Vet Reveals Mistakes We Are All Making With Our Cats

By Juliet Smith 8 months ago

1. You might be buying the wrong type of litter...

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Not enough cat owners know that there are endless options for cat litter out there. If you don’t choose the right one, your cat might feel distaste for the litter box. Try to experiment with odors and textures since different cats have different tastes for what they find appealing.

2. Buying toxic plants for your home

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Plants look cool, yeah, but did you know that some plants are hazardous to cats? In the event that your cat nibbles on dangerous plants, you might putting their health at risk. Do your research on plants that are safe for cats to eat or relocate poisonous plants out of reach.

3. Overfeeding your poor cats!

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A lot of people who own cats make the mistake of thinking that love means feeding and feeding them, so they give their feline friends excessive amounts of food. Well, don’t. This can just end in obesity, which is a major health risk for cats and increases risk of diabetes, arthritis, and heart disease.

4. Neglecting their dental hygiene

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Dental hygiene in cats is so often overlooked, according to leading vets. If you neglect your cat's oral health, you might end up with a hefty dental bill, and it can lead to all sorts of problems later down the line. Giving their teeth a good brush and seeing the vet regularly can help curb any dental problems.

5. No variety of foods

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People are busy, so it’s often easy to keep feeding your cat the same food over and over. Doing this though can lead to picky eaters since it limits different flavors and textures. It’s important to introduce some variance into your cats diet. You should think about giving them food with a range of textures and tastes.

6. Not cleaning litter boxes enough

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Clean litter boxes are a MUST. It's possible for your cat to UTIs from a dirty litter box, not to mention the behavioral disorders if you don't scoop and clean the litter box on a regular basis. Everyone knows cat’s are neat freaks, so a filthy litter box might lead to an anxious cat.

7. Not considering their food

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You shouldn’t just opt for any cans of cat food you see in the grocery store. Malnutrition can happen so easily by not providing a well-balanced diet. Certain nutrients are essential for cats, so be sure to provide them properly to them to avoid neglect.

8. Not enough litter boxes around the house

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Your cat’s toilet schedule can even come down to how many litter boxes you own. If there aren’t enough litter boxes for the number of cats you have, they can become VERY territorial. The vet’s recommendation is to have one litter box for each cat, plus an additional.

9. An inconsistent food schedule

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Cats are routine animals! They crave predictability and if their food schedule is rudely disrupted, it can just create anxiety and intestinal issues. Implement a regular feeding plan for your cat to make them feel safe and to ensure that it’s get to eat properly and at the right times.

10. Not buying them a scratching post

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If you own cats, you’ll just now how much they love to scratch. It’s everything for them; they do it to claim their territory. But if they aren’t given proper scratching posts, they may start some destructive behavior in an effort to satisfy themselves. Go out and buy some posts for your cat.

11. Neglecting their grooming needs

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Grooming is everything when it comes to cats, vets confirm. You should groom your cats on a regular basis, especially those with long hair, to avoid matting and skin problems. Brushing your cat on a daily basis helps avoid these issues and deepens the relationship that you have with your pet.

12. Not treating their parasites!

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Listen, cats are going to get parasites, it’s completely normal. The worst thing you can do is ignore them, though. Fleas, ticks, and intestinal parasites are a few among them and can lead to pain as well as major health problems down the road. If you’re worried talk to your vet.

13. Skipping vet visits

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Don’t skip the vet visits. They’re essential for giving preventative treatment and looking out for any health problems at an early stage. If you can’t be bothered to go, you run the risk of losing out on important chances to detect and control health problems before they become serious.

14. Not stimulating them enough!

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Cat’s are intelligent little furry friends, so they need some proper stimulation. You don’t have to go overboard, just buy them some toys, puzzles, and other forms of interactive play. You’ll notice a reduction in excessive grooming and aggressiveness.

15. Neglecting their socialization

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They might not seem like it, but cats are definitely social animals. Isolating a cat from human contact or other pets can cause behavioral issues and anxiety. Because they are social felines, cats thrive when they have company and love to engage in play with other feline friends.

16. Letting them outside too early on

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Vets would heavily suggest against keeping your cat cooped up, but they also know the dangerous of the outside. We know that cats love spending time outdoors, but letting them do so too early on puts them at risk of passing vehicles, other animals, and infections.

17. Lack of fresh water

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It might sound a little obvious, but one of the most basic errors that can be made while caring for a cat is not giving them fresh water on a regular basis. You might not know that cats often have a low thirst drive so it’s even more important to provide a steady supply of water for them.

