1. You feel at peace around them

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If someone is your kindred spirit, you’ll automatically feel calmer and more content by simply being in their company. You might feel a sense of relief or peace that you might not have with many other people, which is a good sign. A kindred spirit doesn’t necessarily need to be a romantic partner – you can be a kindred spirit with anyone! As long as you are like-minded and like-souled people, you can build a shared connection with them.
2. You have a whole lot in common

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
When you finally find your kindred spirit, you might end up feeling like you've met a long-lost friend or relative. Even if you haven’t known the other person for very long, you can quickly build a bond, as kindred spirits tend to share the same quirks, interests and sense of humor. This means you can understand each other in a way that most other people don’t.
3. You can tell what they're thinking and feeling

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Kindred spirits will be very much in tune with each other’s thoughts and feelings. You’ll have that bond where you can communicate silently, and understand exactly what’s going through your kindred spirit’s mind, or predict how they will behave or react in a certain situation. As you tend to see things so similarly, it might feel like you sometimes have a telepathic connection!
4. You see things in the same way
(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
When you are in touch with another person on a deeper, more meaningful level, you’ll both end up having the same outlook and viewpoints on a lot of things in life. There will be strong resonance in your viewpoints, and that will make your bond more special. For example, you might both wear your hearts proudly on your sleeves, and value the process of sharing, showing and expressing emotions.
5. They're a great support system

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Because you have a shared understanding, your kindred spirit will be one of the most important people in your support system. They will be able to help you make decisions that are right for them, and be able to support them through difficult times. You can count on them no matter what, and because you respect and love each other, your bond will continue to grow.
6. You share the same values

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
When you meet your kindred spirit, you’ll feel an instant connection, as you’ll both share a lot of the same values. You both have a shared idea of what the important things are in your lives, and that will form the foundation of who you are as people. And that is a beautiful, uncommon thing. This means your goals will naturally align in most cases.
7. You have a strong connection

(Image/ Source: vice.com)
When it comes to a human connection, kindred spirits tend to have the strongest affinity. Your bond is everything, and that overcomes things like age, race, gender, social class, disability and location. No matter where you are in the world, or how long it takes for you to spend time with each other again, you’ll be able to pick up exactly where you left off.
8. Time goes fast when you're with them

(Image/ Source: visitindy.com)
When you spend time with your kindred spirit, time will feel like it’s speeding up. Because everything will feel natural, meaningful, and low maintenance, you’ll really value and appreciate the time that you share. But time always feels fast when you’re having fun – even if you’re not doing anything other than talking or chilling out at home together.
9. You don't really disagree on things

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Because you and your kindred spirit have the same values quirks, outlooks, beliefs and viewpoints in life, it’s pretty rare that you’ll actively disagree on something. Chances are, your disagreement will be over something teeny tiny (like whether pineapple goes on pizza or not) as you’ll generally be connected on all the important, big-picture stuff.
10. Everything feels easy

(Image/ Source: brbymary.com)
When you find your kindred spirit, everything will feel easy (as it should!). Because you’re essentially the same person with shared understandings and values, you won’t fight about things, or run into the conflicts and major disagreements that a lot of people can have. You’ll naturally have a great, meaningful relationship, which will only get stronger over time.
11. You have a strong sense of trust

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Kindred spirits have a super strong sense of trust – and sometimes, that trust can go unspoken, because you both already know the other person will always be there for you no matter what. Because your bond is sacred, you know that you’ll be able to turn to your kindred spirit in any situation. And these people are the gems you need when times get tough.
12. You feel safe

(Image/ Source: vantagenews.co.uk/ Xposure)
A relationship between kindred spirits isn’t just about trust – it’s about safety too. Many of us won’t tend to feel completely 100% safe with most people, but with your kindred spirit, you’ll feel a sense of ease and safety by being in their company, or even just talking to them over the phone or on a video call. They can bring the peace and calm that other people just can’t.
13. You learn more about yourself

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Kindred spirits can come into your life and remind you who you really are. They might bring back old passions and viewpoints, or teach you to embrace life in the way you used to think was best. When interacting with your kindred spirit, they’ll hold up a mirror to show you who you are, what your purpose is, and what you want and need out of your life.
14. You have a shared instinct

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’ve already found your kindred spirit, you’ll know that you have a shared instinct for most things. You can suss out exactly when they need you, how they will feel about something, and whether something will be a good or bad idea. You don’t even need to confirm this verbally; because your bond is so strong, you already know what your kindred spirit is thinking.
15. They motivate you

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A kindred spirit can be one of your biggest motivators in life. Because they understand you (sometimes better than you understand yourself!) they’ll be able to encourage and motivate you to do things that are good for you. And while you might not always want to push yourself, you know deep down that your kindred spirit knows best, and always has your best interests at heart.
16. You bring out the best in each other

