30 Signs That We Should Play A Ouija Board

By Rio Dennis 1 year ago


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Ouija boards are a traditional way of contacting people beyond the grave. They are often portrayed in a negative light, especially within movies, as they often release evil spirits/forces. However, they can be a source of positivity, and you shouldn't dismiss your curiosity when it comes to (potentially) experiencing them.


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Ouija boards can also provide a form of entertainment, and it can be a great way to bring a group of people together e.g. family and/or friends. It can be quite daunting if you're using a board for the first time, but being around people you can trust, will provide you with a better overall experience.


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These boards are also known as 'spirit boards' within some cultures, and they are a traditional method of spiritual communication across the world. They can be included within certain rituals, and are often used to strengthen group/tribal bonds between the living and the dead.

Seeking answers

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One of the most common uses of an ouija board, is to seek answers from relatives or loved ones that have left the mortal realm. A traditional board consists of the letters of the alphabet, and 'yes' and 'no' sectors, which a spirit will use to communicate with (via a pointer or other inanimate object e.g. a glass).

Spiritual exploration

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As mentioned previously, ouija boards are used to contact spirits that may be present within a certain location, and they are a great way to explore spirituality (especially if it something you have strong beliefs about). It is important that you do this kind of exploration with at least one other person, as it can be dangerous if you are alone, and accidentally contact a darker spirit.

Contacting loved ones

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If you have recently lost a family member or loved one, using an ouija board can be a great way of contacting them, before they fully cross over into the spirit world. Many spirits find it difficult to navigate their spirit 'limbo', and using a ouija board can help them cross over properly.

Paranormal investigation

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The paranormal is an enticing and mysterious things, and if you're not a fan of the newest paranormal investigation 'technology', then you can always resort to the traditional way of contacting the dead. Ouija boards are a great thing for paranormal investigation, as it provides any spirits with a vessel, with which they can communicate clearly.

Connection with the unknown

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Connection with the unknown is a slightly terrifying concept, but it can be equally as exciting as well, which is why you shouldn't be so afraid of using an ouija board. Being willing and able to connect with the unknown, can be a valuable talent to have, especially if you are trying to reconnect with deceased relatives and loved ones.

Ghost hunting

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Ghost hunting is an activity that has been around for centuries, and was brought into the mainstream via television shows, videos and media in general. The majority of modern-day ghost hunters, use digital technology to search for spirits, but it is believed (by some) that ouija boards may be a simpler/more effective method for this.

Creative inspiration

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Surprisingly, ouija boards can be a great source of inspiration, especially if you're a writer, artist, painter, musician etc. If you're working on a project that involves any from of paranormal activity/spirituality, it might be best to participate in (or sit-in on) a ouija board reading.

Psychological exploration

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You can also explore you psychology via an ouija board, and this exploration can present itself in an internal or external way. Internally, it may present itself as accessing your subconscious thoughts, and externally it may present itself as sharing your thoughts etc. out loud.

Spiritual guidance

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Spirituality is a key part of ouija boards, and it is one of the most effective methods of contacting a spirit guide. You may already have a spirit guide you can contact, or you may be starting your journey to find a spirit guide. As long as you make this intent known to any possible spirits, you'll likely prevent any darker spirits from intercepting.


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You may be interested in using an ouija board, just for the sake of experimentation, and that is perfectly fine. If you are planning on using it for this purpose, it is important to note, that you should do this within a trusted group/with someone who uses ouija boards regularly.

Social bonding

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Although this activity is to connect with the spirit world, it can also be great source of social bonding, especially between family members and close friends. It has the ability to really bring people together, whilst connecting them to deceased loved ones.

Overcoming fear

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There are a lot of pre-conceptions and superstitions surrounding the use of ouija boards, and this has been greatly influenced by the mainstream media's portrayal of them. Many people are scared to use one, as they believe they may become possessed or haunted by a malevolent spirit, despite this being pretty far from the reality. It can be a great way to face your fears, and tackle them effectively.

Personal growth

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Linking back to the last point, ouija boards can really help prompt personal growth, and build up your self-confidence. By overcoming any potential fears you may have had regarding ouija boards, you will be able to approach certain situations (within your life) with a better mind-set.

Testing beliefs

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Personal beliefs are the leading cause of wanting to use an ouija board, and it is used within certain communities to strengthen these beliefs, as well as connecting with traditions. Your personal beliefs regarding ouija boards may differ from other people's, and that is perfectly fine, as long as all beliefs are being respected.


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The grieving process can be greatly improved and lighten by using an ouija board, as it allows you to contact deceased loved ones/relatives, and gain proper closure following their death. This is great for people struggling with the overall grieving process, and have had to deal with an untimely/harrowing death.


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Many cultures use ouija boards as a vessel for stories, and will use them to pass down stories through the generations. This style of storytelling may use stories created by the person using the ouija board, or the spirit(s) they have contacted (usually elder spirits).

Spiritual comfort

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Spiritual comfort occurs through recurring use of an ouija board, and consistent contact with one or more specific spirit. You may befriend certain spirits, and continually contact them, as a way of strengthening your spirituality and bond with the spirit world.

Exploration of the sub-conscious

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As mentioned previously, using an ouija board can help you explore your subconscious mind. Using an ouija board normally requires a quiet, peaceful and calm setting, as this reduces the risk of spirits being disturbed, and it allows the participants to really channel their energy into the board. This tranquil state is what allows you to open up your subconscious mind.

Research purposes

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Research is an important part of many jobs, and it usually has to be completed before a project can be devised and produced. Ouija boards can assist with certain research products, especially any that are specific to spirituality, the paranormal, spiritual traditions and the deceased.

Experimental psychology

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Experimental psychology is a subsection of general experimentation, and it involves delving into the mentality of one or more individuals. This sort of experimentation is conducted within a research lab/facility, however it can be done in a more casual setting, with the assistance of a ouija board.

Historical interest

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Ouija boards have a deep history surrounding them, and the majority of people that use them will have existing knowledge of this. Knowledge of this history can be developed and deepened, and the most effective method for this, is to continuously use a ouija board.

Community involvement

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Ouija boards are most effective within a group setting, which is why community involvement is important when you're looking to use one. By having a strong community (group) with you, you will have better protection against the potential presence of darker, malevolent spirits.

Testing boundaries

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If you're looking to test your mental and spiritual boundaries, using an ouija board might be a good choice for you. Of course, it is important that you do your research regarding this activity, and seek the assistance of trusted spirituality experts.

Personal experience

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Using an ouija board may be something you want to personally experience, and this curiosity should be encouraged. Again, ensure that you do adequate research regarding this activity, and you seek the advice and assistance of any professional spirituality experts.


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People that are thrill-seekers are more likely to be tempted by an ouija board, and it can be a pretty intense adrenaline rush for certain individuals. Before using a ouija board, every participant should be as calm as possible, and should refrain from making any sudden movements/making loud noises.

Challenge superstitions

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Ouija boards are consistently shrouded by superstitions, with many coming from people that have never even seen or used one! The most effective way of beating these superstitions, is by actually witnessing or participating in the use of one. By doing this, you can actually gain first-hand experience of the activity.

Peer pressure

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Although peer pressure is usually frowned upon, it can work wonders when an ouija board is involved. This particular form of peer pressure can help an individual overcome their fears, pre-conceptions and superstitions, regarding the use of an ouija board. This then allows them to relax, and make the most of the overall experience.

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