Air Hostess Reveals Mistakes We Are All Making On The Plane

By Paula Tudoran 8 months ago

Skipping the Safety Demonstration

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It's not just a formality, so be sure to pay attention! You'll be glad you did if something unexpected happens. The safety demonstration may seem routine, but it's a crucial refresher on what to do in case of an emergency. It's like a mental safety net, so when turbulence gets bumpy, you know where to find that life vest or the nearest exit.

Ignoring Seatbelt Signs

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Turbulence can strike suddenly; buckle up even when the sign is off. The seatbelt sign isn't just for takeoff and landing; it's your safeguard against unexpected jolts in the air. Think of it like the seatbelt in your car — it's there to protect you. So, even if you're dying to stretch your legs or use the restroom, wait until it's safe.

Overloading the Overhead Bins

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Be considerate of fellow passengers; don't hog space with oversized bags. Overhead bin space is precious real estate on a plane. By packing smartly and following size guidelines, you ensure everyone gets a fair share of the overhead compartments. Plus, it speeds up boarding and deplaning for everyone.

Dressing Inappropriately

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Dress comfortably, but not in pajamas or revealing attire — it's a shared space. While comfort is key during a flight, remember you're sharing this confined space with strangers. Leave the skimpy outfits or bedtime attire at home. Opt for cozy yet respectful clothing that won't make your seatmate uncomfortable.

Not Hydrating Enough

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Flying can be dehydrating; drink water regularly to stay refreshed. The cabin's low humidity can leave you feeling parched, and dehydration can lead to fatigue and discomfort. Keep sipping that water; your body will thank you, and you'll step off the plane feeling more energized.

Drinking Excessively

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One too many drinks can lead to discomfort and disruptions — know your limit. Overindulging in alcohol on a flight can have consequences. Excessive drinking can dehydrate you further, disturb other passengers, and even lead to unruly behavior. Enjoy a drink, but do so in moderation to ensure a smoother journey for all.

Crowding the Aisles

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Give others space when moving around the cabin, especially during meal service. We've all experienced the meal cart gridlock — a dance of elbows and trays. To keep things civil, wait for the crew to finish serving or cleaning up before navigating the aisle. It's a simple act of courtesy that avoids collisions and spills.

Reclining Without Caution

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Lean back slowly and check if it's safe for the passenger behind you. Reclining your seat can be a blessing or a curse for the person behind you. Before you recline, take a quick peek to make sure you won't surprise anyone with a sudden seat-back intrusion. A little consideration goes a long way.

Neglecting Ear Protection

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Earplugs or noise-canceling headphones can make the flight more pleasant. The ambient noise on a plane can be bothersome, making it hard to sleep, concentrate, or enjoy your in-flight entertainment. Invest in good quality earplugs or noise-canceling headphones to create your peaceful oasis in the sky. Your ears will thank you.

Using Electronics at Takeoff

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Follow crew instructions and switch off your devices during takeoff and landing. Flight attendants emphasize this for good reason. Electronic devices can interfere with the aircraft's systems during critical moments. Keep them off until you're safely in the air. Your text messages can wait, but safety can't.

Leaving Trash Everywhere

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Dispose of trash properly; don't leave it for the cabin crew to clean up. Flight attendants have their hands full, attending to passengers and ensuring a safe flight. Don't add to their workload by leaving a mess behind. Use the provided trash bags and bins for your wrappers, cups, and napkins. It's a small effort that goes a long way in maintaining a tidy cabin.

Talking Loudly

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Keep conversations at a considerate volume — others might be trying to rest. Remember that the cabin is a shared space, and sound travels easily. While catching up with your seatmate is fine, be mindful of your voice. It's the difference between a pleasant chat and an unwanted serenade for the entire row.

Hogging Armrests

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Share the armrests — it's a common courtesy. Armrests can be a source of in-flight tension. Avoid territorial disputes by adhering to the simple rule: one armrest per person. A little cooperation goes a long way in creating a more comfortable journey for all.

Forgetting to Say "Please" and "Thank You"

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Manners go a long way, especially in a confined space. Courteous behavior isn't just for social settings; it's equally important in flight. Saying "please" when requesting something and offering a genuine "thank you" when receiving assistance can make the cabin atmosphere more pleasant for everyone.

Kicking the Seat in Front

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Be mindful of your legroom; avoid jolting the passenger in front. Restless legs can be a real issue on a long flight, but that doesn't mean you should turn the seat in front of you into a massage chair. Keep fidgeting and seat-kicking to a minimum, and consider stretching your legs when appropriate.

