rattle them around!
47. Empty toilet paper rolls
image source: reddit.com
We know how annoying those empty toilet roll tubes can be, and instead of having to carry them all to your recycling, keep them and use them as kids toys! You can do pretty much anything with these things: make them into a telescope or binoculars, or a game for dropping things into!
48. Wooden spoons
image source: reddit.com
Wooden spoons are one of the easiest toys if you have a pile of them in your kitchen! Kids can use them as drumsticks - though you might regret that one after a while - or use them to bang on other containers they have. They can balance them, or slot the handle into things.
49. Sticky tape
image source: reddit.com
Tape is a popular choice for ASMR vids that are all the rage these days, so imagine how fun tape is to a kid that loves sensory play! You can find many great colorful tapes and you can cut them into little strips for your kid to peel back on the table or their high chair.
50. Cupboard doors and drawers
image source: reddit.com
There'll obviously be a stage when you need to baby proof a lot of cupboard doors and drawers, but if you have one small cupboard door in your home that doesn't have anything behind it and you can watch them play, you'll be amazed how easily entertained they are by it opening and closing!