Mistakes Every Dog Owner Makes

By Lauren Mccluskey 8 months ago

1. Skipping the vet

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When you're a dog owner, it can be really tempting to skip the vet, especially because of the incredible cost of it.  Even for a routine checkup, you feel like you're breaking the bank so it's quite tempting to avoid taking your beloved pooch on a regular basis.  Obviously, this can be a problem, especially if skipping their routine check-up means that a more serious illness is missed.

2. Inadequate training

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A huge mistake that dog owners tend to make is not training them properly.  Dogs need to be trained from a young age and the training needs to be adequate and also consistent.  This is to prevent future behavioral problems and possible aggression that might arise due to a lack of attention in this area.  Unfortunately, inadequate training can prove to be a huge issue as they grow, ultimately resulting in owners giving their dogs up due to their behavior, or even with other dogs or people being attacked.

3. Not socialising them

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Dogs need to be socialized with other dogs so they can learn how to behave with them appropriately.  If they're not properly socialized, dogs live in a tiny world which means that when they go out and see lots of new people, places, and other dogs, they can become overwhelmed and not know how to behave.  They might even resist meeting new people or even going for walks.

4. Not feeding them properly

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For a dog to thrive, you need to make sure you feed them a nutritious diet with everything they need for their health and well-being.  But often, their owners make poor food choices, as well as overfeeding or underfeeding them, meaning that their health could be at risk.  Certain foods like onions and garlic can also be toxic to dogs and are likely to cause gastrointestinal health issues.

5. Not providing enough opportunities for exercise

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As well as making poor food choices, dog owners also commonly miss out on the well-needed exercise every dog needs for their health and well-being.  Not taking them out for a walk can be a missed opportunity to let your dog run off its energy so it doesn't trash your home out of boredom.  They can also become obese and face further health problems, making your vet's bills skyrocket and your dog sick.

6. Ignoring their teeth

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Even if you think you've got your dog's health in check by making good choices when it comes to nutrition, exercise, and vets, you might be missing out on their dental care.  Many dog owners make the mistake of ignoring their beloved pet's teeth health which can lead to health problems for them.  Chew sticks and regular checkups can help with this.

7. Not grooming regularly enough

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Your dog also needs to be groomed regularly, especially if they have long fur that gets matted.  Take them to the local dog groomers for some pampering to avoid them becoming uncomfortable and perhaps experiencing skin conditions.  In between, you can make sure they get bathed at home in order to keep them fresh and clean.  And be sure to hose them down after a muddy walk too.

8. Punishing them

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Another mistake dog owners tend to make is the way they punish them.  Now obviously, your beloved pooch needs to know that you're the one that's in control, and that means in control of their favorite activities and snacks.  So a recommended way to discipline your dog might be to withhold these when they've done something wrong.  But you need to make it clear where they went wrong so they understand why they're being disciplined.  This needs to be done immediately too in order to correct your dog's behavior.

9. Not providing a quiet place

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Dogs absolutely love your company, but this doesn't mean that they want to be around you all the time.  They also need their own space, especially if you have a busy household with kids and lots of visitors.  So providing them with a quiet and comfortable place to retreat to will be beneficial to them.  And not doing so could cause them undue stress that might lead to behavior problems.

10. Letting them get bored

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Letting the boredom set in with dogs is like leaving lit dynamite in your drawer: At some point, it IS going to explode.  So letting your dog get bored can only mean that they will let you know one way or another.  And it's probably not going to end well for you, particularly if they've been left in the house by themselves.  You're probably going to come back to a completely trashed home.

11. Ignoring the basics

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Dog training has some simple foundations that come in the form of some of the most well-known and basic commands.  These include 'sit', 'stay', 'potty', 'quiet', 'come', and 'lay down'.  And if you neglect to teach them these commands during training, then how do you expect them to obey more complicated rules as they grow?  Ignoring the basics can be really detrimental to your dog's training.