Reclining Immediately After Takeoff

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Wait until cruising altitude to recline your seat — it's more comfortable for everyone. We get it; you want to find that perfect position for a nap. But immediately reclining your seat after takeoff can be disruptive and uncomfortable for passengers behind you. Give it a little time, and everyone will enjoy a smoother transition to relaxation.

Not Using Sunscreen

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UV rays are stronger at altitude; protect your skin from sunburn. Just because you're above the clouds doesn't mean the sun can't reach you. The higher altitude means stronger UV rays, which can lead to sunburn even through the airplane window. A bit of sunscreen can go a long way in safeguarding your skin on long flights.

Rushing to Deplane

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Wait your turn; there's no prize for being first off the plane. We all want to stretch our legs after a long flight, but remember; everyone has the same goal. Pushing and shoving won't get you out any faster, and it can make deplaning a stressful experience for everyone.

Tapping Flight Attendants

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If you need assistance, use the call button rather than tapping on the crew. Flight attendants are there to help, but tapping them on the shoulder while they're busy attending to other tasks can be disruptive and may lead to delays in service. Use the call button, and they'll be with you shortly.

Not Keeping Personal Items Secure

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Secure loose items during takeoff and landing — they can become projectiles. During those critical moments of the flight, unexpected turbulence can occur. Loose items flying about can pose a safety hazard to you and your fellow passengers. Stow your belongings securely to prevent accidents.

Wearing Strong Perfume

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Some passengers may be sensitive to strong scents; go easy on the fragrance. While you might enjoy your perfume or cologne, others may not share your enthusiasm. In the confined space of an airplane, overpowering scents can lead to discomfort or even allergies for those around you. Opt for a lighter fragrance or apply it sparingly.

Treating Flight Attendants Rudely

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They're there to help you, so be polite and respectful. Flight attendants work tirelessly to ensure your comfort and safety. Being rude or dismissive not only creates an unpleasant atmosphere but also makes their job harder. A little kindness and courtesy go a long way in making your flight more enjoyable for everyone.

Poking Feet Through Gaps

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Keep your feet in your own space — don't invade others'. It's tempting to stretch your legs, but sticking your feet through the seat gaps can encroach on someone else's territory and make for an uncomfortable journey. Be mindful of your space and respect the personal space of your fellow passengers.

Rushing to Get Off During Turbulence

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Stay seated and belted in during turbulence because it's safer. Turbulence can be unsettling, but it's not the time to rush for the exit. Remaining seated with your seatbelt fastened is essential to your safety and the safety of those around you. Wait for the all-clear signal from the crew before making any moves.

Ignoring Exit Row Responsibilities

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If you're seated in an exit row, understand and be prepared for your duties. Being in an exit row comes with added responsibility during an emergency. Familiarize yourself with the exit door operation and assist others if needed. Flight attendants will provide instructions; it's crucial to listen and be ready to act if required.

Not Knowing Seat Functions

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Familiarize yourself with seat controls to avoid accidental reclines or tray drops. Modern aircraft seats come with various buttons and levers. Avoid embarrassing mishaps by understanding how to operate your seat's functions. Nobody wants to be the person who unintentionally reclines into the lap of the passenger behind them.

Playing Music Without Headphones

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Use headphones for entertainment to avoid disturbing others. While you may be grooving to your favorite tunes, your fellow passengers may not share your enthusiasm. Keep your entertainment private by using headphones. It's a simple way to maintain a harmonious atmosphere in the cabin.

Taking Photos of Other Passengers

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Respect people's privacy; ask for permission before taking photos. Capturing memories is great, but remember that not everyone appreciates being in your vacation snapshots. Always ask for permission before photographing other passengers, and be respectful of their wishes. It's a matter of courtesy and privacy.

Hogging the Window Shade

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Be considerate with the window shade since it affects everyone in your row. The window shade isn't your personal sunblock. Be mindful of your seatmates' preferences for light, especially during long flights. If you want to adjust it, politely ask those around you for their preferences — it's a shared view, after all.

Rushing to Put Bags in Overhead Bins

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Wait until your row is called to avoid blocking the aisle. Everyone wants to stow their bags and settle in quickly, but crowding the aisle only slows things down. Wait for your row to be called before retrieving or stowing your bags. It's a more organized and courteous approach to boarding and deplaning.

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