18. Not storing dangerous chemicals properly

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Vets claim that this mistake happens WAY too often. Cats are naturally curious and can often consume poisonous substances such as antifreeze or household cleaners. Make sure that your feline friend doesn’t have access to any of the chemicals and that they are all kept in a safe place.

19. Leaving your medications out by your cats

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Much like the above, medications should be stored properly too. If human pills are not kept in a safe place, there is a risk that cats will get their little paws on them. Keep any prescriptions out of your cat's reach, and always throw away pills that are left strewn around the house.

20. Not using appropriate cat carriers

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Everyone needs to use a cat carrier from time to time, but invest in the right one. Traveling with a cat to the vet or on holiday in a poor-quality carrier can cause the cat stress. Investing in a carrier that is not only comfy but also ventilated well can make travel much calmer for your cat.

21. Not recognizing your cat’s stress

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Stress may have a significant impact on a cat's well-being. Vets say you have to identify the cause of stress in your cat's life and take steps to alleviate it, whether it be a change in routine or the introduction of a new pet into the home. Treat your cat like you would a loved one.

22. Ignoring any behavioral changes

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Vets say that cats express themselves through behavior, and rapid shifts in that behavior may be an early sign of something more serious going on. Talk to your vet if you notice that your cat is displaying strange behavior, such as increasing hostility or running away to hide.

23. Not providing entertainment for them

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Cats might seem like little grumpy pets, but they love to be entertained. Things like hideaways, places to climb, and toys that require interaction are all essential in creating a healthy environment for your little furry friend. Without them, they might start to get feelings of boredom and sadness.

24. Not giving them adequate training

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Vets say that people often neglect training their cats, but they’re much like dogs in this respect. You should spend some time training your cat respond to orders and control their behaviors. It might not take long for some, but could take ages for others, however it’ll all be worth it in the end.

25. Feeding them dog food

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Cats should not eat dog food and vice versa! Cats and dogs have different, distinct needs. They might develop nutritional imbalances and other health issues if you give them dog chow to eat. Always provide food that is designed specifically for cats, even if it is more expensive.

26. Not keeping an eye on their weight

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Make sure you keep an eye on your cat’s weight. They often struggle with obesity, and not keeping their weight under wraps can end in health problems, including diabetes and issues with the joints. If you need any advice on how to keep it at a healthy level, talk to your vet.

27. Forgetting to play with them!

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Cat’s love to play! Play is essential to their physical and emotional well-being. Play times that include plenty of interaction (especially using props like feather wands and laser pointers) are a great way to stave off boredom and keep your cats engaged and healthy.

28. Not getting them neutered

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Not everyone gets their cat spayed or neutered. However, if you choose not to, you might be contributing to the problem of overpopulation. It’s important to keep in mind the positive effects that the medical procedure will have on your cat in the long term.

29. Ignoring household toxins

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There are so many toxins lying around the house that cat owners often don’t acknowledge. Things like lead and chemicals might be hazardous to your cat’s health. It’s so important to your cat's health that you make your house as secure and free of toxins as possible.

30. Ignoring their age!

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Never forget that your cat is ageing. Changes in behavior are common when cats get older and shifts in behavior can mean a variety of medical issues, including cognitive impairment and arthritis. Talk to your vet about the right treatments for your cat’s ailments.

31. Washing their bowls with scented cleaning products

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Cats, as we know, have a hugely impressive sense of smell, much stronger than our own, and for this reason they're going to react negatively to strong smells. If you wash their water or food bowls with a strong-smelling cleaning liquid, it'll put them off going near the bowl.

32. Changing their diet suddenly

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Cats aren't very good with change, and just like dogs, they like a good routine to stick to every day. This includes with their diet. When you introduce something new out of nowhere, they're going to be wary about it. If you want to change anything about their food, it needs to be done gradually rather than out of nowhere.

33. Not checking the ingredients for cat food

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There are many negative consequences of your cat eating food that doesn't have the right ingredients, including obesity or even malnutrition. So you need to double check the ingredients, as well as the calorie count, for the daily food you're giving your kitty, to make sure it has everything they need!

34. The cat to litter box ratio!

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You might think one cat means one litter box, but really, you need about one and a half litter boxes per cat... so ideally, two litter boxes per cat (to save you sawing one in half). And if you have more than one cat, you need to increase this accordingly, so three litter boxes if you have two cats.