12. Neglecting parasite control

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Parasites like ticks, fleas, and roundworms can cause a lot of discomfort and health issues for your pup, so it's important to regularly treat them with appropriate treatments.  For example, it is recommended by experts that you worm your puppy every month until they are six months old and then once a month after this.  And if you neglect parasite control, you could also be plagued by fleas and ticks!

13. Not getting their ID

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When you're a dog owner, it is super important that you make sure you get them an identification tag that includes your contact details, as well as getting them microchipped.  This way, if your beloved pet becomes lost for some reason, then at least there is a good chance that they will be returned to you safe and sound because whoever found them knows who to contact.

14. Skipping training on the leash

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When you are training your pup, it is also important not to make the mistake of skipping leash training.  Obviously, when you take them on a walk, you are going to use a leash, but a lot of the time, dogs tend to not take to this too well without proper training.  For example, they might pull too much, which could be a problem if they pull you over when they're bigger, or they could cause injuries to themselves.

15. Ignoring changes in behavior

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Sometimes, dogs might change their behavior, for example, they might become more aggressive, skittish, nervous, or even subdued.  Like with humans, a change in behavior or personality could mean something more serious is going on.  Perhaps they've become more nervous or aggressive because of how they've been treated, or become more subdued or seem to lack energy because there is something going on with their health.  Whatever it is, be sure to get them checked out.

16. Not setting boundaries

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Not setting boundaries and letting your dog get away with anything they want could cause lots of problems for you and your household.  You see, without proper boundaries or training, dogs could rule the house, become aggressive, or even completely unmanageable.  And this could be dangerous for your family, other people, and even the dog!

17. Skipping mental enrichment

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Dogs need a little mental enrichment to test them and increase their brain function.  So providing them with puzzles and the like can really help with their development and mental health.  Some significant studies have found that this kind of mental stimulation can help dogs manage anxiety and frustration which can help with their overall well-being.

18. Not properly introducing them

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When you get a dog, it is important that you introduce them properly to the people living in your home, as well as people who might visit or see out and about.  This can help with their reaction to people, so they are not shocked by any strangers entering their house.  Introducing them slowly and not forcing them can help them to develop their trust in another person.

19. Not caring for their ears and eyes

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If your dog seems healthy in itself, like with their dental care, some owners also forget about their ear and eye health.  This obviously needs attention and being vigilant of behavior and the visual health of your dog can help to look after their ears and eyes.  If these are not looked after, problems can lead to a lack of balance, deafness, blindness, and flickering eye movements.

20. Not getting them insured

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When you get a dog, vet bills might be at the back of your mind, especially as they're so expensive.  But one thing that can help you with these, should your dog be involved in an accident or need lifetime care would be to make sure you set up an insurance plan for your pet.  Make sure you shop around on price comparison websites though to find the best deal.

21. Not properly introducing grooming tools

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Grooming tools can look pretty alarming to a dog.  So if you want a stress-free grooming routine for both your dog and you, you should make sure you properly introduce the tools that you use.  Let them get familiar with them before going in and attempting to brush through their fur.  And let them do it in their own time, the key is to not rush these kinds of things with dogs.

22. Not controlling the jumping up

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Lots of dogs jump up at people to say hello.  But this isn't really appropriate behavior and if your dog is a big one, it can cause people to actually fall and injure themselves.  So be sure to control their jumping up as part of your training from the start so they know that they're not allowed to do it to anyone.  Letting them jump up at some people and not others can be an issue too as it might also confuse them.

23. Not considering choking hazards

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When your dog is playing with a toy, a chew, or a bone, you need to be aware that sometimes, they can cause choking hazards.  This means that you should be aware of these risks and to reduce the risk of choking, make sure that you supervise them whilst they play with their toy, or chew on their bone or chew.  Be aware of external choking hazards on walks too.

