1. Pretended to be a yoga instructor
image source: reddit.com
If you're going to pretend to be something in order to find your one true love, you might as well make it a yoga instructor - least then they'll think you're healthy (and bendy). Unfortunately for this person, their crush asked them to help out leading a yoga class at a campsite... which they did, and even got away with it. Apparently he even bought her a nice yoga mat as a gift.
2. Pretending they were Christian Grey

image source: reddit.com
Most people are guilty of pretending to be a little more experienced in the bedroom when it's their first time with someone new - hey, you can tell them the truth after they fall in love with you, right? Wrong! This person acted as though they were full on Christian Grey - in fact, they'd taken everything they said right out of the Fifty Shades book to try and impress. Instead of falling in love, the guy was pretty creeped out - and left.
3. Stalking their favorite bands
image source: reddit.com
Social media can be very helpful when you're trying to get to know someone - but it can also be a dangerous game when you have a crush. This person decided to check their soulmate's Facebook to find their favorite bands, Google all of them, find lyrics and copy and paste them onto their own social media! But when their crush asked if they liked the bands, they messed up - and the damage was done.
4. Or pretending you hadn't been cyber stalking their entire family
image source: reddit.com
With social media stalking also comes the inevitable peak at who their friends and family are (you have to be able to picture their dream faces for your wedding, right?). But the worst part about doing this is that you have to act cool and casual when they start talking about their family on a date, like you don't already know every single one of their names. Unfortunately, this person slipped up and said A LOT of their names.
5. Drinking tequila to look cool
image source: reddit.com
We all know that people go pretty hot and heavy on the tequila during their college years - and those of us who have been there and done that know exactly why we don't do it anymore - and this person decided to try and impress their crush and hopefully attract love by... well, drinking A LOT of tequila. Because everyone was doing it. She ran to the bathroom but threw up on her hand before she got there - then had to lie to the guy to say it wasn't her vomit!
6. Cooking for 15 people just so a guy might turn up
image source: reddit.com
This person was so determined to get a guy to fall in love with her that she forced her friends to have a party, and cook a huge meal for 15 people, in the hope that her wannabe bae would turn up. He didn't - he text to say he couldn't make it. Luckily, the party was still a fun one, but that's a whole load of food to go to waste in the hope of finding love!
7. Pretending to be a pro skateboarder
image source: reddit.com
The problem with pretending to be something that can easily have physical proof, is that the person is, you know... definitely going to ask for physical proof. So this person pretending to be a pro skateboarder in order to 'attract a mate' didn't go very well when they ended up going out skating together. They obviously face planted, got pretty hurt and started crying.
8. Letting them drink a VERY expensive bottle of wine

image source: reddit.com
This person had a rather expensive bottle of wine lying around, and when you're a broke college student, that's actually kind of a big deal - like a holy grail of things you definitely don't want to waste. But this person was so serious about hopefully attracting a guy that she let one drink the whole bottle. And what happened? He told everyone he loved her
as a friend.
9. Pretending they'd done a certain type of mushroom before

