20 Benefits Of Having Children

By Lauren Mccluskey 8 months ago

1. The benefits of having children

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It's true that having children can really bring a wealth of benefits to your life,  personally and emotionally, and, interestingly, studies have found that having them can even have wonderful benefits to your health!  And although parenting has its numerous challenges, it's also incredibly rewarding and fulfilling too.

2. The unique journey of parenting

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It's important to remember that everyone's parenting journey is different and it's really important that you don't compare.  But despite this, many parents agree on lots of benefits that have appeared in their lives that weren't necessarily present before their little bundles of nonsense and joy entered their world.

3. Unconditional Love

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One thing's for sure, parents tend to feel this unconditional love that feels different from the other kinds of love they've probably felt before.  For some parents, it's a rush, but for others, it might develop more slowly, and this is completely normal.  But one thing's for sure, you'll fiercely protect your kids with everything you've got.

4. Those good old family dynamics

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You might remember those good old family dynamics from when you were younger, especially if you've grown up in a household with siblings.  There's laughter, tears, excitement, boredom, playtime, fights... As soon as you have kids, the rhythms within your household change forever but these new dynamics are like a recipe for quirky personalities and inside jokes, and you're never going to be bored again!

5. The magic of watching them grow

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Watching your children grow is certainly a unique source of happiness and pride as they achieve their milestones and develop into their own personalities.  Their physical, emotional, and intellectual growth doesn't ever cease to amaze you as you are constantly reminded of the miracle of life.

6. The gift of seeing the world through their eyes

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Kids see the world differently from adults, and we seem to forget that they're seeing lots of incredible things that we often take for granted for the first time.  So having children of your own can really open your eyes up to how wondrous the world actually is and encourage us to live more presently and appreciate our surroundings.

7. They really do bring out the best in you

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When you see your child's face for the first time, lots of parents report feelings of wanting to be better for their kid, whatever that means for them.  Sometimes it means a lifestyle change so they're healthier or more present and sometimes it's a drive to achieve so they can be a good role model.

8. And can really help YOU grow

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Becoming a parent means that you face many challenges, and it's true that even if you're on your seventh child, you're still learning on the job.  It does feel like you're constantly faking it until you make it, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with this as it's making you grow as both a parent and a person too.

9. You can learn from children

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One great thing about kids is that you can learn so much from them.  The parent-child relationship isn't just all one way as you'd expect and your children are able to teach you so much more about life.  This includes how to feel emotions, how to react to situations, how to be more present, and appreciate the little things in life.  Then there's the academic stuff they learn from school, the new fashion trends, developments in tech, and their hoppin' music taste!

10. Create a lasting legacy

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When you have kids, you know that when you're gone, there's perhaps a chance that a part of you lives on.  Everything you've taught them, the traits they've inherited, the memories you share, and traditions that you keep going could also live on for many years and be passed down to your kids' kids and so on.

11. A sense of purpose

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It's true that when you become a parent, you're not just you anymore, in fact, you have a whole other life that you're responsible for too.  And for many parents, this can really give them a sense of purpose.  This is particularly true if you feel like you've not found your calling in life yet, but even if you have, your priorities may also change.

12. Pride & achievement

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Watching your children grow and achieve their dreams and aspirations is an insane source of pride and joy.  Even if it's a goal that they dreamt up in the moments before they achieve it, like threading a bead or standing up against furniture, you're so proud that you could just burst.

13. Wonderous curiosity

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When kids are young, many elements of the world are just totally new to them so they're just amazing. - even watching drops of rain drip down the window!  And they're so curious about everything that they ask so many questions about the world around them, helping you to appreciate the wonders of life... Until, of course, they start asking you endless questions like this: "What would win in a fight, a crab or a scorpion?"

14. They're artists

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The endless reams of paper they bring home with nonsensical scribbles on of Mr. Potato Heads and jellyfish people were never once a source of entertainment before you had kids.  But now your whole house is full of them adorning your walls and fridge.  And you can throw them out, no way, your kids WILL notice!

15. Built-in buddy

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Having a kid can certainly give you a built-in buddy for a while... To them, as their parent, you're the most brilliant person in the world and they usually love hanging out with you (when their cool aunt or uncle turns up).  Well, that's at least they turn into horrible teenagers (not really) and don't think you're super awesome and hip anymore.

