1. Don't crowd the doors

(Image/ Source: pinterest.com)
The subway can get super crowded – especially at rush hour. This is why it’s a really good idea not to crowd the door, as this doesn’t help anyone – including you! Make sure you actually give passengers enough space to get off the train before you decide to board, so don’t stand directly in front of the train doors. Stand at the edge of the doors instead.
2. Clean your hands

(Image/ Source: nbcnews.com)
We’re in a post-pandemic world, and while it’s great we’re getting back to normal, it can be good to stay on top of your hygiene routine. Try to carry some hand sanitizer with you at all times, and give your hands a good clean before you get onto your train. We’d also recommend cleaning your hands afterward to get rid of any germs you picked up during the journey.
3. Let pregnant/old/disabled people sit down

(Image/ Source: gothamist.com)
This is the subway golden rule – but there are a LOT of people out there that need reminding of this. Subways have designated areas for pregnant, old and disabled people, so it’s pretty straightforward – make sure you let them sit in these seats! If you’re vacating a space that isn’t for you and you refuse to move, you come across as rude. Be a good Samaritan and help those around you.
4. Keep music and phone calls to yourself

(Image/ Source: sgvtribune.com)
As subway etiquette goes (and public transport in general), please don’t blast music and phone conversations for the entire carriage to hear. It’s super annoying, and everyone in the vicinity will hate you. Simply use your headphones like everyone else. So that means no loud TikToks, video calls, speaker phone calls or cool new songs you’ve found on Spotify.
5. If you take food and drink with you, be sensible

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Another simple rule, but some people seem to find it super hard to follow. If you’re going to take food and drink with you, make sure it’s discreet (meaning it won’t stink the carriage out or go all over your fellow passengers) and, you know, try not to throw it all over the place. Use your common sense. It’s also important to take your rubbish away with you.
6. Don't put your feet up on other seats

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Another subway riding tip – don’t put your feet up on the seats. Please. Nobody wants to sit on a seat that’s covered in all sorts of dirt from your shoes, and it actively prevents people from sitting down during their journey. If you decide to do it ignore this advice and do it anyway (especially at rush hour) be prepared to feel your fellow passengers’ wrath.
7. In fact, just watch where you put your feet altogether

(Image/ Source bloomberg.com)
Subways are lurching, shifting environments, so be sure to give people enough space to rebalance themselves. This is much easier said than done when you’re all crammed together like sardines, but stepping on people or not giving them enough space to stand can cause serious altercations. If in doubt, try to stand at an angle to the direction the train is moving, as this will help you stay upright.
8. Check and double check your train

(Image/ Source: nytimes.com)
A simple rule, but let’s be honest – who hasn’t ended up on the wrong train at some point? Subway maps can get a little confusing sometimes – especially if you’re in a new city or country – so be sure to check, double check (and occasionally triple check) you’re going in the right direction. And if you happen to get stuck or lost, just ask an attendant for help.
9. Hold on to something

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
The subway can get a little bumpy, and they change speed and direction really quickly. So if you find yourself standing up, be sure to hold onto something. We’ve all seen the consequences of people not holding on to rails, walls or ceilings while riding the subway; people move about, fall into others, or end up on the floor. Find yourself a safe spot and brace yourself for the ride.
10. Do NOT manspread

(Image/ Source: gothamist.com)
Space is limited on a subway, so don’t be hogging the space. You have zero right to encroach on other people’s space through manspreading, and it can make people (especially women) feel super uncomfortable. Do the decent thing for your fellow passengers and stick to your allocated seat space. You can definitely manage to do a 20 minute subway ride without spreading your legs as far as humanly possible.
11. Get the right ticket

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
This might be easier said than done sometimes, but be sure to check which tickets you need, and whether you need different ones if you’re traveling at a particular time of the day (like rush hour). If you’re not sure what ticket you need, go to a ticket office or ask an attendant to help you – the last thing you need is to be fined for having the wrong ticket!
12. Mind the gap

(Image/ Source: wired.co.uk)
Always stand away from the edge of the platform. Follow the rules of the station and stand well away from trains coming past, as it could be fatal; even if a train’s going at a slow speed, it can still suck you in and crush you in seconds. You should also be careful when getting on and off the train, as there can be big gaps between the train and the platform.
13. Scoot over

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
If you’re sitting in an aisle seat and blocking someone from getting to the seat next to you, you might want to rethink this. You shouldn’t be preventing other passengers from accessing seats, so do the decent thing and scoot up to the window seat. If you don’t, you can’t be surprised if someone asks you to budge up and make space. In fact, it’s just easier to shimmy over to the window most of the time.
14. Respect the space

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
This is a biggie. As you’re sharing a space, try and be respectful to other passengers, as well as staff members who work the trains. And while you’re not technically responsible for the space you’re in, you shouldn’t think you have a green light to litter, stick chewing gum on seats or make a mess, or behave inappropriately towards others. If in doubt, follow the golden rule: don’t be an idiot.
15. Don't solicit

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
There are certain subways in New York that will be full of people soliciting, but it’s really not fun for other passengers. Nobody wants to hear you loudly express your views about your religion, cult, or politics, and you definitely shouldn’t be telling people they’re going to hell as they’re on their morning commute. Oh, and you shouldn’t be hitting on people either, which should go without saying.
16. Watch your kids