35. Not having at least one spare litter box

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It's also a good idea to have one extra litter box in the house for good measure, just in case there's any reason they won't use their usual one. This might be because you haven't had chance to clean that one yet, so it's a safe option just to have another one spare for them to use.

36. Giving your cat a bone

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Cats should never really be eating bones, even though we all have that image of cats like those big fish bones from TV shows - in reality, that's not the case. Cats shouldn't be chewing on any sort of cooked bone, as it poses a choking risk, or having splinters that could get stuck inside them.

37. Using anything with essential oils in it

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Essential oils can be very toxic to cats, and it isn't only a risk if they lick them directly. Essential oils can even be toxic to them simply through inhaling them through the air, so you'll want to make sure you're not using anything around the home (like homemade cleaning sprays or bath oils) that could be a risk to them.

38. And that includes a diffuser in your home

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Essential oils are also a popular choice in diffusers for the home, so having one of this at home when you have a cat is a big no no. You'll want to make sure you don't use any essential oil diffuser that could release the toxic vapors. It's even a risk for them to land on their fur, which they could then lick when grooming.

39. Failing to train them

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We first think of dogs when we think of animal training, but surprisingly cats need training just as much! Cats can be trained, and it's important to train them for the big house basics, like not scratching furniture, or where they can and can't go (like not on the kitchen counters!).

40. Not securing your shelves

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Cats are going to climb wherever they can - it's inevitable - and if you have shelves on your wall, that's going to be their prime target. Make sure every single shelf you have in the home, no matter how small or no matter if you think they likely won't go for that one, is secured!

41. Not cat-proofing your electronics

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Cats are basically going to want to climb anything that's hanging down, so if you have electronics with cables that are hanging loose - especially things like speakers or TVs on the wall with cables running down to the floor - you'll want to cat-proof them, too, to protect your cat and your beloved media!

42. Failing to provide a heating pad for them

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Cats love a nice warm spot to curl up in, and if they don't have a heating pad in the home - or your warmth around to make use of - they're going to find that heat elsewhere, and this will usually be in a dangerous place like at the top of your computer that might then block the vent and could cause a fire.

43. Pressuring them to interact with you

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It's always important to respect any pet's boundaries when they're not in the mood, and cats in particular can be very picky about the time and place they want attention. It's important to never try and coax them into interacting or playing with you if they really don't want to. Give them their space!

44. Moving their food to new packaging to store it

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A lot of pet owners will have a food station or pantry set up where they have boxes and containers they like to switch their pet food into after purchase, to make it more accessible or easier to store. But the original packaging of cat food is built to keep it stored in the best way, so taking it out of that packaging might be risking it going stale more quickly than it usually would.

45. Underestimating how much exercise they need

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In comparison to dogs, it's easy to think a cat doesn't need half as much exercise. But cats need a huge amount of stimulation to work off built up energy, and especially if they're indoor cats rather than outdoor. They also need a lot of room to stretch their muscles and climb.

46. Giving them milk

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Letting cats lap up a bowl of milk is also something most of us think is the right thing to do (probably as the result of a Disney movie or two!) but in reality, cats shouldn't be drinking bowls of milk - at least, not cow's milk anyway. Cats are intolerant of cow's milk and they'll likely develop a stomach problem.

47. Avoiding wet food in their diet

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Most pet owners will have a preference for wet or dry food for their pets (with many preferring the later to avoid that wet pet food smell!) but wet cat food is actually a great way to make sure your cat is getting an extra dose of water to keep them hydrated, which is always helpful!

48. Not paying attention to their vomiting

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Cats are known for throwing up hairballs, but if you've never had a cat before, you might think regularly throwing up is normal for a cat - but actually, vomiting up hairballs shouldn't be happening more than a few times a year, or occasionally. So if they're doing it every week, it's time to speak to the vet!

49. Introducing a smaller pet to the home

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It can be a risky game having more than one pet in the household, and while cats and dogs are notorious for either fighting or getting along, it's the smaller rodent pets you need to watch out for. If you decide to get something like a hamster or guinea pig thinking your cat will warm to them eventually, think again - their predator instinct will kick in and they'll likely try to kill the smaller animal.

50. Trying to give them a bath all the time

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Grooming your cat regularly is very important, but full bathing should be limited to only a few times a year. You might think you're doing them a favor trying to bath them more often than that, but they really don't need it because they're so good at keeping themselves clean!