16. Little fashionistas

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Kids have wonderful fashion sense too.  Their weird and wonderful creations can rival any Alexander McQueen runway show.  And they'll want to give you a few fashion tips too no doubt, which you could certainly do with, since they told you that your clothes are 'so last season'.

17. Living in the moment

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Kids are the epitome of living in the moment; they're so present with everything, really feeling emotions as and when they come and getting really into whatever games they're playing (well, at least until you introduce screens nowadays).  But it's true, kids, when they're young, don't seem to worry about tomorrow or regret yesterday as much as we do and it's so refreshing.

18. Pet interactions

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Kids' interactions with animals are absolutely precious just because they tend to love them just for existing.  And if you already have a pet, know that developing your child's positive feelings toward animals can really contribute to your child's ability to develop trusting relationships with others.  They're also beneficial for their empathy, communication, and compassion too.

19. They're imaginative storytellers

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You only have to watch children playing to know that they're such fantastic storytellers.  The ways they use their own imaginations whilst they're role-playing or playing with their toys to create captivating tales that inspire you and entertain you.

20. Their hide-and-go-seek strategies

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You probably haven't played hide-and-seek since you were a small child, but once you have kids, you'll probably find the unexpected joy in it once again.  And you might even find that your kids have some amazing tactics that you never once thought of when you played.

21. Being able to dress them as sushi

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Along with the matching outfits and the cute threads you can dress your kids in, have you ever thought about the pure potential joy of Halloween when it rolls around each year?  You can get away with a family Halloween theme for your costumes when they're younger too, and they might even give you some genius ideas too!

22. Their innocent honesty

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Kids are so honest, and they don't even know how 'cute' they're being with their innocent (we think!) honesty.  And whether it's their total ignorance of social norms at the moment, they just say the darndest things!  Like one mom who took to Reddit with her daughter's hilarious note telling her that she loved her SOMETIMES!

23. They can teach you a thing or two about how to feel your emotions

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When kids feel emotions, it's like they just run through their entire being.  They have absolutely no inhibitions when it comes to screaming murder when you tell them they can't have another piece of candy, or when you give them some big news that you think they'll be pleased about, they're really bad at hiding their disappointment!

24. Share your passions

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One thing that many parents say they're excited about when it comes to them having kids is the fact that they'll be able to force their hobbies upon them... And it's true, some kids do learn to share their parent's passion for fishing, karate, or whatever else, but you'll find that it's probably going to be THEM introducing you to new hobbies instead!

25. They're an investment for your later years

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In your elderly years, your kids are going to probably make up quite a lot of your social circle, to be honest.  So having kids could be a good way to combat loneliness when you grow older too.  Obviously, you won't want your family to think that they have to hang out with you all the time when you're older, so make sure you do other things to combat this too.

26. Do things you used to do

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As adults, most of us tend to forget how to play and find joy in movement: the freedom of dancing in the rain or running downhill so fast that you feel like your legs can't keep up.  But having kids helps us to remember how to play, as well as how much joy it can still bring to us now!

27. There are proven health benefits

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Healthwise, there are some scientifically proven benefits to having kids too!  Not only do they keep you sharp and active, particularly when they're younger, but in women, pregnancy has been found to reduce the risk of breast cancer.  A 2009 study also found that women who breastfed for at least 12 months may lower their risk of developing cardiovascular disease too.  A 2012 study in Australia also found that having children may lead to a longer life too!

28. Bigger brains

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We all know the term 'mom brain' that affects us, but one Canadian study found that a mother's brain tends to grow more with each child that they have.  This is particularly evident in the hippocampus, which is the area of the brain that deals with spatial memory and learning, as it grows during pregnancy and motherhood!

29. Joy & happiness

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Now, we know that kids can fill us with joy but we're not going to sit here and tell you that this parenting business is always a piece of cake because it's not.  And you're not always going to feel that rush of joy and happiness either because sometimes, just sometimes, waking for the third time in a row in one night and getting boogers wiped on you ten times a day can wear you out and make you feel anything but positive.  But as long as you're showing up each day, and showing the little tikes the love and affection they need, you're doing a wonderful job!

30. Give yourself a break

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So be sure to give yourself a break from time to time. You've got to remember, parenting looks different for everyone, as do the benefits of having children and happiness too.  And for all of the benefits children bring to our lives, sometimes you just need a break, and spending a little time away won't hurt.  In fact, it'll allow you to come back recharged and more likely to appreciate the little things that you share with your children.

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