(Image/ Source: flikr.com)
Taking kids on the subway isn’t the easiest of tasks, but if you do decide to brave it, try and, you know, make sure they don’t get up to mischief. They could get seriously injured, and cause a lot of stress for your fellow passengers. Ensure your kids know that the train is not a jungle gym, and there is absolutely no need for them to play tag up and down the aisle.
17. Be polite

(Image/ Source: yahoo.com)
Manners go a long way, and they don’t cost a cent. While we’re not saying you need to go above and beyond for your fellow passengers, simply letting someone else get on the train before you, or offering someone a seat, can really make a difference. Everyone is in the same situation, so try and make it more pleasant for yourself and the people around you.
18. Mind your luggage

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
We all know how crowded the subway can get, especially at rush hour. So make sure you keep your luggage as much out of the way as possible. Keep aisles clear, and ensure it doesn’t block people’s path to get on and off the train. Blocked aisles can be a serious safety hazard, and backpacks can pose a risk too; if you don’t take it off, you can end up swinging your bag into someone’s face.
19. Take your bag off the chair

(Image/ Source: dailymail.co.uk)
You do not need to take up an entire seat for your belongings. It can be difficult if you’ve got tons of bags and luggage, but you should try to put your bag on your lap so someone else can sit down. We’ve all seen the video of the woman who refused to remove her Louis Vuitton bag from a seat on the subway in New Jersey, and it didn’t end well for her. So be nice and move your stuff.
20. Don't swipe your card too fast or too slow

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Swiping your card at the right speed can be something of an art form. Sometimes you’ll go through without a hitch, and other times, the ticket machine will decide it doesn’t want to play ball. Don’t overload it by going too fast; you might get stuck, and possibly charged twice for the journey. Going too slow means your card won’t register, so try and look at what your fellow passengers are doing.
21. The pole is for holding only - NOT dancing

(Image/ Source: funnyordie.com)
There are a few people that need reminding about this one! Pole dancing on the subway has become a bit of a thing over the years, and while it can definitely be entertaining, it’s not the safest of pursuits. Not only can you fall from a height, but you also might crush other passengers in the process. Oh, and it stops other people from holding on to the pole for safety, which is can be a particular concern for those who are pregnant, elderly or disabled.
22. Avoid striking up conversation with people who don't want to be bothered

(Image/ Source: inewsnetwork.net)
A lot of us will have experienced the awkwardness that comes with a stranger talking to you on public transport. And while it can be okay in small doses on occasion, there always seems to be that one person who just won’t shut up, even if you have your headphones in. Don’t talk to people who don’t want to be bothered, as you just come off as annoying.
23. Make sure your card hasn't expired

(Image/ Source: nycsubwayguide.com)
Hands up – who’s been caught out with this one before? You’re late for a get-together with friends, and you should have been on the subway half an hour ago. And bang on cue, your card has insufficient funds, which means wasting more topping it back up again. Try and stay on top of how much money you’ve got on your card as regularly as you can to avoid these situations!
24. Avoid falling asleep at all costs

(Image/ Source: mirror.co.uk)
Falling asleep on the subway is never a good thing. You might end up falling asleep on other passengers, which will REALLY annoy them, or you might well miss the stop you need to get off at. This is especially dangerous when you’ve had a few too many drinks. There have been countless tales of people ending up miles away from where they needed to be because they drifted off, so don’t be one of them!
25. Don't stare at your neighboring passengers (or their phones)

(Image/ Source: metro.co.uk)
A handy tip; if you’re riding the subway, don’t be weird and stare at your fellow passengers. It’s creepy, and makes people feel uncomfortable. The same goes for staring at other people’s phone screens; not only is it very nosy indeed, but it’s also an encroachment on people’s privacy. Keep your head down and avoid freaking your fellow passengers out.
26. Don't get all your make up out

(Image/ Source: flikr.com)
If you’re in a rush and you need to do your makeup on the subway, you might want to think again. As there are so many germs and bacteria floating around, you end up getting all of this in your makeup, and on your face too. Say you’ve just held the rail, and then you start touching up your face. You’ve effectively spread all the germs of other people all over you. Plus, some passengers believe doing makeup on the train is bad manners.
27. Stand on the correct side of the escalators

(Image/ Source: washingtonpost.com)
Some countries will have different etiquette, but in America, you should be standing on the right hand side, just like in the UK. At no point should you be standing on the left and blocking this space for people who need to get past quickly. Unfortunately though, a LOT of people forget about this rule, which causes blockages and arguments on a daily basis.
28. Arrive at the station with time to spare

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
Sometimes, getting to the station with plenty of time to spare isn’t always possible. But if you can, try and get there a little early to avoid stress. You don’t want to have to run through the station if you can help it! Plus, you’ve got time to top up your card, and double check your route if you’re going somewhere new. It’s always good to be organized.
29. Use your indoor voice

(Image/ Source: reddit.com)
One really simple rule; don’t be loud and shouty on the subway. Everyone hates it, and it makes fellow passengers feel uncomfortable. We know you can end up raising your voice when talking to someone because of the roar of the train, but being obnoxiously loud and boisterous really isn’t recommended. Try and talk quietly to the person you’re with so you’re not deafening your neighbors.
30. Always wait in line

(Image/ Source: dezeen.com)
Some people just don’t know how to queue, do they? We’ve all probably seen someone skip the line and barge their way through to the ticket barrier at some point, which really isn’t good etiquette. Everyone’s in the same boat, so be fair, be patient, and wait your turn without getting angry. We teach this to kids, so a lot of adults should know better!