30 Things All First Time Flyers Should Know

By David S 1 year ago

1. Check-in online

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Rule number one when traveling by plane is to make sure that you check in online! If you turn up at the airport and you've not checked in whilst at home, this could mean a significant delay and there will also be a charge for you to check in at the airline desk!

2. Arrive early

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Are you the person that is always running late? If the answer is yes, then you may be best heading to the airport the night before your flight, as you need to arrive early! There are several factors that can delay you from boarding your flight including traffic to the airport and security delays.

3. Get travel insurance

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Have you got any excursions booked on your holiday? If so make sure before you board the flight to your destination that you have booked travel insurance. This will ensure that you are covered for any accidents that might happen whilst having the time of your life on that Jet Ski.

4. Bring your own food and snacks

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When you're on a budget it's easy to spend half of it at the airport or when you're on the plane. The secret to making your money last longer is to bring your own snacks! If you sneak some sweets and crisps into your hand luggage you won't need to wait for the trolly.

5. Dress comfortably

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The seats on an airplane are not known to be the comfiest, so it's always a good idea to wear some comfortable clothes. The last thing you want is to be sat on a flight for several hours in jeans and have to keep getting up to readjust your clothing.

6. Bring a neck pillow

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It's hard to get any sleep while sitting on a plane, so it may be wise to invest in a neck pillow. These have been proven to help relieve neck pain and improve rest and have been designed to make you feel comfortable and well-rested even in a small space!

7. Use noise-canceling headphones

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Listening to some music or a podcast is a must when going on holiday. To make this experience even better don't forget to pack some noise-cancelling headphones. This will allow you to listen to your favourite artist without any background noise from the plane.

8. Bring a good book or movie

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When on a long-haul flight it can sometimes become boring. So a good piece of advice is to bring a good book or choose a blockbuster movie! If you're lucky by the time the end credits roll or you reach the last chapter, you will be close to your final destination.

9. Don’t overpack your carry-on bag

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It can be very tempting to pack your carry-on bag to the brim before boarding the plane, however, it's advisable not to do this. If the airline staff spot that items are spilling out of your luggage, you may be spoken to and even charged for the extra weight.

10. Don’t skip the pre-flight safety briefing

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Travelling by plane is statistically the safest way to travel, however, sometimes the worst can happen and the plane may encounter some difficulties. So you're prepared for this it is important that you don't ignore the pre-flight safety briefing before the plane takes off.

11. Don’t forget your travel documents

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You won't be able to board the plane and leave the country without your travel documents, so before you leave the house to head to the airport, make sure you have your passport! If this is forgotten you might not have enough time to get back home to grab this.

12. Try not to get stressed out by security

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One of the worst experiences at an airport is getting through security. If you arrive at the airport at the busiest times, it's possible that you could take over an hour to get through all the checks. So it's important not to get stressed out at this moment.

13. Don’t leave your bags unattended

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Security is always high at all airports around the world and for good reason! There is no leniency so the rules must be followed, so make sure you don't leave your luggage unattended at any time, otherwise you risk losing your possessions and even your flight.

14. Double-check the weight and size of your luggage

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When booking your travel you will have a baggage allowance that you will need to stick to, so the plane does not become too heavy and can take off. So after your suitcase has been packed double-check the weight and size of your luggage, so you're allowed to board.

15. Don’t drink too much at the airport

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Everyone is super excited before they are due to go away and have that holiday feeling! Even if it's in the early hours of the morning, it's an unwritten rule to have a beer at the airport bar, however, don't get too drunk, as you may be refused access to the plane.

16. Grab some food before you get on the plane

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It's always important to keep your belly full, so before jetting off to your holiday destination make sure you either cook something up at home or grab a plate in the airport lounge, otherwise you may be waiting a while sitting on the plane before the refreshments reach your seat.

17. Listen to the flight attendants

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For your safety, it is always important to listen to the flight attendants. They will have a direct line to the pilot, so if they ask you to put on your seat belt, close your window blind, or come back from the restroom, make sure you do what you're told.

18. Proof of hotel booking

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Your airplane ticket is not the only booking confirmation that you'll need to bring when going away, it's also important that you also bring your hotel booking confirmation. When you arrive at your destination, passport control may want to see where you're staying for the duration of your visit.

19. Fasten your seat belt

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When riding in a car at home you would make sure that you wear your seat belt, so it's also important that you put this on when taking your seat on the plane. This will make sure that in case you hit turbulence, you will be safely in your seat and not half way down the plane.

20. Place your hand luggage in the overhead bin

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It is always a bit of a tight fit when sat on a plane, especially if in economy, so you will always be best putting your luggage in the overhead bin rather than at your feet, as you won't have any room to move around and will block your exit if you're wanting to get up and go to the bathroom.

21. Only sit on the seat number allocated to you

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If your flight is fully booked you will need to stick to your allocated seat number showing on your ticket. If you choose to sit down in someone else's seat, this could cause delays to your flight and embarrassment to yourself, as you'll be forced to move by an air hostess.

22. Use the restroom before boarding

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The toilets on airplanes are not known to be the best, so a good tip is to always use the restrooms at the airport before boarding. This will also allow you to stay in your seat for the whole flight, rather than queuing with the rest of the plane to use the toilet.

23. Make Your Luggage Identifiable

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How much would it cost to replace your wardrobe? So you don't lose your luggage, it's important that you make this easily identifiable! If you don't do this, you're taking the risk that someone else may pick up your bag and take this home, leaving you stranded.

24. Exchange Currency in Advance

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To save you time, stress, and money, before you go on holiday, a good bit of advice is to exchange your currency at home. If you do this at your holiday location, the exchange rate is normally not as good, so you will lose money, making your holiday budget smaller.

25. Don't pack large liquids

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You will see several signs at the airport telling you not to pack large bottles of liquids in your carry-on bag, and there is a good reason for this. If you pack these items, your luggage will be pulled up at security and your bag will be searched for safety reasons.

26. Pack a Portable Battery

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Everyone is glued to their cell phones these days, so a portable battery is a must when taking your first flight. If delayed you could possibly be hanging around the airport for hours, so you'll need this extra charge, especially if your boarding pass is on the phone.

27. Easy to Remove Shoes

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When getting on your first flight make sure that you don't wear uncomfortable footwear, you'll be better off wearing some easy-to-remove shoes. This will allow you to relax and put your feet up if watching a film and you'll be able to slip them back on when landing.

28. Check Flight Departure Board

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There is a reason why airports have HUGE departure boards, this is so all passengers can keep fully up to date on what is happening with their flight. This will also tell you which gate you will need to arrive at for boarding ahead of take-off. to your next destination.

29. Phone on Airplane Mode

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You may miss this announcement if you're sat on the plane with your headphones in. Your cell phone will need to be p laced into airplane mode, this is for safety reasons to ensure phone signals don't interfere with critical aircraft instruments when in-flight.

30. Prepare for Landing

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Landing at your final destination is one of the most exciting times of your holiday, however, sometimes you will need to be prepared for this landing if the weather conditions are dangerous. The pilot will warn you in advance to expect a few bumps on the runway.

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