1. It carries many diseases
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The river Nile is a lifeline for many communities and a water source for millions. Yet it is also responsible for the spreading of certain diseases, AND for the parasite bilharzia which is a disease that can affect many people and cause extreme illness.
2. The river is in huge danger from drought
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Without the river Nile there would be vast amounts of people left without a water source. Yet, the river is now in huge danger from drought. This is being caused more and more frequently by climate change which is causing extreme weather, including flooding in the river.
3. The Curse of the Pharaohs
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The Curse of the Pharoah is believed to have been created in ancient Egyptian times. It was believed that the Nile was sacred, and so many important Egyptian figures such as pharaohs were buried nearby. It is believed that anybody who disturbs them will suffer a deadly curse.
4. It's at least 30 million years old!
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New evidence has actually now suggested that the rover Nile is even older than had been assumed. It's now believed to be over 30 million years old! Evidence during biblical times suggests that the river existed many, many years before we have ever even imagined!
5. The Nile has been used as a base for illegal activity
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The river Nile is super important for so many different reasons, including its abundance of resources. But as the longest river in the world, it has also served less noble purposes, such as being used for smuggling illegal goods along the river to transport them to somewhere else.
6. Wastewater and rubbish is poured straight into the river
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It is believed that sources from Egypt pour waste and rubbish directly into the river. These have extremely damaging consequences for the health of the river. And when the balance of the river is upset, it disturbs the nature inside which can further lead to the toxicity of the water if the ecosystem isn't there to neutralize it.
7. Salt is killing the river
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The Mediterranean is merging more and more into the river Nile which is having very detrimental consequences. It means that the river is getting more and more salty which is destroying crops and water sources. This has become an increasing problem as the sea steadily merges.
8. The river Nile was once used for the slave trade
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As we mentioned before, rivers are forms of transportation. The river has some dark secrets from its past and one of these is that the river was used during the slave trade to take people from one place to another. This happened right until the banning of the slave trade, and even illegally afterward.
9. The river's water supply is expected to reduce by 70%
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The UN has estimated that the trajectory for the river Nile is set to get worse and worse in terms of facing drought. By the year of 2050, they have predicted that the river Nile's water supply will have reduced by 70%. This is a shocking statistic considering that millions of people rely solely on this water source.
10. A lack of silt is contributing to famine
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According to farmers who have lived along the regions of the Nile for many centuries, their crops rely on the water and silt that is deposited from the Nile into their land. Yet, now with the dam the water is cleaner than ever which means that the lack of silt is ruining the ability to grow crops.
11. The Nile curse applies to those who disrespect the river!
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The Nile has been a huge part of civilization for centuries and centuries. In the days of ancient Egypt, it was thought that anybody who disrespected the Nile in any way, both physically or verbally, would face a curse. This was because it was so important to them, even back then.
12. There is a huge over-dependency on the Nile
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Of the population that surrounds the river, Nile, more than 70% of them rely solely on the river Nile to live. That means that millions and millions of people survive currently due to the river Nile. There is a huge over-dependency on the Nile and the resources cannot sustain it.
13. The shape may follow the hot mantel beneath the earth's crust
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It has recently been suggested by scientists and researchers that the share of the river Nile may be formed by more than surface-level geographical conditions. It is actually thought that deep below the earth's crust, there may be a hot mantle that follows this same line.
14. Urbanisation along the river bank puts the Nile at risk of floods
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Urbanization is happening everywhere, all over the world, including along the river Nile. However, the urbanization in these areas is putting the Nile at even more risk of flooding. And with flooding and droughts, it means that the water there is is not being properly used.
15. Construction on the Nile has led to the displacement of many communities
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Communities have lived by the river Nile for a very long time, until modernity. Now, the construction along the Nile, for the dam (and other technical or commercial reasons) is leading to many of these communities being pushed out and displaced without their agreement.
