30 Things That Zodiac Signs Teach Us About Friendships

By Juliet Smith 8 months ago

Aries (March 21 - April 19)

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Friends who are Aries may teach us a thing or two about the importance of being genuine and having unlimited energy. In most groups, they are the ones who come up with new ideas and spark enthusiasm. That means that having an Aries companion in your life is a great reminder to take charge of your relationships and liven things up, because Aries will always light up a room.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20)

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The Bull represents solidity and devotion in friendships, so good news for those who were born in the Taurus dates. They show us the value of reliability and predictability and friendships with Taureans are built on trust and dependability. As we get older, friendships that withstand the test of time are far and few between, so you’ll want to hold them close.

Gemini (May 21 - June 20)

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The Twins symbolize Gemini, an air sign that enriches friendships with its versatility and clear speech. They best thing about Geminis as friends is that they’ll but upfront and frank with you! It might seem a bit harsh, but they’re always doing it for the best. Geminis are attentive and interesting chat partners and they are a constant reminder that open dialogue is the key to mending rifts and strengthening bonds.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22)

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Cancer is represented by the crab and is noted for the depth of their emotions and the care they provide to their friends. They show us how vital it is to take care of special bonds and Cancers are the most compassionate people you'll ever meet. They show how important it is to have friends who can be there for you, whether you need them or not.

Leo (July 23 - August 22)

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Friendships benefit from the Lion's openness and willingness to express themselves. They show us the importance of being your true self and encouraging you to speak your mind and truth. Our Leo pals love the limelight and constantly urge their friends to do the same, often putting them on a pedestal. They show us how important it is to have and display confidence and individuality in friendship.

Virgo (August 23 - September 22)

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Virgos are associated with the Virgin and are noted for their dependability and keen eye for detail in friendships. They show us that the smallest actions may have the greatest impact. Friends who are Virgos are careful and considerate and they serve as a gentle reminder that a kind word or deed may go a long way toward cementing friendships.

Libra (September 23 - October 22)

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The Libra, represented by the Scales, helps friends learn to get along with one another and find common ground. They show us the value of compromise and the charm of equilibrium. As natural mediators, Libra buddies are great for keeping the peace at any gathering. They teach us that friendship requires giving and taking in order to thrive. Keep your Libras close!

Scorpio (October 23 - November 21)

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Next up on the list are Scorpios. The Scorpio shows us the importance of true friendship and the commitment that comes with it. They are the kind of people that make you remember that trust and a deep knowledge of one another are the foundations of a lasting relationship. People often say that being friends with Scorpios are the best type of friend you’re ever going to get.

Sagittarius (November 22 - December 21)

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Sagittarius, symbolized by the Archer, infuses friendships with a sense of adventure and a drive to develop and progress. They show us how fun it is to go on adventures with your loved ones; there’s nothing better than sharing those memories. Sagittarius friendships inspire us to maintain an optimistic outlook and welcome novelty in our social circles.

Capricorn (December 22 - January 19)

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Capricorn teaches us, via the Goat, the value of perseverance and the importance of teamwork in order to accomplish our goals, by being a supporting and loving friend. They are the kind of friend that inspires you to work hard and aim high because they demonstrate what you can achieve when you put in the time and effort. You won’t regret being a friend with a Capricorn.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

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As the Water Bearer, the Aquarius enriches connections with originality and a fresh viewpoint. They instruct us to celebrate individuality and variety. Friends of Aquarius tend to be the group's mavericks and free spirits, serving as a reminder that our diversity may also be our greatest asset. You’ll often find Aquarius have loads of friends, and there’s a reason for that.

Pisces (February 19 - March 20)

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Pisces, symbolized by the Fish, teaches us the value of emotional support and the necessity of empathizing with others. They remind us to be there for each other in good times and bad, and they do it with empathy and intuition. Some friends can be fair weather friends; they’re only there for the best of times, and not the worst. But you won’t find this is any Pisces.

The Fire signs (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

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Now, onto the zodiac groupings. First up on this list, we have the Fire signs. They show us how to be more enthusiastic in our relationships and how to learn from our mistakes. They serve as a timely reminder that positivism and energy may spread from one person to another, making for stronger, more engaging bonds. These guys really do make stern, but fantastic friends.

The Earth Signs (Taurus, Virgos, and Capricorns)

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Friendships formed between these three amazing signs tend to be steady and dependable. They show us how important it is to rely on each other and be trustworthy in order to have satisfying relationships. These companions are like the bedrock that supports us and gives us peace of mind. No wonder they are named so gallantly after our dependable Earth.

The Air Signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius)

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Friendships between air signs are characterized by open dialogue and mental stimulation. They educate us on the importance of ideas and sharing friendships over things in common. These companions inspire us to talk about important things, you’ll often find conversations dominated by politics, and take risks intellectually, they don’t settle for the least these three!

The Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)

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Water Signs educate us about our feelings and how to understand the complexities of our connections with others. They serve as a helpful reminder that displaying emotional openness and honesty is crucial to developing genuine relationships with people. That’s why you’ll often find that Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces people will always talk frankly with you about how they’re feeling.

The Cardinal Signs (Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn)

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The lessons of leadership and friendship initiative that Cardinal signs provide are invaluable. They are the ones who tend to take the lead in making plans and pushing us to take action, which ultimately benefits our relationships for the better! You won’t regret being friends with these three, and they’re definitely the ones who will push you to achieve what’s best for you.

Fixed Signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius)

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The lessons of fixed signs include the value of perseverance and the power of unshakable devotion in friendships. Friends like that teach us the importance of a constant companion no matter the circumstances. It’s hard to make it through life without someone supportive by your side, but you’ll always find that in these four Zodiac signs. Go out and find one!

The Mutable Signs (Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces)

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The lessons of mutable signs are those of flexibility and going with the flow in your friendships, and just relationships across the board to be honest! They serve as a timely reminder that change is inevitable, and that openness to new experiences is essential in order for friendships to survive. The lesson can be translated into any aspect of your life; resistance to change will get you nowhere.

The Power of Fire (Aries and Leo)

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These two are the solid powerhouses of the Fire signs. Together, they may show us how rewarding it is to take charge and how much fun life can be. They motivate us to follow our hearts and take control of our friendships with confidence and assurance. If Aries and Leos are ever friends, there’s nothing that can stand in the way of that cemented bond.

The Power of Earth (Taurus and Virgo)

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Matching these two Earth signs together will just about give you the best friendship you can get. Taurus and Virgo show us the value of dependability and the peace it may provide. They demonstrate that trust is established through constant effort and presence with each other. You’ll find that Taurus and Virgos can be inseparable, because their Earth energy is far too strong to be matched.

The Power of Air (Gemini and Libra)

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The twin air signs of Gemini and Libra have a lot to teach us about making and maintaining connections with others. They inspire us to reach out to others, which in turn strengthens our bonds. When these two come together and form a friendship, it’s more like an alliance, and they really due withstand everything life throws at them. These two are friends until the end of time.

The Power of Water (Cancer and Scorpio)

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These two water signs, Cancer and Scorpio, have much to teach us about the value of feeling and the strength of intuition. They serve as a helpful reminder that friends appreciate it when we are honest about how we feel. You’ll never hear a more open conversation than when these two get together and start discussing how they’ve felt; their openness only solidifies their everlasting bond.

The Mutuals (Sagittarius and Aquarius)

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The connection between the mutual signs Saigttarius and Aquarius teaches us the value of individuality and the joys of mutual development. They inspire us to follow our own paths and rejoice in one another's successes. These two signs are never trying to push the other one down so they can get to the top. Instead, they lift each other so they can get to the top together.

The Poles (Capricorn and Pisces)

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Friendship lessons from the polar opposite signs of Capricorn and Pisces tread carefully between both realism and fantasy. They demonstrate how realistic and imaginative approaches may produce harmonious partnerships. It’s an odd pairing, to say the least, but the imagination of these pair tend to provide some fantastic and strong outcomes, leading them to become the best version of themselves.

The Opposites

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There’s a few opposites within the Zodiac world, and these are Aries and Libra, Taurus and Scorpio, Gemini and Sagittarius, Cancer and Capricorn, Leo and Aquarius, Virgo and Pisces. The Opposite signs teach the importance of harmony and mutual support in friendship. They stress the need to accept both the positive and negative aspects of a relationship in order to achieve balance.

The Moon Signs

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You can learn so much more about your emotional requirements and how they affect your friendships just by taking some time to investigate your moon signs. Doing so, you can better traverse the emotional terrain of relationships if we know our own moon signs and the moon signs of our companions. Trust me, once you’ve read up on all things Zodiac, you’ll see life through a new lens.

The Rising Signs

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What can you learn through finding out your rising signs? Well, the rising sign tells us about our social persona and how we come across to our friends. They shed light on the impressions we make and the enthusiasm we bring to the table at the outset of relationships. Finding this out about yourself will only help you adapt to social situations better, and maintain some pretty strong friendships.

The Pairings

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It's easier to comprehend and connect with companions whose elemental energies are comparable to our own, as shown by the pairings of the four classical elements (Fire with Fire, Earth with Earth, Air with Air, and Water with Water). Having shared beliefs and passions facilitates a profound bond between them. Think about all of your best friends, then think about their Zodiac signs too.

Harmony in Friendships

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Harmony in friendships requires a balance of receptive (Yin) and forceful (Yang) energy, and the Zodiac may teach us this. They serve as a helpful reminder that sustaining a good social life requires striking a balance in how we engage with our friends. You shouldn’t make your friends feel like it’s a chore to be friends with you, but also you shouldn’t leave them on read for months at a time. Friendship is a two way (Yin and Yang) street!

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