24. Not cleaning up after them

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Probably one of the most annoying things about dog owners is when they do not clean up after their dog when they poop.  Leaving it on the sidewalk or in the park or woods can make people step in it which is not what people need.  And did you know that dog poop can also cause blindness in children in severe cases?  So be sure to clean up after your dog, it's your responsibility.

25. Not educating yourself on the breed

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Different breeds of dogs have very different temperaments and common health conditions and because of this, will need specific training and varied care.  Not educating yourself on your chosen breed could mean that you don't train or care for them adequately, which could cause problems for you in the long run.  For example, if your dog injures someone, or becomes sick because you haven't managed their care properly.

26. Not providing a comfortable place to sleep

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Not providing your beloved pet a comfortable place to sleep is like making your kids sleep on the floor.  If they don't have somewhere with a bed and blankets, then how do you expect them to sleep well?  They might even wake up in the night and howl or bark, waking everyone up just because they're uncomfortable and unhappy.  If this is happening, maybe check out their sleeping arrangements and see if night wakings improve.

27. Not monitoring their weight

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Not monitoring your dog's weight could lead to more serious health problems for them.  If they get obese, they are at higher risk of health problems including diabetes which you would have to manage.  And if they lose weight for no obvious reason, then they might have a health condition that might need checking out, and ignoring it could cause it to get worse.

28. Not considering their age

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You need to make sure you also consider their age, particularly when getting them to obey commands and when you're planning activities for them too.  If they're particularly young, they might not understand certain commands just yet and long walks might tire them out too much.  And you might have the same issues when they get older, like if they begin to lose their hearing and can't actually hear commands.  Long walks might also be an issue in old age too as their body isn't what it used to be.

29. Not showing enough affection

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Not showing them enough affection is heartbreaking.  Dogs tend to show their owners unconditional love, and when it's not reciprocated, they might feel rejection hard.  This can cause behavior issues and they might start behaving in certain ways in order to get your attention.  This could be like chewing on your shoe or destroying your plants.  They might even vocalize and whine or bark constantly.

30. Not recognizing the big responsibility

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When you become a dog owner, you have to make sure that you recognize the huge responsibility that you have taken on and that this responsibility is going to be with you for a big chunk of your life.  So make sure you're SURE that you want to take this responsibility on.  Like they say, a dog's not for Christmas, it's for life!  And the thing is, they'll give you so much that you didn't know you needed, you just have to be sure you are ready and dedicated enough to care for them for many years.

31. Dog walking mistakes you're probably making, too: taking a walk that's too short

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Your dog should have the right amount of exercise every single day, and this will vary from dog to dog and breed to breed! You might think you're taking your dog on an adequate walk, but if it's a breed that needs a huge amount of exercise, even an average walk might be too short!

32. Or even taking a walk that's too long!

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And with this in mind, it's also possible to overdo it on the walking front! You might be walking your dog far too much every day for what they can comfortably do. This entirely depends on the dog, but if they're breeds who don't want/need a lot of exercise, and especially small dogs, you might be pushing them too much.

33. Going on the same route every single day

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There'll naturally be a route that you need to take every day if it's around your neighborhood and you're taking your dog on a short walk before work, or on your lunch break. But for their main walks, try to vary them a little bit from day to day, so your dog can explore new surroundings and smells.

34. Not having the perfect amount of tension on the leash

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There's a sweet spot when it comes to the amount of tension you should have, as too much tension means your dog could be restricted and not able to move properly, and too little means they might risk pulling too much or suddenly running at something, causing you to unbalance.

35. Using a collar instead of a harness

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Some dogs will do better with a body harness rather than a collar, especially if you have a dog that likes to pull and is in the middle of learning not too! With a collar, you have excess pressure on their throat which might do damage in the long run, so a body harness is the safer alternative.

36. Or having a collar/harness that doesn't fit properly

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But it's not enough just to have the right collar/harness for them - it also needs to fit properly, too. There will always be measurement guidelines for collars and harnesses before you buy them, so be sure to measure your dog properly with a tape measure and get one that isn't too tight or too loose.