51. Not talking to them enough!

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It may sound strange, but it's true! Cats like to be talked to just like you and I or any other pet does. They love the sound of your voice and recognise the intonation. It stimulates them and makes them feel loved and secure, which is exactly what a cat owner stives for.

52. Not checking their pearly whites

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Cats, much like us, can develop dental problems, and regular oral care is essential. It's similar to how we wouldn't want to ignore our own dental health. Checking your cat's teeth for signs of tartar, gingivitis, or other issues can help prevent dental complications which can be serious if left untreated!

53. Having a loud and chaotic environment

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Subjecting your cat to a loud and chaotic environment extremely unsettling and stressful for your cat. It's essentially the last thing they want, the opposite to a calm and soothing environment. Although it can't always be helped, try to reduce the chaos as much as possible!

54. Allowing kids to be too rough with them

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For the sake of both your cat and your child, teaching babies how to handle pets responsibly is key. Not only is it unfair on your cat, it could hurt them or make them react defensively and in turn they could lash out at the child. Teaching is very important in order to respect your cat.

55. Punishing them

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Punishing your cat is like expecting someone to learn from a scolding in a language they don't understand—it can create fear and confusion without addressing the root cause of the behavior. Cats respond better to positive reinforcement and redirection rather than punitive measures.

56. Failing to pay attention to their behaviours

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Cats communicate through their actions, and understanding their behaviors is crucial for a strong human-feline relationship. It's akin to disregarding someone's body language in a conversation. Observing your cat's behaviors allows you to recognize signs of happiness, distress, or potential health issues.

57. Not giving your young cat kitten milk

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Like babies, kittens need milk in order to grow properly. Don't feed your kitten dry or wet food straight away. Try to continue to supplement their diet with some kitten milk formula so they get the essentials that they need to develop and grow properly!

58.  Leaving food around

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Kittens require a specialized diet during their early stages of life, and kitten milk helps bridge the gap when they are not nursing from their mother. It provides essential nutrients, such as proteins and fats, crucial for their growth and well-being.

59. Leaving hair ties around

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Leaving hair ties around for your cat is like offering them a tempting but potentially dangerous toy—it can lead to unintended consequences. Cats, being naturally curious, may see hair ties as playthings, but they pose a risk if they are eaten as they are a major choking hazard!

60. Not creating a quiet and safe place for them

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It's animal instinct to seek out a quiet and calm environment when they need a break. Cats, as creatures that value solitude, benefit from having a calm retreat where they can escape from noise and disturbances. It's akin to trying to relax in a busy setting without a quiet space.

61. Using strong perfumes

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Cats have a highly sensitive sense of smell, and strong fragrances, such as perfumes or air fresheners, can be bothersome for them. It's akin to being exposed to an intense smell that disrupts your comfort. Strong perfumes may cause stress or discomfort for your cat, leading to behaviors like avoiding certain areas or excessive grooming to remove the unfamiliar scent.

62. Not giving your cat any options

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Cats like to choose for themselves, they're picky creatures. They ideally want to pick their food, pick their bed, choose their blanket material. While sometimes all of this isn't possible, giving them some choice in the matter does make for a happier cat!

63. Not cleaning their food bowl regularly

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A lot of germs and bacteria build up on the food bowls of your cat, even if it's not visible to the naked eye! Cats are sensitive to the cleanliness of their eating environment, and a dirty food bowl can harbor bacteria and contaminants. And, they prefer it!

64. Neglecting to microchip your cat

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Nobody wants to lose their feline friend. So don't let it happen! Microchips are a permanent and secure way to ensure your cat can be identified if they wander away. Unlike collars or tags that can be lost, microchips are implanted under the skin and serve as a reliable form of identification.

65. Ignoring aggressive behaviour

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Aggression in cats may stem from fear, pain, or stress, and addressing it promptly is crucial. If the aggression is a sudden change of temperament for your cat, then it suggests that something is up! Understanding the root cause of aggression is necessary to helping your cat, and the person who feels their wrath!

66. Picking up your cat in the wrong way

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When picking up your cat, it's essential to support their body correctly, ensuring a secure and comfortable hold. Approaching them calmly and using gentle movements respects their boundaries and fosters trust. It's not just about lifting; it's about being mindful of your cat's preferences too! We all know how fussy they can be.

67. Not knowing who feeds the cat and when

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If you don't know when your cat was last fed and who by, it could lead to your cat overeating or even undereating; both of which are dangerous and detrimental to your cat's health! It's good to keep track so that you are sure you're cat isn't skipping or doubling up on a meal.

