20 Rules Every Teacher Must Follow

By Paula Tudoran 8 months ago

1. Embrace Diversity and Inclusion

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Embracing the tapestry of your students' backgrounds creates a vibrant classroom where everyone feels valued. It's not just about different cultures — it's about diverse perspectives that open new windows to learning, fostering empathy and enriching discussions.

2. Listen — Don't Just Hear

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When you truly listen, you're not just catching words; you're capturing emotions, concerns, and insights. The unspoken can be more revealing than what's said aloud, especially since so many children are used to not being heard. Let your attentive ear tell your students that their voices matter.

3. Keep Learning Alive

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Your pursuit of knowledge doesn't stop at the classroom door. Show your students that learning isn't confined to textbooks; it's a lifelong adventure that involves real-life stuff. By being a curious learner yourself, you model the joy of exploring new horizons.

4. Engage, Engage, Engage

Image Source: Curriculum Nacional

Variety isn't just the spice of life; it's the secret sauce of captivating teaching. From interactive projects to lively debates, each method adds a pinch of excitement to the classroom, ensuring your students remain eager participants in their own education.

5. Encourage Questions

Image Source: Someville Public Schools

A question isn't just a request for information; it's a gateway to understanding. Nurture an environment where questions are celebrated, and curiosity becomes a force that propels learning forward. Your classroom becomes a hub of inquisitiveness and discovery.

6. Flexibility is Key

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In the dynamic world of education, rigidity can be a roadblock. Flexibility allows you to seize teachable moments and adjust to unexpected challenges. By embracing change, you teach your students the art of adaptation — a skill that serves them well beyond the classroom.

7. High Expectations, Big Support

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Expectations are like compass points, guiding your students toward their best selves. But these expectations should come with an ample supply of support, no matter what their parents do. In other words, be the wind beneath their wings, encouraging them to soar even higher.

8. Feedback, Not Criticism

Image Source: Arlington Catholic Herald

Constructive feedback is a gift wrapped in insight and growth, so ensure you ditch the gavel of criticism and offer suggestions that inspire progress. A well-worded feedback can be a student's eureka moment, a spark that ignites their improvement journey.

9. Tech Savviness Helps

Image Source: Tampa Bay Times

The digital landscape is an ally, not a foe. Integrate technology thoughtfully, using it to engage, augment, and customize learning experiences. By blending traditional wisdom with digital tools, you create a classroom that mirrors the ever-evolving world.

10. Laughter is the Best Glue

Image Source: Teacher Magazine

Shared laughter forms bonds that transcend teacher-student dynamics. A well-timed joke or a light-hearted moment can defuse tension and foster camaraderie. Laughter is a universal language that brings hearts closer, making learning an enjoyable journey.

11. The 2-Minute Rule

Image Source: KATV

Two minutes of connection set the stage for an entire class. This small investment in casual conversation can yield big returns in terms of rapport and engagement. It's not just a rule; it's a doorway to a positive and welcoming learning environment.

12. One Size Doesn't Fit All

Image Source: The Herald Journal

Just as shoes come in various sizes, teaching methods should, too. Tailoring your approach to each student's learning style is like giving them a custom-fit education. By acknowledging their uniqueness, you unlock their full potential, turning the classroom into a diverse and dynamic learning ecosystem.

13. Mistakes are Stepping Stones

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Your imperfections are your greatest teaching tools. When you stumble and then rise, your students witness the power of resilience in action. Embrace errors as opportunities for growth and let your journey from mistake to mastery inspire them to approach challenges with confidence.

14. Show Empathy

Image Source: LAist

Beyond textbooks and lessons, your students have stories, struggles, and triumphs. By understanding their lives outside the classroom, you create a connection that bridges the gap between teacher and student. A simple display of empathy can be the lifeboat that keeps them afloat in challenging times.

15. Keep Parents in the Loop

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Parents aren't just observers; they're partners in your students' education journey. Regular updates build a bridge of trust and collaboration, creating a united front for their success. An informed parent is an empowered parent, ready to offer the support your students need.