16. The river is becoming more susceptible to natural disasters
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Climate change is bringing more and more consequences for the earth, and one of the most noticeable things in the last few years is the extreme rise in natural disasters and extreme weather. The river Nile is suffering and becoming more susceptible to damage with each strike.
17. Throughout history the Nile has been used for political manipulation
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Because the Nile contains so much power in terms of sustaining life and communities, it has been used as a form of political manipulation. Politicians and leaders have tried to claim power over the Nile in order to achieve what they want and gain power immorally.
18. The Nile's resources haven't always been equally distributed
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The Nile's huge supply of resources also hasn't been treated fairly. The resources were kept by certain people or groups rather than being equally distributed. In the past especially, the Nile had the power to sustain more people than it did due to the keeping of resources.
19. There have been many drownings in the river
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The river Nile is 4,132 miles long which as we know makes it the longest river in the world. And sadly, there are many people who have tragically died due to the power of the river. In 2017 a man on his honeymoon died after falling into the river Nile and not being able to get out again.
20. The Nile has been the route of many conflicts
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The river Nile has for centuries been a source of conflict due to different groups or countries wanting to claim the Nile as theirs. The Nile offered so many prospects, including resources, water, and transportation and so different sides were eager to claim it as their own.
21. The Aswan High Dam has altered the natural flow and ecosystems of the river
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The Aswan High Dam has been built for many reasons, and one of the greatest is to reduce flooding. It also cleans the water from sediment leaving it clearer and more suitable for water sources. But, the Dam has downsides including altering the natural flow and ecosystem of the river!
22. The increasing population has put more pressure on the Nile
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More and more people rely on the river Nile. Now, more than 300 people are sustained solely due to the Nile's resources. 95% of Egypt's population lives along the banks of the Nile. That means that 95% of the Egyptian population relies on the river Nile, meaning conservation efforts need to be put in place.
23. Archaeological sites have been ruined by river construction
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Due to more and more construction happening on and around the river, it means that archaeological sites are becoming ruined or buried forever. Many historical sites have not even yet been discovered. Because the Nile has so much historical prominence, researchers believe that there are many undiscovered archeological sites.
24. Non-native species have left the ecosystem of the Nile unbalanced
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Non-native species of fish and wildlife were introduced to the river Nile. These species drove out or killed some of the native species. The ecosystem was then threatened, due to the lack of stability and the imbalance it now suffered from. It's also a problem which threatens the health of the water.
25. Pollution is taking a huge toll
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Pollution in rivers is a huge concern because it is damaging the ecosystems massively. It means that the water quality is suffering, and so are the fish and the wildlife that live in the river. Increasing populations living around the Nile mean that actually, the river Nile may not be able to sustain this kind of pollution.
26. The Rosetta stone was discovered by the Nile
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The Rosetta stone was one of the most significant historical findings that allowed historians and experts to learn more about hieroglyphics. It was the initial step in deciphering the language of ancient Egypt and the Rosetta stone was discovered right by the river Nile.
27. The Nile has significant religious prominence
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The Nile is not only revered because of what it provides for the bordering countries, but also because of the religious prominence that it holds. For many people, they held various values and beliefs about the river. In fact, there were a variety of different religions that included the Nile as a part of their worship.
28. In Ancient Egypt the Nile was a symbol of fertility
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In ancient Egypt, the river Nile had a lot of significance and it was held in such high esteem that it was considered sacred. It was actually thought that the river Nile was a symbol of fertility. This was because it held such an abundance of resources.
29. The source of the Nile was discovered in the 19th century
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The river Nile was so huge that it was explored by various people in the past to try and discover more and more about the Nile. In the 19th century, two people discovered the source of the Nile where the water began, which was then called Lake Alexandra.
30. The Nile also represented a path to the afterlife in Ancient Egypt
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In ancient Egypt, the river Nile was also considered to be a path to the afterlife. This was because the significance of the river held so much value that it was actually considered to be a pathway to the afterlife. It was a sacred route to the beyond.