68. Using cheap pet toys

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Cheap pet toys may not always be the safest or the most stimulating choice for your fur baby! Choosing toys specifically designed for cats involves factors like textures, sounds, and movements that align with their natural behaviors - this will give your cat the most pleasure!

69. Or regular toys that haven't been pet-approved

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Cats, with their unique instincts and preferences, benefit from toys designed with feline-friendly features. And, they have to be made from the correct materials to ensure they won't cause harm or have small parts that could cause a cat to choke. Some regular toys can even be hazardous to our cat!

70. Leaving your cat alone too long

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Leaving your cat alone for extended periods can lead to loneliness and stress. Cats, while independent, still crave companionship and mental stimulation. Imagine being left alone without any interaction or activities, we'd hate it. Loneliness is a real emotions that cats certainly feel.

71. Not responding to your cat's cries

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Listen up. Ignoring your cat's cries is like disregarding someone who is trying to communicate their needs—it can lead to frustration and feelings of neglect. Cats vocalize to express various emotions, from hunger to discomfort or loneliness. It's akin to not responding when someone is trying to convey something important.

72. Taking them in a carrier you've never introduced to them before

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Cats don't like carriers at the best of time, particularly if they've never even seen it before! Trapping your cat inside something new will make them panic as they will not recognize it as a safe place. Taking the time to familiarize your cat with the carrier contributes to a smoother and less stressful travel experience!

73. Not allowing them any time alone

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Even cats (especially cats) run out of social battery. They don't want to be in company all of the time and they need their space to recharge! Otherwise it can become very overwhelming and stressful for your furry friend who could become very unhappy!

74. Forgetting to administer regular worming medication

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Worms can pose a threat to your cat's well-being, and consistent prevention is crucial. Regular deworming helps prevent intestinal parasites and keeps your cat healthy. Overlooking this aspect of their care may lead to discomfort, weight loss, or more severe health problems.

75. Overlooking strange physical symptoms

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Cats, unable to communicate verbally, often express discomfort or health concerns through physical symptoms. Unexplained changes in behavior, weight loss, altered eating habits, or abnormalities in coat condition can be indicative of various health issues. Recognizing and addressing these symptoms promptly can prevent potential health complications!

76. Having a cold house

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If anyone loves comfort, it's our furry friends cats. They love to be cozy and warm, not shivering in a super cold environment. It's not just about turning up the heat; it's about creating a space where your cat feels snug and at home, contributing to their overall happiness and health.

77. Not trimming their nails

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Neglecting to trim your cat's nails is like letting someone walk around with overgrown toenails...yep, it's painful! Overgrown nails can cause pain, difficulty walking, and even lead to ingrown nails. And, if they aren't walking on rough services they can easily get too long.

78. Not allowing for an adjustment period when you move home

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Cats, being creatures of habit, need time to acclimate to a new home. During a move, cats may feel stressed, anxious, or confused. Giving them the space and time to explore gradually, setting up familiar items, and maintaining routines can ease the transition.

79. Taking your cat's health for granted

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You can't just assume that your cat will continue to be healthy day after day, with no check-ups! Cats, like any living beings, require attention to their well-being to thrive. Regular veterinary check-ups, a balanced diet, and attention to behavioral changes are essential components of owning a pet.

80. Not providing a variety of toys

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Offering a mix of toys, from interactive games to soft plushies and items that mimic prey, taps into different aspects of your cat's playful instincts and releases their natural hunting instinct. This not only wards off boredom but also encourages physical activity and mental stimulation.

81. Not providing various places around the home for your cat

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Just because you have decided where your cat should stay or sleep, doesn't mean that naturally your cat would choose it. They may not have any choice, but the space provided may not be fulfilling them or making them happy. Provide them the opportunity to have their own favorite nooks and spots.

82. Not using cat-friendly shampoo

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Cat-friendly shampoos are purposefully designed to be gentle, free from harsh chemicals, and suitable for a cat's delicate skin and coat. Neglecting to use these specialized products may cause them to suffer skin irritation, dryness, or allergic reactions.

83. Never grooming your elderly cat

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Cats, especially in their senior years, may face challenges in grooming themselves due to reduced flexibility or health issues. It's akin to neglecting the need for extra care and support. Grooming for an elderly cat involves brushing to prevent matting, checking for skin abnormalities, and addressing any mobility issues that may hinder self-grooming.

