30 Things That Zodiac Signs Teach Us About Who To Avoid

By Lauren Mccluskey 8 months ago

1. The Zodiac

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In the ancient belief system of Astrology, the zodiac divides the sky into 12 equal segments and each of these corresponds to a different sign.  People's zodiac signs are determined by their birthdate and are used by Astrologers to offer various insights into a person's life path.  Obviously, people's experiences may vary but people do find entertainment and guidance in astrology, particularly through reading their horoscopes.

2. What do they say about your personality?

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When you were born affects which zodiac sign you are represented by and these are said to reveal the different elements of your personality including your qualities, traits, and behaviors, as well as where these are believed to lead you throughout your life and how compatible you are with others.

3. Why are we so interested?

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People have been invested in Astrology and their horoscopes for centuries.  In fact, the very first recorded horoscope actually dates all the way back to 410BC!  More recent research has found that people's belief in astrology and interest in reading their horoscopes are coping mechanisms for dealing with difficult situations in life.

4. What do they tell us about who to avoid?

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You can infer a lot from your Zodiac sign and what your horoscope tells you, and this can reveal some insights into your personality traits, qualities, and abilities.  Whether you believe in them or not, they might have the power to help you unlock some of your abilities, as well as encourage you to understand yourself a little better, understanding and revealing who is likely to vibe with your traits and who will most likely clash with you.

5. Aries (Mar 21 - Apr 19)

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The daring and fearless nature of those who were born under the Aries zodiac sign reveals a pioneering spirit.  As the first sign in the zodiac, Aries are said to be true leaders who are super confident, fearless, and absolutely fit to burst with bundles of electrifying energy.

6. So, who should an Aries avoid?

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So, because Aries are associated with fiery enthusiasm and are known for their high energy, they might find it useful to avoid those who cannot keep up with their super active and dynamic lifestyle.  To be honest, it's going to bring Aries down if they're surrounded by individuals who like to put a dampener on their excitement.

7. Taurus (Apr 20 - May 20)

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Taurus folk have strong roots.  They are incredibly grounded and fully know their place in the world.  And with this comes stability meaning that people can really rely on a Taurus when they need them.  Their qualities complement this too as they're said to be patient and practical.

8. And who ought a Taurus steer clear of?

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Taurus might therefore need to avoid those who cannot sit still and appreciate the simpler things in life.  Their desire for calm might be shaken up if they don't steer clear of those who are overly impulsive and never make decisions for a quieter life.  A Taurus cannot be dealing with drama, it's just not on their agenda.

9. Gemini (May 21 - Jun 20)

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Geminis are represented by the twins, and this is symbolic of what is believed to be their dual nature.  You see, on the one hand, they're thought to be incredibly sociable and curious, and then on the other, they often love to talk.  In fact, there's nothing that a Gemini loves more than a good chatter with anyone willing to enter a conversation with them.

10. Are there any no-nos for Geminis?

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There are a few no-nos for Geminis when it comes to choosing friends and companions.  The truth is, their love of a good conversation means that they will probably struggle to get on with anyone who is overly secretive and keeps their cards close to their chest.

11. Cancer (Jun 21 - Jul 22)

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As a Cancer, you are believed to have a caring, and nurturing nature, and family and friends are incredibly important to you in your life and you will protect them to the ends of the world.  Cancers are said to be sensitive to the emotions of others and incredibly empathetic too.

12. Which personalities should Cancers eschew?

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Cancers are caring, we know this.  But if their empathy and caring nature are dismissed, it can really rile them.  So Cancers should be quite cautious of those who tend to have the habit of being emotionally distant as they could just take a lack of reciprocated warmth too personally.

13. Leo (Jul 23 - Aug 22)

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The warmth of a Leo is down to their ruling by the Sun and this shines light on their charisma and talents.  Their confidence and creativity are not only the qualities that are said to make them natural leaders but also natural performers, always wanting to take center stage.

14. Should a Leo dodge anyone?

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Leos are not really known to dodge anything if we're being honest.  But their need for the spotlight could make them clash with other Leos who also need that same spotlight!  They should probably dodge anyone who tries to take the attention away from them and doesn't appreciate their talents and charisma.

15. Virgo (Aug 23 - Sept 22)

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Virgos love everything in their lives to be in order, and their attention to detail and precision are apparently second to none, according to horoscopes!  This means that you might expect Virgos' physical worlds, like their living areas, to be clean and tidy.  And if you're making plans with a Virgo, you're in good hands as their organizational skills and thoughts are believed to be in good order!

