Signs Someone Has A Truly Faithful Partner

By Paula Tudoran 7 months ago

1. You're Invited To All Family Gatherings

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It's a huge green flag if they happily want you to be at every one of their family gatherings or friend hangouts - especially the latter, if they have a huge group of friends who usually like to go out and party! You can rest easy they're not getting up to something because they always want you there.

2. You've Started Sending Joint Cards/Presents

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The couple that sends Christmas cards together, stays together! It's a big step as an 'official' couple to send joint gifts and cards for birthdays and the holidays, so if they're happy to do it - maybe even suggested it - it shows they're committed to you, and want the world to know it.

3. They've Taken Care Of You Every Time You've Been Sick

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It's one thing to be committed when you're at your best, but you can see the true colors of a partner when you're physically sick. Are they suddenly spending more time away from you because they don't want to be holed up, or don't want to get sick? Or are they at your bedside every second of the day feeding you soup?

4. They've Shared Their Passwords And PINs With You

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We don't recommend doing this, of course, but it's down to the individual person - most couples can guess at their partner's password, but it's a huge sign of loyalty and commitment if your partner hands you his bank card and says oh yeah pay with this, my pin is... ****!

5. They're Serious About Living Together

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Living together is a big step for all couples and feeling happy to take that next step without any doubts shows how committed you are to that other person. So if they've been the first one to mention living together, and can't think about anything else, they're likely loyal.

6. All Their Loved Ones Have Added You On Social Media

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It's a very good sign if all their friends and family have made the move to add you on social media - it also means your partner has likely been singing your praises to them, and they like you enough to want to add you as a friend. A faithful partner will fight your corner and make a good impression.

7. They're Transparent About Their Past

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Honesty about their past relationships and experiences is a sign of trustworthiness. They have nothing to hide. Their openness extends to sharing both their triumphs and tribulations from the past. This transparency fosters an environment where secrets are unnecessary, ensuring that your connection is built on a foundation of trust, honesty, and a shared history.

8. They've Protected Your Secrets

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You need to be able to trust your partner with the secrets you tell them, as that's all part of them being faithful to you. Even if it's the smallest thing that some people might not thing is personal information, you never have to worry about them uttering a word of it.

9. They Keep Things Spontaneous

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Spontaneity keeps the spark alive. They surprise you with unplanned adventures or gestures to keep the relationship exciting. Whether it's a surprise weekend getaway, a spontaneous dance in the living room, or an unexpected love note, their ability to inject excitement and unpredictability into your lives adds an element of freshness that's crucial for a lasting and faithful romance.

10. They Surprise You with Sweet Gestures

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Random acts of kindness keep the relationship exciting. They surprise you with sweet gestures just because. From breakfast in bed to a heartfelt love letter left on your pillow, these surprises show their commitment to nurturing your happiness and keeping the relationship full of delightful surprises.

11. They Make Time for Quality Moments

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In the hustle and bustle of life, they prioritize quality time with you, ensuring that your connection remains strong. It's not just about being physically present but also about being mentally and emotionally engaged during these moments. These quality interactions allow you to deepen your emotional connection, ensuring that faithfulness remains at the forefront of your relationship.

12. They Share Responsibilities

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A faithful partner takes their share of responsibilities in the relationship, ensuring it's a balanced partnership. From household chores to decision-making, they actively contribute to creating a sense of equality and fairness in your relationship. This shared sense of responsibility strengthens the partnership and ensures that neither partner feels burdened or undervalued.

13. They're Proud to Show You Off

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They introduce you to friends and family, proudly displaying their commitment to you and your relationship. Their eagerness to include you in their social circles is a public declaration of their love and faithfulness. It's a way of saying, "You are an important part of my life, and I'm proud to have you by my side."

14. They're Patient During Tough Times

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Through hardships, they remain patient and understanding, standing by your side to weather any storm. Their patience isn't just a virtue but a testament to their unwavering dedication to the relationship. During challenging moments, their steadfast support becomes your anchor, reinforcing the bond of faithfulness and trust.

15. They're Thoughtful Gift Givers

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Their gifts aren't just tokens; they reflect a deep understanding of your likes, dislikes, and the thought they put into making you happy. It's as if they have a sixth sense for knowing precisely what would bring a smile to your face. These thoughtful gifts demonstrate their commitment to nurturing your happiness and show that they are attuned to the intricacies of your personality and desires.

16. They Apologize Sincerely

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When they're in the wrong, they apologize genuinely, showing they're willing to make amends. Their apologies aren't mere words; they are accompanied by sincere remorse and a commitment to rectify their mistakes. This willingness to take responsibility for their actions strengthens the foundation of trust and understanding in your relationship.