84. Neglecting to teach children how to interact with pets

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Children can naturally be rough-handed, unintentionally. So handling pets is something they need to do - otherwise, you could be putting your pet at risk. Having children handle your cat wrong could lead them to having a more aggressive temperament in the future.

85. Being impatient with our pets

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Animals, including cats, respond better to patient guidance and understanding because they are super sensitive creatures. Patience is a key ingredient in building a strong bond with our pets. Rushing them or expressing frustration can lead to stress, anxiety, and a strained relationship.

86. Not paying attention to eye scratches

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Your cat's eyes are delicate, and any signs of scratching or irritation should not be ignored. Tiny scratches or red eyes if they are left alone, can turn into much more serious problems that cannot be fixed as easily as the initial problem! It could even require a trip to the vet.

87. Changing their food too often

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Cats typically thrive on routine, and sudden changes in their diet may result in finicky eating habits or even gastrointestinal issues if their body cannot process the change in food well. Food changes should be gradual, to introduce foods slowly and safely!

88. Not placing non-slip mats under their food bowls

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A non stick mat offers stability and it helps your cat feel secure whilst they eat. It's especially important if they are old, to ensure that they can eat comfortably. It means that they will eat safely, without slipping and suffering digestion issues!

89. Keeping cats in a tense or unhappy environment

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Cats are highly sensitive to their surroundings, and they know if you or the family is unhappy. They pick up on the motions of the house. Cats thrive in calm and secure environments, so you have to make sure that your environment is calm and peaceful.

90. Ignoring signs of overstimulation

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Cats, like humans, can reach a point where too much interaction becomes overwhelming. Signs such as twitching tails, flattened ears, or dilated pupils may indicate that your feline friend is feeling overstimulated. Make sure that they have some time out!

91. Never checking their bowel movements

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While it may not be pleasant, neglecting to check your cat's bowel movements is overlooking an essential health indicator. Just as we pay attention to changes in our own bodily functions, monitoring your cat's litter box (occasionally) habits is crucial to knowing how healthy they are.

92. Spraying chemicals around the house

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Nobody purposefully harms their pet, but not making sure that products are pet-safe is dangerous. While certain cleaning agents or pesticides might promise quick solutions, their careless application can have adverse effects on both your immediate environment and the health of your family, including your pets.

93. Properly introduce people and pets to the house

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Cats enjoy familiarity and when it's disturbed they can become agitated. If you don;t want to upset your existing furry resident, so there's a proper way to do it. It involves slow, supervised interactions, allowing them to exchange scents, observe from a distance, and gradually share common spaces.

94. Not having adequate safe outdoor space

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Cats NEED to explore, it's their nature and their instinct and what makes them happy and content. Depriving them of a safe outdoor environment can lead to frustration and a sense of confinement which over time could cause your cat a lot of mental stress!

95. Failing to teach your cat recall

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Recall is super important when you have a pet, but many people assume that only dogs need to learn recall. Cats also need this safety measure! Cats, being independent creatures, may wander off or hide, and having a reliable recall command can prevent stressful situations.

96. Containing them in small spaces or rooms

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Cats are naturally curious and independent creatures that thrive on exploring their surroundings, so when they aren't able to, they feel stir-crazy, just like we might if we were confined! When confined to tight spaces, they may experience stress, boredom, and a lack of mental stimulation which can lead to them becoming depressed.

97. Failing to notice your cat's moods

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Cats, just like people, have distinct moods that can signal various emotions, from contentment to anxiety and it's important that we pay attention and pick up on these! When we miss these cues, we might unintentionally neglect their needs or fail to recognize when they're asking for a little extra TLC.

98. Skipping regular play time sessions

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Playtime isn't just a luxury; it's a fundamental part of your cat's well-being. Cats are natural hunters, and play helps them unleash that inner predator, keeping them physically fit and mentally sharp. When you skip play sessions, you're denying your cat the chance to pounce, bat at toys, and release pent-up energy.

99. Not providing older cats with steps

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As cats age, their agility declines, and jumping onto furniture or high places becomes challenging. The absence of steps or ramps limits their access to familiar spaces, potentially leading to frustration and isolation. You wouldn't expect your grandma to climb the stairs like she used to would you!?

100. Not changing your care to meet their needs during different life stages

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Like any living being, a cat's needs evolve over time, from the energetic curiosity of kittenhood to the more sedate requirements of senior years. Neglecting to adjust nutritional plans, environmental enrichment, and health considerations accordingly may lead to issues such as obesity, anxiety, or untreated medical conditions.

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