The Strangest Warning Signs From Around The World

By Lauren Mccluskey 8 months ago

1. Some sound advice here

Image Source / CNNTravel
Whatever you need to beware of in life, this sign that was found in Suzhou, China absolutely hits the nail on the head.  And whatever this sign was referring to, at least whoever reads it can take this mantra with them as they set out on their adventures into the wide world.

2. Beware of Invisible Cows...

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Have you ever seen an invisible cow?  Sorry stupid question... But you should be very wary of driving around at night because the cows that you once saw during the day become completely inconspicuous and are almost impossible to see with the untrained eye.  Perhaps there's something in the grass...

3. ...They'll probably devour your ride!

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It seems that you have to be REALLY vigilant when it comes to driving on the open road.  We mean, it's Night of the Living Cows out there!  At least that's what THIS sign in Australia implies.  If you're not careful, they'll gobble up your ride with you in it faster than you can scream UNDEAD LIVESTOCK!

4. And be sure to check for penguins under your car

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If you ever take a trip to the Table Mountain National Park in South Africa, you've got to remember to check underneath your vehicle for penguins.  Bet you thought you'd never be told to do that in your lifetime, did you?  But it's not as strange as it sounds.  You see, penguins will nest under parked cars because they're warm so if you don't check - yep - penguin soup!

5. Alligator Etiquette

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You have to have the correct alligator etiquette because otherwise, it's CERTAIN DEATH.  At least that's what this sign in Queensland, Australia warns us of, and they're probably not wrong, are they?!  You poke an alligator with a stick, YOU DIE; you ride an alligator like a rodeo bull - YOU DIE; you show an alligator your rear end - YOU DIE; you pet an alligator on the nose whilst calling it your squishy - YOU DIE.  So don't do those things, OK?

6. Don't go viral for the wrong reasons!

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Everyone (well, probably not everyone) dreams of becoming a YouTube star, don't they?  Well, those who do at least, probably don't want to go viral for relieving themselves on the beach (probably).  So if you ever find yourself on a beach in Lithuania, where this sign was found by a worried traveler (who hopefully didn't get caught!), then beware of the CCTV!

7. What kind of restroom is this?!

Image Source / CNNTravel
While we're on the topic of relieving ourselves, it seems that when we do finally find a restroom, there's some pretty odd signage there too.  Like this one in Sacramento, California.  Seriously, why do we need to wear ear protection?  Is this a form of extreme peeing?  We guess anything is possible...

8. Good luck getting your $200

Image Source / BoredPanda
Okay, so if you die because you touched a wire on the tramway, you're liable for a $200 fine.  This is obviously very serious and devastating, but are they for real?!  And do they really expect that $200?  They're going to have a serious wait on their hands if they are!

9. Surprises around every corner

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Here's a hilarious guide standing next to an equally hilarious sign that she found in the Himalayas - can you see what she did yet?  In fact, this sign refers to the windy road, encouraging you to treat her (the road) with respect because she (again, the road) is dangerous.

10. Be sure to take the devious route!

Image Source / ExodusTravels
Those scheming routes in Gyangste! But actually, this sign does actually make some sense and isn't directing you on a path to your own destruction!  In fact, a devious route is a less direct route to your destination, and judging by that staircase that looks like it ends on the moon, it's probably a walk in the park!

11. Even though you might die

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You've got to love a sign that warns you that you might die here.  Like this one in Orange County that warns that your safety is not guaranteed.  What a way to deter visitors, right?!  We hope this was at the start of wherever it was photographed because we'll tell you one thing, plans will probably change quite quickly after this!

12. Why have a sign at all?

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A sign to tell you that the sign is not in use - what a genius way to use a sign.  What would you actually look at whilst you're driving down the road?  It would just be lonely without signs telling you that they're not really signs, wouldn't it?  So embrace those useless signs.

13. Only jerks litter

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Patronizing signs that mock those who drop their trash are up there in the best signs, aren't they?  It's so infuriating and probably absolutely finds people dumbfounded when they see someone littering.  So, yes, we agree with this sign to the ends of the world.

14. A bottomless pit has a bottom

Image Source / CNNTravel
We don't know about you but this sign absolutely crushed everything we thought we knew about bottomless pits.  Like, who'd have thought that an actual bottomless pit would actually have a bottom AND it was only 65 feet deep like this one located in Hawaii?

15. Those pesky pedestrians

Image Source / CNNTravel
Wherever this sign was snapped, you'd better watch out for those slippery pedestrians!  Hilariously, many signs from around the world are actually only funny because of their double meanings.  You see if we had some sort of punctuation between 'pedestrians' and 'slippery', perhaps we'd infer the correct meaning rather than being careful not to slip on pedestrians in that area...