16. Stay Relevant

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Textbooks are a foundation, but current events and real-world examples are the windows to practical knowledge. By weaving these threads into your lessons, you show your students the relevance of education in their lives. Learning becomes a map to navigate the world beyond the classroom.

17. Positive Reinforcement FTW

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A sincere "Well done!" or "I'm proud of you!" holds more power than you think. Catching your students in the act of doing something right fuels their motivation and self-esteem. Your praise is the wind beneath their wings, propelling them to strive for excellence.

18. Clear Rules, Clear Boundaries

Image Source: Masonic Heights Elementary

Rules and boundaries are the signposts that guide your classroom's journey. Clear expectations pave the way for a respectful and focused environment. When everyone knows what's expected and what's at stake, the classroom becomes a space where learning takes center stage.

19. Learn Names Quickly

Image Source: Phys.org

Calling your students by name isn't just polite; it's a sign of genuine interest in their individuality. When you swiftly master their names, you show that they matter. It's a gesture that sets the tone for a personalized and inclusive learning environment.

20. Patience, Patience, Patience

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Like a gardener tending to seeds, patience nurtures the growth of understanding. Know that every student's pace is unique; impatience can stunt their progress. Embrace patience as your ally, knowing that the journey of learning is a marathon, not a sprint.

21. Be a Great Explainer

Image Source: WCHS

Imagine teaching as assembling a puzzle. You hold the pieces, and your explanations put them together. Breaking complex concepts into manageable fragments ensures that your students grasp every element. It's in these fragments that understanding takes root and grows.

22. Spark Debate, Respect All

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A classroom becomes a crucible of ideas when respectful debates flourish. Encourage diverse viewpoints — it's through clashes of thoughts that critical thinking emerges. By fostering a culture of respect amidst disagreements, you teach your students that differences are opportunities for growth.

23. Time Management Matters

Image Source: National Education Association

Time is a limited resource, and teaching time management equips your students for life's demands. Teach them to juggle assignments, deadlines, and personal time — it's a gift they'll carry into adulthood, transforming them into efficient learners and doers.

24. Celebrate Progress

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Every journey consists of steps, and celebrating each one fuels motivation. Acknowledge even the smallest wins, for they're building blocks of larger achievements. Your recognition becomes a beacon, guiding your students toward the path of continuous improvement.

25. Work-Life Balance is Real

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Remember, you're not just a teacher, but a human being too. Taking care of yourself is a prerequisite for taking care of your students. Recharge, unwind, and engage in activities that fuel your passion — because a well-balanced teacher brings renewed energy to the classroom.

26. Mentorship Magic

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Your role isn't confined to imparting knowledge; you're a guiding star in your students' skies. Mentorship involves inspiring, providing counsel, and showing belief in their potential. By being a mentor, you illuminate paths and empower dreams, making a lasting impact beyond academic lessons.

27. Mindfulness in Class

Image Source: PBS

In a fast-paced world, the gift of mindfulness is invaluable. Introducing mindful practices in the classroom — like taking a collective deep breath — cultivates a serene environment. This practice not only refocuses attention but also fosters emotional intelligence and resilience.

28. Humble Learning

Image Source: Education Week

As the captain of the classroom ship, it's okay to admit when you don't have all the answers. Modeling humility shows your students that learning is a lifelong pursuit. Together, you navigate the sea of knowledge, both teacher and students learning from one another.

29. Assess Holistically

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A student's worth isn't confined to test scores. Assessing growth, effort, and creativity paints a fuller picture of their development. This holistic approach acknowledges individual strengths, promoting confidence and a well-rounded sense of achievement.

30. Never Stop Growing

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Just as you nurture your students' growth, nurture your own. Teaching is a dynamic journey where continuous learning keeps your teaching methods fresh and relevant. Evolving with the times ensures that you remain an impactful guide in the ever-changing landscape of education.

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