17. They're Faithful in Words and Actions

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Their words match their actions consistently, leaving no room for doubt. You never have to second-guess their intentions or question their loyalty because their behaviors align with their declarations of love and commitment. Their steadfastness in both word and deed creates an unshakable sense of security in your relationship.

18. They Make You a Priority

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You're at the top of their list. They make time for you, even when life gets busy. No matter how hectic their schedule may become, they ensure that you remain a focal point in their life. This prioritization reaffirms your significance in their heart and solidifies the bond of faithfulness that holds your relationship together.

19. They Encourage Independence

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A faithful partner supports your individuality and encourages you to pursue your passions and hobbies. They understand that personal growth and independence are vital components of a healthy relationship. Their encouragement allows you to flourish as an individual while still feeling deeply connected in your partnership.

20. They Never Disparage You Publicly

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Respecting your dignity, they avoid belittling or criticizing you in front of others. Their tactfulness and respect extend beyond private moments and into the public sphere. This consideration safeguards your self-esteem and maintains the image of a loving and respectful relationship in the eyes of others.

21. They're Respectful Toward Your Friends

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They treat your friends with kindness and respect, recognizing the importance of your social circle. Their behavior towards your friends reflects their understanding of the significance of these relationships in your life. This respect not only strengthens your bond but also fosters a harmonious environment in which your social and romantic worlds seamlessly coexist.

22. They're Attentive to Your Needs

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They pay attention to your emotional and physical needs, always ready to provide comfort and care. Whether you need a listening ear after a tough day or a warm hug to chase away the chill, they're attuned to your needs. Their attentiveness creates an atmosphere of emotional intimacy, ensuring you always feel valued and supported.

23. They Keep the Romance Alive

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They continuously nurture the romantic aspect of your relationship, keeping the flame burning bright. From spontaneous date nights to love notes hidden in unexpected places, they understand that romance requires effort and creativity. Their commitment to keeping the romance alive ensures that your connection remains passionate and enduring.

24. They're Honest About Their Feelings

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They openly share their feelings and thoughts, creating a safe space for emotional intimacy. Whether it's expressing their love, fears, or vulnerabilities, they don't hold back. Their honesty paves the way for a deeper emotional connection, allowing both of you to navigate life's ups and downs with transparency and trust.

25. They're Not Easily Distracted

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When spending time with you, they're not constantly checking their phone or getting lost in distractions. Your moments together are precious, and they prioritize being fully present. Their undivided attention during your time together reinforces the importance of your relationship and strengthens your bond.

26. They Handle Conflicts Maturely

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Disagreements are inevitable, but they approach conflicts with maturity and a desire to find solutions. Instead of resorting to blame or defensiveness, they engage in constructive discussions. Their ability to address issues with empathy and a focus on resolution ensures that conflicts don't erode the foundation of your relationship.

27. They Make You Laugh

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Laughter is essential in any relationship. They have a great sense of humor and know how to make you smile. Whether it's through witty jokes, playful banter, or sharing funny stories, their ability to bring joy and laughter into your life adds a delightful dimension to your connection.

28. They Show Affection Publicly and Privately

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Whether in public or behind closed doors, they're not afraid to express their love and affection. Their public displays of affection demonstrate their pride in your relationship, while their private moments of tenderness create a deeper sense of intimacy.

29. They Trust You Unconditionally

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Faithfulness goes both ways. They trust you completely and don't let jealousy or insecurity damage your relationship. Their unwavering trust in you is a reflection of their confidence in the strength of your bond. This mutual trust creates a safe and nurturing space where both partners can flourish without fear of judgment or doubt.

30. They're Always There for You

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Above all, a faithful partner is consistently there for you through thick and thin, making you feel loved and cherished every day. Their unwavering presence in your life is a testament to their commitment to your well-being and happiness. Knowing they have your back brings a deep sense of security and trust to your relationship.

31. They've Made The Move To Introduce Parents

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Someone who isn't going to want to fully commit isn't going to be too quick to introduce you to their parents. So it's a big step if they are the first ones to suggest it - it also means they've spoken about you to them, which means they're faithful in being with you and wanting to make it long-term.

32. They Include You in Their Future

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You're part of their long-term plans. They envision a future that includes you and openly discuss it with you. Whether it's talking about living together, starting a family, or even retirement plans, they make it clear that they see you as an integral part of their life journey.

33. They're Constantly Wanting To Plan Vacations Together

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If you have a partner who likes to vacation a lot without you, like with their group of friends or even solo travel, it can be a sign they sort of still want to live that single vibe life sometimes. Someone who is truly committed to you and not bothered about 'playing around' is only going to want to vacation with you.