image source: reddit.com
If there's one thing you shouldn't really lie about when trying to find love, it's your experience with certain substances - but this person wanted to impress a guy so told them she'd done shr**ms before (she hadn't) and then had to pretend like she wasn't freaking out about it. Fortunately, the experience turned out okay - the lie? Maybe not so much.
10. Buying the same clothes
image source: reddit.com
This one is pretty creepy if you purposefully buy the EXACT same clothes as the crush because you think they'll fall in love with you, but we all do silly things for love. This person liked someone who wore a bright green vest - very quirky - and went out to buy the identical one to wear it and hopefully entice them. It didn't really work, but the good news is they actually liked the vest.
11. Pretending to love death metal (and letting them pierce an eyebrow!)
image source: reddit.com
If you're going to pretend to like a certain music genre, it probably shouldn't be death metal, because you're definitely not going to enjoy forcing yourself to listen to that if it's not your cup of tea! But this person did - and, to boot, let the person they wanted to date even pierce their eyebrow for them (even though they didn't want it pierced and hated needles). It gets worse/better: they let someone tattoo them, too, so they'd think they were cool. In the end, it turned out it was the opposite gender they were interested in after all!
12. Putting on a British accent - and keeping it going
image source: reddit.com
Most non-British people have a good attempt at a fake British accent under their belt - and this person decided to charm a potential date out of a person by putting on their fake accent in the hope that a "foreign" person would be hot. It actually worked - at first - until they obviously had to keep the accent up for all the time they were dating... but when the guy revealed they had an (actual) British friend visited, they had to ghost them in embarrassment.
13. Sending a haunted chain email
image source: reddit.com
We all remember those creepy chain emails that went round when we younger, right? "IF YOU DON'T SEND THIS TO FOUR OF YOUR FRIENDS SOME CREEPY GIRL FROM A WELL WILL GET YOU". Well, for some reason, this person thought that was a prime opportunity to attract love. They wanted their crush to ask them out, so they wrote a chain email themselves and sent it to his email address, saying that he needed to ASK A GIRL OUT or he'd be haunted by a ghost. Luckily, he followed the instructions - unluckily, he asked out a different girl!
14. Baking and delivering pizza because they had a craving
image source: reddit.com
Just to clarify: this person wasn't a food delivery guy. They weren't even a chef. They had been chatting to a girl they were interested in, who lived around an hour's drive away, when the girl said she had a craving for pizza (as we all do). The guy then proceeded to beg their bestie to make a pizza for them, and then he drove to the girl's house to deliver it. Romantic or crazy? You decide.
15. Dying your hair blue

image source: reddit.com
If you actually want your hair blue anyway, it's a win win. If you the last thing you want is blue hair? It's crazy. This person wanted to impress the person they liked, hoping they'd fall for them, by dying their hair bright blue to hopefully catch their attention (because they had a 'quirky' fashion sense). They never actually got a date with him, and then had to put up with their blue hair for months.
16. Purposefully leaving possessions in their car

image source: reddit.com
When you have a great first date with someone, it's natural to panic that they might not feel the same and never want to see you again. Sure, it hurts, but what you probably shouldn't do is purposefully leave your possessions in their car so that they HAVE to contact you again. This person left their charger in the guy's car in the hope that he'd call her - he did. But is that love, or just decluttering?
17. Created a fake profile
image source: reddit.com
This isn't quite as bad as full on catfishing, but it was a fake profile done to try and find out extra information about someone this girl was crushing on. She made the fake profile so she could add the guy as a friend and check his relationship status, then chat to him to ask whether he was seeing anybody. In their defence, when he confirmed he was single, she deleted the fake profile and started chatting for real!
18. Pretending to be scared during a horror movie

