12+ Signs Of An Unreliable Person

By Milli 7 months ago

1. They always show up late

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It might sounds obvious, but is this person always late? If they are not someone you can rely on to show up to dinner on time with you, how can you rely on them for more meaningful matters? Being unreliable in one aspect of life generally translates to being unreliable in others too.

2. They don't show up at all

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Have they taken it one step further and just not shown up at all? Apart from being down right rude, standing someone up is a classic trait of an unreliable person as only this type of person could think this is okay! The icing on the cake is the lack of remorse and apology.

3. They can't keep a secret

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If you trust someone enough to tell them something secret or personal, you expect it to go no further than them. If someone is telling you other people's secrets, then chances are they are revealing yours too. Take the hint and stop confiding in them!

4. Look at their body language

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Sometimes the biggest sign of a unreliable person is their body language. If they shift their feet from side to side it can mean that they are feeling nervous. This could be because you just caught them in a lie or because they know the story they are telling is not 100% accurate.

5. They never take responsibility

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When you do something bad, it's normal to feel guilty. Someone who is untrustworthy though is likely to avoid accepting any responsibility and will not hold their hands up and admit to any guilt. It stems from a feeling of superiority and this is a warning sign of their personality.

6. They are not honest

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A person with integrity will always have a desire to be honest. If you are unreliable person then it probably won't bother you to be untruthful. They won't have the same moral principles so you may notice that they can tell white lies or just generally not tell people the whole truth.

7. They send mixed messages

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Someone who says one thing and does another can be very unreliable. They might make a promise to you which leaves you expecting a certain outcome. If they are someone who will just change and do something else without the courtesy of letting you know, then this is the definition of unreliable.

8. They tell you how to feel

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A good friend will listen to how you're feeling and try and empathise and help you find a solution. If someone is advising you how you should feel or act then be wary of them. This is the sign of someone who has their own best interests at heart and not yours.

9. They are always taking

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Relationships are a case of give and take. If the relationship is feeling one-sided, like you are always giving and they are always taking then this is a sign that person is unreliable. They don't take your needs into consideration and you will end up resenting them.

10. Look at the little things

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Watch out for the small signs too. Raising an eyebrow or a little sideways smirk after telling a story is almost like them celebrating that they fooled you all. This is a sign of an unreliable person and someone who thinks how they are acting is acceptable and we can tell you that it's not.

11. They keep touching their face

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Touching a hand to face is a body language sign often associated with lying. It can also mean that the person is holding back information. An unreliable person may do this while telling a story that they have modified. Maybe to make themselves look better or to create a different narrative all together.

12. They can't control their emotions

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If someone is acting erratic, they are obviously unable to control their emotions. They are probably impulsive and have a tendency to fly off the handle. This is because they can't handle feeling angry or upset and this behaviour is very common in people who are unreliable.

13. They can be extreme

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If you are having a fight with your partner, you might be really angry in the moment but deep down you still know that they are the one you want to be with. Someone with an unreliable personality will struggle to cope with this mix of opposite emotions. They will go from one extreme emotion to the other.

14. They can't handle negative feedback

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Constructive criticism is how we grow as people both socially and professionally. Someone who is insecure in themselves won't be able to handle this and will perceive it as negative only. These traits are seen in unreliable people who will immediately assume you are attacking them.

15. They are inconsistent

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If someone is constantly showing up for you and proving they are there for you, they are consistent. An unreliable person in your life will not do this. You will notice that sometimes they are there and sometimes they are not. If you can't be consistent then you certainly can't be trusted or relied upon.

16. They never feel guilty

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Someone who is aware of themselves and people around them will feel guilt. They might even feel it more than they should, but it's because they are sensitive to other people's feelings. An unreliable person will not feel guilt, probably even, because they will always think it is someone else's fault.

17. They aren't very agreeable

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Some people are agreeable and cooperative. An unreliable person will be the opposite of this. They don't understand that people are putting their trust in them, so it won't occur to them to be polite and understanding. They will always have themselves as number one priority.

18. They can be show offs

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People who are comfortable within themselves tend to be more humble and generally more trustworthy as they are happy with who they are as a person. Someone who is insecure because they have a personality trait like being unreliable will never be able to do this. They will always act like they have something to prove.

19. Their stories are contradictory

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If this person has told you a story, then you hear them retelling it to someone else but with a few details changes, take this as your warning sign. If they are giving contradictory information or just trying to liven the story up by telling a white lie, think about what else they might be lying about.

20. They can't admit when they're wrong

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No one really likes to admit that they're wrong, but sometimes we have to. Everyone makes mistakes. If your friend or partner refuses to admit they're wrong, it can be a sign that they are untrustworthy. Taking responsibility for your actions is a key part of life and growing as a person.

21. They're secretive

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If you get the impression that your partner is hiding things from you, it creates feelings of doubt about them and their intentions. To be a reliable and trustworthy person, you must equally put your trust in other people. If you cannot do this, it's often a sign that it's because you yourself cannot be trusted.

22. They make you uncomfortable

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You should always trust your gut. If you get a feeling of unease when you're around someone then take the hint. If this person makes you feel uncomfortable then there will be something about their personality that doesn't sit right with you and it could be that they are unreliable.

23. They won't rely on anyone else

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A telltale sign of an unreliable person is when they don't rely on others for anything. This is because it's ingrained in them that they are behaving in a normal way, so they assume everyone else is the same. When the reality is, they are just isolating themselves.

24. They lack empathy

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Empathy and trust are one and the same, and being trustworthy means being reliable. If you lack one element, you probably lack them all. So if your friend or partner can't show empathy for anyone else who might be going through a tough time, observe your warning.

25. They don't respect boundaries

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Boundaries can be physical or emotional, and someone unreliable won't respect them because they don't respect you. They can't understand the idea of personal space so they certainly won't feel remorse when they encroach on it. This disrespectful behaviour is characteristic of someone unreliable.

26. They dominate

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We all probably have that one friend in the group who seems to dominate the conversation, but have you ever really thought about why? They don't let others get a word in because they want it to be all about them and this can be a sign of being untrustworthy.

27. They blame others

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Never trust someone if you observe them always trying to pass the blame. Even for the little things. If it is always someone else's fault then they are not very good at taking responsibility and also it's probably because they like to be the victim and use that to their advantage.

28. They can be over the top

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An unreliable person will often display 'over the top' behaviour. This could be giving excessive gifts when they know you can't possibly reciprocate. Often the reason for this is so they can always feel superior and on top. If this is ringing bells for you, it's time to walk away.

29. They aren't very good at communicating

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Some people are great at communicating. Some people are just not. It doesn't always mean they are unreliable, but it's definitely a sign to take a closer look. If they are not even trying to get to the point to keep you guessing and make themselves look more intriguing, then they are doing it purely to confuse you.

30. Look at their history

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At the end of the day, looking at someone's history will tell you a lot about their future. If a lot of boxes have been ticked on this list regarding a friend of a partner, then maybe this is your sign to cut ties. No more being stood up or feeling uneasy.

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