16. When warthogs and children walk side by side

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This sign found in Kenya implies that warthogs and children walk side by side and have priority on the road.  Like they're best pals or something similar.  But the reality is, it's probably the warthog and THEIR babies, not YOUR babies which would be rather alarming!

17. Thanks for the heads up!

mage Source / CNNTravel
If you're in a hotel and need to be reminded that you're room is not on ground level, you might wonder why it's way windier where you are and you're face to face with the gulls.  AND you can see over the next building...  yes, you're definitely not at ground level there!

18. Tourists mastering the art of Wanderlust

Image Source / LonelyPlanetMedia
OK, OK... We know this isn't an overt warning sign per se, however, you could take it as a warning of how you're seen as a tourist, perhaps.  But in fairness, there's not exactly a wealth of information on there at all is there?  No wonder tourists get lost!

19. But are forever taking a detour to nowhere

Image Source / LonelyPlanetMedia
See, there are places all over the world that seem to "innocently" mock tourists' directional skills.  See, check this center out in Tibet: 'Lhasa Reception Center for the Unorganized Tourists'.  They've absolutely hit the nail on the head there haven't they?!

20. If you want to sit improperly, go somewhere else...

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Who tells you where you sit improperly?  Well, this sign does, so if you're ever visiting this park in Kolkata, India, as a tourist, be sure to check your etiquette and respect those rules!  How do you even sit improperly anyway?  There must be some guidance mustn't there?

21. Unless you are a fly...

Image Source / BuzzFeed
Wherever this is, their flies can read!  And if you're not a fly, and you trigger the Venus fly traps, then you're in for trouble.  They'll digest themselves!  Gruesome, right?  But if you're a fly, you're fine to buzz into them as they dissolve you instead.  Just approach with caution.

22. That's them crawfish told!

Image Source / BuzzFeed
Well, this is a very specific request, ain't it?  Like, if a crawfish could actually read as they navigate life out of the water (they do survive during the wet season, you know), they're just not allowed to enter this waterpark!  Even if their gills were drying up!  No, sorry - we're getting carried away again - people eat crawfish and others have allergies... that's probably what they meant!

23. Not so secret now, is it?

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This road sign in the UK directs drivers to a secret nuclear bunker...  Yes, SECRET which, of course, means that whoever made and approved the sign was terrible at actually keeping the secret.  It's certainly not under wraps now, is it?  So why not just take the 'secret' out of its name?

24. But it was promised!

Image Source / LonelyPlanetMedia
So this is not strictly a warning sign, but interesting nonetheless.  You see, a photographer called Doug Lansky and Lonely Planet have a published book of funny signs from around the world that Lansky has encountered along his travels, and this sign from Penninsula, Washington was in it.  Like, as if you can actually close the Promised Land...

25. Certainly a warning

Image Source / CNNTravel
This sign that was spotted in Taipei, Taiwan, however, is definitely a warning.  Sore tooth?  Why not book an appointment at the 'Yelling Dental Clinic' whilst you're away?  Sounds a little alarming but, to be fair, at least they're being honest so don't let the 'yelling' part put you off.

26. Can you taste the irony?

Image Source / WikimediaCommons
So this warning sign is not funny on its own.  It's a standard yellow warning sign that commands caution because there are low-flying aircraft in the area.  But take a look closer, the top of the sign has been damaged!  Can you see why it is funny now?

27. Thank you for the information

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And just in case you needed a sign to tell you about every single occurrence in the world, then look no further.  This sign which was found by a traveler somewhere in the US, actually tells you that the sidewalk has come to an end.  Like, could you not work this out without a sign?

28. We'd have tried it if it weren't for the sign as well!

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In West Cork, Ireland, someone decided that this tiny one-track lane needed a sign on it to tell drivers not to drive side by side or pass one another.  And just to illustrate how pointless this sign actually is, one traveler took this photograph of their own car, which doesn't look like a big car, on the lane.

29. Der DEN (Obviously from the Jaws soundtrack)

Image Source / deMilked
Staff at the Toronto Aquarium had fun when they made their signs.  This 'Caution Wet Floor' sign is a shark fin, implying that there's one swimming in the bathroom floor.  So if you fall, do they mean that you're going to get eaten by the restroom shark?  Interesting idea!

30. When you have a lot of rules...

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Sometimes, places just have a lot to say.  In fact, they need a huge sign so they can actually fit all of the rules and warnings onto it.  Like in Anzac Park, the general manager warns you to be cautious of children in the area and sudden drops; advises you to wear protective equipment when skateboarding; and tells you to not camp, drive, or play golf...  But at least there's alcohol permitted, right?!

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