16. What are the pitfalls Virgos should watch out for?

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Now you probably know which way this point will steer...  Yes, Virgos' need for order would be plunged into bedlam if they mixed with disorganized and chaotic folk!  However, it might be a good thing to not avoid those who like a bit of mayhem because it might encourage them to let their hair down a bit!

17. Libra (Sept 23 - Oct 22)

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Librans are said to have a strong sense of diplomacy and are believed to really value fairness, equality, and justice.  They are well-balanced in many aspects of their lives, including their work-life balance and within their emotions too.  They enjoy this balance and harmony and are said to work hard to maintain it too.

18. Is there anyone a Libra needs to be wary of?

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Balance and harmony are the cornerstones of a Libra's existence.  So when someone wants to come into their life and put their weight onto one side of the scale and dismiss their diplomacy and desire for fairness, this might seriously disrupt their equilibrium.

19. Scorpio (Oct 23 - Nov 21)

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The intense inferno of Scorpios speaks of their fiery passion for life.  Their strong sense of loyalty strengthens friendships and deep emotional connections with others.  They're said to be determined and resourceful and will stop at nothing to defend their loved ones and experience life to the fullest.

20. Who should Scorpios be mindful not to hang out with?

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Scorpios will probably have ginormous issues with the more superficial beings in the room.  Like, Seriously, Scorpios usually cannot stand fakeness and will probably have a battle on their hands if they mix with those who just won't share their true feelings.

21. Sagittarius (Nov 22- Dec 21)

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Sagittarians love adventure and are said to have a strong desire to explore absolutely anything that gets their attention and curiosity.  Their optimistic nature allows them to enjoy life and truly live in the moment, whilst keeping an open mind and learning everything they can.

22. Which individuals should Sagittarius be careful not to bump into?

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Sagittarians would be able to lead the wild and free-spirited life that they want to lead if they avoid individuals who appear to be as rigid as a microwave instruction manual.  They can't have people holding them back and telling them to tone it down as they attempt to explore the world.

23. Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

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Capricorns are known for their discipline and drive.  They are said to be incredibly hard-working and this makes them really high achievers.  You might say that Capricorns are so focused that they can be a little set in their ways, valuing tradition and not allowing themselves to become distracted from their goals.

24. What relationships are best left undone for a Capricorn?

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Capricorns will probably want to avoid anyone or anything that might get in the way of their dreams and ambitions.  That means those who might discourage them or actively prevent them from pursuing their goals.  And they might do this on purpose, or their behavior might kill a Capricorn's drive.

25. Aquarius (Jan 20 - Feb 18)

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Aquarians are said to be really unique.  As true individuals, they go against the grain and really stand out against a crowd.  In fact, they'll be the ones to be the innovators and real advocators of change with their interesting and imaginative ideas and desire to move forward.

26. Who should an Aquarius give a wide berth to?

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Aquarians should certainly be wary of people who are stuck in their ways and absolutely refuse to change anything.  But perhaps not avoid them completely.  In fact, as forward-thinkers, Aquarians might be able to use their innovative ideas to persuade people to dust off the cobwebs and join them on their quest for change.

27. Pisces (Feb 19 - Mar 20)

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The artistry of Pisces is reflected within their creativity, not only with their physical creations but with their creativity in expressing themselves throughout their lives.  They have high emotional intelligence, are typically empathetic, and extremely intuitive.  They're said to be very self-aware and are able to live their authentic selves unapologetically.

28. Who should a Pisces leave to someone else?

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Pisces might not get on with those who have a more practical approach to life.  Those who don't daydream might not appreciate Pisces' ability to get lost in fantastical thoughts or their gentle and true empathetic nature.  Pisces needs to be able to build deep emotional bonds with people who really appreciate their imagination and caring nature.

29. The 13th Sign (Nov 29 - Dec 17)

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The 13th zodiac sign is a recent addition that is getting more recognition, despite not being widely accepted in Western Astrology.  But the sign, known as Ophiuchus is often associated with serpents and healing and is known to have empathetic qualities, as well as value meaningful connections, and be intrigued by the mysteries of life.

30. Who should Ophiuchus slither away from in their path?

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That being said, Ophiuchus should be mindful of who they let into their lives and who is best avoided.  You see, this serpent-like sign would not appreciate materialistic folk who seem to enjoy bringing drama or conflict into their lives.  It would totally go against their healing qualities and disrupt their exploration of life.

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