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Your kindred spirit will feel like your best friend and partner in crime. While some kindred spirits end up in a romantic relationship, not everyone does – and there’s no pressure to do so. You’ll still work as a team, and you’ll still be able to bring out the best in each other in a way that nobody else can. This will feel natural, as you’ll have the same perspectives and morals.
17. They're always with you, even when you're physically apart

(Image/ Source: leidenpsychologyblog.nl)
Life gets really busy sometimes; people are busy with their families and work, and many of us end up moving away from the place we were born. But true friendship spans geographies, and your kindred spirit will still feel like they’re there with you, even if they’re miles away. Your connection is raw, deep and meaningful, and just because they’re not physically present, doesn’t mean they’re not with you in spirit.
18. They're your biggest cheerleader (sometimes literally)

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Your kindred spirit will quite likely be your biggest cheerleader – literally! They will know your strengths, your weaknesses, and will help you and support you with whatever you need. Because you have a shared understanding, you’ll often anticipate your kindred spirit’s needs before they realize them themselves. And this is a really positive thing.
19. You complement each other

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
When you find your kindred spirit, you will know instantly. You will naturally be able to complement each other, and your personalities and energies will quickly mesh together. Nothing will feel forced with them; you will be able to work together as a team to solve problems and move forward in each of your lives, whether you’re together or you’re apart.
20. They understand what you've been through

(Image/ Source: metro.co.uk)
Some people can’t or won’t show empathy or understanding to you – especially when it comes to the difficult things you’ve gone through in life. But your kindred spirit won’t let you down. They will be able to understand the things you’ve experienced – and sometimes that understanding might go unspoken. Because your connection is deep, you will know you’re on the same page, and will be able to support each other through the good and the bad.
21. You miss them more than most people

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We all miss our friends and loved ones through life, but when you’ve met your kindred spirit, you’ll miss them more than most. As you have a deep, meaningful understanding between each other, you’ll be able to overcome physical absences – but that doesn’t mean to say you wish you didn’t have them around a lot more! They’re the yin to your yang after all.
22. They know what to do when you're struggling

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If you’re going through a lot in your life, or you’re just having a bad day now and again, your kindred spirit will be able to help you through like nobody else can. As they have a detailed understanding of how your brain and emotions work, they will have natural empathy, and know exactly what to do to support you. These are the people you rely on when times get tough.
23. The can make you laugh more than anyone else

(Image/ Source: tvshowace.com)
Having that kindred spirit isn’t just mutual support and unspoken understanding – it’s about fun too! Because you’re both on the same page 99.99% of the time, you’ll have the same humor, interests and quirks. This means that you’ll be able to roar with laughter in a way that you can’t usually do with other people, which is a great thing for both of you.
24. They know your hopes, dreams and ambitions

(Image/ Source: runstreet.com)
When you have a kindred spirit, you’ll have someone who’s not only on your team at all times, but also someone who understands your hopes, dreams, and ambitions. And they might understand them better than you sometimes understand them! This means they’ll be able to support you and keep you on track toward your goals. Think of them as your personal life coach.
25. You bring each other up

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Sometimes in life, you meet people who are super positive and have a great effect on those around them. And while your kindred spirit won’t be able to do that for everyone, they will definitely be able to do that for you! They will generally find it easier than others to bring you up when you’re down, and keep you moving forward even when life gets difficult.
26. They see themselves in you, and you see yourself in them

(Image/ Source: texashillcountry.com)
Kindred spirits are two peas in a pod. As you have so much in common, you’ll naturally see yourself in them, and they will see themselves in you. Kindred spirits essentially hold up a mirror to another person, which develops a great bond and sense of intimacy that can’t be matched. If you’ve met someone that you feel this with, make sure you stay connected with them!
27. You make each other feel more complete

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
A lot of people in romantic relationships say they sometimes feel like half their whole when their partner isn’t with them, or that they don’t feel complete. But this can happen with kindred spirits too. When you’ve found that natural affinity with someone, they will almost feel like an extension of yourself; they are just like you, and will help you become your best self.
28. You can go to them for anything

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Do you ever feel awkward about approaching someone for support? Or maybe it feels difficult to ask for help with something? While we’ve all probably experienced this at some point, the sense of awkwardness that comes with it is minimal when you speak to a kindred spirit. You know you can speak to them about absolutely anything, which means you’ll be able to support each other through any given situation (including the embarrassing stuff).
29. There's no judgement

(Image/ Source: youtube.com)
Because there’s no awkwardness between you, you can not only get stuff off your chest that you can’t share with anyone else, but you can also guarantee that they will never, ever judge you. They will let you speak and express your feelings without giving their own opinion – and even if they do have their own thoughts, they will likely align with your own.
30. You bond can't be broken

(Image/ Source: pinterest.com)
The bond between kindred spirits goes beyond being best friends. They are your unofficial other half, as you have a sense of intimacy, friendship, respect and understanding that’s rare to find with most people. While you’ll always have this connection, even if you’re apart most of the time, be sure to treasure it; it’s a sacred bond that will benefit both of you in ways you won't expect.