image source: reddit.com
There's something about horror movies that can bring potential soulmates together, especially when one of them decides to lie and act more scared than they are in the hope of getting a little closer! This person pretended to be REALLY scared at the movies so that they could scooch a little closer to their date and hug them. Well, it seemed to work - so take note, ladies.
19. "Accidentally" texting them
image source: reddit.com
We've all had that moment where we've either sent, or been tempted to send, an "accidental" text to someone we like so that it prompts them to reply and you can do the whole "oh my god I'm so sorry!" routine. Well, this person did just that, and text their crush claiming that they were in love with 'someone' - and the guy answered. And now they're married!
20. Acting drunk so you can pretend to forget what you said
image source: reddit.com
Most of us have said some really stupid things when drunk and had the luxury of either genuinely forgetting or being able to say "sorry, I was drunk!". So this guy's plan might actually have made a little bit of sense, when he decided to pretend he was drunk so that he could tell a girl he wanted to ask her out. When she said no, he went about his business the next day as though he couldn't remember the rejection at all!
21. Taking a risk with Truth or Dare
image source: reddit.com
Truth or Dare probably isn't the best thing to play when you're trying to impress someone and hopefully bag a date, but it could go either way, really. This person wanted to impress their crush so much they demanded a dare - and was then asked to streak in only their underwear across the front lawn. They did - and proceeded to have their clothes stolen (including by their crush) and ended up breaking down in tears.
22. Ruining a kid's bouncy castle
image source: reddit.com
One of the worst things you can do when trying to impress someone is ruin a kid's day and make them cry - whether you meant to or not. This girl was trying so hard to attract the attention of a guy she liked that she decided to act fun and carefree on a kid's bouncy castle at a volunteer event. Unfortunately, the castle was made only for kids under 10, and it deflated, resulting in children in tears - and no romantic date.
23. Graffitiing a message of love
image source: reddit.com
Sometimes, love needs grand gestures, and it can either work spectacularly - or fail spectacularly. For this person, they decided - when trying to impress a girl who lived a subway ride away - to graffiti an "I love you" message in pink spray paint on the train platform that she would see during her morning commute. Luckily for him, it impressed her enough to agree to a date.
24. Pretending to be a basketball pro

image source: reddit.com
Just like the skateboarding incident, it's probably best NOT to pretend like you're an expert athlete at something that's going to show quite quickly whether you're talented in it or not. For this person, they hosted a basketball event in the hope their crush would attend, and then proceeded to have to act like they were a pro at the sport... which they obviously weren't. And their crush wasn't impressed.
25. Trying to become a Dr Who pro in 48 hours
image source: reddit.com
Sometimes it's best just to fess up to someone you like and tell them then no actually, you're not a fan of their favorite show, but that doesn't mean you can't still fall in love after all. Instead, this person decided - after finding out the person she wanted to date liked Dr Who - to try and binge watch as many episode as possible during a weekend, Google everything there is to know and try to become an expert. They didn't enjoy the show - and ended up having no chemistry with the guy on the date anyway!
26. Buying a one-way plane ticket on a whim
image source: reddit.com
This one has to be one of the craziest things to do, not least because you're spending all your savings on a ticket to meet a guy who's just a crush, but also forgetting to buy a return! This person bought an expensive plane ticket to Australia - one way - on a whim to meet up with a guy she liked. If it had gone wrong, she'd be stuck with someone who didn't want to date her... without money. Luckily, it worked out - and they did get together!
27. Buying a $250 gift - and having to ask for it back
image source: reddit.com
Buying a gift for someone you like seems a logical thing to do, but at the very least you have to already be dating or at least flirting - and maybe a suitable age to actually start dating properly. This person - a young teenager - stole their brother's money to buy their crush expensive jewelry, which they then had to ask to be given back after their mom demanded they give their brother's money back! Embarrassing to say the least.
28. Changing your entire college major
image source: reddit.com
If there's one thing you probably shouldn't do when you have a crush on someone you've barely spoken to is change your entire college major - and go against everything you want for your own life - just to get the opportunity to speak to them! This person did - completely changed their major to something they didn't even want, ended up talking to him in class, only to find out he wasn't really interested romantically. They then changed their major back...
29. Illegally bungee jumping
image source: reddit.com
Nothing like risking your life and your criminal record history just to try and impress a girl, is there? This guy was so smitten and hoping to find love so desperately that he decided to try and impress his crush by making a daring 180-foot bridge bungee jump attempt. The attempt was actually illegal, not to mention dangerous, but they did end up dating... for a week.
30. Re-enacting THAT scene from Say Anything
image source: reddit.com
Even if you haven't watched the classic movie with John Cusack, you'll probably be aware of the image of a guy standing outside a girl's house holding a boombox in the hope of seducing her with an awesome mixtape. Well it might work in cheesy Hollywood movies but in reality it's a bit weird. This guy didn't think that, though - he went all out and stood outside his crush's house holding a vintage boombox. Turns out she was either not at home, or was very pointedly refusing to come to the window.