37. Never letting them off the leash

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Some dogs need to be on a leash at all times, like dogs that don't have good recall or for other behavioral reasons. If this is the case, they definitely need to stay on the leash during public walks, but you should then find the time to book private dog fields or even the garden of someone you know to let your dog have a safe run off the leash from time to time.

38. Or letting them off the leash when you shouldn't

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The worst thing you can do as a dog owner on a walk is letting your dog off the leash when they can't be trusted. Not only is this dangerous for you and your pup if they run off (especially with traffic nearby) but it's a danger to other people and other dogs if yours runs up to them and causes a problem.

39. Failing to have identification on your dog's tag

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You should always have a proper identification tag for your dog when you're out walking, and they should wear it at all times. This ensures, if your dog does get away from you or something happens, your contact details are on the tag and your dog can be recognized as a pet and not a stray.

40. Letting your dog chew on the leash

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Dogs that don't take kindly to being restricted on the leash will often turn and start chewing on it the moment you put it on. Though it can be amusing to watch, it's behavior that needs curbing straight away while you train them to respect the leash and not to pull!

41. Never picking up after your dog

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There's a reason you can get a big fine for not picking up after your dog in public places, and it's just common courtesy and helps to keep everything clean for everybody else. You should always be sure to have poop bags on hand on every walk (and keep hold of them until you can put them in the correct bin instead of just dumping the bag on the ground!).

42. Not taking any treats on walks with you

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Having a pocketful of treats is a great idea for every dog walk, because it's part of the training and reward process so you can give your dog a treat when they do something good on walks. It's essential if you're training them, too, as positive words and pats on the head aren't as effective!

43. Presuming that every other dog is friendly

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As a dog walker, you need to be sure to respect yourself, your dog and other dogs by not just thinking every dog is as friendly as yours! Other owners may have dogs who are unsociable, anxious or even aggressive, and you should always keep your own dog under control around other dogs you don't know.

44. Walking too far ahead/behind your dog off the leash

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If your dog is trained to be off the leash and has recall, this doesn't mean that you can happily stroll along and let them do as they wish, knowing they'll come back if you ask. If you're walking too far behind, you can't see what's up ahead and your dog might run into another aggressive dog or a safety issue. If you're too far ahead, you're not paying attention to what's going on behind you, and your dog might have stopped, gone a different way or run into trouble.

45. Not watching your dog

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This also applies to not watching your dog when they're off the leash. If you've let them off and suddenly seen someone you know and in the middle of a conversation, not watching your dog, there could be anything going on - it doesn't matter how well behaved your own dog is, another problematic dog might have approached them.

46. Not exploring different terrain

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There are certain terrains that can actually help to keep your dog's nails filed down without having to manually cut them, such as tarmac and even sand! So it's a good idea to try and go for walks on various terrains instead of always going on grass, as it'll benefit them.

47. Not taking a towel with you

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Even if you have a walk planned out on a dry area, you never know what's going to happen, so you'll want to have a towel handy so you're not faced with a wet or muddy dog in your car or back at your front door! They might find an unexpected muddy puddle or it might start raining when you least expect it!

48. Not wearing the right footwear

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On dog walks, it's just as important to wear the right footwear as it is to make sure your dog is all sorted. If you don't have supportive footwear, and shoes with grip, you might risk your dog injuring you if it pulls suddenly. Walking shoes for dog walks should always be comfortable and fit for purpose!

49. Failing to train your dog for walks

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When you're training a pup, walk training is just important as training them for things in the house, so you'll want to make sure you start early with walk training. This includes training them not to pull, training them to heel, and training recall so they come back to you when called.

50. Not listening to other dog owners

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It's so important to respect other dog owners and their wishes. If they're hanging back and it looks like their dog is anxious, don't encourage them by saying 'Oh my dog is friendly don't worry' - because it's not about your dog, it's about them. So if they tell you to walk by, to keep your dog on a lead or to stay back, then listen to them.

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