34. They Prioritize Communication

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A faithful partner values open and honest communication. They're always willing to listen, share their thoughts, and discuss any concerns that may arise in your relationship. Their willingness to engage in deep conversations and tackle challenging topics ensures that the connection between you two remains strong.

35. They Respect Boundaries

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Respecting each other's personal space and boundaries is a sure sign of faithfulness. Your partner understands that trust is built on mutual respect for individual needs. They never push you to divulge more than you're comfortable with and are sensitive to your emotional and physical boundaries.

36. They're Emotionally Available

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A faithful partner is emotionally present when you need them. They offer a shoulder to lean on during tough times and celebrate your successes. Their emotional availability means that you can rely on them for support, knowing that they'll empathize with your struggles and share in your joys.

37. They're Supportive of Your Goals

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A faithful partner encourages and supports your ambitions, cheering you on in your pursuit of personal and professional success. They actively engage in conversations about your dreams and aspirations, offering valuable insights and a strong support system.

38. And That Includes Mental Health Struggles

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One true testament can also be mental health struggles, as a lot of partners can be fine with picking used tissues up off the floor, but might bolt and run if you suffer with low or irritable mood. You have a loyal partner if they support you through any down days or struggles you might be going through.

39. They Haven't Fled At The First Hurdle

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Every couple, no matter how committed, will run into issues or arguments, and usually it's that first big one that can make or break you. If they've remained steadfast through your first difficulties instead of deciding that they don't want to put the effort in, you have a faithful partner.

40. They've Let You Share Expensive Things

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It's a true testament of trust if your partner has some very expensive items that they decide to trust you with. This could be a very expensive car they have that they're happy to let you drive, or it could be rare or expensive items they have at home, like tech gadgets, that they don't even bat an eye at when letting you share!

41. You've Bought A Pet Together

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Buying a pet together is a huge commitment, and the choice to do so is up there with moving in together, getting married and a precursor to having actual children instead of fur babies. Either way, a partner who is willing to commit 10+ years of a pet's lifespan with you is a loyal one.

42. They've Seen You At Your 'Worst'

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We say 'worst' when we really just mean without making any effort. So you've shed every ounce of makeup, every sexy outfit, your hair is a mess, you aren't feeling great, you're bloated and you're eating like a pig... and hey, guess what, they still think you're the most beautiful thing in the world.

43. They Keep Their Promises

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Promises are sacred to them. They don't make commitments lightly and follow through on their word, no matter how big or small. When they give you their word, you can rely on it without a shadow of doubt. Their consistency in keeping promises demonstrates their integrity and reliability, creating a foundation of trust that forms the bedrock of your faithful partnership.

44. They Come To You First For Advice

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If they zoom straight to you for any advice that they need instead of discussing with their best friend, on the group chat, or with their family, they trust you implicitly and care most about what you think - which is a huge sign they're faithful to you and what your relationship means!

45. You've Spoken Openly About S*x Experience

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Couples should be able to talk openly about everything, but sometimes people can struggle sharing truths about their s*x past because of the awkard ex convo and all that. But the two of you are completely open about everything you've experienced/don't like/do like/want to try, without judgement.

46. They Show Appreciation

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Small gestures count. They express gratitude and appreciation for the little things you do to make each other's lives better. It's not just about saying "thank you" but also noticing and acknowledging the effort and thoughtfulness behind your actions.

47. There's Never Any Question About Them Checking In With You

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You never need to ask them to send you a text when they arrive somewhere traveling, when they're out with friends, or to give you a call if they're taking a trip without you to let you know their safe - they do it without question, and they don't need to be asked, because they respect

48. You Actually Don't Have A Single Doubt

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You should always follow your gut, and sometimes this can be all you need to tell you whether you have a faithful partner or not. There isn't a single niggling doubt, there's nothing you get annoyed about, no reason for you to feel worried when they're anywhere without you.

49. They Have Really Loyal Friends

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You can tell a lot about a person by the people they hang around with and choose to have in their lives. If your partner is surrounded by single people always encouraging them to party or to 'keep their options open', this can be a red flag. On the other hand, if they have very loyal friends who are in committed relationships themselves, or just fully support yours, it's a green flag!

50. They Haven't Had That Many Relationships Before

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That isn't to say someone who's never had a relationship before can't still be unfaithful, but knowing their track record helps! It's the 'had loads of failed relationships/cheated on someone before' versus the 'has only had one other committed relationship where they were still a faithful partner to that person, too'.

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